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Guest Kolla


Following the thread about mid-tempo and enders in the last week, we thought it would be a good idea to do a Members-only Mid Tempo CD swap.

As Mike put it so aptly - "aim to take the listener on a voyage - putting tracks together to make their journey more enjoyable; building up, mixing, changing style, with a few suprises on the way". It's also a great way to hear some fresh tunes and get an idea of what gets everyone's groove on as it were.

This is how it works:

1) You volunteer your name to join in (JUST reply to this message with "COUNT ME IN!")

2) We need to aim for around 20 members to make it worthwhile. The cut off date for volunteering your name will be Friday 13th August, or sooner if we reach the magic 20.

3) I'll post up the names of all 20 participating at the end of the week then the fun starts...

4) We each make a compilation CDR of MIDTEMPO tunes we'd like to share. Remember, you will have to make 20 copies of your CDR so make sure you have enough Cds knocking about!

5) Next, each contributor forwards me their postal address (by PM or email to kolla_rosie@yahoo.com). I'll collate all addresses and forward a complete list of all addresses to each contributor.

6) We post a CDR out to everyone in on the list and get one back from everyone else in return. Remember to enclose a tracklist when you send your Cds out.

There are only TWO rules:-

You MUST only include tracks that have NOT had a release on any offical CD.

Songs must be what you deem to be midtempo and can be taken from 45, EP or LP

We would also ask you to respect the CD author and once you are in receipt of your new CDs, please do not make copies without the express approval of the CD author.

And finally ... if anyone who joins the contributors list lives outside of Europe, we can sort out a cheaper way of distribution for them eg: all 20 of their CDs can be sent to me and I'll post them on - but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it...

Johnny and his better half, Ali are old hands at orchestrating cd swaps so if you two have any tips or advice to add to the above, please do.

Ok - jargon, nitty gritty over with - who's up for it ???

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Guest Kolla


Ha - nearly forgot to volunteer me and Al in after writing all that (we count as ONE contributor)



You MUST only include tracks that have NOT had a release on any offical CD.

How are you supposed to work that out or are you just covering yourself by saying this?


Think this is a great idea.

The rule about no CD tracks makes it tough though; with so many CD's available we may not all be aware of what's come out.

Might it be better to say; stick to tracks which are not widely known to have come out on CD? Or something! Any better suggestions anyone?

Guest Johnny One Trout

Sounds like a great idea, unfortunately i can't really get involved with another just now as i'm already half way through one swap and just about to start another it's like a multicoloured swap shop at our house ;o))

All i would say as far as advice goes is set firm delivery dates for the CD's to be sent out.

It's best to use the PVC wallets for the CD rather than jewel cases makes them easier and cheaper to post especially when posting overseas.

Everyone should really send their own even if some of the contributors are outside of the EU otherwise you will end up with a hefty postage bill (Trust me i know)

Write on the CD itself, who it's from and whatever you have called it. Otherwise they end up getting mixed up and track lists lost etc

It's also a good idea to post up your track lists to the group so that you can avoid duplication of tracks wherever possible, this also gives people an incentive to sort them out quickly before someone else chooses a track they were going to use ;o))

Don't let Karen join or else you will all be doing the bunny hop and wearing blue suede shoes before the week is out ;o))))))))


Guest Kolla

Understandably it is pretty impossible to stop some tracks slipping through the net - we can't know every song that has ever had an official CD release. However, there are the obvious ones and this RULE also deters people from cheating and putting CD tracks onto their compilation rather than stuff from their own vinyl collections. We wanna hear those crackles !

Johnny thanks for that advice - its really helpful. Especially the postage stuff...

On duplication of tracks - I'm not sure we should worry too much about that - it would take forever and a day to get everyone organised enough to post up their list and keep having to sift through and change their list until we got 400 odd unique songs, yes, no ?

BTW Craig / Dayo - if you want in, you have to say "Count me in" - are ya game, pals ?

Guest Johnny One Trout

I know exactly what you mean about the palaver Kolla. The intention wasn't to completely avoid duplication of tracks but just to reduce the amount of duplication when you are listening to loads of CD's from a swap there's nothing worse than a batch of them being almost identical or seeming so because of duplication.



Personally I think I'd rather take a chance on some tracks being duplicated and enjoy the random quality of it all. For me the biggest kick would be hearing other people's taste and sharing some of my own.

Guest Kolla

It's absolutely open to each individual and what they class as midtempo. Entirely up to you.

A lot of the tracks mentioned in the ender/midtempo posting i'm in agreement as being mid-tempo.. but in saying that i'll definately be exploiting the fuzzy boundaries of the phrase "midtempo CD". It's a great excuse to put on some surprises that people don't hear out at soul nights.

