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Scotty's CD arrived this morning, not listened yet but loking at the listing it gets off to great start Sonny Craver. More deep than midtempo but great track none the less. Only seen this on Stanson. Whats on the flip of the Musette copy?

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Scotty's CD arrived this morning, not listened yet but loking at the listing it gets off to great start Sonny Craver.  More deep than midtempo but great track none the less.  Only seen this on Stanson.  Whats on the flip of the Musette copy?


Come Back is the flip of I'm No Fool on Musette - I did toy with the idea of putting I Wanny Thank You on the CD but I felt people would be less aux fait with the Come Back track.

I did digress slightly from the 'mid-tempo' thing to do a CD which took in all flavours from 60s-70s, mid-tempo, through the odd x-over, plus a few ballads and deep thrown in (didn't want to scare the horses by incl. 80s and 90s stuff).

Anyhow, apologise for the lateness - been busy with work and the footie seasons started, so I've been on me travels a bit.

Last batch should be in the post this week





Come Back is the flip of I'm No Fool on Musette - I did toy with the idea of putting I Wanny Thank You on the CD but I felt people would be less aux fait with the Come Back track.

I did digress slightly from the 'mid-tempo' thing to do a CD which took in all flavours from 60s-70s, mid-tempo, through the odd x-over, plus a few ballads and deep thrown in (didn't want to scare the horses by incl. 80s and 90s stuff).

Anyhow, apologise for the lateness - been busy with work and the footie seasons started, so I've been on me travels a bit.

Last batch should be in the post this week



Cheers Scotty. I know the Stanson release is pretty rare, like I said great bit of soul IMO. Will listen to rest of cd soon ;-)


Hello team midtempo!

My CDs were mailed out yesterday, so you should have them within a week. I'm really excited about all of you receiving them, so be sure to let me know what you think. I've already received 4 CDs and will post my comments for each very soon.


Paul's and Jock's arrived today.  Got some serious listening to catch up on;-)  Cheers guys.

Ditto !


Just catching up with the back log - listening to Miff's at the moment - love that Aki Aleong track - don't think i've ever heard it before.

Think my favs on there are - Tony Turner, AKi and Ruby Winters - oh and one of my ultimate top 5s.. Stand Up Like A Man.

Jo Wallace is my favourite DJ for playing Ruby - she just can't stand still behind the decks and sings along with great hand gestures :) ))

And ya know the age old chicken and egg question.. well who came first folks, Elvis or Roy Hamilton???


Just catching up with the back log - listening to Miff's at the moment - love that Aki Aleong track - don't think i've ever heard it before.

Think my favs on there are - Tony Turner, AKi and Ruby Winters - oh and one of my ultimate top 5s.. Stand Up Like A Man.

Jo Wallace is my favourite DJ for playing Ruby - she just can't stand still behind the decks and sings along with great hand gestures :) ))

And ya know the age old chicken and egg question.. well who came first folks, Elvis or Roy Hamilton???

Roy Hamilton was I think one of Elvis' heroes.


all posted today so you should have them soon.

only one not posted is the one i do not have address for who was on holiday.

have only listened to a couple so far.



Roy Hamilton was I think one of Elvis' heroes.

Didn't know that Chalky ... so I did a bit of googling and found a site about a guy who now owns part of Elvis's record collection (https://www.scottymoore.net/records.html) - it includes Roy Hamilton's "Hurt ", which Elvis covered. On another site, it says that Elvis offered a song called "Angelica" to Roy Hamilton which Roy recorded at the Elvis's Memphis 1969 session. Anyone know this song ?


Hi All, I'm having major problems with this one guys, not ever done this before, even purchased Steinberg Clean - version five to record from vinyl to PC and can i work it out can i sod........

Can anyone give me a little help here?????

otherwise it's gonna be an old fashioned c90 tape from me i'm affraid, there must be an easy way to do this...help!

I've enjoyed all the CD's so far and really want to contribute.

regards - Mark Bicknell.


Roy Hamilton's "Angelica" was issued on AGP and is a relatively easy record to find. I must admit that I have a rather extensive collection of his stuff, even the 50s recordings, just for the simple fact that he had such great northern stuff and one of the best voices ever in my opinion. I don't often play a lot of the early stuff, but when they turn up cheap enough, I just can't pass them up. In addition to being a boxer, and a great singer, Roy could also paint well and did a religious painting that was included as an insert in an LP of spirituals on Epic.

Scotty Moore was Elvis's high school buddy and was a part of his original band on the Sun recordings, which also included Bill Black. I have also heard that Elvis had a nice selection of "jubilee" gospel music that he and James Brown would get together and listen to on occassion. But Wilson Pickett is rumoured to have the motherlode of all collections of gospel records. From my understanding, "jubilee" gospel means the more lively uptempo stuff.

Just some stuff I remembered. I'm not 100% sure on all of the details.


Hi All, I'm having major problems with this one guys, not ever done this before, even purchased Steinberg Clean - version five to record from vinyl to PC and can i work it out can i sod........

