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Your Night Out  

  1. 1. Do you care whether the DJ plays originals or bootlegs?

    • Original vinyl only
    • Don't care
  2. 2. Do you care about the music on your night out?

    • Happy to hear the same records on a regular basis....the top 500 as they are known.
    • Want to hear new discoveries, unknowns, lesser knowns, underplayed and forgotten along with quality classics.
    • Don't care
    • A mixture of oldies and newies/lesser played
  3. 3. Would you happily pay the entrance fee knowing full well a DJ will be playing bootlegs?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Yes but would prefer to hear originals

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after some teething problems on the first poll (forgot to uncheck a box so votes wouldn't be public) poll re-done. I've excluded the promoter and DJ questions as wouldn't let you vote if didn't select these.

So once again for those who are interested (some did say they weren't interested)......


Results so far speak volumes Chalk

I'm sure we had a poll once before and boots in that were pretty much frowned upon, pretty much the same as the topic talk really, most of that is against boots.


Chalky question 2 really needed another option, would you like to hear a mix of both A and B

i took the 'quality classics' to be covering that?


Chalky question 2 really needed another option, would you like to hear a mix of both A and B

I thought the quality classics covered that bit but I've added the option for you


I would like to add that although i would rather not pay to get into a Bootleg playing event as a rule to me, i have in the recent past and i probaby will in the future but only because thats where my mates will be and they dont care they just want a good night out, but they do always maon at the end of the night that the music was shite and the djs lack imagination but they return and do it all again, so sometimes for me its only about the sociable side of things and music secondry .....


I would like to add that although i would rather not pay to get into a Bootleg playing event as a rule to me, i have in the recent past and i probaby will in the future but only because thats where my mates will be and they dont care they just want a good night out, but they do always maon at the end of the night that the music was shite and the djs lack imagination but they return and do it all again, so sometimes for me its only about the sociable side of things and music secondry .....

But apart from that........................


But apart from that........................

i prefer ovo, i prefer a good mix up of everything, i prefer vindaloo over a korma but most of all whenever i go out i do try to have the most enjoyable time :D

hows you Pete all good i hope :hatsoff2:


Great Poll wonder how the split will go..,proverbial can of worms.,.still think the original thread that kicked this all off should have read.,is it ok for a DJ to play boots at an OVO venue?obviously NO


I would like to add that although i would rather not pay to get into a Bootleg playing event as a rule to me, i have in the recent past and i probaby will in the future but only because thats where my mates will be and they dont care they just want a good night out, but they do always maon at the end of the night that the music was shite and the djs lack imagination but they return and do it all again, so sometimes for me its only about the sociable side of things and music secondry .....

why would people want to return to nights where they think the music is shite and the DJ's lack imagination :huh: ..... surely that says more about them than the event?? just a thought :g:

Guest Matt Male
Posted (edited)

I've got problems answering some of the questions.

I care about DJs playing originals. I want DJs to play originals, but I still go to places and pay to go in knowing full well there are DJs on who will play boots. So answering yes to 3 feels like a contradiction, but in the real world it isn't.

Maybe 3 needs the word 'happily' removing?

I'd also be suprised if there is anyone who hasn't been somewhere were they knew boots were being played. So noone is able to answer no to question 3 in my opinion.

Edited by Matt Male

I would like to add that although i would rather not pay to get into a Bootleg playing event as a rule to me, i have in the recent past and i probaby will in the future but only because thats where my mates will be and they dont care they just want a good night out, but they do always maon at the end of the night that the music was shite and the djs lack imagination but they return and do it all again, so sometimes for me its only about the sociable side of things and music secondry .....

Like Bearsy I'd prefer not to be paying to hear boots, but have done in the past, as has been pointed out to me NS isn't life and death :D


why would people want to return to nights where they think the music is shite and the DJ's lack imagination :huh: ..... surely that says more about them than the event?? just a thought :g:

because they dont travel and its on there door step and there mates are the djs and its probably the only regular (bi-monthly) get together they/we have, they aint out and out soulies they have many more interests but do enjoy a bit of soul and tbh over the last 5/6 years especailly the records really aint changed at all, thats the honest truth Mike :thumbsup:


i prefer ovo, i prefer a good mix up of everything, i prefer vindaloo over a korma but most of all whenever i go out i do try to have the most enjoyable time :D

hows you Pete all good i hope :hatsoff2:

Can't stand curry, to each his own though,

All's good Paul, :thumbsup: you too I trust :yes:


