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Full list with sound clips here - https://www.soul45col...com/monthly.htm

"Rogers, Lee" Go-go girl/I'm a practical guy 2 great sides D-Town 25

"Blackmon, Bobby/Soul Express" She's gotta have soul demo/superb/rare Dynamic 60

Bethea I wouldn't come back great Dynamo 15

Bethea I wouldn't come back w/demo/great Dynamo 20

"Hunt, Tommy" Just a little taste w/demo/sol-flip/great Dynamo 40

"Invitations, The" What's wrong with me baby (Inc orig sleeve) demo/classic DynoVoice 100

"Beach Girls, The" Skiing in the snow (Inc orig sleeve/NEAR MINT) demo/great version DynoVox 50

"Andrews, Harold" You're a winner w/demo/superb Early Bird 75

"Huey, Claude" Feel good all over w/demo/classic Early Bird 75

Eddie & Ernie I can't do it (I just can't leave you) silver lbl/no lines//great Eastern 30

"Gin & Gents, The" Dreams for sale/Boy and a girl 2 great sides Eldorado 25

"Wright, Chuck" Love I wont be your fool anymore w/demo/recommended Ember 40

"Pipkins, Jim & Boss Five,The" Mr. C. C. great mod inst. Emerge 15

"Kay, Joey" Bundle of joy R&B/recommended Empire 100

"King, Anna" Mama's got a bag of her own R&B/classic End 25

"King, Anna" Mama's got a bag of her own v sl lbl ring wear/R&B/classic End 22

"Von, Tawny" Last night (I found the boy)/Don't say it never was recommended Entre 40

Aubrey Twins Poor boy/Give it up (Inc. pic sleeve) w/demo/2 great sides Epic 30

"Hamilton, Roy" Don't come cryin' to me(xol)/If only I had known w/demo/2 great sides Epic 30

"Hamilton, Roy" I need your lovin' great Epic 30

Steelers Can't take this pain recommended Epic 30

Steelers Can't take this pain w/demo/recommended Epic 30

"Troy, Ben E" I miss you w/demo/recommended Epic 30

"Wade, Adam" Rain from the skies superb version Epic 30

"Wade, Adam" Rain from the skies ex-/w/demo/stmol/superb Epic 30

"Wilson, Obrey" A little bit of heartache/Don't jump to conclusions MINT-/2 great sides Epic 40

"Mosley, Tommy" Exit loneliness enter love MINT-/recommended Era 25

"Mosley, Tommy" Exit loneliness enter love demo/recommended Era 35

"Promised Land, The" Cheyenne (fantastic inst) w/demo/rare demo Eric 20

"Jones, Bobby" Talking bout Jones recommneded Expo 20

"Jones, Bobby" Talking bout Jones w/demo/recommneded Expo 30

"Boothe, Bette" Teardrop avenue great Falew 30

125th Street Candy Store Hey girl/Silent heart their first & best Fania 125

Enchantments I'm in love with your daughter/part II great/rare issue Faro 250

"Jewels, The" My song recommended Federal 15

"Corby, Chuck & Entrees, The" I need your love recommended Fee Bee 60

"Walker, Gloria & Chevelles, The" Need of you recommended Flaming Arrow 15

"McGregor, Billy" Fall on my knees/Mr. Shy 2 great sides Flash 12

"Cunningham, Diane" Someday baby Fontana 20

"Drapers, The" (I know) my love has gone away(ink stamp ol)/You got to look up w/demo/2 great sides Gee 100

"King, Jeanie" You've got a good thing going MINT-/recommended General American 30

"Velvet Satins, The" Nothing can compare to you (red lbl/issue) ex-/classic/rare issue General American 225

"Rivers, Norma" You're not gonna hurt me(2 x's ol)/Mama talk to daddy w/demo/great Genuine 40

"Armstead, Jo" I've been turned on great Giant 15

"Durante, Paula" If he were mine MINT-/classic GJM 50

"Lost Souls, The" I'm your love man superb Northern/rare Glasco 80

Creations Just remember me superb Globe 50

"Till, Virgie" I didn't steal your dog/Loose me love w/demo/R&B Glover 50

Valerie & Nick I'll find you (ink stamp ol) / Lonely town ex-/w/demo/2 great sides Glover 30

