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Last List Before Xmas....turning Point/li'l Ray/willie Tee/skip Jackson/spaceark Etc Etc

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Ray Charles 'Never Had Enough Of Nothing Yet' / 'Yesterday' (ABC/ USA/ 1960s / Ex+) £8 £4

( Cool WD promo copy of this excellent Daddy Ray double-sider –topside is a moody and magnificent slice of peaktime soulful R&B while theflip is a much-lauded Beatles cover – done as only Daddy Ray can – slight warp– nothing major – otherwise lovely… )

The Icemen 'Loogaboo (The Choice Is Yours)' (ABC / USA / 1960s /VG+) £10 £5

( New one on me? Superb George Kerr / Richard Tee project outtaNJ from the late-60s at a guess? Topside is a chunky, brassy Funk pounder (eventhe title is an anagram of 'Boogaloo' and the flip 'How Can I Get Over A FoxLike You' is just brilliant, brilliant Deep Soul – few light storage scuffshere and there – beautiful copy… )

The Sapphires 'Gonna Be A Big Thing' (ABC / UK / 1970s / M-) £20 £15

( One of THE toughest to find in this great 70s UK series – gorgeous white democopy too in an ABC company sleeve – stunning Northern dancer – killer flip too'Playin Hide And Seek' by Eddie Regan… )

Maxine Brown 'Am I Falling In Love' (ABC-Paramount / USA / 1960s /Ex+) £40 £30

( Gorgeous copy of this ever-popular Northern oldie – immaculate black issue copy here… )

Roosevelt 'Rosey' Grier 'Rat Race' / 'I Don't Want Nobody (To Lead Me On)' (ABC / USA / 1960s / M-) £12 £6

( 2 nice NS sides from the 'Pizza Pie Man' and 'In My Tenement' guy – lovely WD copy here too – appears to be unplayed…'IDWNTLMO' was also done by The Masqueraders )

Oliver Sain 'Bus Stop' / 'Nighttime' (Abet / USA / 1974 / M-) £8 £4

( NOT the same track as the Fatback Band folks – this one's a fat n'funky bass-driven inst' with big brass and killer stop / start rhythm from thistalented sax man which I don't believe I've ever had on 7" before..? Lovelycopy on this legend old St. Louislabel…flip is also well worth a listen – check below… )

Jimmy 'Bo' Horne 'If You Want My Love' / 'On The Street Corner'(Alston / USA / 1972 / Ex) £15 £8

( Tuff green Alston label press for this huge Floridian NS oldie fromever-reliable Jimmy B…cracking slowie on the flip too…few marks here and there,nuttin bad…

Clifton White & His Royal Knights 'The Warm Up Pts 1 & 2' (Anla / USA / 1960s / M-) £50 £25

( New one on me? I've had / seen / heard mosta this guy's output but never thisone? Rock-hard Funk with a slamming breakbeat midway in – real grits n'gravystuff from somewhere in the Deepest South – I ain't normally a big fan of the 'southern sound' but this one's good, very good…both sides really ROCK…samelabel as the Soul Senders, Freddie Love, Clifton White – excellent pedigree andthis one could prove to be the best / rarest of em all… )

Sharon Forrester 'Put A Little Love Away' / 'Words With No Meaning' (Ashanti / UK / 1974 / M-) £10 £5

( Excellent little Lovers Rock cover of the Four Tops / Lambert-Potter tune bya VERY yoing Sharon Forrester – great Geoffrey Chung production – stoneminter…each and EVERY one if this gal's releases is now indemand…


Willie Tee 'Walkin' Up A One Way Street' (Atlantic / USA / 1960s /Ex+) £30 £25

( Midtempo Northern Soul Magic….no more, no less…stunning copy here…

Tony Allen 'Triple Cross' (AZ / France / 1966 / Ex/VG+) £15 £8

( Rare French pic bag release for this outstanding NS / Popcorn tune – kindaJames Bond-esque and 'dramatic' with big key changes and lovely overall 6Tsfeel – also done by our very own Tom Jones…give this a listen and be amazed-Iwas!! Pic bag is nice and clean but wax has had many plays – sounds a LOTbetter than it looks… )

A Different Bag 'Let's Put It Together' / 'Track Down' (Bag /USA / 1976 / M-) £30 £15