Guest Johnny One Trout

Good grief really Miss G??? One of the ones i'm involved with has people in Aus, Japan and all over Europe and no cash exchanges hands because at the end of the day your expense from down under is probably more than anyone elses anyway. Granted in may be different if say 10 people joined from say Australia but that ain't gonna happen is it ;o))


Those funksters must be right old tightwads ;o))))))

Guest Johnny One Trout

Nah just borrow Marias Tunes and tape em she could probably give most of us here a run for our money when it comes to that sort of thang ;O))))


Guest Kolla

List so far:

Me / Al




Mark B


Johnny,Maria is in the UK she went about 3 weeks ago. We did a weekly radio show together along with another girl Alex. Sadly my collection is like a poor cousin next to hers Im more your 10pounder type owing to the fact I also collect the F-word.


Be prepared for the following:

- You may only receive 50 - 75% of the CDs.

- Someone will delay the whole thing by only deciding to record the cds the day they are due out.

- Someone will delay the swap by having technical difficulties/p.c problems/not owning a cd burner and having to borrow a mates.

- The odd cd will turn up that doesn't play.

- You will receive a cd that you know everything on.

- You will get a cd that has been compiled from poorly recorded mp3s/ras so sound will be terrible.

And this is now the reason why i wont get involved in these swaps anymore.... they always disappoint me.... better to record a cd and do straight one to one swaps.....after seeing the tracklisting.


Guest Kolla

Someone throw that depressing dog a bone! :)

Take on board all you're saying Pikey but we were trying to make this a bit of fun... From what you have said, the return on investment is very very bad ie: you only get half of the CDs you should and a third of the ones you do get are useless.

Is it really that bad - are you saying we shouldn't do this at all?


Wouldn't mind a go at this.... never done owt like this before.... would be interesting/educational....

My problem would be knowing what ain't come out on CD.... having never bought one, had one bought or owning one....

Mine are all CDR's of own tunes done for the car, incl. the odd crackle, etc., to add atmosphere/realism whilst driving about....



There are only TWO rules:-

You MUST only include tracks that have NOT had a release on any offical CD.

Songs must be what you deem to be midtempo and can be taken from 45, EP or LP

Ok - jargon, nitty gritty over with - who's up for it ???


I hate to sound a bit nit-picky but does this mean I can't include tracks from recently released CD's - for argument sake, theres a beltin Theodis Ealey mid-tempo groover on his 'Headed back to Hurtsville' release in about 95?? Its just the same as an LP really??

Anyroad, count me in - I've got about a dozen mid-tempo CDR's done already in my pithy attempt to put my collection onto CD and I'm in the middle of doing another with the shit-load of stuff i've bought recently.



Guest Kolla

Updated list - 7 so far:

Me / Al




Mark B

Mark (VoS)

Scott (RichS)

Come on kids - SS members have all got mighty fine taste from what i've seen so far- what's stopping the rest of you joining in? (I have no CD burner / no records / no time - are the only valid excuses!)

Guest Johnny One Trout

Johnny,Maria is in the UK she went about 3 weeks ago. We did a weekly radio show together along with another girl Alex. Sadly my collection is like a poor cousin next to hers Im more your 10pounder type owing to the fact I also collect the F-word.

Nothing wrong with that MG some cracking records to be had at that price IMVFHO. I knew about the radio thang as Mal C had mentioned it on another list and another swap club ;o))


Guest Johnny One Trout

Someone throw that depressing dog a bone! :)

Take on board all you're saying Pikey but we were trying to make this a bit of fun... From what you have said, the return on investment is very very bad ie: you only get half of the CDs you should and a third of the ones you do get are useless.

Is it really that bad -  are you saying we shouldn't do this at all?

Ignore him Kolla he's just being a grumpy old stick in the mud. In the main the swaps and i've been in a few are interesting to say the least. Of course not all are to your own taste but the ones that are certainly make up for it.

To be honest after a while i tend to select my favourites from the swap CD's that are not great throughout and make one that is from the best of the rest as it were ;o))

And i'm saying nothing about beiong late with delivery LOL ;o))))))))))

Hey it's worth giving it a go if you don't like it don't do it again simple really



Hello Kolla , can see you are struggling a little to get the required amount so count me in. I know i said no to begin with but my lad has agreed to help me with the technical stuff and i could do with some new cds to listen to in my car , sick of hearing the same ones.

Promise to take all my 20 tracks off 45s as well.


Guest Jamie

Hiya Kolla/Gang,

I'm a bit miffed I can't join in on this one. I started the blinkin' debate and for 2 reasons I cannae.