Like Bearsy I'd prefer not to be paying to hear boots, but have done in the past, as has been pointed out to me NS isn't life and death :D

Its more than that :yes:


because they dont travel and its on there door step and there mates are the djs and its probably the only regular (bi-monthly) get together they/we have, they aint out and out soulies they have many more interests but do enjoy a bit of soul and tbh over the last 5/6 years especailly the records really aint changed at all, thats the honest truth Mike :thumbsup:

fair enough :thumbsup:


Can't stand curry, to each his own though,

All's good Paul, :thumbsup: you too I trust :yes:

not too bad but lifes been better :hatsoff2:


I've got problems answering some of the questions.

I care about DJs playing originals. I want DJs to play originals, but I still go to places and pay to go in knowing full well there are DJs on who will play boots. So answering yes to 3 feels like a contradiction, but in the real world it isn't.

Maybe 3 needs the word 'happily' removing?

I'd also be suprised if there is anyone who hasn't been somewhere were they knew boots were being played. So noone is able to answer no to question 3 in my opinion.

I'v paid to get into venues where I know a boot or two will get played but those sort of nights, usually local are more a social occasion, a pint and a bit of soul music than a night out where the music of my preference will be on offer (hopefully).

I did think about a third option along the lines of a local social nought but wasn't sure how to word it.


Whatever the result says....the truth is ,people who don't care two hoots about O.V.O or about hearing new sounds etc...also don't care about joining a forum either!

So my conclusion is ,there are a minority of people on here who constantly like winding the rest of us up by posting up boring ,predictable threads about O.v.O /the playing of boots /how boring rare soul nights are etc..etc.

Sad but true :(

Guest Matt Male
Posted (edited)

I'v paid to get into venues where I know a boot or two will get played but those sort of nights, usually local are more a social occasion, a pint and a bit of soul music than a night out where the music of my preference will be on offer (hopefully).

I did think about a third option along the lines of a local social nought but wasn't sure how to word it.

How about:


Yes but would prefer originals


I'm spending far too much thought on this :lol:

Edited by Matt Male

fair enough :thumbsup:

thats made me think a bit more and ive kind of come to this conclusion too Mike, there are many out there i know that aint out and out Soulies but do enjoy themselves and do like a bit of Northern well i think they do cos i keep doing them CDs but then again that nmight put them right off :lol: they dont care about format they just enjoy a busy venue a good drink and things a good laugh a good dance and being all together as mates, they laugh at me with my "record buying addiction" as they call it and take the piss cos some of me mates have got the boots of some of my more expensive tunes and when they dj and the tune filla the floor they say sos and so only paid a fiver for hos copy and they are all dancing so remind us again Bearsy what did you pay for your copy, the ******s :lol: one of my mates says he likes his scooters Indian his women fake and his records all boots, great mates ive got eh :thumbup: so many peeps get so many different things out of this scene and some have so much passion they eat sleep and dream Soul, others dont give a poo poo its just a cracking night out to music they enjoy, i soon piss them all off though when they hear a tune and wanna know what it is cos i always tell them its something it aint :wicked::lol:

each to thier own you pay your money you make your choice but there is soemthing out there for everyone and if an OVO venues attendance is affected by a non OVO venue then what does that tell you :g:

time to take a step back and start again it was more fun beofre i knew anyhting :hatsoff2:


How about:


Yes but would prefer originals


I'm spending far too much thought on this :lol:

I've added that Matt but really don't want to complicate this any more than need to.

Guest Matt Male
Posted (edited)

I've added that Matt but really don't want to complicate this any more than need to.

Too late mate... :lol:

That works for me. I voted for options 1/2/3.

Edited by Matt Male

Spot of devil's avocado here: the trouble with polls like these is that they play to the agenda of those setting the questions. For example (and I'm not suggesting this is perfect) the options for first question could have gone something like:

Do you care whether the DJ plays originals or bootlegs?

Prefer original vinyl only

Prefer original vinyl but it's not life or death

Don't mind a mix as long as the music moves me

Really don't care either way

Strongly feel it's not important

Or maybe re-word the question so that you can answer like more general opinion polls

Strongly agree

Mostly agree


Mostly disagree

Strongly disagree


Considering this is a poll that's a direct result of the 'boot/OVO' thread, I'm not sure why question 2 is there at all

its just another question to see what people want from a night out, not really boots/originals


Spot of devil's avocado here: the trouble with polls like these is that they play to the agenda of those setting the questions. For example (and I'm not suggesting this is perfect) the options for first question could have gone something like:

Do you care whether the DJ plays originals or bootlegs?