( First-timer for me? Excellent Funky-Rock double-sider – one side vocal andthe other instrumental – very much in that Magnum / American Gypsy bag – very,very good – in fact – I prefer the 'Track Down' inst side cos it's just SOvaried – builds and builds and just moves all over the place – believe me, thisis GOOD….check the clips…

Vic and the Catalinas 'Talkin' Bout My Girl' / 'Hello Girl' (Bar-Clay / USA / 1967 / M-) £30 £20

( Quality male vox'd uptempo NS outta Pittsburgh, PA – is actually an(uncredited) uptempo version of The Temptations '(Girl) Why You Wanna Make MeBlue' biggie – great breadown for the dancers too – unplayed copy here and oneI've seen hit £100 on other lists in my time…grab a bargain….flip is also awell-collected Deepie… )



Dion 'Born To Be With You' (Big Tree Spector / USA / 1976 / Ex+) £15 £8

( Unplayed Stereo / Mono copy of this superb 45 – so, sorare…both his and Phil Spector's last great recordings… )

Prince Buster's All Stars 'Al Capone' / 'One Step Beyond' (BlueBeat / UK / 1965 / Ex) £10 £5

( No review needed here – excellent UK original blue label press –middle has been dinked but otherwise very, very nice…. )



Freak 'Life Goes On' / 'That's What Time It Is' (BlueCandle / USA / 1977 / Ex+) £90 £60

( Fantastic Modern Soul with a raw, funky edge – was a big IanWright spin and subsequently reissued by Jazzman on 12″ – never fails to hit$150+ on the bay…slight edge warp which doesn't affect play…flip is also avery, very decent Jazz Funker – both produced by Leon Haywood on this obscureand much-collected Miami label.. )

Donald Byrd 'Black Byrd' / 'Slop Jar Blues' (Blue Note / USA /1973 / Ex) £10 £5

( Fabulous Mizell Bros production – Moogs, rising keys, muted brass – all ofthe usual trademarks…needs a clean by the sound of it…cool yo have this in on7"…flip is also magic… )

Curtis Mayfield 'Right On For The Darkness' / 'Kung Fu' (Buddah/ UK / 1974 / Ex+) £8 £4

( Two monster tracks on The Gentle Genius on one hard-to-find UK 7" – we had agood knack for doing that here in the UK – has there EVER been a better voicethan Curtis's? Love, love, LOVE it… )

Osibisa 'Prophets' (Buddah / USA / 1973 / Ex+) £8 £4

( Great wah-wah Funk from the OST to 'Superfly T.N.T' (which sank like a stoneupon release…) Nice copy here….seems tough to find on 7" while ya can't givethe LP away…!! Very Cymande-esque….lovely phlanged flutes and such a'restrained' feel compared to the rest of the LP… )

Honey Boy 'Impossible Love' / 'Sweet Cherrie' (Cactus / UK /1974 / Ex) £10 £5

( Lovely, lovely shape for a Reggae tune – especially too for one like thiswhich will have been played many, many times….brings me straight back to myyouth in Birmingham back in the late-70s at school discos where this was justso, so popular….amazing Lovers Rock from Honeyboy…flip is also well-loved inmany Jamaican households to this day… )

Fred Hughes 'Baby Don't Go' / 'Love Is Ending' (Cadet / USA /1960s / Ex+) £15 £8

( 2 more absolutely magic Windy City sides this List – this time, Gerald Simsand Sonny Sanders are in the driving seat – 2 very, very good Xover sides –wonderful condition too… )

Gene Redding 'Blood Brothers' / 'Once A Fool' (Capitol / UK /1974 / VG+) £10 £5

( Cool Demo copy of this excellent funky soul offering from Gene's nice 'BloodBrothers' LP – must say I've never really listened to the topside before – it'sreally very good, pure Blaxplo-style with dramatic string stabs, rising brassand Gene's excellent vocals sailing over the top actually reminds me a lot ofSam Sees 'Child Of The Streets' – flip is a well-known / loved midpacedNorthern dancer – sadly not M- but play well and actually cleaned up reallywell for me… )

