Soul Junction's Valentines Doormat Special Competition

You may have read in the forum good things being said about Soul Junction latest tip top release ?
A Spoonful Of Soul - Bill Spoon - Soul Junction - LP
And you may have also read that this Bill Spoon release its not in the shops till this upcoming Monday the 14th February ?
Looking forward to getting your hands and ears on it?
Well here's a soul source valentines day special for you
A one off, short and sharp competition, with not only the chance to win one of 2 copies of this mighty fine lp, but also...
the chance to have it on your "doormat" on the day of the actual release.
Yes its a 72 hour (ish) competition, the winners will be drawn out of the soul source hat on friday morning 12th Feb, posted up on here and then I will do a top gear challenge style rush to get to the local post office in time enough to get it posted so that its guaranteed, to be in your hands on this Valentines Day!
( Unfortunately non-uk winners may not get it as qucik)
all you have to do is choose the correct answer to the following question
When did this website -soul source - first open its doors on the internet
(note - not the domain or the forum - but the actual year the site was first open to visitors)
a. 1992
b. 1997
c. 2001
d. 2007
once you have selected an answer
you can enter by
1. Hit this link (now no captcha for members)
2. Fill in the boxes!
in Contact Subject choose competition (*you must choose this" otherwise it will not end up in the hat!!)
in message put your answer a,b,c,d
3 .hit Send Now
normal rules apply
must use the link above and choose Contact Subject - no entries via pms etc
closes friday 11th feb 8am
full details of this fine lp will follow shortly
here's a brief run down
Release Date: February 14th 2011
As a follow up to Bill Spoons highly successful 45 release of 2010 "I Can't Wait (Until The Weekend)" we at Soul Junction have decided to release a vinyl only album of some of Bills other previously unissued material.
The album features two takes of "I Can't Wait", the 45 cut and the equally soulful but alternative take which on first hearing gives you the impression that it's a duo before you realise its Bill singing both parts!
An excellent version of Al Wilson's "Be Concerned" is also featured which Bill claims to have recorded in 1974 which means it predates Al's version by some two years?
Two re-mixed tracks "Watcha Doin' With Your Time" and "Kick Back" which first appeared on Bill's highly acclaimed Henceforth album, are also featured have been re-worked to great effect.
Also featured is the previously unissued full length studio cut of Bill's modern soul dance anthem "Love Is On The Way" coming in at almost five minutes long.
more info
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