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Guest spudmurphy

he died about 83 I was a mate of his brothers gaz and col he used to tell us all sorts of tails that he got up to in the 70s


if you lot got up to all this then you must of known mick sale from stockport who died in the early 80s

Mick is mentioned in the 'in memory'. I knew Mick well - we passed through part of the 'system' together. Mick's story is a tragic one - if you know him well enough you'll know why. Absolutely sound lad. So you should know the Burn's brothers!
Posted (edited)

Art Freeman 'Slipping Around' on red Atlantic - the (sore) point has been made...

Edited by a8drewson
Guest Torch55

With regard to Pep's record box, the club was indeed the Catacombs, and the night refered to was during that particular venue's (and arguably northern soul's) golden era: high summer, 1973. I don't remember the box being blue, but I do recall that it was considerably smaller than most DJ's boxes of the time. I'd estimate it was about two feet in length and only wide enough to accommodate one row of records, but what records.

The incident in question occured at the end of the evening, so around 1 a.m. The lights had gone up and people were milling around those corridors and alcoves, in no desperate rush to leave, when the general hubub of animated conversation was punctuated by a clearly irate Max coming on the microphone to exhort the person, who had taken Pep's records ,to return them. (Expletive deleted.) Needless to say his plea fell on deaf ears.

If I had to put a month on it, and I' d rather have the exact date, I'd say it was July, but maybe you know different.I only know one record that was definitely in the box, apart from The Invitations, but when you think of a Pep spot from that era , you could reasonably assume Butch Baker, The Glories, Moses Smith,The Tempos, Duke Browner,Kaddo Strings, Alice Clark, Christine Cooper, Gerry and Paul, Bobby Treetop, and others of that ilk, would all have likely to have been there.

The one definite item that was in that box that night was Bob Relf's, "Blowing my mind to pieces" and I can verify this because, a fortnight later, Pep told me that his copy had surfaced at Blackpool Mecca the previous Saturday.

"Where is the box now?" Oddly enough that question was first raised at Hilton Park Services in the early hours of the night in question, and it's still being asked today, nearly 40 years later. I doubt you'll get a correct answer now.

Guest gordon russell

Glen Bellamy (kettering) did in deed have his tunes knicked from outside the CATS....don,t really know what was in the box save for a demo of DUKE BROWNER........who knicked em?.........someone knows


With regard to Pep's record box, the club was indeed the Catacombs, and the night refered to was during that particular venue's (and arguably northern soul's) golden era: high summer, 1973. I don't remember the box being blue, but I do recall that it was considerably smaller than most DJ's boxes of the time. I'd estimate it was about two feet in length and only wide enough to accommodate one row of records, but what records.

The incident in question occured at the end of the evening, so around 1 a.m. The lights had gone up and people were milling around those corridors and alcoves, in no desperate rush to leave, when the general hubub of animated conversation was punctuated by a clearly irate Max coming on the microphone to exhort the person, who had taken Pep's records ,to return them. (Expletive deleted.) Needless to say his plea fell on deaf ears.

If I had to put a month on it, and I' d rather have the exact date, I'd say it was July, but maybe you know different.I only know one record that was definitely in the box, apart from The Invitations, but when you think of a Pep spot from that era , you could reasonably assume Butch Baker, The Glories, Moses Smith,The Tempos, Duke Browner,Kaddo Strings, Alice Clark, Christine Cooper, Gerry and Paul, Bobby Treetop, and others of that ilk, would all have likely to have been there.

The one definite item that was in that box that night was Bob Relf's, "Blowing my mind to pieces" and I can verify this because, a fortnight later, Pep told me that his copy had surfaced at Blackpool Mecca the previous Saturday.

"Where is the box now?" Oddly enough that question was first raised at Hilton Park Services in the early hours of the night in question, and it's still being asked today, nearly 40 years later. I doubt you'll get a correct answer now.

The box was Blue, half way between an Everton shirt and Man City in colour, the rest is correct, what was in it I don't know, but guess some other classic stuff apart from what you mention, as remember Pep had records that weren't big until later, example, Skiing in the Snow at the end of '72.

The box was burnt on November 5th 1975 on a council community bonfire when I saw it and recognised it



AND at Samantha's Malc ???? LOL !!!

Great post Dave .

I was taken on my first visit to The Wheel by two lads who were older than me , who thankfully were known to the

" characters " there .

If it had not been for being with them , and their looking out for / after me , I know I would have been rolled or something worse .



