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Inspired by that episode of Father Ted where the DJ only has The Specials 'Ghost Town' in his box to play at the local disco, I was reminded of the evening long ago when I turned up to a local do in Edinburgh to discover that the bloke who had hired out the PA was insistent that his DJ was the only person allowed to touch the decks. Cue an instant dancefloor disaster as he followed his brief of (I presume) 'play 'em some 60s oldies' to treat us to an hour of The Beatles, Dave Clark Five, Lulu and Cliff Richard. Sanity only prevailed when a riot looked like breaking out and he agreed to play stuff given to him by the usual jocks. But we still had to put up with the usual DJ babble of 'Heyyyy! Here's a great track you're all gonna love by, er, Dave Parrish!' Are there worse memories out there? I bet there are...

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Randy Cozen's organised a last minute do in Southgate a few years ago so that we could film part of a video for Elaine Constantine and Marco Santucci's wedding present. The resident Dj and his girlfriend wouldn't budge even though the place was full of Northern punters. They sat there with their Bachman Turner Overdrive, Limahl, Black Lace etc at the ready and would not be moved until Randy gathered Cd's and persuaded them to play them. We had to keep going up "request style" and saying "play number 7" etc etc.

It was fab!


Imber soul..... how I loved that palce ;-) I obviously look stuning in my imber photo, the scaffolding has recently been taken off my teeth though ;-)

I also love ghost town by the specials, used to dance to it at first year (or maybe second) discos at school lunchtimes


OK, forgot we are twins ;-) yeah probably the 3rd year at school


Slightly off-tack,but, back in 83-84 I used to run a soul night at the Carved Red Lion in Islington on a Thursday night, there was a varying degree of success, unfortunately the management changed hands and I turn up to find a new regime in place, and on one of the last nights he finished us after being there about an hour or so because "We've got some builders in from Leeds and they wanna hear some Rock'n'Roll", seemed funny at the time, maybe it's the way I tell 'em???, the remaining part of the soul night was spent with a bunch of us 'round at my Mums.


One strange one was an allnighter at the Centre, Newton Aycliffe, I think it was the week before Wigan First Anniversary. Anyway it was in like a modern youthclub buiding, and as well as the soul room I'm sure you could go to another room to watch "Diamonds are forever". Or was I hallucinating. It was a bad night as I got arrested for jumping the train without paying the fare, something that happened the week later on the way to Wigan.

Guest Johnny One Trout

OK, forgot we are twins ;-)  yeah probably the 3rd year at school

You were never allowed to stay out late at the school disco's!!!!!!!!! I used to have to pick you up and bring you home before i could go to the pub for skittles night!!!

Bloody specials what happened to proper singers like Matt Monroe and Andy Williams

Daddy Kool


Imber soul..... how I loved that palce ;-)  I obviously look stuning in my imber photo, the scaffolding has recently been taken off my teeth though ;-)

I also love ghost town by the specials, used to dance to it at first year (or maybe second) discos at school lunchtimes

I remember going to see the Specials live in Cambridge, must have been late 70's or very early 80's


Worst night ever? Queens Hall, Leeds around 1974. The Inter City Soul Club ran an all-nighter billed as the greatest ever, ultimate event blah blah blah.

There were hundreds maybe thousands there, but the place was like an aircraft hanger; the moon had more atmosphere. I'm STILL cross that I went there - lol.

Anyone else remember this awful, awful night?


Oh my god yes Major Lance, JJ Barnes, The Exciters, Mel and Tim, and THE HEARTS OF SOUL---WHO!!!. The funky Sisters were also billed to appear but that was just Chris Burton trying to make it sound good!!. It was a tram shed with a dusty concrete "dance floor" complete with rails in places. By 5 am it was raining yellow sweat as the glass roof had its fill od evaporated perspiration and nicotine. Apparently there were approximately 7,000 there, but I remember a lot of people leaving to go to Wigan before the end of the night. Oh and the sound system was attrocious .