Tavares 'It Only Takes A Minute' (Capitol / USA / 1975 / Ex+) £6 £3

( I went to my first-ever Northern Soul 'do' in 1982, just about a month after Wigan Casino closed and this was probably THE first record the DJ played thatnight – it went down an absolute storm (second was The Moments 'Nine Times'which was also HUGE!) I absolutely love this tune and the break for the dancersnear the end is one of THE best ever…nice copy… )


T C & Company 'Let's Go Disco' / 'I'm Missing You' (Carrie / USA / 1977 / Ex+) £60 £45

( Blistering Modern Soul / Funk / Disco cut that simply KILLS iton the 'floor – tears it up…seriously tuff to source….opens up with a bangingdrumbreak too…flip is also a lovely slowie….great double-sider outta Tennessee…)

Skip Jackson & The Natural Experience 'Micro Wave Boogie'(Catamount / USA / 1978 / M-) £50 £25

( Unplayed copy of this extremely rare and extremely brilliant Synth-Disco-Boogie-Banger…niceand crazy – just how we like em – wobbly synths, mad Moogs, kicking syndrumsand bizarre/phlanged/layered vocals – oh boy! If anything, this 7" is evenrarer than the 12" – if you are a Disco Nut, then I urge you to investigate thisbelow…TUNE… )

White Coffee 'Save Me' (CBS / France / 1973 / Ex+/M-) £40 £25

( Again – lovely to have this in again….Euro-only Funky / Jazz /Soul mash-up with heavy wah-wah action, floating keys and deliciousvocals…exemplary condition on both sleeve and vinyl… )

Billy Watkins 'Baby For You (Stone Fox)' / 'I'm Tired'(Chartmaker / USA / 1960s / Ex) £60 £45

( 2 cracking sides here – topside is excellent soulful R&B – just abovemidtempo and a dancefloor magnet – flip is out and out NS – again – so, so goodup loud…lovely copy here too… )

Top Hat & Little Jeff 'MississippiBump' / 'Dorothy May' (C.J / USA/ 1970s / Ex+) £90

( Breakbeat Funk killer that very, VERY rarely comes up for sale– such a tiny and highly collectable label too – ever-indemand – right the wayback to the early, early days of the Deep Funk boom…slight edge warp whichdoesn't affect play at all – best Hammonds on the whole List…flip is acrazy-but-good Funky blues tune – also with great keys… )

Spaceark 'Do What You Can Do' / 'Welcome To My Door' (ColorWorld / USA / 1970s / Ex+) £75 £60

( Stunning, stunning double-sider – best copy I've EVER had / seen too!! justamazingly good and interesting stuff – from their uber-rare LP on same label –topside is a rollocking uptempo 70s NS dancer while the flip goes a bit furtherout into the cosmos in a wonderful 'restrained' Funky / Rock vein – all I cansay (again) is that it reminds me a Lot OF American Gypsy – in exactly thatsame kinda vein…magnificent 45… )

The Dupars feat. Venetta Fields 'Love Cookin' / 'We Rockin'(Contempo / UK / 1976 / EX+) £20 £10

( Tuff, tuff one to find…!! Definitely one of THE rarest UK Contempo 7"s andseems to come up for sale very, very rarely in nice shape…I've never run intothe USAissue? Basically, it sounds to me like a funky / uptempo Soulful version of TheExplosions 'Hip Drop' with added moogs, synths and good brass – flip is alsowell worth a listen – kinda sleazy Sister Funk with lovely gee-tars and moregood brass (in fact, I prefer the flip side!)…sadly, this copy is a bit warpedbut plays good with a little added weight on the ol' stylus…RECOMMENDED… )

The Majestics 'She Troubles My Mind' / 'Living It All Again'(Cube / UK / 1973 / Ex+) £25 £15

( New one on me? I believe this is the same Detroit vocal group who had all ofthe NS / Funk biggies but this one seems to have slipped thru the net a bit? 2good, good sides here – topside is excellent Funky-Soul which reminds me a LOTof that Montclairs / Modulations / Skull Snaps kinda-sound…just great mid-tempofunky soul with lush backing and wonderful harmonies while the flip is a bitslower but also worth a listen – bit of scribble on label but otherwise abeauty…I don't believe this got a USA press? Has to be rare….? )


Doug Haynes 'The Sly, Slick and the Wicked' / 'Ooh Wee Baby I Love You' (Dakar / USA / 1973 / Ex+) £25 £12