Hi Andrew,

Good to see that his thread has legs again! However, a point to make, have your book and read a few times, but an issue to discuss probably by pm's, is the use of Barbs. Originally you took Mandy's(Mandrax) to help the come down,the increase in Barb use in late 74 onwards was different,am sure we all had experiences on barbs, but why? Going to a niter barbed up for what? Totally the opposite of the initial reason for going,(excitement), however putting Amphet in the DDA cabinet is the reason for the increase in the use in opiates in the northern scene, but it is little to do with Barb/Opiate use in the UK at that time.

Looking back, and not my own opinion from those that were there, it was used by people who didn't have the bollocks to crank diamorph.(Am sure that you'll want to discuss this, so pm me).

By the way, a lot of the people who didn't make it in your book, didn't die from gear, Steve,Bootlace,Coddy, Russ,two of whom where good mates. Anyway, to more important issues, as Pete said, Dave Thomo is hard to find, but I have an angle and hopefully will get hold of him, mates for loads of years , met him and Alan Stevenson first at the Wheel and have a long history.

Lastly, a little quiz as this is about villains.......... Whose records where knicked in a blue box? what was in it? and where is the box now? Clue, it included a Dynavoice demo of Skiing in the Snow, which at the time hadn't been pressed and the club was the Cats,answers please on an original script for Green & Clears! That should sort out who was there and who thinks they where!



Spot On Reply Shelly,

Avoided all the Barb stuff as only wanted to keep going , saw and lost mates who went through that lonely gate to Cranking Tuinals etc from '75 onwards, Backstreet Speckled Blues O'D's,90% Glucose Cuts etc..

As in any area, scene,club, school the villain types existed and profited until legal,illegal or competition based reasons shortened the career, or worse , marriage !!!! lol


Nice to hear from you Malc.. been too long pal, still see /hear from Brent occasionally, still about more locally these days, take care Malc.

Guest soulpeeper

I remember an allnighter at the casino back end of its career and there were bottles flying about outside before it opened it was rough as f8ck and we were chased into a multi story car park.. not sure who i was being chased by (i was only 16!) but it was a scary time everybody seemed to be off their heads and, around that time, wigan was a rough house.


One of the biggest kick offs I remember at the casino nighters was when the normal night had been a punk rock do, and they where leaving as the soulies for the nighter where queing up. It ended with bottles being thrown and punches flying


One of the biggest kick offs I remember at the casino nighters was when the normal night had been a punk rock do, and they where leaving as the soulies for the nighter where queing up. It ended with bottles being thrown and punches flying

No disrespect, but that would be 76/77,the real every Sat night villainy had passed on to an extent, as every man and his do had jumped on the bandwagon,look at some of the earlier posts and you'll understand how dodgy it was, brawls with outsiders where an appetiser then!



Always a scuffle at the bottom of Samanthers stairs,yes i can name some involved Nobby S Larry,Fiak(i think) and a load of the Notts boys,i used to stand behind,wait for the big guys to put em down then get a cheaky boot in(what a coward)


I'd prefer to call it sensible. :D

Always a scuffle at the bottom of Samanthers stairs,yes i can name some involved Nobby S Larry,Fiak(i think) and a load of the Notts boys,i used to stand behind,wait for the big guys to put em down then get a cheaky boot in(what a coward)


Guest proudlove

Always a scuffle at the bottom of Samanthers stairs,yes i can name some involved Nobby S Larry,Fiak(i think) and a load of the Notts boys,i used to stand behind,wait for the big guys to put em down then get a cheaky boot in(what a coward)

I actually did laugh out loud at that mate!

Incidentally,Steve Lehair recently showed me a photo taken outside Mr Ms of Me Nobby and Steve himself..........nearly 40 years ago......kinnel.



Always a scuffle at the bottom of Samanthers stairs,yes i can name some involved Nobby S Larry,Fiak(i think) and a load of the Notts boys,i used to stand behind,wait for the big guys to put em down then get a cheaky boot in(what a coward)

I actually did laugh out loud at that mate!

Incidentally,Steve Lehair recently showed me a photo taken outside Mr Ms of Me Nobby and Steve himself..........nearly 40 years ago......kinnel.


Now then Steve,

I believe there's a Pendulum reunion coming up... d'ye know owt ???


Guest proudlove

Now then Steve,

I believe there's a Pendulum reunion coming up... d'ye know owt ???


Yes mate......17th August at Moho live Tib Street,Barry Tasker,Richard Searling and Pete Roberts

Incidentally,5 birthdays will be being celebrated on the night,Hutch,Carole,Tony Lewis,Johnny Mac and myself......hmm



Now then Steve,

I believe there's a Pendulum reunion coming up... d'ye know owt ???


Yes mate......17th August at Moho live Tib Street,Barry Tasker,Richard Searling and Pete Roberts

Incidentally,5 birthdays will be being celebrated on the night,Hutch,Carole,Tony Lewis,Johnny Mac and myself......hmm


Oh Boll*cks

Think I'm double booked-i'll have to check....