All that and bum gear!!


You had BUM gear - I don't recall getting ANY! lol

The worst of it was, I ran a coach that night from Worcester; lots of very unhappy bunnies who were very ungracious and tried to take it out on me!

One other thing, that night I did buy an original copy of "I've only got myself to blame" - ironic, I know. Cost me £3.50. About two weeks later I sat on it and broke the bloody thing in half! Yes, yes... I know what it's worth now!

Colin "wish I'd gone to Wigan" Day

Guest in town Mikey

Obviously the last night at Imber would have to be the worst. Knowing it would be no more.

Honourable mention must go to, 'THE SWAN HOTEL' in Mansfield, mid 80s.

My brother and I finally persuaded 2 female friends to come to an allnighter with us. We drove up from Gloucestershire in his heaterless mini on a freezing night. The girls had blankets and coats wrapped around their legs. Got to the venue only to be told there was a wedding reception and there would be no allnighter. Swiftly followed by one of the revellers coming flying out the door with his nose spread across his face.

Luckily (???!!!) met some guys in a pub around the corner who said the nighter was going ahead, it was just starting a little late.

When we got in, the dancefloor (???!!!) was polished cobbles!!! Dancers were catapulted everywhere. (anyone who was in the main room at Blackpool weekender the other year will know what I mean).

When we dropped the girls off next morning, I cant remember their exact words, but it was something like, 'you guys do this every weekend FOR FUN???'


Worst nighter ever for me is still running so best not mention it LOL

Guest James Trouble

Worst nighter ever for me is still running so best not mention it LOL

Go on Janine, you told me at the 100 club. I agreed with you as well! ;-)

Guest James Trouble

For me the biggest disappointments are not specific nights, but are the modern rooms at most/all nights accross the country (that I've been to anyway). I love modern, but with the quality of DJs that are on the 'circuit' it's no wonder Janine is a 60's only girl. Alot of funk DJs I know play better modern soul records in their sets than I have heard out on the soul scene .

Ooooh, am I allowed to say that sort of thing?


You've obviously not been to the Plinston JT!!! Get your lardy arse down and we will show you the error of your comments - or just spank you :-)

Guest Johnny One Trout

For me the biggest disappointments are not specific nights, but are the modern rooms at most/all nights accross the country (that I've been to anyway). I love modern, but with the quality of DJs that are on the 'circuit' it's no wonder Janine is a 60's only girl. Most funk DJs worth their salt play better modern soul records in their sets than I hear out on the soul scene.

Ooooh, am I allowed to say that sort of thing?

Sweeping statement Jamesy and you should know better!!! It all depends on your deffinition of Modern Soul doesn't it most of the NW crowd are more into the NEW Modern sound in that if it ain't 2004/5 it ain't happening if what you are looking for in a Modern room is a more Crossover retro Modern vibe then your choice of venue is sadly limited, there are some good nights up and down the country but you generally have to travel, why not try to get to the next Orwell in Wigan on the 23rd probably the best and best attended night of it's type around at the moment and yes Mr O the Modern room at Plinston is great too well it would be with Farther Barn as resident ;o))


Guest Johnny One Trout

You've obviously not been to the Plinston JT!!! Get your lady arse down and we will show you the error of your comments - or just spank you :-)

I think it is disrespectful in the extreme to infer that JT has a wench's ring!!!

Guest James Trouble

You've obviously not been to the Plinston JT!!! Get your lardy arse down and we will show you the error of your comments - or just spank you :-)

I've enjoyed a couple of set's in your modern room. But I don't like all those year2k garage things.

