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Nice to see "do i love you" being spun but not heard,as a c/u ph34r.gif who's he trying to kid.biggrin.gifmore tosh for me tv licence money.huh.gif

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Guest Ste Brazil

I just saw that, they always ask Russ the same questions but good to see anything soul related on TV.

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In my opinion, it was such a short and fast edited item, that anyone who saw that film who didn't know what Northern Soul is/was, still wouldn't be any the wiser.

Oh yes, I still meet fully grown adults that have never heard of Northern Soul.

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I think most people I meet have never heard of Northern Soul, though of course that may be more pronounced in London than the North, where it would have been hard to avoid completely. I always have to explain what it is, and I've now got it down to one or two sentences. I think this is what Russ did, only better than came out on the programme, because I think they edited off the first bit of his answer and made it slightly less illuminating in the process.

Im also sure I heard Russ say 14,000 a week, but, again, I think that's down to the editing. I think he was answering a question about weekly attendances nationwide and they inserted it after a question that sounded like she meant how many people went to the Casino every week.

I also think that the editing was a bit awry on the bit where the chap was teaching her how to dance, and made it look as if the footwork was off the beat. I'll have to have another look. That seems to be a typical problem with TV coverage of the scene, where the original soundtrack is overdubbed onto a dance sequence but out of time, possibly because the editor doesn't know how the dancing works. Makes it look like we can't dance for toffee, when actually the average standard of dancing on the scene is probably a lot higher than most other places. Anyway, the presenter can't have been paying attention to the dance class much, because she did everything different when she joined in at the end!

As mentioned above, it would be nice to FINALLY see something covering Northern Soul after December 1981. She did say it carried on, but then said nothing more about it! Come on, BBC, get around to it!

As for Christopher Eccleston, true, Chuck Wood does sit at the tip of the iceberg of Northern Soul awareness, and I would have been much more impressed had he mentioned something like the Ivories or the Young Brothers, but then he was being led by the presenters playing the record and they probably didn't have much else, so probably not his fault. What he did show, though, was an element of conviction in his explanation of Northern Soul's appeal, and he did explain it by reference to assumptions that he would not have held had he not experienced more than a fleeting flirtation with the scene.

All in all, a firmish thumbs up to Mr Eccleston, thumbs at a slightly more wavering angle for the editing and thumbs edging rather more forcefully southwards for teasing us with a hint at a post-Wigan scene but doing nothing about it.

All the best,


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I enjoyed seeing Sandy Holt's barnet though eh?

Middle aged man walking round with three mini traffic lights on his head. You gotta admire his balls if not his fashion sense. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

As far as TV/Media is concerned it all remains irrelevant to me. Be it dancin' with dodgy lookin' flames on yer feet, throwing yourself around like a banshee with Paul Grady, or discussing the price of Frank Wilson with an ignorant TV interviewer, it doesn't affect or influence what I do one iota, so it's inconsequential to me. You're never gonna get a true reflection of the current 'UK scene' as it's not what they need to satisfy their audiences. They need the 70s fashions, the Casino heyday, the manic spinning at the Casino, the price of FW. It's what they think makes it appealing to their audience. Actually they're probably right...who wants to see fat, balding, ill dressed blokes sweating and puffing their way through The Parliaments or The Primers? :yes:

Sandy Holt's barnet - 10/10 I want one! :thumbsup:



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Just for once, is it to much to ask for some Northern on the TV without having to hark back to a venue 30 years ago and without Winstanley being involved.

Currently listening to that Smooth FM nighter from last weekend and Richard and Kev are doing a great job harking back 30 years without mentioning Winstanleyyes.gif

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Same old same old.

No relevance to now.

But why this fascination by the media??

Who are these videobytes actually aimed at?

Fooked if I know.

Just for once, is it to much to ask for some Northern on the TV without having to hark back to a venue 30 years ago and without Winstanley being involved.

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A good description of the music from Mr. Eccleson I thought. At last someone with a bit of credibility championing the scene. :thumbsup:


he says he was born a few miles away but too young to have gone...he identified Chuck Wood straight away. Time they pensioned Winstanley off though! 15,000 ?? Just another dreary report like all the others..

I did think he was gunna jump up to dance to it when it first came on...:thumbsup:

As mentioned above, it would be nice to FINALLY see something covering Northern Soul after December 1981. She did say it carried on, but then said nothing more about it! Come on, BBC, get around to it!