Posted (edited)

Always a scuffle at the bottom of Samanthers stairs,yes i can name some involved Nobby S Larry,Fiak(i think) and a load of the Notts boys,i used to stand behind,wait for the big guys to put em down then get a cheaky boot in(what a coward)

I actually did laugh out loud at that mate!

Incidentally,Steve Lehair recently showed me a photo taken outside Mr Ms of Me Nobby and Steve himself..........nearly 40 years ago......kinnel.


Well if there is any background to that photo and there happens to be a Morris convertable in the shot WNU 118 that was mine.Regards to you Steve Edited by Gilly

This underworld stuff has always been and always will be part of the soul scene. Like a lot I have read, I was taken by older guys to gigs. Even in senior school, you had a choice. That dictated a route in life we took. Mod or rocker. Obvious the way I went as did a lot of guys and gals in the 6t's.

Mods became almost gangster like. Dealing in everything. You just got caught up in it. Became a way of life....


Posted (edited)

As others have said, it was Peps collection that got half inched, I'm sure there was something in B&S about it, inc a reward, I remember for a fact that Skiing in the Snow was high lighted, especially as it was a demo. No it was not the Luton crew who nicked them, or if they did they kept stum about it, dont remember Johnny Turner or or Bob Cosby EVER playing it at the Black Horse.

Edited by ZootSuit

:hatsoff2: HI AL L PEPS KNICKED RECORDS! out of the records that went walk abouts there was only 1 record retrieved? a VELOURS Demo It belonged to Mick Smith he had let PEP borrow it to DJ with what a lucky lad, i think it was PEP who gave it back at Blackpool MECCA 2 weeks later, it turned up later much later around the DJ DECKS? the thief was not a collector and they were hidden away for over 2 years before being split an sold, how do I no that, it's an educated guess, and that's what happened when my box was nicked, all i can say you feel so gutted and so shocked that they have gone it must be similar to being told you have only got 3 months to live, well that's how bad i felt records are always stolen to Oder, and the thief is the last person you would notice in and out then passed on in a flash :g: DAVE

Posted (edited)

I'm with Dave the drug on this one although I have to say, despite paranoiia, NEVER EVER had any problems at nighters or was aware of any, other than the feds.

As far as aggro is concerned ALL THAT was reserved for the terraces, I'm 63 but remember it well.

Edited by ZootSuit
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest manusf3a

got to pull you up on that lad-although red and browns and green and browns were time released they were not spansules in the true sense of the word i.e green and clears were true spansules and were full of time released balls.

duraphet and duraphet m originaly appered in a dex/amphet cocktail based on levophetamine. later this was changed to an amphet/dexamphet cocktail called resin complex B. the m stood for methaqualone (mandrtax, qualudes etc). resin complex b had a grey hue to it and was very grainy, the time release mechanism were a very oddly shaped ingreidient that looked more like boiling sugar dropped into cold water`` no two were the same shape. green and bowns were not 20 mg but 12.5mg and 50 mg mandrax-red and browns were 20mg and 50mg mandrax. you foamed at the mouth due to the mandys kicking in first-if you werent carefull it was easy to go over on that heavy, heavy barbituate-buit the speed did bring you round in the end (i looked up and realised i was in the flying horse nottingham, looking up because id fallen over due to the mandy's in 15 red and browns, AFTER THAT IT WAS ALL PLAIN SAILING. before resin complex b riker and boots caps were full of a off white grainy powder and the time release mechanism was based on the fact that by mixing amphet and dexamphet tyhe dexamphet would count as a time release ingriediant on its own

no disclaimers- its too late for that- i was willing and able to smile on filon anytime

my memory is not as sharpe as it used to be and without input from, anywhere else this is what i can recolect-please tell me im wrong - but i had the head in those days to study what was a major part of the soul scene in as much depth as possible-

going to bed now to dream about methedrine (two tone greens) adenol (two tone pinks-=although you had to be careful you didnt get them mixed up with barbidex, also two tone pinks), dextrasol, pereludine, silfix, driminal or dryminal, even edrisol. £10 wrap for me then tomorrow - YAWN :sleep3::shhh:

fucking hell preludin do you mean the old pill form before the orange tic tacs,know barbidex,always wanted to come across two tone greens never did but hit on the 5mg tabloid pills on a few occasions(old stock) you must have had the dextens as well.One time down in norfolk hunting came across among the usual suspects a bottle of old benzidrine tabs,f*ck they were strong nothing like the half arsed amphetamine sulphate pills.The brown and clears both sizes were well alright,talking of that mandies feeling with the red and browns,green and browns that comes back to me.Didnt the black and black and whites though have a slight grey tinge to the contents?Another goodie but not quite a stimulant ,Dipipadone, the white dikes.If I remember rightly ",spansules",were the brown and clears and the green and clears ,both came in two sizes.Evans blues Imo were better than skf,seen people had over by buying edrisol thinking they were skf blues.For many years now the only thing an enterprising young lad may come across in a box in the way of stimulants is dexies for many years reverted back to the original white after decades being yellow,the last caps to be found were black and whites even more years before then they got disapeared ,whats left dexies ! or as you say sulphate.Ah but nice to dream of sleepless nights of yore.
Guest manusf3a