I guess I'm just into "retro disco". afro.gif

BigO, if you are interested I could send you a CDR of the kind of "retro disco cheeze" I like? sleep.gif


Oh, and there's nothing lardy about the way I dance!naughty.gif

Guest James Trouble

Sweeping statement Jamesy and you should know better!!! It all depends on your deffinition of Modern Soul doesn't it most of the NW crowd are more into the NEW Modern sound in that if it ain't 2004/5 it ain't happening if what you are looking for in a Modern room is a more Crossover retro Modern vibe then your choice of venue is sadly limited, there are some good nights up and down the country but you generally have to travel, why not try to get to the next Orwell in Wigan on the 23rd probably the best and best attended night of it's type around at the moment and yes Mr O the Modern room at Plinston is great too well it would be with Farther Barn as resident ;o))


I don't get out of London, south east and the midlands much. So point taken Johnny.unsure.gif Seriously though, I have only been going to "soul nights" for a couple of years on a regular basis (been collecting much longer and going to "deepfunk" nights for 8 years), but in general I was expecting to hear some amazing "modern soul" sounds being played on the "soul scene", and to be fair (and with the greatest respect) i have been disappointed by what I have found, Mr Fenn and Soul Sam aside of course. Maybe I have just been spoilt by Keb's stuff at Deepfunk for too long!?whistling.gif

Johnny, did you get my CD?

Guest James Trouble

Reading back, Johnny said "It all depends on your deffinition of Modern Soul doesn't it ", and maybe alot of what I would call "modern soul" alot of people on here would call 'funk' or 'disco'.

So from my perspective it's true what I said, but from most people's, I don't know what I'm talking about.blink.gif

I'll fetch my coat...clown2.gif


That should have read lardy arse by the way but I'll reserve judgement until I've seen your dance moves :-))) DO NOT mention the words 'garage' when refering to the Plinston....otherwise point yourself out to me at the next event and I'll let Soul Sam loose on you :-P

Ona lighter note and before we hang, draw and quarter you the offer of the CD will be taken upthank you very much :-) Contact me at nh6tsmafia@aol.com.

Guest Adam G

One strange one was an allnighter at the Centre, Newton Aycliffe, I think it was the week before Wigan First Anniversary. Anyway it was in like a modern youthclub buiding, and as well as the soul room I'm sure you could go to another room to watch "Diamonds are forever". Or was I hallucinating.  It was a bad night as I got arrested for jumping the train without paying the fare, something that happened the week later on the way to Wigan.

I used to be a regular at this monthly night.Although I wasnt around at the time of the first Wigan Anniversary which would be around 74.Aycliffe was my first nighter in 78 .It also had a "jazz funk"room which was a gym with tarmac flooring where reggae funk(the 7ts definition) were played.Rough as old boots but excellant nights trying to think of the sounds that were big for me then.Things like "Summer in the parks","Center city",Touching in the dark","Danse ala musique","Ho happy day"

"Tailgate" Spring rain! funny how some tunes dont last the test of time.Love Flamin king still though.Oh and worst soul night that would have to be last week upstairs at WhitbyWeekender like attending a linedancing convention!.Down stairs was much more acceptable.

Guest in town Mikey

Played 'Touching in the dark' at home last night.

Beautiful and soooo soulful.

Guest Johnny One Trout

I used to be a regular at this monthly night.Although I wasnt around at the time of the first Wigan Anniversary which would be around 74.Aycliffe was my first nighter in 78 .It also had a "jazz funk"room which was a gym with tarmac flooring where reggae funk(the 7ts definition) were played.Rough as old boots but excellant nights trying to think of the sounds that were big for me then.Things like "Summer in the parks","Center city",Touching in the dark","Danse ala musique","Ho happy day"

"Tailgate" Spring rain! funny how some tunes dont last the test of time.Love Flamin king still though.Oh and worst soul night that would have to be last week upstairs at WhitbyWeekender like attending a linedancing convention!.Down stairs was much more acceptable.

