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Guest Mick W

Can anyone give me any information on the Soul Bros Inc classic "Pyramid"?

Whislt the original US 7" on Golden eye, is reputededly rare as rockin horse doo doo, what is the source of the UK???!!! press. Is this a legitamate release or a boot.

Have a Gorilla


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The UK boot was done in the mid 80's with reversed labels. Check out the other side, the Michigan Move, which was a one-off popular spin for Guy Hennigan, but that's to say who actually pressed them up!!


The UK boot was done in the mid 80's with reversed labels. Check out the other side, the Michigan Move, which was a one-off popular spin for Guy Hennigan, but that's to say who actually pressed them up!!

Michigan move was if I remember rightly is from a studio tape with 19 takes on it. On the last take there is a comment saying "what you getting so worked up about it's a shit intro." The studio I think was summat to do with the "Washpan" set up. Will see if I can find some notes I have.


They were tracked down in Houston last year. The UK issue is an illegal boot about which they knew nothing. Phrenetics Band is the b-side and as Chalky says the studio tape is quite funny. Bit like the Troggs (for those who've heard that), though not as extreme!


the pyramid sound is one of my favourite tunes of all time but it seems prices of this classic have gone up and up lately.

i think its down to the fact its a bloody brilliant tune and no one wants to part with it , seen it go for £350 then up to as much as £500.

its on the stafford story goldmine cd and was origionally covered up as mel britt our love will grow.

whats the other stuff by soul bros inc like same sort of thing?

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Didn't Tim Ashibendi discover this, but thought it was to slow and sold it on ?????????????????????

I know he discovered The Mello Souls & gave it 'Butch' Dobson to play !!!!!


Tim Ashibende was given Pyramid in a plastic bag full of records found in a UK junk shop by a girl friend of his. No-one knows how it found its way to these shores.

Tim recognised its brilliance and gave it to Dave Thorley, who also saw how great it was and played it. The rest is history!

The rest of the stuff by the band, either on SBI, Shandy or Commonwealth ranges from poor through average to pretty good. Love Sweet Love is the next best (also George Brown); Manship books it at £50...I've got several copies at £30 if anyone wants one (off list)


whats the other stuff by soul bros inc like same sort of thing?

Their great "Girl In The Hot Pants" on SBI is a blasting messy funk tune.

Wouldn't mind a copy myself if anyone is selling


I've got one somewhere Sebastian (unless I chucked it...not my cup of tea). I'll have a look round over the next day or two. You can have it for the postage if I can find it.


I have Pyramid and the b side is dreadful, certainly not in the calibre of Michigan Move which if I remember rightly Guy used to play as The Chicago Gangsters, also the bootlegs I have seen are solid centres but I'm not sure if they all like that.


Alan Pollard


I bought Dave Thorley's copy of "Pyramid" in about 1987 for £250. It seemed like the biggest tune in the country at that time. When It arrived in the post it was just sellotaped between two bits of cardboard, without a mailer or even an envelope!

I was a student at the time and spent my entire grant for the autumn term on it. It dwarfed the rest of my collection to such an extent that I felt I couldn't justify the expense (or eat) and so swapped it with John Anderson a few short months later. In return I got a copy of every Bobby Womack album and all the Bill Brandon singles (including "Whatever I Am", "Streets Got My Lady", "Self Preservation" etc.) so I did pretty well out of the deal at today's prices.

A few months later Dave asked me to sell "Pyramid" back to him, but I couldn't bring myself to tell him I'd sold it on. (Sorry Dave if you're reading this).

A couple of years after this in the early 1990s Craig Moerer found quite a few copies of "Pyramid" and the price came down quite sharply. All these were snapped up fairly quickly and the record has been pretty rare since, and usually the cause of a lot of interest whenever it does turn up.

As a postscript to the story a couple of years ago Dave Miekle of the Soulful Detroit website came down from Scotland to the George Jackson night in London where I was playing a few tunes and we swapped record collecting stories. I told him the one about Soul Bros Inc. and he said he had just found one in his attic in Glasgow... to cut a long story short I was re-united with a copy for a lot less (taking inflation into account) than I had bought one for all those years before.


Gareth - just wondered if you have seen that msg I sent you?



Guest LeoLyxxx

But is the record really that rare? I would say not since copies are around BUT it's nonetheless in my top 5 and would never part with it...

Got mine from George Browns daughter along with a signed photograph, nice! :-D




It's rare now Leo.

There were the first few copies, then Craig Moerer got 40-50 from a band member and recently I turned up about 10 from the band (and George's daughter has/had another 5 or so). But I don't think any more will ever appear (famous last words).