Talking about two-tone greens(few posts earlier) i was working on Cirencester Agricultural college many moons ago,ripping out rooms re-furbishing bathrooms etc,so what is the first thing you do in a strange bathroom? shit, pee ,w....ash? proper soulie ALWAYS looks in the cabinet(Don´t any of you deny it!!)

Anyway one cabinet had a small bottle labled methadrine was i made up there was seventeen caps in it all shiny green and green :thumbup: just like finding a Nolan Chance on Bunky in Australia really :yes:


note to enchanted rhythm............anyone who loves Tony Worot read too much and defiately did too much.......I think i married him once :rofl:

Jackpot yee ha
Guest manusf3a

Just been reading one of your papers, the about amphetamine control, DDA boxes and the

effects on the Northern Scene with regard to Intravenous drug use and progression in opiates etc.

Pretty spot on IMHO, more or less reflects my own experiences of the time.

One small point I would make and I might have missed if you made it in the paper.

The presence of Barbs in the DDA, I would argue, was a larger factor in the change of type of drug use, from speed to downers.

Then consequently onto opiates etc, due to the similar kind of "out of it" effect.

Initially we would use Barbs to overcome the over effects of too much gear,but some people would

also use them mid week just to get out of it.They then started to like them.

Next stop was Dike or Morph or Smack.


Fucking barbs they went in to fill the space where all the amphet pills and caps used to be as they got less and less each year,if one could one would leave them in the box along with the usual half dozen big brown bottles of crap,poisons etc.Now I have heard?thers only dexies left in the box but even more fucking barbs.I can remember people getting into them late seventies,I used to think most of them came from failed attempts to ",open the box",so shelf searches would be undertook,maybe they ended up in the box because by then people were doing kamikaze attacks on chemists just for barbs?As for the opiates biz I can recall often chilling out in the morning with either some dikes or pharmy heroin but wouldnt have said I had a habit on class a then that came somewhat down the line.The people around me at the time were nearly all dabbling with the opiates as well as necking the caps and pills but that was pretty much under the radar.My hypothesis would be then that failed raids on the dda where second prize was a grab off the shelves of various barbs making large quantities available on occasion fueld even more such raids(ignoring the dda)leading to them putting barbs in the box?
Guest manusf3a

Hello Steve Smith

here a a few stories from the scary days. Do you remember being stopped at hilton park by the D.S on either your coach or sean dykes........and we all sang the mint cracknel song lol......Another time remember me,cliff evans,paulus and bob finch having 3,000 script dex in a tesco bag and being chased around wolverhampton by D.S, starskey and hutch style. They never caught us we lost em down a country lane....dumped our gear by the village sign and wizzed down a lane with the car lights off (like a bloody film lol ).

anyone remember black robbo from wolves ...well scary, got on great with him though he used to be at wolves train station,always got me a platform ticket (never paid the fare ) or the infamous terry tompson.......he said to me one night at the cats when neither of us had enough money to get to Wigan "come on mate" "l.ll get us some cash ". we went into town and right by the french duck he grabbed an asian fella and rolled him for £7.00 l,ll never forget that. What about the night the crowd that john manship used to hang about with can only remember BUTCH (not mark dobson ) and POKE (he was tough as f**k ) having a pitched battle right outside the CATS with the DERBY lot fiak and co jesus that was mental little willie got stabbed in his leg and never knew until the morning lol. Remember Wilky and Snotty Cain from Corby battering larry l and his mate at CLEETHORPES when they tried to demand the cannister of 200 b/bombers they,d just got from a chemist.

What about the near riot at YATE with the locals twice....remember CHRIS & HARRY pulling up in their little van, full of hurly bats,cricket bats ect ect......big SAM from brum laying em out one after the other wey hey think MELVIN & ROY tucked a couple of the locals in a very bad way.