Adam you are just Baggytrouserist although i must admit your face was a picture when you came back down stairs having just been Nosmo'd ;o)))



Worst soul nite ever.... We tried to bring soul back to the people of a one-horse town on the east/south yorkshire border back in 1992. Not saying where for fear of retributions (still). We went across mob handed from Cleethorpes with sound system in tow etc thinking we were gonna be welcomed as 'The Second Coming'. All was going ok, getting a few in, playing the tunes of the day etc and not gettin a bad reaction. About 10.00 a band of local geezers show up, with a couple of them looking decidedly, let's say, Lily Savage-ish but with an Arnold Schwarzenegger stylee on the physique front. We thought it was a piss take but apparently not. These guys were not small I can tell you. Things took a more sinister turn when the cross dressers sachayed over to the decks with record boxes in hand and informed us that if there was gonna be a northern nite in their town then they were DJing. The locals were glaring and just waiting for it to go off. So we showed our new guest DJ's how to use the decks and settled down for a night on the booze. Our 'proper' guest DJ (who shall remain nameless) was well pissed off but we told him to take his beef up with the sisters. At least we didn't have to pay our new guests! Happy days.

Guest in town Mikey

Worst soul nite ever.... We tried to bring soul back to the people of a one-horse town on the east/south yorkshire border back in 1992. Not saying where for fear of retributions (still). We went across mob handed from Cleethorpes with sound system in tow etc thinking we were gonna be welcomed as 'The Second Coming'. All was going ok, getting a few in, playing the tunes of the day etc and not gettin a bad reaction. About 10.00 a band of local geezers show up, with a couple of them looking decidedly, let's say, Lily Savage-ish but with an Arnold Schwarzenegger stylee on the physique front. We thought it was a piss take but apparently not. These guys were not small I can tell you. Things took a more sinister turn when the cross dressers sachayed over to the decks with record boxes in hand and informed us that if there was gonna be a northern nite in their town then they were DJing. The locals were glaring and just waiting for it to go off. So we showed our new guest DJ's how to use the decks and settled down for a night on the booze. Our 'proper' guest DJ (who shall remain nameless) was well pissed off but we told him to take his beef up with the sisters. At least we didn't have to pay our new guests! Happy days.

I think we have a winner ladies and gentlemen.

I spat my dinner all over the keyboard.


Worst soul nite ever.... We tried to bring soul back to the people of a one-horse town on the east/south yorkshire border back in 1992. Not saying where for fear of retributions (still). We went across mob handed from Cleethorpes with sound system in tow etc thinking we were gonna be welcomed as 'The Second Coming'. All was going ok, getting a few in, playing the tunes of the day etc and not gettin a bad reaction. About 10.00 a band of local geezers show up, with a couple of them looking decidedly, let's say, Lily Savage-ish but with an Arnold Schwarzenegger stylee on the physique front. We thought it was a piss take but apparently not. These guys were not small I can tell you. Things took a more sinister turn when the cross dressers sachayed over to the decks with record boxes in hand and informed us that if there was gonna be a northern nite in their town then they were DJing. The locals were glaring and just waiting for it to go off. So we showed our new guest DJ's how to use the decks and settled down for a night on the booze. Our 'proper' guest DJ (who shall remain nameless) was well pissed off but we told him to take his beef up with the sisters. At least we didn't have to pay our new guests! Happy days.

I wondered what happened to the old Blackpool Mecca crowd after 1975!!


Maybe not the worst soul night but possibly the strangest. Ian Levine's World's 1st Gay Northern Soul night at his Heaven nightclub, Charing Cross Arches. I think it was Easter Sunday 1984 or 85 and it was advertised in Black Echoes. Group of us got sh*t-faced and @ 10am jumped in a mini from High Wycombe to London. The place was full of Freddie Mercury lookalikes and transvestites. The dancefloor was a mix of said leather-clad, moustachioed gentlemen, fake ladies and back-dropping, floor-spinners of undefined sexual orientation. Herr Levine said nothing to the crowd and all records were announced on a CCTV screen (very hi-tech for the time). Then Jimmy Ruffin (bless his cotton socks) was dragged on to voice-over his greatest hits. Paul Fielder could have copped on if he'd wanted to but declined the offer. A wierd night was had by all. Anyone else go to this?