Can anyone give me a little help here?????

otherwise it's gonna be an old fashioned c90 tape from me i'm affraid, there must be an easy way to do this...help!

I've enjoyed all the CD's so far and really want to contribute.

regards - Mark Bicknell.

What help do you need Mark? Never used Steiburg Clean, never bought a program either ;-0 ;-) Can get all you want free on the net ;-)


What help do you need Mark? Never used Steiburg Clean, never bought a program either ;-0 ;-) Can get all you want free on the net ;-)

Steinburg Clean, is that the ful title of the program. Can find Cubase.


Got a few more in the post today - no time to listen yet but roll on the weekend.

Special mention must go to Jazzyjas - Jason, awesome booklet! Top marks



Don't know how helpful this will be but i've found the following Steinberg Clean Demonstration... Click here to launch it ... although just watching the demo hurt my head.

(Chalky - here's a link to the Steinberg spec page ... you might get a better idea of what it is and how to help Mark out Steinberg Spec - i don't know much about PCs and CD Burning - I use Toast, SoundEdit & a Mac)



Don't know how helpful this will be but i've found the following Steinberg Clean Demonstration... Click here to launch it   ... although just watching the demo hurt my head.

(Chalky - here's a link to the Steinberg spec page ... you might get a better idea of what it is and how to help Mark out Steinberg Spec - i don't know much about PCs and CD Burning  - I use Toast, SoundEdit & a Mac)

Cheers Kolla I will have a gander a bit later and try and help Mark out, if not he can send me a tape and I'll transfer tape to cd for him and send back ;-)

Personally I use Soundforge and NormaliseGUI to normalise the tracks once on the PC.


Got Jazzy jas's cd through today. Took me half an hour to get in to it but was well worth it. FIRST class sleeve notes and booklet. Sure the cd will be just as good when I listen to it.


Right back at you, Chalky! I've been going through your CD as well. Buddy Ace, Jimmy Burns, and Donald Jenkins are some of my faves from yours at the moment.

Thanks for the compliments on the booklet. I realized after reading your entry a couple of times that "get into it" meant the package was difficult to open. Had a laugh on that one.

Anyway, let me know what you think when you give it a listen.

Thanks again,



got jazzyjas's today

a really good cd so far, listened upto track 4 only, but the booklet and scans with write up certainly gives some of the released cd's a run for their money in the design stakes.

i thought making mine took an age you must have started that when you were seven.

well that is how long it would take me to produce something like that.

good luck with your ambition.

i have still got a lot of listening to do.

are we doing reveiws or just listening without real comments?




Just to say a big thanks to all the CD's I've received this week, I'm currently working away from home until early September so that will bethe first chance I'll have to listen to them all, am really looking forward to then.

Thanks again.



Completely agree with Mark B on the score with Jay's CD- listened to it completely last nite and blew me and Kolla away. I had'nt heard the Robert Mosely track before (as with most of it) so will be sure to track down his other releases. Jas, my accountant is gonna want words with you, pal... ... :)


Just got backfrom me hols to find a big pile of cds at the door just carnt wait to play them, top marks to jazzy jas puts my effort to shame looks like ime gonna have to spend some more money as my wants list has just trebled


Just wanted to thank everyone for all of the kind words I've received so far. It makes me feel good that my efforts are appreciated. I put probably 12 hours total into the whole project, but the sounds have been accumulating in my collection for years. I'm a graphic designer by trade, so the booklet was a breeze for me. Plus, it also helps to work for a printer to get free printing done in-house. Believe it or not, I put the whole booklet and write-ups together while on the job. Lucky for me, it was a slow week when I did it. My inspiration for the booklet design was the Jimmy Hughes "Steal Away" LP cover on Vee Jay. Anybody catch that?

Likewise, I've heard some great tracks from the CDs that I've received as well(7 so far). If anything, the project has been worth it for the knowledge of sounds that I've never heard of and to check back on records already in my collection that I've slept on. I'm anxiously awaiting more discs from other members and would definitely like to do this again if anybody wants to. I had about 10 tracks that I left off my CD that turned up on other people's discs, so I got lucky there. The Lorraine Ellison has been the only one on someone else's CD so far.

Still, I have some great additional tracks that I left off just for lack of space or I felt they might have been a tad too fast. If anyone's interested in swapping CDs just one on one, let me know. I've got loads more stuff not comped out yet that's midtempo, fast tempo, and whatever.There are also some specific sounds I need.

Thanks again for having me on board and I really appreciate the encouraging words. If there are any questions about my records or records in general, let me know. I'd be glad to share info or help other members locate stuff. I also have full-size versions of all my label scans from the comp, in case anyone's interested.

When I get a chance to catch my breath, I'll post some comments on songs that stand out for me from everyone's midtempo comps.




Just wanna let y'all know that the elusive Fraser has got in touch with Kolla, and has made the CD's...! Kolla is gonna PM everybody with his address.....


Just sent a note of Fraser's address to everyone's Soul Source inbox. If i acccidentally missed ya, give me a shout. Still waiting to receive Miss Goldie's Cds - not sure if she's back from holiday yet.