"Williams, Juanita" Baby boy recommended Golden World 15

"Janettes, The" He's crying inside vg++/great Goldie 20

"Profiles, The" Take a giant step (wal on) MINT-/great Goldie 50

"Sierras, The" I'll believe it when I see it vg++/xol/superb Goldisc 20

"Green, Sam" It's time to move recommended Goldsmith TCB 40

"Contours, The" Do you love me tiny warp-nap/classic Gordy 4

"Contours, The" Just a little misunderstanding classic Gordy 10

"Lands, Liz/King, Rev Martin Luther" We shall overcome/I have a dream(speach) Gordy 6

"Weston, Kim" A thrill a moment ex-/classic Gordy 55

"Weston, Kim" A thrill a moment (MINT-) w/demo/xol-flip/classic Gordy 85

"Weston, Kim" Helpless sm wol/classic Gordy 15

"Avons, The" "Push a little harder/Oh, gee baby" ex- Groove 15

"Channels, The" I got my eyes on you(stmol)/Anything you do w/demo/2 great sides Groove 60

"Channels, The" I got my eyes on you/Anything you do(wol/sol) w/demo/2 great sides Groove 60

King Edward & His BD's Beg me(wol)/Girls are (suppposed to be) ex-/2 great sides/rare Groove 75

"Miles, Lennie" I wouldn't be here recommended Groove 40

"Mancha, Steve" Don't make me a story teller ex-/demo//wol/great Groovesville 20

"Fletcher, Darrow" The pain gets a little deeper vg++/recommended Groovy 20

"Fletcher, Darrow" The pain gets a little deeper recommended Groovy 30

"Off-beats, The" Have love will travel xol/w/demo/best vers. Guyden 50

"Meteliko, Geoffrey" Got to find a way ex-/great version Happy Tiger 25

"Charades, The" You better believe it superb Harlem Hitparade 60

"United Four, The" She's putting you on superb Harthon 60

"Walker All Stars, Jr " Good rockin' R&B inst/MINT-/superb Harvey 50

"Gomez, Yvonne" My man a-go-go smooth R&B Hawaii 40

"Storm, Billy" Please don't mention her name(2 x's ol) MINT-/demo/Inc Co slv/superb HBR 75

"Anderson, Joe" So glad/How long will it last(xol) ex-/2 great sides Heidi 40

"Cannon, PW" Beating of my lonely heart ex-/great Hickory 15

"Henley, Larry" It's happening again great Hickory 20

"Wynters, Gail" You've got the power w/demo/great Hickory 20

"Gee, Ronnie" She's so fine R&B Hiddy-B 30

"Angelenos, The" (Down in) east L.A. w/demo/wol-flip/MINT- Highland 50

Herb & Doris Somebody somewhere needs you ex-/great version Hip 75

"Morton, Reverend George" This is my story great Hi-Q 60

"Moore, Robert" Searching for your love recommended Hollywood 25

"Mitchell, Jock" Work with me Annie w/demo/R&B/great Impact 75

"Raye, Anthony" Give me one more chance superb/rare issue Impact 40

"Rhys, John & Lively Set, The" Nothing but love/Boy watchers theme 2 great inst's Impact 25

"Irwin, Dee" I can't stand the pain demo/great Imperial 15

"Jackson, June" It's what's underneath that counts/Fifty %... demo/2 great sides Imperial 75

"Lynn, Cindy & The In-Sounds" Meet me at midnight w/demo/classic In-Sound 100

"Bates, Lee" You won't do right recommended Instant 25

"Hueys, The" Coo-coo over you great R&B Instant 10

"Neptunes, The" House of heartaches recommended Instant 20

"Kimble, Bobby" Stop right here I got love slight warp-nap/great R&B JAB 30

"Price, Lloyd" "Take all/Luv, luv, luv" 2 great sides Jad 25

"Price, Lloyd" "Take all/Luv, luv, luv" w/demo/2 great sides Jad 30

"Bell Boys, The" I don't want to lose you/Woman I love(PLAYS WELL) vg+/smwol/classic Jamar 100