Guest Johnny One Trout

Maybe not the worst soul night but possibly the strangest. Ian Levine's World's 1st Gay Northern Soul night at his Heaven nightclub, Charing Cross Arches. I think it was Easter Sunday 1984 or 85 and it was advertised in Black Echoes. Group of us got sh*t-faced and @ 10am jumped in a mini from High Wycombe to London. The place was full of Freddie Mercury lookalikes and transvestites. The dancefloor was a mix of said leather-clad, moustachioed gentlemen, fake ladies and back-dropping, floor-spinners of undefined sexual orientation. Herr Levine said nothing to the crowd and all records were announced on a CCTV screen (very hi-tech for the time). Then Jimmy Ruffin (bless his cotton socks) was dragged on to voice-over his greatest hits. Paul Fielder could have copped on if he'd wanted to but declined the offer. A wierd night was had by all. Anyone else go to this?

I'm surprised that you've got the neck to admit to going Mark never mind expecting anyone else to admit to being there in full leather chaps and waistc't attire what a sight that must have been!!!! LOL

Not quite in the same league at all by any means but back in the late seventies we used to meet up in the Antelope pub in Hanley (Didn't we Shute) on a Wednesday night for a bit of mid week soul etc they had a great jukebox there with stuff like Eddie Holman - I Surrender on there even back then.

Well one night i happend to be in the metropolis of Hanley fresh off the bus from Congleton and was a tad early for the gig i was going to can't remember who it was but it would have been someone like the Clash or Discharge or both ;o))) at the Victoria Halls so i said to my mates i know a decent pub not far from here we can have a beer while we wait....

So off we traipsed to the 'Lope imagine my embarassment and shame when we walked into a room full of what seemed like 6'7" Bruisers in flower patterend frock tatooed arms and huge ladies shoes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It took me a long time to live that one down i can tell you.

Hey Steve W perhaps they were the same Tranny's mate on a tour of soul haunts up and down the country!!!!!!


Guest Kolla

Mark - you brave brave man... I'd never in a million years have admitted to going to the Levine-tainted "Fire Island" in Edinburgh's Princess Street and dancing in a mist of poppers to the Flirtations "Like an Earthquake", Miquel Brown's "So Many Men" , Evelyn Thomas's "High Energy" and ... oh &*#$* !!

Guest in town Mikey

Puts a whole different perspective on

getting into a tranny for a soul night.

Guest Johnny One Trout

Puts a whole different perspective on

getting into a tranny for a soul night.

PMSL ;o))))))))))))))))))


Worst all-day in the world was in Burslem around 77-78 can't remember what the venue was ,,, maybe you do JoT ?

Dark and dingy place, we all went after the niter at Casino.

There was me. Jot, Bezza, crumb, Gaz F, Julie M, Bippo and a few others whos names escape me now...only one brain cell left after all these years !!!!!!!!!!!!

Two of us had to take the old magic Ms just to help us through as the white talc didn't seem to work once we were in this place....

Think we all left after about 2-3hrs


i went to a soul alldayer with 5 other people at the mersey view in frodsham in 1986.

We got there about 3 or 4 ish to find that about 10 other people had turned up

and to add insult to injury,the alldayer finished around 6 oclock when the plug was pulled on the event due to lack of interest.

Cant remember who organised the alldayer but i bet they were well pissed off.

Guest Johnny One Trout

Worst all-day in the world was in Burslem around 77-78 can't remember what the venue was ,,, maybe you do JoT ?

Dark and dingy place, we all went after the niter at Casino.

There was me. Jot, Bezza, crumb, Gaz F, Julie M, Bippo and a few others whos names escape me now...only one brain cell left after all these years !!!!!!!!!!!!

Two of us had to take the old magic Ms just to help us through as the white talc didn't seem to work once we were in this place....