Talking about MELVIN & ROY remeber them coming into the services near YATE, missing the turn and crashing head on into the raised kerbing.......the engine popped straight out of the mini they were driving onto the verge lol......they got a lift to YATE. more later tezza

And you are just starting to scatch the surface of it Terry ha ha,aint it what life was all about Snotty R.I.P loved Cleethorpes I can picture him now After guzzling loads of caps walking all over people in the wintergarden (I mean walking on top of them round the edges of the dancefloor.That night Keith harpur had swallowed what seemed like a carton of Green and Clears along with red and browns and f*ck knows what else and ended up crawling round the carpark looking in hubcaps for his brothers goldfish?.Needless to say he didnt find them but got arrested at the door of the wintergadens for drunk and disorderly of all things and spent a couple of days in the old bill stationbefore returning to corby.Mick spent about fifty quid on a shooting game in an arcade in the morning and no one could get him to leave for hours.After this on the return to corby their was then an in house dispute between the firm of chemist robbers with a split between two factions developing and a considerable amount of violence including the destruction of one factions car found burnt out with railway sleepers smashed through the windows.The split has still not been fully resolved to this day.

.I know from Gav r.i.p that a considerable amount of horror of horrors,"drug fueled violence revolved around Barry",from the pool and mr Gavin themselves",I seem to remember some ",skinhead yuffs!,getting slapped outside the nitespot in Bedford in later years (only minor really)Not by Barry of course but Mr Gavin had a hand (and a boot)in it.There loads more that I can think of and you have been going longer than me and seen some of the faces in their heydays so there goes the myth about the lovey dovey northern scene and the idiotic comments I have read over the years from all those punters who say",Me I never took drugs and still danced all night and never saw A punch thrown by anyone connected with the scene.

By the way Snotty (Bless him he was a diamond)got the nickname going right back to when we where at school he was about three years above me,he was playing cricket and fielding any way to win the match all mick had to do was make a really easy catch ,mick instead wiped his nose just at that moment and failed to catch the ball,hence the nickname ",snotty",the name just stuck from then on everyone knew him as ",snotty",I was gutted as were a lot of folk when Mick died ,definately a one off .He took me robbing with him and Keith Harpur when I was thirteen.Loads of stories to tell just about Mick and things got up to.

Guest manusf3a

:hatsoff2: Hi All Are you sure it was mathadine?? as your desciption sounds like methadone as the liquid you describe is for physeptone which is a synthetic opiate, that was made by the NAZIS Chemists as they where unable to get any Poppy's to make morphine / DOA-morphine, the name HEROIN is a brand name for dia-morphine,

methadone was used as a heroin substitute and it's gloppy state that is offered to addicts, is to prevent IV USE, as a drug it's a real booby prize as it has a habit of hanging around in the system for about 7 days recommended dose is 80ml to 120 ml and titration can be done in 3 days for maintenance, for Detox, I recommend if the motivation is right, to use SUBUTEX, And don't even use METHADONE,

More addicts are stuck on low doses 40ml daily is typical, and encourages the terrible drug agency speak of are you CLEAN or DIRTY??? drug users are not dirty if they use,

other preparation used are Dex Amphetamine Sulfate, this has to be prepared at the chemist, as manufacture does not make it.

Methadrine like Dia-Morphine was clear and come only in 1 amps for IV called JAX = Jacking up as a term for having a fix,

:thumbup: DAVE

Dave metherdrine did come in ampoules,they (the ones I had )were 30mg makers name, Borroughs and welcome, on the amp box described as methylemphetamine hydro chloride Ive also seen simalar amps made by richard daniels(lots of opiates that came from round derbyshire yorkshire used to be richard daniels as well as those amps)as youd would know depending on what part of the country the chemist was the makers brands would differ may and baker,evans,b and wellcome,etc.There was also a tabloid brand meth pill but the amps were rare as snow in hell.I also know someone who some years back had got some meth amps from of all places a vets.though I think they had probably been lying around for years as Im pretty certain they stopped making them in the sixties the ones I had were old stock .
Guest allnightandy

One of the biggest kick offs I remember at the casino nighters was when the normal night had been a punk rock do, and they where leaving as the soulies for the nighter where queing up. It ended with bottles being thrown and punches flying

Yep i remember that night well i was only about 6ft from the door when it kicked off
Guest allnightandy

And you are just starting to scatch the surface of it Terry ha ha,aint it what life was all about Snotty R.I.P loved Cleethorpes I can picture him now After guzzling loads of caps walking all over people in the wintergarden (I mean walking on top of them round the edges of the dancefloor.That night Keith harpur had swallowed what seemed like a carton of Green and Clears along with red and browns and f*ck knows what else and ended up crawling round the carpark looking in hubcaps for his brothers goldfish?.Needless to say he didnt find them but got arrested at the door of the wintergadens for drunk and disorderly of all things and spent a couple of days in the old bill stationbefore returning to corby.Mick spent about fifty quid on a shooting game in an arcade in the morning and no one could get him to leave for hours.After this on the return to corby their was then an in house dispute between the firm of chemist robbers with a split between two factions developing and a considerable amount of violence including the destruction of one factions car found burnt out with railway sleepers smashed through the windows.The split has still not been fully resolved to this day.

