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Gil Scott-Heron RIP

Gil Scott-Heron RIP magazine cover

Being reported is the sad news that we have just lost a great unique soul artist


Gil Scott-Heron passed away on the afternoon of May 27th 2011 in a New York hospital aged 62


The below quotes are from the website komplicated.com


A friend who answered the telephone listed for his Manhattan recording company confirms he died Friday afternoon at a hospital.

Doris C. Nolan says he died after becoming sick upon returning from a European trip promoting the rerelease of "I'm New Here" with additional production by British remix guru Jamie XX.


As is so often the case these days, the news broke via Twitter, with Scott-Heron's UK publisher Jamie Byng posting tweets saying ...


Just heard the very sad news that my dear friend and one of the most inspiring people I've ever met, the great Gil Scott-Heron, died today.





sad news RIP







Gil Scott-Heron - The Needles Eye - Flying Dutchman



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Being reported is the sad news that we have just lost a great unique soul artist

Gil Scott-Heron passed away on the afternoon of May 27th 2011 in a New York hospital aged 62

The below quotes are from the website komplicated.com

A friend who answered the telephone listed for his Manhattan recording company confirms he died Friday afternoon at a hospital.

Doris C. Nolan says he died after becoming sick upon returning from a European trip promoting the rerelease of "I'm New Here" with additional production by British remix guru Jamie XX.

As is so often the case these days, the news broke via Twitter, with Scott-Heron's UK publisher Jamie Byng posting tweets saying ...

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Rob Wigley


Just picked this up via facebook, very sad news indeed, Godfather of Rap--saw him live at the Leadmill Sheffield 18 years ago-brilliant to say the least-been inside more times than Norman Stanley Fletcher and deported countless times from the UK trying to get in !!!

RIP Gil Scott-Heron--a total one off !



:hatsoff2:Hi All very very sad news on the passing of GIL SCOT HERON , I met him only once in 1976 when I told him about the succes the bottle had made in the north, to my amazement he already knew, the album JOBURG

is a testoment to this talanted musicion, SAD DAY , GOD BLESS RIP,

Guest Nick Harrison


RIP Gil Scott-Heron--a total one off !

:) echoed - sad news indeed.

Guest Ollie Lailey


Very sad news. A truly great man. RIP.



Very sad news, an inspiration RIP Gil



Hard to think of anyone who could match him in terms of originality, innovation and creativity. I hope that his death is marked as the significant loss to contemporary culture that it truly is.

Rest in Peace Gil.

Mister Fish


Wonderful man, extraordinary talent. God bless you GSH. x



Can only echo all of the above. A very sad day.



Incredibly sad news to hear this on the news this morning. Poet, musician, social commentator, and writer all rolled into one enigmatic person. Always went to the Jazz Cafe when he came over to play - remembering one time when he came on late, speech slurred..not quite getting started... faces all round in worry... but then.. the first few bars of The Bottle kicked in and boy it seemed the years of drug abuse just fell away in seconds and played out of his skin the whole night. The type of artist that will never ever be seen again. Had the very great pleasure of meeting him several times, and once when dicussing his several works of fictionn which earned me a hug and a hand shake from the great man. RIP Gil. :):D:(



the bottle- still love this tune and many other ofhis tunes eternal rest to a legend




What an album to sign off with.







Very Sad News Indeed!! Rest in Peace.

Winnie :-)


Really sad news RIP Gil Scott Heron

Guest Ste Brazil


I just found out a few minutes ago, totally gutted.

RIP Sir.


Guest Dante


There's very few people in this world who have made me feel the way he did. He was the most brilliant mind of a historical generation.

I can't describe the way I feel right now.



Extremly Sad News.

R.I.P. Gil Scott Heron



we wake up again to find we have lost another uniquely articulate and talented musician, who, at one time or another, has influenced our lives through his provocative and justified statements. we found great pleasure in dancing to these tracks, most iconic of all being the bottle, yet we gained a profound understanding of the lyrics he put down and as a consequence, realized a greater overview of our world socially and politically. gil scott heron's output is rightly, critically acclaimed...in our lifetime's and generations to come, his contribution will be a yardstick by which other young, enthusiastic, talented musicians aspirations will be measured....its already happening and will continue to do so.

be at peace brother.

Kev Harker


R.I.P. Gil Scott Heron

Guest GARV



What an album to sign off with.


Agreed , bought this on day of release.............. i think its a brilliant piece of work , much like all of the great man`s output. He lived life on HIS terms ........ a unique & brilliant artist .


Dave Pinch


very sad news indeed ............. the revolution will only be televised after all



Sad news indeed.

Another great artist gone too soon

R.I.P hatsoff2.gif



gutted and shocked, just this week got a copy of "its your world", been singing "home is where the hatred is" all morning ,turn on laptop and see the news of a great man passing, some of his spoken work was just wonderful, bicentennial blues from its your world is a piece of genius and the LP pieces of a man..wow....RIP Gil :)



By coincidence, I was listening to my vast number of NS Compliation CDs; one of the last tracks I listened to was 'The Bottle'; sad news, but at least we've got something to remember him by.....