( Quality double-sider from the Windy City…topside is a KILLERversion of the big Lost Generation tune – achingly soulful!! Flip is also ace –cracking Funky Soul tune….loadsa Chicagobigwigs on this – Lowrell Simon, Alonzo Tucker, Richard Parker etc etc – lovely,lovely piece – appears practically unplayed… )

Bobby Stone 'Hoodoo Man Pts 1 & 2' (Dream / USA / 1960s /Ex) £15 £8

( Rare One…stunningly sleazy Funky R&B version of the JuniorWells tune with added keyboards, some tuff gee-tar picking and some deepvocalising from BS – few marks to wax – light crackle here and there and someringwear to label – but – you try finding this one clean……… )

Anne Odile 'I Ain't Gonna Cry No More' / 'The Love Of A Boy'(E.R.O.M / USA/ 1960s / Ex+) £50 £40

( Rare, rare Northern / Xover cut that is simply stunning –currently mostly unknown – price will rise – just gets under yr skin…really,really unusual / different…hopelessly obscure… )

Benny Gordon & The Soul Brothers 'Give A Damn (About Your Feller Man Pts 1 & 2)' (Estill / USA / 1960s / Ex+) £50 £25 RareTexan Deep Funk 7" – so, so hard to find clean like this one is….this is thefirst issue of this, both Phil-La and Shadow presses came later – this is alosthe harder mix with those heavy drums right up in the mix…pure "black" music… )

Chuck Corby & Quiet Storm 'Sometimes Baby' (Fee Bee / USA / 1970s /Ex+) £10 £5

( Nice little 70s floater on this highly-collectable label – beautiful copyhere…. )

Joe Brown & The Soul Eldorados 'Vibration Pts 1 & 2′(F.F.A.M / USA/ 1970s / M-) £125 £100

( The ultimate 'Sweet With A Beat' soul 45 – first turned up byDigger #1, Dante Carfagna and was @ $350 45 on sites like Craig Moerer's sitebut is now completely dried up…very fair price here for a stunning copy of akiller 45…appears to be unplayed… )

Tyrone (The Wonder Boy) 'You Made Me Suffer' / 'Please Consider Me' (Four Brothers / USA/ 1960s / M-) £30 £20

( M- unplayed copy of this highly indemand, high-octane Rn'B version of theAndrew Brown Funk biggie – did I mention that this was unplayed…? This isactually a very, very young Tyrone Davis on vocals…he must be around 14 / 15 onthis…have a listen below…..drill hole to label otherwise A-1… )

Rudy Ludaway 'What's Wrong Baby' / 'Trying To Make It Home'(Galico / USA / 1960s / Ex+) £75 £40

( Rare, rare Xover tune here – haunting midpacer and here on a lovelyblack/white DJ copy too – has to be rare…? Much tougher to find than the laterUA major label press – flip is also a killer deepie and equally collectable… )

Hokis Pokis 'Keep On Rollin' (voc/inst) (Galiko / USA / 1970s /Ex+/M-) £50 £25

( Definitely the same group that also did 'Nowhere' , 'Swing'and 'Get-Cha Girl' – you just cannot mistake the lead singers voice and thistune has that same hammering backbeat that features in all of their tunes –again – it's Disco all the way with some great keys, high-pitched brass and oneof the craziest Moog solos ever near the end…definitely their rarest releaseand mastered @ 33 for added uniqueness – solid centre disc in a hand-drawn picsleeve too…Recommended…amazing condition… )


Lee Bernard 'Turn Around And Go' / 'Our Love Will Always Be'(Goldband / USA / 1960s / M-) £50 £30

( 'Nuther good (and very rare) double-sider, topside is nice Funk with goodbrass and some big drums while the flip is awesome Deep Soul – same N'Awlinslabel as the currently indemand Count Rockin Sidney 'Dedie Dedie Da' piece…. )

Rick James 'Fool On The Street' (Gordy / USA / 1979 / Ex+) £10 £5

( This tune will always be dear to my heart…fond memories of the Morecambe Pierall nighters in the early-80s…gorgeous issue copy here… )

Junior Parker 'I Like Your Style' / 'I Need Love So Bad' (GrooveMerchant / USA / 1970s / Ex+) £10 £5