They only pressed 2000 in the first place and most of those disappeared into radio station waste bins in 1972.

It's such a great record, albeit not everyone's COT, that it rarely leaves collections. I think this is, sales-wise, now a rare record.


It's rare now Leo.

It's such a great record, albeit not everyone's COT, that it rarely leaves collections. I think this is, sales-wise, now a rare record.

A record can't "get" rare unless you destroy a whole bunch of copies and I doubt that is what have happened. "Hard to find", "very few people willing to sell their copy", "in-demand" etc. is probably more fitting descriptions. But it hasn't become rarer.

Now, 200 or so copies of a record in circulation should probably be considered rare by most standards anyway, so I guess I'm just waffling on about nothing here... :)


I think you're dealing in semantics here Sebastian. Obviously, a record can't 'get' rare other than in the circumstances you outline.

However, a record's 'rarity', for the purposes of our scene, is not based on copies in existence; it is always based on copies known to be in circulation.

That is why I added the caveat 'sales-wise'.

The point I was making, obviously not clearly enough, was that you won't see many of them for sale in future. Such sales will be rare and, by definition, the record is becoming rarer.


Colin Law from Scotland turned up at least 12 of these in the 80's also, these were not from Craig and others were turned up from same source.

Got one for free from him, but sold for more than that but less than todays value!!

Interestingly when Colin had them he found them difficult to shift, but established dealers had copies for more money that they sold easily, strange world of etc.

Do think it is relatively rare however, but agree a large part of its rarity is people seem to hold on to this (probably until the price hits a certain level and then...)





The point I was making, obviously not clearly enough, was that you won't see many of them for sale in future.

The 45 coming up for sale is very rare these days. I was just feeling a bit grumpy earlier today and I'm sorry if I came across like a brat, it was not my intention.


To be honest, I re-read my post and thought I sounded like a pompous twat so no worries at all Sebastian. I know what you meant and you were right.


It's rare now Leo.

They only pressed 2000 in the first place and most of those disappeared into radio station waste bins in 1972.

I think this is, sales-wise, now a rare record.

Ooops! 'Limited quantity' now on ebay...

Thoughis does seem odd, given the known facts.

Might be worth any buyers establishing for sure this is not a very recent reissue.


I stand corrected on my earlier post Colin did in fact get all 12 from Craig, seemingly they were the last of his bunch, hence other dealers also having them.

Teach me to check my memory banks before I spout, a symptom of my mispent middle youth!!

Dan I assume that answers your private mail now and you no longer need Colins details, or were you hoping that some are still lying at the source!




Thanks Jock, yes you're right re Colin's details. Wasn't actually after the source, was just trying to pin down how many sources there had been for something I'm working on and if Colin had hit a new one back then that would have been interesting. But thanks again.



Can any of you worldly knowledgeable types tell me if a chap called 'Berry' was in the original, or in the line-up at any time?

There is a point to this I promise....



No Jamie.

Full line-up:

George Brown

Charles Conrad

Cliff Faldowski

Johnny Prejean

Henry Boatwright.

Think I know why you're asking and my advice would be to proceed with caution...

Guest LeoLyxxx

what about the Soul Bros inc on Salem then? Anybody have an RA? Supposed to be awesome...



Guest LeoLyxxx

Can any of you worldly knowledgeable types tell me if a chap called 'Berry' was in the original, or in the line-up at any time?

There is a point to this I promise....


i acctually think Georges daughters last name is Berry nowadays.. Althria Berry or something like it, can't find the old emails when i contacted her, d'oh!





i acctually think Georges daughters last name is Berry nowadays.. Althria Berry or something like it, can't find the old emails when i contacted her, d'oh!




Just sent you a private message Jamie



what about the Soul Bros inc on Salem then? Anybody have an RA? Supposed to be awesome...




I wonder if you saw my post about this last month. It's actually on an American CD compliation of Virginian soul (which I don't have). From what I remember on hearing it out it is a great harmony soul record.


Have you got any pictures of the Soul Bros Inc. (Houston variety)?




I was offered the 45 from Althria as well. I was very close to cutting a deal with her in fact. However, my instincts, right or wrong (and I hope for my cynacism I was wrong) I decided against the purchase. It sounded too good to be true. Though I hope she's laughing at me now with a handful of genuine pressings in her hand, making the fortune George deserves for singing what I consider the greatest soul vocal ever. It's no secret that this is my fave 45 ever.