1. Aint got the tackle to get from vinyl to CD format.

2. Me records are crap and they've all been on CD before.

But I would love to be included somehow, say I sent the final gang a postal order or whatever. The whole idea of me starting topic was to try and improve my knowledge and my current leaning towards mid-tempo.

Tell me to nick off if it's impractical, and the cynic in me tells me someone might moan about not getting anything from me!!!

Please let me know, many thanks,



I think it would be great for newbies like me if the tracklists could be posted to this forum/site. Though i've been mildly obsessive about music as long as i can remember, I only recently got turned on soul so I have no collection to speak of so it might point me in the direction of artists to look out for.




I will give this a bash but please dont shot me if i get it wrong. Its not the cd burning that bothers me its the track listings i seem to mess up they never seem to come out right, Is there a time scale on this as in 60s 70s or can we mix & match so to speak


Hiya Kolla/Gang,

I'm a bit miffed I can't join in on this one. I started the blinkin' debate and for 2 reasons I cannae.

1. Aint got the tackle to get from vinyl to CD format.

2. Me records are crap and they've all been on CD before.

But I would love to be included somehow, say I sent the final gang a postal order or whatever. The whole idea of me starting topic was to try and improve my knowledge and my current leaning towards mid-tempo.

Tell me to nick off if it's impractical, and the cynic in me tells me someone might moan about not getting anything from me!!!

Please let me know, many thanks,


Tell you what Jamie bieng as you are one of the soul source fellow dart team members i will send you a copy of my CD free of charge , well almost free because i might take a trip to NCSC in Manchester in the next few months and you can buy me a beer if you are there. When i have completed this mid tempo masterpiece i will contact you and send you a copy.


Guest Jamie

Tell you what Jamie bieng as you are one of the soul source fellow dart team members i will send you a copy of my CD free of charge , well almost free because i might take a trip to NCSC in Manchester in the next few months and you can buy me a beer if you are there. When i have completed this mid tempo masterpiece i will contact you and send you a copy.


My Hero!!!

Gonna be at the NCSC next month.

Beer & Doughnuts on me!!!


Guest Kolla

Thank-you! We're up to 11

Me / Al




Mark B

Mark (VoS)

Scott (RichS)

Paul (P5OULH)




Craig - thanks for giving it a go - I tell you, once you learn to transfer to CD, it becomes ridiculously addictive for a while :)

Miff - It doesn't matter what year the records are from as long as they fall into the Midtempo category (what you deem to be midtempo) ... so none of that "Don't Pity Me" stuff :D )


I would like to take part, have to plead guilty to some of the objections raised by other member (late for other swap and entering swap with no right equipment) however cd recorder on order now so should be okay by time you get started.

Hopefully thats okay.




I would be up for this but I haven't got a cd recorder yet. I'm trying to get hold of a Pioneer PDR 609, I don't suppose anyone can help with this?


Hi Jordi

Richer Sounds do a fantastic Philips machine called the CDR 796...4x speed, CD-to-CD, analogue-to-CD, dead simple, even a moron like me can work it (after spending years trying to get CDs done through my PC)...about 200 quid, plug in to back of hi-fi and away you go.

Worth a shot if you can't get your Pioneer job.

Bought mine 12 months ago, should be even better/cheaper ones available now.


Guest Kolla

... so none of that "Don't Pity Me" stuff :) )

I meant by Sue Lynne.. not the Joanie Sommers one.

Guest Jamie

I meant by Sue Lynne.. not the Joanie Sommers one.


That explains that one then!

I was really confused!! (Not difficult)


Hi Jordi

Richer Sounds do a fantastic Philips machine called the CDR 796...4x speed, CD-to-CD, analogue-to-CD, dead simple, even a moron like me can work it (after spending years trying to get CDs done through my PC)...about 200 quid, plug in to back of hi-fi and away you go.

Worth a shot if you can't get your Pioneer job.

Bought mine 12 months ago, should be even better/cheaper ones available now.


Thanks for the info Dan. How does it compare to the Pioneer 609? I've been advised to go for this one as it's simple to use ie press play and record and set your levels, and it's great quality. It has also been voted a best in "What hi-fi"



Dunno as have never used the Pioneer. But it sounds v similar: plug and play basically. Like I said, I am a moron when it comes to technical matters (once put brake fluid in my oil, that sort of thing) and I find it a piece of piss.


Hey up guys/gals

I need to be educated here...as I'm thick !!!!!!!!

How do I get my vinyl onto CDR through my PC ?

Yes I do have a cr burner ?

I wait in antisipation

Guest Kolla

I have a MAC so it a matter of plugging my turntable straight into the back of the computer and I record the sound through a program called SoundEdit However with a PC its a whole different kettle of fishies.