Actually they're probably right...who wants to see fat, balding, ill dressed blokes sweating and puffing their way through The Parliaments or The Primers? :lol:

Me, coz that's the bit I can relate to...:D

I missed the beginning, why was it actually on...:yes:

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Got to say in all honesty i found it all a little insulting & demeaning, it was this sort of media drivel in the late 70s that almost destroyed the scene. We avoided commercialism then,..... survived & ultimately evolved into what we have today. We should all be very proud of what we have achieved, without so called "public awareness", does it really matter if 99% of the public don't get Northern, it never bothered me before & it sure doesn't bother me now. If that is the sort of media coverage we can expect please please lets leave it alone. Northern is still strong because of the mystique that surrounds it lets keep it that way.

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Guest Dave Turner

Got to say in all honesty i found it all a little insulting & demeaning, it was this sort of media drivel in the late 70s that almost destroyed the scene. We avoided commercialism then,..... survived & ultimately evolved into what we have today. We should all be very proud of what we have achieved, without so called "public awareness", does it really matter if 99% of the public don't get Northern, it never bothered me before & it sure doesn't bother me now. If that is the sort of media coverage we can expect please please lets leave it alone. Northern is still strong because of the mystique that surrounds it lets keep it that way.

Good post mate, pretty much how I see it.


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Guest Matt Male

He was too young for the Casino, so in answer to your first missive...no.

Ecclestone wasn't too young. He was born in 1964. I was born in 1966 and I went. :thumbsup:

If he says he didn't go then he just wasn't paying attention to what was going on down the road. :thumbsup:

Edited by Matt Male
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Guest Matt Male

You were too young and obviously didn't have a mother like mine, no way would I have gone without her permission...:thumbsup:

:thumbsup: Still to this day for the life of me can't think what they thought I was doing all night, aged 14, 200 miles away.

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:yes: Still to this day for the life of me can't think what they thought I was doing all night, aged 14, 200 miles away.

I was daft enuf to ask if I could go...I got the "you want to go to an all-nite disco in Wigan with someone I don't know, come back and ask me when you're 18"...:thumbsup:

They did let me have all nite parties at home tho, so they probably had an idea how I would behave when let out...:thumbsup:

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Guest sharmo 1

don't forget chris is really Dr. who he can go any where he want's any time zone I bet you all forgot that blue box in the corner of most venues and as for the guy at wigan bog's take another look !!!!!!!!!!! all the best Sy.

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Anyway its on Youtube, but I cant be arsed to post the link :( ...........about as far removed as you can get from any kinda NS scene I knew/know past or present, such a shame as I'm sure this could be done in a far better way, by far better qualified & credible people blush.gif.


Edited by Russ Vickers
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did truss winstansley actually say 14 or 15000 went to the casino every week? coz i cant remenber it being that full even on the oldies anniversary :(biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Yes : 14 to 15,000 every week .

Nice copy of FW ....... was that the third one ?


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The comment about teddy boys is spot on,used to laugh at them in the 70's,thought it had become a bit of a parody,now its like history repeating.does'nt look good,not really credible,makes me feel a little uneasy,chas

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Just watched it on You Tube lol and again something else to confirm that I'm best off out of it really, sad very sad indeed, the only correct statement regarding Frank Wilson was the fact that it sold for £26K the rest of it well rose tinted glasses spring to mind, would make a refreshing change if the TV people actually talked to people who still make a contribution to the scene instead of this watered down retro bullshit, talking about Talc, Frank etc. etc. is not a true reflection of what it's all about, to state that all Northern Soul records are poor Motown copies is without foundation in the bigger picture, yes the sound was a big inspiration to many of the small Mom And Pop record companies but some had their very own sound and does not wash with me sorry, it's a lazy and easy way to describe the music, perhaps a little more depth would best describe the sound rather than using Frank and Edwin all the time as examples.

Regards - Mark Bicknell.

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I've just watched it on i-player & can confirm that one of the presenters stated "there are plenty of Northern Soul venues today" or similar words, so why rake up all that Retro Fantasy World Bullshit. Next time BBC why not visit a REAL N.S. (current) venue & get a viewpoint from the people who attend & who attended Wigan, instead of taking the "Wigan will never die as long as there's people around like me (Winstanley) to milk a few more £££ out of it from the Ill informed" line.