( Tuff one on Junior – here's a grat version of the Lee 'Shot' Williams cut –done in a nice, funky R&B style that sounds just right for today'sdancefloors – flip is more kinda 'traditional' JP style – still a goodie – tinywarp but don't affect play… )

Victory Travellers 'Power Lord' / 'Something Inside Me' (H.O.B /USA / 1975 / Ex+) £40 £25

( Excellent and highly infectious Gospel Funker as recentlycomped on the HUGE 'Gospel Funk' comp…did ya know that HOB was a subsidiary of Sceptre? Well – ya do now…light scuffs here and there – fat bassline… )

Ray Johnson and his Group 'Kinda Groovy' / 'Soul City'(Infinity / USA/ 1960s / VG+) £20 £10

( Rare instrumental, keys-led, Funky Latin double-sider whichvery, very rarely turns up – very much in that 'Green Onions' bag with killerkeys, scratch-scratch guitar and parping basslines…excellent stuff…few scuffs /marks on wax – plays a whole grade better… )

Jah Walton 'Gourmandiser' / 'Version' (Joe Gibbs / Jamaica /1970s / Ex+) £30 £15

( Beautiful copy of this extra-rare Joe Gibbs Pre – I was AMAZED to pick thisoriginal up at all – let alone in the stunning condition this one is in…theVersion on the flip is the LIVING lick too…Jah Bless..!! )

Lancelot Layne 'Yo Tink It Sorf' / 'Chant' (Jumbie Bread / Trinidad / 1970s / Ex+) £90 £75

( Monster double-header outta Trinidad which fuses TropicalSoul, Caribbean Funk and even Rapso to GREAT effect…comped by Strut Records on'Calypsoul' and pushing £150 on the evil bay as we speak…MASSIVE…flip is alsovery, very good… in fact – I think it's better…)

Jeff Adams 'Where Did The Good Times Go' (Voc/Inst) (Kangi /Canada / 1974 / Ex+) £40 £30

( Sublime and gorgeous Modern Soul obscurity from Ontario, Canada…lovelyblack/white demo copy here too.. )

Albert Jones 'Unity' (Kapp / USA / 1960s / Ex) £50 £35

( Gorgeous Xover from this ever-reliable talent – he's done some absolutelycracking stuff for us, hasn't he? This one is a total delight too – gorgeousmidpaced backing and AJ's lovely, restrained vox floating over the top…lovelyWD copy here with just a few marks / scuffs here and there…wonderful 7"… )


Lester Sterling 'Casa Blanca'(The Sidewinder) / 'St. John's Rock' (Kaya / Jamaica / 1960s/ Ex+) £50 £25

( Now – here's a rarie! I've been looking for this record for years and yearsand years – I had a battered copy about 10 years ago and it went very quickly –this THE first copy I've seen hid-or-hair of from that day to this…just afantastic tune – it's actually a (thinly disguised!) Reggae version to LeeMorgan's biggie – both sides completely SMASH it.….exemplary condition… )


Roberta Dubois 'Who Am I' (King / USA / 1960s / Ex+) £20 £10

( Unusual King WD S/S copy of this rollocking soulful R&B tune which buildsup a good old head of steam…rare James Brown production… )

Kay Robinson 'The Lord Will Find A Way Somehow Pt 1′ / 'Got To Keep OnTravelling' (King / USA/ 1970s / Ex+) £75 £60

( One of THE rarest JB productions out there – great copy of a7″ that very rarely comes up for sale nowadays…stunning Gospel-infused FunkySoul – flip here will also blow you away…best copy I've ever had / seen… )

Tapper Zukie 'Ten Against One' / 'Rockers' (Klik / UK / 1976 /Ex+) £20 £10

( 2 classic / quality sides from the man which are EXTREMELY hard to find innice shape – peaktime Rockers tunes, both – lovely shape – so many great Reggaereleases came on Klik…lovely copy here… )



Ray & The Corruptors 'Funky Time' / 'Dippy Feeling' (Kwaku /USA/ 1970s / Ex+) £10 £5

( Good, chugging Disco / Funk on both sides which I can also remember beingvery popular too during the 'Rare Groove' days of the late-80s/early-90s too… )

Chick Willis 'Stoop Down Baby' (La Val / USA / 1960s /Ex+) £8 £4

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