Prefer original vinyl only

Prefer original vinyl but it's not life or death

Don't mind a mix as long as the music moves me

Really don't care either way

Strongly feel it's not important

Or maybe re-word the question so that you can answer like more general opinion polls

Strongly agree

Mostly agree


Mostly disagree

Strongly disagree

I would have thought the Don't Care option covers 4 of your answers? Tried to keep it simple, personally know what I want from a night out but others wanted a poll.


its just another question to see what people want from a night out, not really boots/originals

Wasn't having a pop, just didn't/don't see the relevance, like asking would you like a large dancefloor, no connection the 'boot/OVO' theme,

Guest Matt Male

The person who voted 'don't care' for number 2 goes to northern nights and requests Led Zeppelin. :lol:


I would have thought the Don't Care option covers 4 of your answers? Tried to keep it simple, personally know what I want from a night out but others wanted a poll.

Polls fine mate, would be too difficult to set it up to suit everybody's taste, would also be about 10 pages long :)


how do i retract my vote because another option has since been added


should be the option to delete your vote, same place you cast your vote

thanks, got it :thumbsup:


I would have thought the Don't Care option covers 4 of your answers? Tried to keep it simple, personally know what I want from a night out but others wanted a poll.

You misunderstand me Chalky. I said probably not a good example - was just trying to (clumsily maybe) say that there are shades between 'life and death' vs 'don't care'. Mind you I had forgotten that a lot of people on here see things in very black and white terms.

  • Helpful 1

The person who voted 'don't care' for number 2 goes to northern nights and requests Led Zeppelin. :lol:

That was me and I suppose it just shows how disenchanted I've become - I was always one for hearing new sounds. Nowadays, I'd probably spend all night outside drinking and smoking anyway so wouldn't even listen to the music. I've never been a big fan of Led Zepplin though, Bowie/Slade yes.


That was me and I suppose it just shows how disenchanted I've become - I was always one for hearing new sounds. Nowadays, I'd probably spend all night outside drinking and smoking anyway so wouldn't even listen to the music. I've never been a big fan of Led Zepplin though, Bowie/Slade yes.

I see some at venues including all-nighters who rarely venture inside, spending most of the night outside. can never understand paying a tenner and stopping outside 80% of the night.

  • Helpful 2

Well done Chalky lad, good poll this. Not had a poll this varied on this subject before as far as I can recall.

Results are going to make interesting reading when it's run it's course. :thumbsup:


Probably me, but I still can't see the point of question 2, can't vote on the subject that brought this poll about without voting on Q2,

Like asking, do you want secure parking, alcohol served, to travel less/more than xxx miles, certain finishing time, all nothing at all to do with the OVO/Boot poll that was requested, and throws the whole vote outta sync IMO


the results of a poll don't mean that much, go onto a god botherers site and run a poll on whether devil worship is ok or not, and the results will be biased. its all down to the individual at the end of the day.

if everyone stopped buying boots, would this not force the price of a record up because more people are after it?

i'd keep quiet and keep buying the real deal, not educate the masses.

p.s. i don't condone devil worship at soul nites, unless you have jesus sat in a box next to you with a big grin.

  • Helpful 2
Guest Matt Male

p.s. i don't condone devil worship at soul nites, unless you have jesus sat in a box next to you with a big grin.

The way some react you'd think you had summoned the devil when you play an R&B or funky record. :lol:


I see some at venues including all-nighters who rarely venture inside, spending most of the night outside. can never understand paying a tenner and stopping outside 80% of the night.

Thats what i keep saying to Mr Thomas, Chalky :yes::lol::lol: so in future I will pack him some snap up & a flask of tea :thumbsup:


the results of a poll don't mean that much, go onto a god botherers site and run a poll on whether devil worship is ok or not, and the results will be biased. its all down to the individual at the end of the day.

if everyone stopped buying boots, would this not force the price of a record up because more people are after it?

i'd keep quiet and keep buying the real deal, not educate the masses.

p.s. i don't condone devil worship at soul nites, unless you have jesus sat in a box next to you with a big grin.

So are you suggesting the people who buy boots actually have a punt at the rare records on ebay ,only to find out they are forever being out bid ?

They then console themselves by splashing out on a boot of a big rare original .lol

Nice theory but i somehow don't think so .

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