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Hit With Big Customs Duty & Import Vat Charges

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Really then why write "I guess some sellers could potentially just pay the fees and write them off for business tax purposes"

these are your own words not mine

I do Hope you enjoy your record "Richard"

To be honest you just come across as a know-it-all with your holier-than-thou statements.

Obviously you just get off on lecturing other people all the time about what they should and should not do/think.

Please keep any other such pompous and argumentative statements to yourself


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Guest julesp1905

To be honest you just come across as a know-it-all with your holier-than-thou statements.

Obviously you just get off on lecturing other people all the time about what they should and should not do/think.

Please keep any other such pompous and argumentative statements to yourself


No i don't, but on what possible grounds do you think a non EU resident have for filing a tax claim against an import duty paid by somebody else in another country......your logic seem to have gone out of the window "Richard"

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No i don't, but on what possible grounds do you think a non EU resident have for filing a tax claim against an import duty paid by somebody else in another country......your logic seem to have gone out of the window "Richard"

Very few people can truly know how they come accross to others. You included. As evidenced by your "No I don't" statement.

If a seller incurs a cost that is a legitimate cost off business they can record it against their business. I took Richard to mean that dealers here in the UK can write of the costs against their "profits" if they make any that is.

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I was talking about the customs duty, not the record cost. It doesn't hurt to ask the seller, does it ? Richard has said "I am planning to contact the seller....." so obviously the seller doesn't even realise that Richard has had to pay this fee.

It amounts to the same thing - a buyer going back to a seller and asking for some money back after the transaction has gone through. It's not like the record ain't in the same condition as described, or hisses or something. I doubt your average seller is going to agree to pay some money back, they'd probably think it was one of these chancers we keep hearing about. But if Richard has done it, then good luck to the fella.

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Guest julesp1905

Ged, lets look at the complete quote

"Thanks for the advice Pottsy - I actually emailed the seller earlier today suggesting just that.

I guess some sellers could potentially just pay the fees and write them off for business tax purposes? Anyone know for sure how it works in the US please?"

Not sure how you have come to your conclusion as Richard has said he's emailed the seller asking him to perhaps contribute to the cost, and guessing potentially that he could write it off for tax purpose, why has he asked how it works in the states?

I post a factual response and get accused of calling him stupid, unbelievable, some people find it easy to shoot the messenger, that's not my fault is it?

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Ged, lets look at the complete quote

"Thanks for the advice Pottsy - I actually emailed the seller earlier today suggesting just that.

I guess some sellers could potentially just pay the fees and write them off for business tax purposes? Anyone know for sure how it works in the US please?"

Not sure how you have come to your conclusion as Richard has said he's emailed the seller asking him to perhaps contribute to the cost, and guessing potentially that he could write it off for tax purpose, why has he asked how it works in the states?

I post a factual response and get accused of calling him stupid, unbelievable, some people find it easy to shoot the messenger, that's not my fault is it?

Has he really? Are you sure? I can't see that anywhere. I also can't see the seller agreeing unless they accept they are in part at fault for declairing it as a gift. Why would they?

Edited by ged parker
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I doubt your average seller is going to agree to pay some money back, they'd probably think it was one of these chancers we keep hearing about.

Why on earth would the seller think that Richard is some 'chancer' ? Granted, I don't know the fella, I've not seen his feedback on ebay, but unless you know different I can't understand why you have said this ?

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Why on earth would the seller think that Richard is some 'chancer' ? Granted, I don't know the fella, I've not seen his feedback on ebay, but unless you know different I can't understand why you have said this ?

So let me put it this way ad make it simple to understand. You send me a record, the postie leaves a card. I have to drive over to Parcel force or the PO and I email you and ask for some money back for the costs I have incurred. You gonna give me some money back? :huh:

Might be a much smaller scale than Premium Stuff's bill but the principle is the same. Imagine being the seller and then the recipient of that email asking for something back.

Edited by Steve G
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Guest julesp1905

Has he really? Are you sure? I can't see that anywhere. I also can't see the seller agreeing unless they accept they are in part at fault for declairing it as a gift. Why would they?

well seeing that he thanks pottsy for his advice and confirms he has emailed the seller suggesting the advice given, i'm pretty certain he has asked the seller to contribute to the import costs.

Like you, i also can't see the seller agreeing as they have no liability for these charges.

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Guest julesp1905

This subject bores the pants out of me, have to deal with it on a weekly basis, people chasing after me down the street F..ing and blinding because i delivered them a grey card outlining charges due, like i've said, very easy to shoot the messenger, when you hear something you don't like, the fact remains if you import things from outside the EU, you could be liable for import tax, the majority of items don't get picked up, no point in crying on the occasions they do

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... i'm pretty certain he has asked the seller to contribute to the import costs.

Well you are wrong abut that actually

Like I said you are a right know-it-all

This subject bores the pants out of me, have to deal with it on a weekly basis, people chasing after me down the street F..ing and blinding because i delivered them a grey card outlining charges due, like i've said, very easy to shoot the messenger, when you hear something you don't like, the fact remains if you import things from outside the EU, you could be liable for import tax, the majority of items don't get picked up, no point in crying on the occasions they do

Well get off your high-horse and stop reading and posting about it then you sanctimonious ***


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Guest julesp1905

Stop asking stupid questions then, US tax payers claiming back taxes paid by UK residents to the UK Government,

Edited by julesp1905
insult removed
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Stop asking stupid questions then, US tax payers claiming back taxes paid by UK residents to the UK Government,

Now that really is insulting - that's where I thought you were going before with the "Richard" in quotation marks

Shown your true colours now haven't you


Edited by chalky
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Can you please edit your opening sentence as it makes no sense, or is this one of those puzzles where i have to re-arrange the words?