Meanwhile in the Real N.S. world Esther Grant just sold for a hefty price on E-Bay, & the last Burnley was a corker, Viva La Difference.:(

Ricardo. thumbsup.gif

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I've just watched it on i-player & can confirm that one of the presenters stated "there are plenty of Northern Soul venues today" or similar words, so why rake up all that Retro Fantasy World Bullshit. Next time BBC why not visit a REAL N.S. (current) venue & get a viewpoint from the people who attend & who attended Wigan, instead of taking the "Wigan will never die as long as there's people around like me (Winstanley) to milk a few more £££ out of it from the Ill informed" line.

Meanwhile in the Real N.S. world Esther Grant just sold for a hefty price on E-Bay, & the last Burnley was a corker, Viva La Difference.:(

Ricardo. thumbsup.gif

Thank god...........


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Guest Ste Brazil

I honestly don't understand why people get upset over a bit of light hearted TV, the media are NEVER gonna get it right and whether you liked the program or not it's pretty much irrelevant as it won't change anything for us either way, those without knowledge of the scene would have forgotten all about it by now anyway so no harm done!

P.S. Yes i know a good, well researched program could do the scene a lot of good (possibly...) but i'd be very surprised if anything ever actually materialises that the majority of those on the scene would be happy with, it's just not gonna happen.


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I think it's fascinating that most researchers seem to be either way too lazy or just totally incompetent when it comes down to Northernsoul, I bet its bigger today than it ever was yet the media can't get past Wigan Casino?

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Northernsoul, I bet its bigger today than it ever was

I very much doubt it. Aside from a small number of hardcore devotees, oldies fans and internet enthusiasts - it's popularity is very low. Perhaps it's better that way.

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Well I won't waste ten minutes of my life watching it. Have seen it all before Russ and his memories.

Chas - The comment about Teddy Boys is spot on.

Ste - I don't think we should put up with sub standard journalism, especially from the Beeb. I expect it in "The Metro" which is all freelance journos feeding off of the web and emailing in articles, but just once couldn't the BBC do something a bit better?....

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Guest Ste Brazil

Ste - I don't think we should put up with sub standard journalism, especially from the Beeb. I expect it in "The Metro" which is all freelance journos feeding off of the web and emailing in articles, but just once couldn't the BBC do something a bit better?....

They could / should, but they won't!


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I'm sure it's not just the Northern / Rare soul scene where the media consistently gets it wrong

There's probably lots of people who are into other music scenes who cringe every time something hits their TV screens

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RW must spend his life contacting the media to get this drivel on the box.

Funny you should say that, his agent contacted me to ask if I'd heard of him and if I wanted to book him for Rugby...smile.gif

It's probably best if it's not portrayed properly and inviting to the millions...imagine if they all turned up...:(...laugh.gif

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Guest in town Mikey

Funny you should say that, his agent contacted me to ask if I'd heard of him and if I wanted to book him for Rugby...:wub:

It's probably best if it's not portrayed properly and inviting to the millions...imagine if they all turned up...:(...laugh.gif

I can remember the first 100 club after a well known regular wrote an excellent piece in the Guardian guide.

I thought Trickster was going to have a coronary there were so many drunks on the dancefloor with their bottles of beer.

Does anyone remember the tear for fears look-a-like, who tried some stage diving? A nightmare at the time. But bloody funny looking back. laugh.gif

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Funny you should say that, his agent contacted me to ask if I'd heard of him and if I wanted to book him for Rugby...smile.gif

It's probably best if it's not portrayed properly and inviting to the millions...imagine if they all turned up...:(...laugh.gif

Are you sure he said "book" ?

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Guest Byrney

Funny you should say that, his agent contacted me to ask if I'd heard of him and if I wanted to book him for Rugby...:unsure:

When's he on then? Surely you jumped at the chance to book the fella previously voted "the best DJ in the world" ...:thumbsup:biggrin.gif

The show was as expected - very poor.

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Ref;Frank Wilson ....Question......how did Russ have a copy from the 'Motown vaults' when the only copy in existance pre-1992 belonged to......

Tom Dieperro who foolishly loaned it to Simon Soussan(1977)

who sold it to Les McCutcheon(1978) who moved it onto Jonathan Woodliffe(1979) who then sold it to me(1980).

The original copy stayed in my hands until 1991, when sold to Tim Brown for 5k.

I don't remember RW offering me £1,000 as stated on the One Show last night.

Funny old game eh!

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Guest dave nowell

What's really ironic is that they filmed this lightweight, superficial and irrelevant tosh in an empty Haigh Hall at Wigan.

Meanwhile on the same day more than 3,000 soulies were filling Pontins at Prestatyn for the soul weekender!:thumbsup:

Edited by dave nowell
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