In hindsight, I'm glad I didn't buy the 45. Some records that you love you just shouldn't own. I think for me personally this is one of them. The charm of it's unsupressible magic never fails to slay me on a dancefloor and that's how I want it to stay...



        I was offered the 45 from Althria as well. I was very close to cutting a deal with her in fact. However, my instincts, right or wrong (and I hope for my cynacism I was wrong) I decided against the purchase. It sounded too good to be true. Though I hope she's laughing at me now with a handful of genuine pressings in her hand, making the fortune George deserves for singing what I consider the greatest soul vocal ever. It's no secret that this is my fave 45 ever.

        In hindsight, I'm glad I didn't buy the 45. Some records that you love you just shouldn't own. I think for me personally this is one of them. The charm of it's unsupressible magic never fails to slay me on a dancefloor and that's how I want it to stay...

Thanks for those words Matt.

I will let you know how I get on.

I too share the love for this 45. It's just makes my emotions come alive everytime I hear it.

Sometimes my heart rules my head.........



Just sent you a private message Jamie


Thanks for your help Dan, you are one of the good guys!!!



Would love to hear this Salem version. Definitely not the same band though.

Re pics, yes I've got several Gareth...will try to dig out and post up. Quite a motley-looking crew!




Just got me scanner working so thought this might be of interest. Any other demos floating around anywhere?



Guest LeoLyxxx

nice on demo!

Yeah i got one piccy but no scanner, the pic is from the 80s and its black and white, looks like its taken in the lobby of an hotel of some sort, i can see if i can get it scanned later, if any interest that is!




Re: Soul Bros. Inc. "Teardops" on Salem

It's been comp'd in the states, apparently, if this is the same record:


Interesting to note this CD features a few fairly well-known northern records "Front Page Love", "Since You've Been Gone" etc., other tunes by artists who recorded pretty well-known northern records (Sebastian Williams, Lenis Guess, Barbara Stant), and both sides of the now notorious Dream Team. Weird. Anyone got this CD?

Guest Johnny One Trout

Re: Soul Bros. Inc. "Teardops" on Salem

It's been comp'd in the states, apparently, if this is the same record:


Interesting to note this CD features a few fairly well-known northern records "Front Page Love", "Since You've Been Gone" etc., other tunes by artists who recorded pretty well-known northern records (Sebastian Williams, Lenis Guess, Barbara Stant), and both sides of the now notorious Dream Team. Weird. Anyone got this CD?

Yes someone else posted a link to this in the earlier thread about Teardrops which is right up there at the moment as one of my personal favourites would be quite nice to get a CD quality copy of it seeing as i'm not likely to own the original in the very near future (or any future if it continues to remain as elusive as it has so far!!!)



Read the thread Billy...seems to be a little unease about it!

Guest LeoLyxxx

Read the thread Billy...seems to be a little unease about it!

i can say FOR SURE that although she has no feedback she is highly reliable, it's Georges daughter (as you know by now..) and she didn't really knew about ebay or selling on the web before she realised it was a big ticket item... bid away on this.. no worries!




i can say FOR SURE that although she has no feedback she is highly reliable, it's Georges daughter (as you know by now..) and she didn't really knew about ebay or selling on the web before she realised it was a big ticket item... bid away on this.. no worries!



I understood that all the copies she had were sold/auctioned some time ago???


My fear exactly Chalky. There were precious few copies left as far as I know and George did have a master tape....however, Althria says these are kosher ones she found at her mum's (George's ex-ex-wife's).

I assume she's telling the truth...


My fear exactly Chalky. There were precious few copies left as far as I know and George did have a master tape....however, Althria says these are kosher ones she found at her mum's (George's ex-ex-wife's).

I assume she's telling the truth...

You can only assume she is telling the truth but you would have thought all the family had been asked for their copies. Wouldn't touch them with a barge pole personally now.

  • 3 weeks later...


Have you got any pictures of  the Soul Bros Inc. (Houston variety)?


Took me a while to dig them out Gareth, sorry, but here's one.

George Brown (vocals, bass) is the big black guy at the back, the other black guy is drummer Johnny Prejean. Charles Conrad Greenway (vocals, keyboards) is front left and Cliff Faldowski (guitar) is front right. Henry Boatright (sax) is missing from this pic.


Here's a later one, from mid 70s...George is a lot thinner in this one



And here's an up-to-date pic of the band


Charles Conrad Greenway

George Brown

Henry Boatright

Johnny Prejean

some unknown guy

Cliff Faldowski



Finally, here's the Pyramid 'Take Sheet' giving when and where recorded which may be of interest


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