Makes no sense to you - but I'm sure anyone else on here would get it.

With pleasure I have corrected it - check your own posts for corrections - there are several required

If you want to continue to pick a fight with me I will be happy to oblige


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Postman is a terrible job, always has been, I tried way back in 1986 and I couldn't hack it, the pressure was enormous and now that they've cut down on the staff it must be ten times worse. As usual, it's the poor old postman who gets it in the neck and not the bosses, and their bosses. Our post regularly arrives at 3pm. Never used to be as bad as this but some of them are having to do two sometimes three walks. So I really sympathise with any postmen.

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a bit different my case but in the early 90s i bought a $14 cd of a US website and paid appropriate postage week later or so i gets a card through the letter box to collect package at local fedex depot I was asked to pay some kind of payment there to which i told them to well put it bluntly -f*ck off-ive paid for the item and post etc already and i got my cd off them!A month later maybe i gets a letter of a debt collecting agency for about £30 vat and fedex charges so i rung the agency who threatened court action blah blah fucking blah i told they ain't getting it and it'll cost them more than £30 quid trying ie letters court threats all the bullshit they were gonna go through =and to put it bluntly-told em to f*ck off .I never heard another sniff off em I think they are chancing it if everyone pays they are making a LOT of money for nothing any way is 1second hand record subject t V A T I know what Id tell em to do..... :D

all the best dave

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Stop asking stupid questions then, US tax payers claiming back taxes paid by UK residents to the UK Government, that's the actions of a real "Richardhead"

Richard is a friend of mine.You've insulted him by bringing this topic to "all about you",and your argumentative posts.

You quoted "people chasing me down the street" - i bet they are!! And not to pat you on the back.I'm not as polite as Richard.

Clear OFF !!!

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Guest julesp1905

Makes no sense to you - but I'm sure anyone else on here would get it.

With pleasure - check your own posts for corrections - there are several required

If you want to continue to pick a fight with me I will be happy to oblige


No fight from me, it's you who has attacked me after factually and legally correct posts i've made, and why, because you don't like the answer. Only so much you can take. Nevermind, just another a day at work for me.

Pay your bill and get on with enjoying your record. think you've only got 26 days left to make your decision before it gets returned to sender, or is it 5, not sure on Parcel Force

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Richard is a friend of mine.You've insulted him by bringing this topic to "all about you",and your argumentative posts.

You quoted "people chasing me down the street" - i bet they are!! And not to pat you on the back.I'm not as polite as Richard.

Clear OFF !!!

Thanks mate - appreciate the support as I think Jules is just out to provoke an argument - don't know why :no:

No fight from me, it's you who has attacked me after factually and legally correct posts i've made, and why, because you don't like the answer. Only so much you can take. Nevermind, just another a day at work for me.

Pay your bill and get on with enjoying your record. think you've only got 26 days left to make your decision before it gets returned to sender, or is it 5, not sure on Parcel Force

Just can't help telling me (and everyone else) what to do can you?

Get a life you saddo

Edited by Premium Stuff
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Guest julesp1905

Thank you for posting a private message on a public forum, though can't see any issue with what's been written, clearly you can't take the hint that it might be the time as the topic starter to close the thread, i wouldn't want to be accused of telling you what to do

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Guest julesp1905

Lol.I too deal with customer services.Empathy/sympathy with the "customers" (or in this case Richard's) predicament usually diffuses the situation if there's a disagreement,and prevents the situation from boiling over.

What solution? he either pays his bill, or the record is returned, it can't be more simple than that

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Thank you for posting a private message on a public forum, though can't see any issue with what's been written, clearly you can't take the hint that it might be the time as the topic starter to close the thread, i wouldn't want to be accused of telling you what to do

Have to agree here, well out of order posting a PM, Jules opening statement made me see red but let's play fair here!

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Erm - I did not invite the PM thank you

Seeing that i've done the customer focus course for Royal Mail which includes custom charges in detail, would like to think i am more than qualified to pass comment on the subject, you simply don't like what your hearing so chose to lambast me, why heavens know, i'm certainly not looking for a fight, it seems you are.

Easy to insult someone with a keyboard,

Don't you think you had more that enough answers to your question, all that elude to the fact that it's unfortunate but something you have to pay, You are the topic starter, is there anymore information that you think you can gather from leaving the thread open? Or do you wish to carry on with petty arguing over something you have the answers for?



It was a pro-active provocation after calling me a dickhead

Can a mod please PM me so I know what I can and can't say within the SS forum rules etc. -either on forum or by PM

Thank you


Edited by Premium Stuff
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Jules, I know there is nothing to hide but in my opinion (and other Mods) it is out of order posting a private conversation without permission, thats why removed.

Richard explained above re: PM. No need to PM you. Deleted the insults you asked about, all parties have from what I've read been just as provocative as each other at times.

Either stick to the topic, leave the personal stuff off the site or the topic will be closed.

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Jules, I know there is nothing to hide but in my opinion (and other Mods) it is out of order posting a private conversation without permission, thats why removed.

Richard explained above re: PM. No need to PM you. Deleted the insults you asked about, all parties have from what I've read been just as provocative as each other at times.

Either stick to the topic, leave the personal stuff off the site or the topic will be closed.

I disagree Chalky - please PM me if you are able

Thank you


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I disagree Chalky - please PM me if you are able

Thank you


and say what exactly?

The house rules can be found at https://www.soul-sour...use-rules-r1879

Now I've just finished a fifteen hour shift at work, I'm back in at 6 in the morning....I'm off to bed shortly. So as the topic seems to have run it's course and it is just petty to and froing I will close the topic for now, if when calmed down I will reopen it if members feel further discussion to be had.

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