.I know from Gav r.i.p that a considerable amount of horror of horrors,"drug fueled violence revolved around Barry",from the pool and mr Gavin themselves",I seem to remember some ",skinhead yuffs!,getting slapped outside the nitespot in Bedford in later years (only minor really)Not by Barry of course but Mr Gavin had a hand (and a boot)in it.There loads more that I can think of and you have been going longer than me and seen some of the faces in their heydays so there goes the myth about the lovey dovey northern scene and the idiotic comments I have read over the years from all those punters who say",Me I never took drugs and still danced all night and never saw A punch thrown by anyone connected with the scene.

By the way Snotty (Bless him he was a diamond)got the nickname going right back to when we where at school he was about three years above me,he was playing cricket and fielding any way to win the match all mick had to do was make a really easy catch ,mick instead wiped his nose just at that moment and failed to catch the ball,hence the nickname ",snotty",the name just stuck from then on everyone knew him as ",snotty",I was gutted as were a lot of folk when Mick died ,definately a one off .He took me robbing with him and Keith Harpur when I was thirteen.Loads of stories to tell just about Mick and things got up to.

Guest manusf3a

And you are just starting to scatch the surface of it Terry ha ha,aint it what life was all about :yes:

there goes the myth about the lovey dovey northern scene :shhh: and the idiotic comments I have read over the years from all those punters who say",Me I never took drugs and still danced all night and never saw A punch thrown by anyone connected with the scene.

sums it up really Manus ,Torch and the Catacombs were often like wild west saloons, Wigan was a tinderbox full of thieving bastards etc etc

Wasn´t Maket Harborough the scene of a mass brawl after an alldayer?(believe Pep has information on that :D ) or was it legend?

Ok the music was the main factor(not run of the mill chart shit as in every other godforsaken town club at the time) but as i have often said youngsters right up for the crack and everything that came with it had the makings of one hell of a scene :thumbup:

Where theres loads of people there is loads of cash,where theres loads of cash theres loads of low lifes out to relive "innocent youths" of their hard earned cash,clothes,records,bags basically anything they could lay their hands on.

I even after one particulary mad weekend ,had a load(and i mean load) of "friends" back to my place and somehow got relieved of a lenghth of cloth that i had bought to have a suit made with :( didn´t find out till i decided to take it to the tailors :ohmy:

Drugs and record collections went hand in hand,one paid for the other, people would be surprised about the secret collectors and what they have sitting at home,

As you say though people tend to forget the hard facts.

Friends on the scene though seem to be for life,even without much contact,shady charachters are all over the place until they get sussed,die or dissappear(off the scene or nick)

Another myth is about blokes only going to dance and not interested in the women TOTAL BOLLOCKS :sleep3: but thats the scene pal wonder how much of the "Real Deal" will be shown in the new film?

Right on Brother keep the faith but don´t lose your memory :rofl:


ps, find your posts most interesting :hatsoff2:

True about the sex thing as well passy from corby used to have women all over the place and so I believe did Brian Taylor until he started going with a lovely girl from Bradford called Sue I think then he was dead loyal to her,They took me to a st Ives all nighte years ago then we went to cambridge for the day and had a really good laugh Brian and some others went on the punts and I believe sunk one of them .I didnt go the punts but me spas r.i.p from Corby and a lad from nottingham(I wont name)went wandering round the town where the lad from notts relieved a japanese tourist of a camera as him and his mates were leaning over a bridge looking at something and hed put his camera on the deck.The brawl you mention at market harborogh I seem to remember that it was when I was about thirteen if its the lantern days,I was at the corby bowling alley where all the lads hung out as it played soul motown etc and someone got a phonecall .Next thing they were getting up a van and a load of the chaps of the time went over.From all accounts there was mayhem and a few people nicked.

I hadnt seen Brian for years 76 or so that time wenhen we went to cambridge for the day after the all nighter in his car then he turns up on telly doing that wigan documentary hasnt changed one bit ,I think the videos still on you tube.Brian was a relly good bloke prolific chemist robber and one of the Corby originals along with passy and John Boyd(no slouch in his day up for anytrhing from London originally but moved to Corby when he was young,he gave a few people a fright in his time especialy if they came from kettering so it seemed like me and a few others he shared a hatred of a certain face I wont name .Im reAlly jealous about those two tone greens I had always wanted some of them but unfortunately never come across any ,still you can only live in hope theres always medicine cabinets to explore (by the way A girl from kettering s...h once asked this young lad from northampton to have a look in his mums cabinet and it turned out she had about three years worth of green and clears she had not been taking and had saved all the uinopened bottles,these promptly fell into s,,,hs hands then flooded the north park club with nearly every man and his dog getting some.