"Pentagons, The" I wonder (if your love will ever belong to me) ex-/sol/superb Jamie 20

Willie & Anthony "Sugar, sugar, sugar" vg+/demo/UK/superb Jay Boy 30

Willie & Anthony "Sugar, sugar, sugar" EX+/UK/superb Jay Boy 40

"Robins, Jimmy" I can't please you superb R&B Jerhart 10

"Robins, Jimmy" I can't please you (rarer 'Tomorrows Hit' logo) superb R&B Jerhart 12

"Copeland, Johnny" Sufferin city ex-/1st label/great Jet Stream 15

"Copeland, Johnny" Sufferin city 1st label/great Jet Stream 20

"Lynn, Barbara" Take your love and run ex-/1st label/great Jet Stream 15

"Wagner, Cliff" Exception to the rule recommended Jewel 40

"Hall, Rene" I'll never leave you Inst./vslw JoJo 15

"Clovers, The" For days/Too long without some loving w/demo/wol/2 great sides Josie 25

"Clovers, The" For days/Too long without some loving w/demo/great Josie 30

"Clovers, The" Try my lovin' on you (coloured demo) demo/superb Josie 75

"Elliot, Linda" Fell in love with you baby recommended Josie 45

"Elliot, Linda" Fell in love with you baby w/demo/recommended Josie 60

"Flowers, Phil" You little devil R&B/superb Josie 30

"Flowers, Phil" You little devil w/demo/R&B/superb Josie 40

"Johnny & Expressions, The" Where is the party ex-/great Josie 15

"Johnny & Expresssions, The" Shy girl w/demo/recommended Josie 20

"Love, Jimmy" Two sides to every story w/demo/recommended Josie 45

"Love, Mary" The hurt is just beginning/same w/demo/nice Josie 12

"Sound Of Soul, The" Hey girl I still love him recommended Josie 30

"Appreciations, The" Afraid of love great Jubilee 30

"Dee, Joey" Put your heart in it w/demo/recommended Jubilee 25

"Gibson, Beverly Ann" A three dollar bill w/demo/superb Jubilee 75

"Mandells, The" Do'in the look w/demo/superb/MINT- Jubilee 40

"Skyliners, The" Don't hurt me baby recommended Jubilee 25

"Lundy, Brad" (I'm at) the breaking point recommended Julmar 35

"Bloom, Bobby" "Love, don't let me down" recommended Kama Sutra 20

"Ballard, Kenny" Mr. Magic w/demo/great Kapp 25

"Hesitations, The" You can't by pass love (Pied Piper perfection) superb Kapp 30

"Hesitations, The" You can't by pass love (Pied Piper perfection) w/demo/superb Kapp 40

"Jackson, Jerry" Time w/demo/wol/great Kapp 20

"Patti & Emblems, The" One man woman ex-/w/demo/recomnded Kapp 20

"Patti & Emblems, The" One man woman recommended Kapp 20

"Patti & Emblems, The" "Try it, you won't forget it" ex-/w/demo/recomndd Kapp 20

"Sound Judgement, The" Happy without you/Baby it's you w/demo/2 great sides Kapp 30

St. George & Tana Without your heart colour pic sleeve/great Kapp 35

St. George & Tana Without your heart w/demo/colour pic sleeve Kapp 40

"Capitols, The " Don't say maybe baby classic Karen 50

Scientists Of Soul Be's that way sometime great KASHE 15

"Matadors, The" You'd be crying too (Eddie Singleton prod.) great/rarer issue Keith 75

"Matadors, The" You'd be crying too (Eddie Singleton prod.) demo/MINT-/great Keith 75

"C.O.D.'s, The" I'm a good guy/Pretty baby superb 'n' cheap Kellmac 10

"C.O.D.'s, The" I'm looking out for me/I'll come running back to you recommended Kellmac 25

"Hill, ZZ" Don't make promises…../Set your sights higher 2 great sides Kent 25

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