Has anyone heard from Dave Bywell (DeeJay) ?


Just noticed a minor bit of duplication between me and Chalky...both gone for Bobbie Smith and also Clyde McPhatter. Sorry. Btw Chalky, does your McPhatter actually say 'Lonely People CAN'T Afford To Cry' as your tracklisting shows? I've always assumed this is what he is singing, both from how it sounds and also from the context of the words, but my copy and others I've seen show the title as 'Lonely People Can Afford To Cry'.

Knew I'd my copy said "Can't". Not my copybut here's a scan showing "Can't"


Interesting Chalky, never seen one like that before (not that I've seen hundreds!).

Although it's hard to tell what he's singing from listening (ie can/can't) the context suggests it's can't ('lonely people can't afford to cry...neither can I'). So maybe the 'Can' copies were pressed up first, the mistake was spotted and the 'Can't' were then created. So...which is rarer? I'd say yours but not sure.

Here's mine btw:


Just sent a note of Fraser's address to everyone's Soul Source inbox.  If i acccidentally missed ya, give me a shout.  Still waiting to receive Miss Goldie's Cds - not sure if she's back from holiday yet.

Has anyone heard from Dave Bywell (DeeJay) ?

Cd's goingout tomorrow sorry for the delay no real excuse apart from lack of time oh and doing the soultalk cd at same time!!doh never again




I have had a CD back in the post today.. it was going to Jason in Baltimore USA.. Can you please PM me your address.. Have you recived anyone else's ? as I just printed the address off that Kolla gave me, and stuck it on the envelope..

Cheers Mischief


Hello all. I accidentally put my home zip code on instead of my work zip code. Please change 21224 to "21227" 21227 is the correct zip code.






I actually put the wrong zip code on it. Just one stupid number at the end made it come back I guess. I've gotten 7 discs so far and they're all corrected on the zip code. I can tell where people scratched the numbers out. I wanted to put up a post about this in case others have experienced the same thing that happened to mischief.

Sorry everyone! I hope you're all enjoying my CD "A Toast To You". Stay in touch.




I know this is coming from an outsider, and I'm not really 'in' with it, but I think after everyone's recieved there discs, you should all vote in a pole to who's is the best and sell the one that comes up trmps in the sales forum. That way, I can get my hands on one! ;-) Just a thought...


Shuffles in shame faced; had no idea this thread was active - thanks Kolla for clueing me in :-)

Just to say a huge thank you to everyone for the CD's received and for turning me on to so many tracks that were new to me. Feel quite humbled since mine was full of chestnuts.

Will write at more length when time; just to let you know how much I appreciate all the goodies.

Colin (Dayo)


You should get Miss Goldie's next week (she's forwarding them all to me to post out).

Apart from that I think we're just waiting for Dave (deejay) and Mark Bicknell - both off whom have made their excuses in previous posts above :)


Hi Everyone, joined the CD Swap and so far I have sent out ELEVEN CDs to various addresses. Only got THREE back in return amigos. The address to send my copy of your CD is --




G13 2JU

Thanking you all in anticipation.


Fraser I havn't sent yours out yet.. sorry be tomorrow now, everyone should have had mine by now except you and Jason (he's is in the post wrong address)

I'm still a couple short as well.

What about everyone else, as my postman has taken to leaving things on the doormat, so They may have been delivered i'm not sure.

cheers all Mischief



am sunning myself in South Of Spain till 18/09 so will send out mines then, hope to see you soon (Dennis Probert is putting on night of y2k soul in Edinburgh 25/09 I think, should be worth a visit).



PS HAve brought a number of cd´s here to listen to as had no time before.

Chalkys, Scottys, Al &Kollas are all superb, on heavy rotation at moment.


Hi Everyone, joined the CD Swap and so far I have sent out ELEVEN CDs to various addresses. Only got THREE back in return amigos. The address to send my copy of your CD is --

posted yours today but if you will disappear for weeks on end and we have to wait for your address there are bound to be a few late ones:-))))



How about doing another swap say on the lines off if I was a DJ and record your set, but lets miss out the obvious floor fillers and put in your faves, the ones you think should be up there but for the life of you you carnt understand why they are not , I have enjoyed listening to the CDs I have recived and will miss finding them on the hall floor in the morning a lot off cracking tunes that i for one have never heard before and as i carnt get to places as regularly as i would like it would keep me sane. I have defantly got to get out more


We got DeeJay's in the post yesterday - haven't had time to listen yet though.


CD swappers.... mine should hit Kolla this week, though I fear its not worth the wait judging by the ones Ive received. Sorry to have taken so long, I could give you a million reasons why.... but I wont bore you.



Fraser, Dayo, Miss Goldie - still have yours here and will get them in the post today

Fraser's late cos of the address situation, Miss Goldie's cos I wasn't sure what to do about sending it and Dayo's cos I'm crap and had just forgotten (found the address label in me drawer last night so I can't have sent it). Sorry all.


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