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Winsford Niter 7th Anniversary Soul Review

Winsford Niter 7th Anniversary Soul Review magazine cover

7th Annivesary of the South Cheshire Soul Clubs Winsford Allnighter

Yet another top drawer enjoyable nite.

This time was in South Chesire, Winsford way for a return to one of the regular top UK monthly niters ringed on the got to go calendar.

Saturdays niter at Winsford was the 7th Anniversary. .

Checked out the new warm up at the Grange pub, for a few quick pints, bit quiet, late bar extension, on decks while there, playing quality modern such as Al Green, but then went onto northern club classics,

Onto the event itself, well as one of the main established monthly events on the soul calendar. Gotta say always enjoy this one, in through the doors and already fairly packed with more streaming in. Come around midnight place was fairly packed, and the dancefloor was getting a well fair bit of use with a great atmosphre.

Had a word with Sam Moore the main man behind this and the Bretby niter. And he asked me to pass on thanks to all for the 7 years. And told me that both Winsford and Bretby events are both going well strong, and getting better with each one. Well proof of Winsford one was all around me, been saying this a bit recently which may say something for the healthy state of scene. But yet again this is a event which to me is getting better with each one, and each time the attendance and atmosphere gets better, and this night had the highest attendance figures for a fair while. So Winsford definitely healthy and on a big up. Asked about how recent Bretby went, well good job wasn't going anywhere as Mr Moore then proceded grabbing anyone passing and got them to give me a no-prompts view of Bretby. All were well praising, best niter around, cracking atmosphere, quality night were just some of the phases rolled off by the people he grabbed. And as these fitted in with reports that have had from others who attended the last one, will have to say that the fans voices certainly backed up his comments. So sounds like one to put in the "places to go list". Even though he refused to give me a extra complimentary badge and key ring for my badge/key ring collecting wife, along with a hard time for losing my pass out card ;)

Crowd wise, well as said a large North Wales contingent with a lot of familiar faces popping up, now have a well strong proper welsh accent after travelling up with the Bangor convey. Many other familiar rogues knocking around, from all points of the UK, which led to getting a fair few things done and dusted. Usual dealers were hustling in the record sales bit, which tried to avoid as

Sounds wise, well another phase am using a hell of a lot is "something for every one" and yet again from what I heard seemed this was achieved, after exerts of the other day was beginning to feel the pace and took this event at a more lesuirely pace with a lot of time spent in the foyer bit, catching up and so on. So no detailed details. Main feeling got was a more traditonal northern feel than I usually prefer, but no big thing as all djs gave sets you would have expected from them. Dj line up billed was (ripped from that wonderfull detailed events page 

Wass/Mark, Andy Riley, Robbo, Bob Hinsley, Roger Banks, Kenny Burrell

also on were Little Scotty, plus the two exiles now having pleasure of living in North Wales, Bob Shaffer and Brian Rae

What I caught whilst in main hall, were all giving out yet more of their normal quality sets, each following their normal styles which have earned their reputation.

Had few laughs as with modern room beat mixing in with sounds from the main room, were subject to some one off unique mixes such as garage version of dust my broom.

Modern room

Think clever ones may be able to suss out what I think of main halls at events by how much time spend in modern room, this time about 2 mins, all seemed to be enjoying them self. Was talking to a couple of guys from Chester, with one spending most of time in Modern room, he singled out Colin Curtis performance in there as well good with a top ***** house set (as 5001 different descriptions of current types of house was never going to remember this one - though learned a new one - dirty house - stuff like drizabone) . . Sorry to you both but names gone.

Overall - well as said better each time, with numbers and atmosphere going up each time and this time was the best attendance for a while and best feel.


Big Thanks to Johnny J for the lift.

Edited by mike

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