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In The Basement Obituary

In The Basement Obituary magazine cover

The world of soul is full of Obituaries.

Nothing lasts forever...only one thing I thought...'In The Basement'...

THE Soul Magazine.

I was wrong!

An email from David Cole to thank me for contrubutions and support over the

years was followed by the information that Issue 62 was due soon....but that

Issue 65 would be the last...

I quote David's comments.

"...it has not been a money-making venture - nor was it ever intended

to be - but it has now reached a position where it is no longer

possible to break even and that is a situation I cannot sustain in

perpetuity. It would be easy to lay the blame on the internet - and

that has certainly been a contributory factor to the loss of several

retail outlets on which I relied to sell, often to the more casual

buyer, plus the encouragement of a 'wanting something for nothing'

mentality among certain folks who might previously have been happy to

pay for the written word - but other things also come into the

equation. There have been outlets and advertisers who think that

there is no obligation to pay invoices, there are ever-increasing

production and distribution costs and there are the annual draconian

hikes in postage...[plus] the recession and all its consequences..."

No doubt many readers will be sad to hear this...if they subscribed to this

wonderful, essential, magazine.

Comments to this post are welcomed...but only if you subscribed...others take a

moment to reflect...maybe you should have.

It's TOO Late now!




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Recommended Comments

Paul McKay


I've been a subscriber since the beginning but have received no such email. Are you sure?:ohmy:



I'm a subscriber too and heard nothing yet.

If it helps I'd be more than willing to take some to sell at venues, one place it is never seen really.

It would be a shame to see this magazine cease publication, probably the best "Soul" magazine out there.



I'm a subscriber too and heard nothing yet.

If it helps I'd be more than willing to take some to sell at venues, one place it is never seen really.

It would be a shame to see this magazine cease publication, probably the best "Soul" magazine out there.

Like others I have been getting this great mag from issue 1.

Not a subscriber directly, but do get every issue sent from Beat in Rhythm (Manchester) when it comes out.

Will be sad to see it go.

Guest Soul-Brother


Guys...it is true....David Cole sent me the email.....

I would not post this unless it was true...

it will be in the latest issue...due out soon





Guys...it is true....David Cole sent me the email.....

I would not post this unless it was true...

it will be in the latest issue...due out soon



Don't doubt you Barry. Hoping there's something that can be done to help it keep going. If the biggest factor is a question of outlets sure there would be a few dealers willing to help out, I certainly would. Other mags sell well at nighters/soul nights etc.



me too never missed a copy picked mine up at jumbo in leeds got em all so i think i qualify to reply seriously though its a sad loss for soul music especially for the artists new material it pushed etc best mag since voices from the shadows which dave contributed to



It's true Chalky

I received the same e-mail a s Barry.

Fact of life these days for any buiness it's all down to sales, insufficient sales = no business. :ohmy:




Issue 62 arrived today, and the editiorial confirms that issue 65 will be the last, and David explains fully the reasons behind his decision and the future, expansion of his website, etc.




Arrived today and I tend to start reading from the front so a bit of a shock.

I wasn't quite there from the start but a quick calculation means I've been subscribing for over 12 years to what has become my modern day Blues and Soul.

I fully understand David's reasons and it is not really surprising. I'm sure he will continue to make his massive contribution to the appreciation of the music we love - a contribution that is exceptional.


Steve G


Yes this will be a real sad loss. I do believe David will contribute in other ways so watch this space as they say. Meanwhile there are another three issues to go...



Another use it or lose it (my latest, and last obviously, sub is on the way as we speak) moment I suspect.

Always meant to mention it on here as it seemed rarely done, in all honesty thought twice about it due to lack of Northern coverage which probably meant it was of limited interest to many on here, and therefore potentially would just get negative comments, but it really was essential if you had even the remotest interest in the wider world of soul, some great stuff in it.

Very very sad but understandable decision I guess

Guest Bigsoulman


Another use it or lose it (my latest, and last obviously, sub is on the way as we speak) moment I suspect.

Always meant to mention it on here as it seemed rarely done, in all honesty thought twice about it due to lack of Northern coverage which probably meant it was of limited interest to many on here, and therefore potentially would just get negative comments, but it really was essential if you had even the remotest interest in the wider world of soul, some great stuff in it.

Very very sad but understandable decision I guess

This is probably the reason i stopped subscribing a few years ago Jock and had a bit of a fall out with David over this, not from just a northern point of view but at the start there were overlong and dull interviews with certain soul stars which admittedly he did agree with me on that point but after about a dozen issues or so I gave up with it, still it's always sad to hear of any good mag (which it was in many respects) and I know David put his all into it


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