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Magazine - A Place To...

Magazine - A Place To... magazine cover

.... view, read, watch, talk, discuss all things offtopic eg non or loose soul topics that dont fit in with the rare and northern main thrust of site




After years of the freebasing section being a part of the setup on here, myself and karen ( mod of freebasing) both during discussion came to the conclusion that freebasing has to all purposes had reached the end of the line due to various reasonss.


Had two options either just sack all talk of a offtopic nature or press the reset button and bring in a new format, new style, new setup


important notes


it is a members only section and so there are privacy issues on all content posted

any member found posting any part of any members posts that were posted in this or any other members section without getting the original posting members permission else where will have action taken regarding their membership of this site.

terms of use

the normal site terms of use will apply, guidelines specfic to each forum will apply, these will be drawn up over the next week via the new forum mods and tailored to each forum


at moment access is members only - forums mods will be able to choose if more detailed access is required

past posts

Some post from the old section have been moved across, all other old posts are now stored in fb-archive which is mint members access only


Thanks go to Karen for all the time and efforts that she has put in over all these years as mod in freebasing, am sure many both appreciate them and aware of all the doing such can bring into play. Also thanks to all the past moderators who have been involved in looking after forums etc s well and thanks go to all members both present and past who over the years made it what it was

thanks to all



it is a new day, it is a new month and hopefully this new setup will be a new step forward here on soul source

it is not going to be freebasing part 2 it is and will be treated as a completly new feature

ask all members to take in the new day new feature concept and with new mods help make this new step a enjoyable and worthwhile one


line up

mag: general

mod: Idell

non/loose soul related discussion that isn't covered by others

all subjects inc travel, media, tv, films, questions, day to day life - wide remit so should be interesting and enjoyable place


mag: political

mod: dave moore

the place for serious current affairs/political discussion


mag: sporting life

mod: could be you if enjoy taking sport

all talk on sporting matters, news, video etc


mag: tech


all things technogy connected be it assistance, news, views and more


real world idea was dropped for now


mag: chat

mod: step forward?

chat/jokes/trivia/list type posts


they should be open now

as said ask all member to bear in mind new day new feature concept, and ask all member help the new mods as find their feet



Edited by mike

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