Think we all left after about 2-3hrs

Bloody Hell...........................................aaarrrgggh no i can't remember either!!!! Then again it's probably for the best ;o))

Probably Bippo's fault anyway who in their right mind would want to go to Burslam ;o))



Maybe not the worst soul night but possibly the strangest. Ian Levine's World's 1st Gay Northern Soul night at his Heaven nightclub, Charing Cross Arches. I think it was Easter Sunday 1984 or 85 and it was advertised in Black Echoes. Group of us got sh*t-faced and @ 10am jumped in a mini from High Wycombe to London. The place was full of Freddie Mercury lookalikes and transvestites. The dancefloor was a mix of said leather-clad, moustachioed gentlemen, fake ladies and back-dropping, floor-spinners of undefined sexual orientation. Herr Levine said nothing to the crowd and all records were announced on a CCTV screen (very hi-tech for the time). Then Jimmy Ruffin (bless his cotton socks) was dragged on to voice-over his greatest hits. Paul Fielder could have copped on if he'd wanted to but declined the offer. A wierd night was had by all. Anyone else go to this?

Cough, cough, I DJ'd at this! and no I wasn't wearing chaps or a leather cap before anyone asks! Don't remember it being billed as a gay alldayer (Sensible Soul, I thought?), though I do remember a couple of unsettling things going off! :)


Cough, cough, I DJ'd at this! and no I wasn't wearing chaps or a leather cap before anyone asks! Don't remember it being billed as a gay alldayer (Sensible Soul, I thought?), though I do remember a couple of unsettling things going off!  :)

You can't leave us in suspenders like that :-0

Guest Johnny One Trout

Oh, I think I can! :)

Oh Tony there's no need to be coy!!!!!!

Is that where you learned to twist your mellon man?????

BTW Who is he anyway this mellon man??



Oh Tony there's no need to be coy!!!!!!

Is that where you learned to twist your mellon man?????

BTW Who is he anyway this mellon man??


There are things I can't repeat on a family based forum like this!

Guest Kolla

Who is he anyway this mellon man??

Mellon Van Peebles ?


I can remember a night in Leicester Square during the first 4 months of 1983 at The Cass Club (long gone). The Cass Club was used 6 days a week as a gay club, and the standard of cleanliness inside the club was zilch!!! Dirt and dust everywhere; no wonder it was pulled down shortly after!!

Getting to the point, the bar was run by gay men (actually Frankie Goes To Hollywood/Freddie Mercury stereotypes!), and one night a friend of mine went to the gents for a pee (no other reason, honest). He came out creasing up, as he had apparently caught two of the bar staff....erm how can I say this......comparing sizes!!!

As a tongue in cheek thing, I can remember one of the DJs, Brian Murray, dedicating "Keeps On Burning" to some folk, for reasons I'd rather not disclose - hey, use your imagination!!


Guest Johnny One Trout

As a tongue in cheek thing, I can remember one of the DJs, Brian Murray, dedicating "Keeps On Bumming" to some folk, for reasons I'd rather not disclose - hey, use your imagination!!


Are you sure that was a tongue Gene????


BTW Don't think i know that track is it like "Burning Bush" ?


What can be mentioned against amongst others JJ Barnes, Mel & Tim, The Exciters and especially the lovely Hearts of Soul? What have the girls done to give you the worst night you ever had?

Could the reason be the girls are bloody foreigners, not from the USA and not even from the UK?. Do I smell some good old xenophobia which I would not have expected from people allegedly liking African-American music?

Or is black music only interesting as long as nobody else knows it? (Especially including most black people?)


What can be mentioned against amongst others JJ  Barnes, Mel & Tim, The Exciters and especially the lovely Hearts of Soul? What have the girls done to give you the worst night you ever had? 

Actually I mentioned the Hearts Of Soul because at the time nobody I knew had heard of them(and as far as I know still haven't) , and alongside the other well known icons of the music they were something else to remember the awful night for.

As for your other comments ...........................................................



Guest Johnny One Trout

Nope never heard of the Hearts of Soul are they any good?


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