Guest enchantedrythm

ha ha, tonge in tim browns (peter taylor) mouth. (my brother, and my mum if she knew the extent, would say...............)

marbles intact



Guest manusf3a
Posted (edited)

And you are just starting to scatch the surface of it Terry ha ha,aint it what life was all about :yes:

there goes the myth about the lovey dovey northern scene :shhh: and the idiotic comments I have read over the years from all those punters who say",Me I never took drugs and still danced all night and never saw A punch thrown by anyone connected with the scene.

sums it up really Manus ,Torch and the Catacombs were often like wild west saloons, Wigan was a tinderbox full of thieving bastards etc etc

Wasn´t Maket Harborough the scene of a mass brawl after an alldayer?(believe Pep has information on that :D ) or was it legend?

Ok the music was the main factor(not run of the mill chart shit as in every other godforsaken town club at the time) but as i have often said youngsters right up for the crack and everything that came with it had the makings of one hell of a scene :thumbup:

Where theres loads of people there is loads of cash,where theres loads of cash theres loads of low lifes out to relive "innocent youths" of their hard earned cash,clothes,records,bags basically anything they could lay their hands on.

I even after one particulary mad weekend ,had a load(and i mean load) of "friends" back to my place and somehow got relieved of a lenghth of cloth that i had bought to have a suit made with :( didn´t find out till i decided to take it to the tailors :ohmy:

Drugs and record collections went hand in hand,one paid for the other, people would be surprised about the secret collectors and what they have sitting at home,

As you say though people tend to forget the hard facts.

Friends on the scene though seem to be for life,even without much contact,shady charachters are all over the place until they get sussed,die or dissappear(off the scene or nick)

Another myth is about blokes only going to dance and not interested in the women TOTAL BOLLOCKS :sleep3: but thats the scene pal wonder how much of the "Real Deal" will be shown in the new film?

Right on Brother keep the faith but don´t lose your memory :rofl:


ps, find your posts most interesting :hatsoff2:

Oh I forgot to say about the not being interested in women and only going to dance bit,bit like the ",you cant get it up on speed", myth , ijust that another myth. Edited by manusf3a
Guest SteveJohnston

No disrespect, but that would be 76/77,the real every Sat night villainy had passed on to an extent, as every man and his do had jumped on the bandwagon,look at some of the earlier posts and you'll understand how dodgy it was, brawls with outsiders where an appetiser then!


No disrespect, I can assure you dedji is more than informed on the darker side of the Casino from day one!

Steve J

  • 2 weeks later...

Do any of you know much about rolling at the Wheel?

It's difficult to get a clear picture of but I'm trying to find out if it was part of the Whitworth experience from the offset or whether it was something that started to feature towards the end (from 1968).

Also, is there any truth to the claim that a lot of the rolling was related to the nearby blues club?

Cheers, Andy

Guest proudlove

Andy,I will get Zan out to play,and buy hima wee drinkie to get the tales rolling about the Wheel......may take a little while mind.



No disrespect, I can assure you dedji is more than informed on the darker side of the Casino from day one!

Steve J

Don't really understand what you're trying to say, by the punk era 76/77 then every man and his dog was at Wigan , initially we were talking about the villainy in the scene before all the toy towners came in, i.e. when it was real.

  • 2 weeks later...

Andy,I will get Zan out to play,and buy hima wee drinkie to get the tales rolling about the Wheel......may take a little while mind.


Thanks Steve - I'll owe you for the drink for that one! No, chances of that are not so remote - made it out on Friday, saw Paul and Nidge at Davy's.



  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hi Andy

shame you couldnt make Ady's do.

My stupid fault - I was pissed off with myself.

Going back to the topic for the thread - does anyone know what happened to Paddy MacKenna?

Edited by a8drewson
  • 3 weeks later...
Guest manusf3a
Posted (edited)

And you are just starting to scatch the surface of it Terry ha ha,aint it what life was all about :yes:

there goes the myth about the lovey dovey northern scene :shhh: and the idiotic comments I have read over the years from all those punters who say",Me I never took drugs and still danced all night and never saw A punch thrown by anyone connected with the scene.

sums it up really Manus ,Torch and the Catacombs were often like wild west saloons, Wigan was a tinderbox full of thieving bastards etc etc

Wasn´t Maket Harborough the scene of a mass brawl after an alldayer?(believe Pep has information on that :D ) or was it legend?