I can't advise you on PC stuff BUT I know a girl who can :... Karen Bridges is a genius at this sort of thing. Send her a PM - her member name is Soulgirl.


Thanks for the info Dan. How does it compare to the Pioneer 609? I've been advised to go for this one as it's simple to use ie press play and record and set your levels, and it's great quality. It has also been voted a best in "What hi-fi"


I bought a Pioneer 609 from Richer Sounds a while ago for less than £200. It is very easy to use and the recording quality is excellent. Play back quality is not bad too, if you're into Hi Fi. I would track one down you won't be disapointed.


I have a MAC so it a matter of plugging my turntable straight into the back of the computer and I record the sound through a program called SoundEdit However with a PC its a whole different kettle of fishies. 

I can't advise you on PC stuff BUT I know a girl who can :... Karen Bridges is a genius at this sort of thing.  Send her a PM - her member name is Soulgirl.

It's exactly the same Kolla.... turntable/hi-fi into back of PC (line in).... recording/editing proggy....

I use PolderBits.... see here

Free as a trial for 14 days and a one off payment of $29.95 (£17)....

Record track with adjustable/visible dB recording levels.... doesn't matter about length before and after.... when done editor opens and then can edit down to as little you want before/after music starts/finishes.... I usually have 0.5secs either side.... then save as either wav or mp3 file (or both if you re-open it in editor and save again as different)....


Hey up guys/gals

I need to be educated here...as I'm thick !!!!!!!!

How do I get my vinyl onto CDR through my PC ?

Yes I do have a cr burner ?

I wait in antisipation

The current from the cartridge is very small and needs to be amplified. You can feed this signal directly into your PC's sound card, but you will need a sound file editing progamme to amplify the recorded wave file (signal) and the quality is not too good.

In the old days, amps had a built in pre-amp which the phone plugs from your record deck are plugged into. New amps / souround sound sytems etc don't usually have a built in preamp now. You can buy seperate pre-amp that boosts the signal before going into the main amp OR (with the help of a phono to mini jack lead) into your PC's sound card (line in). You can get a pre-amp from your local HiFi shop - I've got a PRO-JECT Audio Systems one called "The Phono Box mm/mc preamplifier" which cost about £25 - £30.

Alternativly, you can go along to PC world and buy a copy of Steinberg's Clean PLUS that has a pre-amp (that's the PLUS bit). However, this pre-amp is power buy your PC via a USB lead , so you'll need a spare USB port! I think it's about £60, but you do get some decent software to tart up your recodings - get rid of hiss and crackle etc. Plus the phone to mini jack lead

If you are transferring old tapes to CD via you're PC, you do not need a pre-amp to boost the signal from the tape deck.

Guest Jamie

Well, I'm no expert, but I've got a bit carried away with this CDR lark and took the plunge and bought one of these babies.


Now, if you're clued up you may know already it seems a decent bit of kit. But if like me, you're a ninconpoop you might want to wait until I get mine and I'll post my findings.

Just out of interest the postage is $24 to UK.

What am I getting into???



Please COUNT ME IN! I've been collecting records for years and I've got loads of stuff not comped out yet on CD. I should know because I buy every northern CD I get my hands on. Also, I would like to make this a regular thing. There are some tracks that I'd like to get my hands on that the odd collector might have. I'm not really into cover-ups either, so my collection is up for the world to share! For my mid-tempo collection, I'm choosing to go with records of the Ray Pollard/Hal Miller variety: big city productions and mid-tempo floaters. This style is called "Jamaican Beat" around my part of the country, many of these tracks are "popcorn", too. A lot of Jamaicans, mainly in New York, have their own dances and spin these rare records. And these guys actually have DJ battles to see who has the rarest records in the best condition. Oddly enough, many have not been comped out yet. I try to get my hands on these records as much as possible. As of now, I have three volumes and I'm about to make another. For my CD, I will feature the best of these compilations.

I love northern soul music and I'm constantly trying to broaden my horizons. I've got a lot to offer, too. I promise bring some quality sounds to the table. Jamaican, Popcorn, Northern, whatever. It's all great music for all to enjoy and I'm eager to jump in!

Best to every serious music lover, DJ, dancer and collector on the scene!


DJ (Jazzy Jas) and on eBay (majorwaxbuildup)

Baltimore, MD





Thanks all for all the info' you have forwarded

Will be looking into and checking out all sugestions

Would like to know about your findings on that piece of kit Soulsville

Looks Wicked !!!!!!

Guest Jamie

Thanks all for all the info' you have forwarded

Will be looking into and checking out all sugestions

Would like to know about your findings on that piece of kit Soulsville

Looks Wicked !!!!!!

Soon as it arrives and my technical friend installs it, I'll let you know.


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