A creative genius who didn't just push the boundaries but redefined them.


Julie Moore


Yet another great gone :) R.I.P



Unique and brilliant artist.

Lady Day & John Coltrane...just brilliant.

Guest Ste Brazil


I was listening to his latest album on the way down to London yesterday and thinking to myself 'can't wait for the next one', truly a brilliant album and we are so lucky he left us with this fantastic piece of work written straight from the heart and as honest as ever .


Guest NorthernDancer


Sad news I will be having one out of the bottle for this legend tonight RIP Gil Scott Heron.

Tony Foster


Our condolences to all concerned, a very sad loss. RIP Gil Scott Heron.



Shocking news musical genius and poet RIP

Guest groovywoovy


Sad news indeed.

RIP Gil - Lady Day and John Coltrane await you...........



Can only echo all the sentiments expressed so far. Very sad news.

First heard of Gil when hearing 'The Bottle' at the Mecca as a new release. Was this the first true Crossover record? We had all the North vs South divide back then but this was played at Northern, Funk and Jazz-Funk venues simultaneously. How fitting that this unique man managed to inadvertently (and unknowingly) unite our fractured scenes all those years ago.

Peace Go With You Brother.



Shocked and stuinned to come on here and see this. Deeply saddened. Winter in America was my link from Northern to the wider world of soul music. /jazz/ world music. The world is less interesting tonight.



I've been out all day & only just heard about the sad loss of G.S.H.

There will be a very big hole left in the world, by this very talented man, whose time here, seems to have been cut short.

Where ever you are.....I'm sure you will still shine brightly......you are a star.




this man was is my lifetime hero..no offence to B.W.......but GIL was THE POET ...his book THE HAWK..was the first book i ever read from cover to cover thats when GIL became a bookmark in my life ... arrogant ?..maybe..

controversial. ?......more of a politician

devient ...?..........ah well depends if youve read the lyrics.

they say if youve got it flaunt it ...well he had got it in abundance and was just flaunting us with his MULTI TALENTED GENIUS...... and i for one am so glad to have enjoyed a part of his life even though there's now.......

a hole in mine




Being reported is the sad news that we have just lost a great unique soul artist

Gil Scott-Heron passed away on the afternoon of May 27th 2011 in a New York hospital aged 62

The below quotes are from the website komplicated.com

A friend who answered the telephone listed for his Manhattan recording company confirms he died Friday afternoon at a hospital.

Doris C. Nolan says he died after becoming sick upon returning from a European trip promoting the rerelease of "I'm New Here" with additional production by British remix guru Jamie XX.

As is so often the case these days, the news broke via Twitter, with Scott-Heron's UK publisher Jamie Byng posting tweets saying ...

view full rare and northern soul article

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Very sad news indeed .

When in Leeds at The Irish Centre on Friday , I told Lady B that GSH had once played there , unbeknowing of his passing earlier that day .

Thank you for your contribution Sir : RIP .






A man with a huge social conscience..... The Revolution will not be televised... pure genius ... RIP GSH xxx

Did you know that his father Gil Heron played for Celtic in 1951... he was known as the " Black Arrow".... :thumbsup:


Roger and Sue


This is indeed very sad news.

Gil - wherever you are now, thank you for all your brilliant music, your deep and powerful lyrics also the poetry and books. I am a huge fan of many years, very lucky to have seen you live back in 1991 in Oxford - you and the band gave us a brilliant set with a great sense of humour running all the way through it. One of the best - wish I'd seen you more times......

You have moved on but your voice and its message will continue to be heard through your work.

RIP Sue xx

Guest JJMMWGDuPree


What a relief to read some genuine comment. I just came over from a US news website,there were hardly any comments and half the comments that they did get were right wing drivel about Gil and his ungrateful evil ilk. A genius dies and they use it as an excuse to politicise. Gil would have known what to write in his own defence, I could only think of telling them exactly what I thought of them, so I just left the RIP I'd logged on for and left the site. Life's too short.


Guest Paul


"A junkie walking through the twilight, I'm on my way home..."



62 doesn't seem that old does it? Very sad to hear this news, I didn't know much of his music and poetry, but enough to respect his work and know it was worth listening to. That helped with a recent find in Head in Leamington, "Me and the Devil", a 2010 track. I posted it a little while back in February:


No question this man's work will live on beyond him, irrespective of how the US media may be treating his death I'm pretty sure musicians and music lovers will continue to be influenced by him and no doubt sample and rework his writings.



Sad news indeed, he made me dance, he made my toe tap and he made me listen.

Guest Soulshake


Sad news indeed, a true revolutionary, rest in piece brother gil!!!



" Told her I was hard to get to know , and near impossible to forget "

How very true Brother Gil .


Ernie Andrews


shocked and saddend by this! The Bottle has to be one of the scene changing records along with the carstairs etc

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