Ok the music was the main factor(not run of the mill chart shit as in every other godforsaken town club at the time) but as i have often said youngsters right up for the crack and everything that came with it had the makings of one hell of a scene :thumbup:

Where theres loads of people there is loads of cash,where theres loads of cash theres loads of low lifes out to relive "innocent youths" of their hard earned cash,clothes,records,bags basically anything they could lay their hands on.

I even after one particulary mad weekend ,had a load(and i mean load) of "friends" back to my place and somehow got relieved of a lenghth of cloth that i had bought to have a suit made with :( didn´t find out till i decided to take it to the tailors :ohmy:

Drugs and record collections went hand in hand,one paid for the other, people would be surprised about the secret collectors and what they have sitting at home,

As you say though people tend to forget the hard facts.

Friends on the scene though seem to be for life,even without much contact,shady charachters are all over the place until they get sussed,die or dissappear(off the scene or nick)

Another myth is about blokes only going to dance and not interested in the women TOTAL BOLLOCKS :sleep3: but thats the scene pal wonder how much of the "Real Deal" will be shown in the new film?

Right on Brother keep the faith but don´t lose your memory :rofl:


ps, find your posts most interesting :hatsoff2:

Thought you might find this amusing Steve,I ran into an old freind today while over at the chemists,we had a little chat for an hour or so and I was telling him there was some photos of him from back in the day on the site,also told him about the forums upshot is hes going to go and have a browse.We were discussing the sort of thing thats discussed on here and I gave him a quick run down mentioning that there seems to be quite a few folk imo seem to want to sanitise the past completely into a peace and love thing some taking the deniali tac ie", there were hardly any drugs or drug takers around through the seventes.Never indulged never took drugs yet danced all night to the gems,van dykes,isley bros,etc on a diet of lucazade and mars bars ,well of course some did go straight no denying that just imo very, very few.Anyway I mentioned someone on the site my pal knew well back then but who now foll;ows this abstinence line for whatever personal reasons,moved on,have a certain position to maintain etc which I can understand,never did it wasnt me etc.Well my mate started laughing and said ",yeh,I would have liked to hear him say that when in the morning after wed been to the nighter the top came off his works and he was spraying dikes all over me mums carpet",shouting"My hit,my hit ",I found this quite funny!My pal says he thinks he is going to sign up and do a bit of"putting straight",as he calls it, good on im! Edited by manusf3a
Guest manusf3a

The best t-shirt remember seeing was in Mr M's.

Just said........RIKER LIKER.

Used to make me piss every time, still does.

A good pal of mine little mac r.i.p had one just as good he wore a couple of times at wigan,pink with Wellcome f3a printed on it for those in the know.
Posted (edited)

A good pal of mine little mac r.i.p had one just as good he wore a couple of times at wigan,pink with Wellcome f3a printed on it for those in the know.

My mate graham W. from holmewood chesterfield had "I'm a riker Liker "on his holdall then wondered why the squad used to target him

Wasn't there an americwn record lable called rika?

Edited by spike1

My mate Carl H from Oldham had "I'm a riker liker" tatoo'd on his right forearm and "SKF" on his left shoulder. He was the type of villain who nicked his own mate's box one Sat'day morning and was found knocking the sounds out at the back of the casino that night!! He was also the type that kept all the cap's from his latest mission for himself and we'd be left with the chalkies & duramin crap being very much the junior brethren of the day.

"Come on and Live" (can't remember the name of the girlband...segments of time? fabulous Jades?), was on RIKA records.

I was always fast but flaccid when I was blocked so don't agree that the sex drive wasn't affected when we went to the all-nighters. Next day after the come down, different story mate.

Saw loads of kids get rolled in the bogs down stairs to the left of the stage at Wigan.

The football was put behind you in the clubs though, most of the drama's were over scoring and getting ripped off in my experience.

Remember being briefed on the Preston Crew at Wigan and steering well clear. A guy I think from Manchester, Clarky, was famously collared getting off the train at Wigan when Plod stopped everyone on the platform as the doors opened, cos when they asked him to open his full length shaft leather, he'd got a sawn off shotgun inside it.

The only bother I can really remember though took place as we walked up from the station through the town centre to the casino and had to run the gauntlet with the locals at kicking out time.

We knew little Christine and her mates from Leigh (she was the laundry worker featured in the "This England" TV documentary) and I remember walking up to the club one night when she was kicking off because some lad had ripped her off. A few yards further on we came across the lad and his mate and Christ single handedly kicked the shit out of both of them.

Guest proudlove

Talk about Clark and a sawn off are just that......talk.

Guest manusf3a

Talk about Clark and a sawn off are just that......talk.

yyes you are right,most folk I knew just had a rocket or everet hidden in their jacket.

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