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100 Club To Close By Xmas


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I'm lcoated in the US but I'd love to put out a 45 on my label and donate the profits to an organization that wants to save the 100 Club! I've only been to London a handful of time and never to the 100 Club but the stories, club nights, and artists that have performed there are amazing! Keep the legend alive!

So if anyone has any contact info to the club owners/promoters or any ideas on what would make a classic 100 Club 45 please PM me or hit me up at info@culturesofsoul.com

There is a save the 100 club site on facebook,sure you can get all details there and contacts etc.

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I just caught the end of a piece about the 100 Club on BBC London news this morning. Anybody see the whole thing?

didnt see it on the tv, but heard it on bbc london radio news[every hour on the hour] didnt say anything new apart from ken livingstone has joined the fight to keep it open.

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Guest Soul 4 Ever

Just registered and this is my first post.

The 100 Club was my highlight in any month as a young souly to attend from the late 80`s onwards.

I just can`t believe it will soon be gone for ever !!

As others have mentioned memories will last forever and a day but still very sad news indeed.

I hope to post more but with more cheerful stories etc.


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Just registered and this is my first post.

The 100 Club was my highlight in any month as a young souly to attend from the late 80`s onwards.

I just can`t believe it will soon be gone for ever !!

As others have mentioned memories will last forever and a day but still very sad news indeed.

I hope to post more but with more cheerful stories etc.


Eh up Richard, it ain't gone yet mate! Think pos dude.. wink.gif

Welcome to Soul Source btw. :hatsoff2:

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Guest son of stan


Oh my God what is wrong with them? I mean that end of Oxford Street has always been a bit crap and needs some kind of regeneration. But who wants to live in, or visit, a world that looks like *that*?!? Looks like the architect thought post war East German architecture, "a bit too fancy".

Btw. Does anyone know what the point of the "Cross Rail"is? No one I've spoken to about it does... It will go from Maidenhead to Shenfield.... Not a journey I have ever had the need to attempt (thank Buddah).

The (excellent) BBC London 94.9 are starting to put some heat under the 100 Club closure. They featured Ken's contribution on their news bulletin all day. And Robert Elms has got something about it on his show tomorrow.

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Oh my God what is wrong with them? I mean that end of Oxford Street has always been a bit crap and needs some kind of regeneration. But who wants to live in, or visit, a world that looks like *that*?!? Looks like the architect thought post war East German architecture, "a bit too fancy".

Btw. Does anyone know what the point of the "Cross Rail"is? No one I've spoken to about it does... It will go from Maidenhead to Shenfield.... Not a journey I have ever had the need to attempt (thank Buddah).

The (excellent) BBC London 94.9 are starting to put some heat under the 100 Club closure. They featured Ken's contribution on their news bulletin all day. And Robert Elms has got something about it on his show tomorrow.

The point of Crossrail seems to be about regenerating the area i.e. create money for a select few. The Astoria was another venue sacrificed for this white elephant.

Maidenhead to Shenfield ? Unless Ady relocates 6ts to a venue between the two I'm sure I'll never use it :thumbsup:

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Maidenhead to Shenfield ? Unless Ady relocates 6ts to a venue between the two I'm sure I'll never use it :)

your be going to both those places soon dave to watch football :hatsoff2:

Thats a big possibilty Martin.....I wonder if we'll still be getting bigger crowds than the team that have been top of the Championship almost all season while we languish in the 3rd :wave:

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For what it's worth, here's my fivepenneth worth :-

I've been attending the "Club" since 1982 when Tony and Mick Maguire took me along as a bright eyed 21 year old. I've been a "semi" regular since then, missing out chunks due to health issues etc. So I understand the heritage of the club from a 6T's side. I experienced the fantastic days of Ian Clark, Shifty, Irish Greg and more recently Butch and Keith Money. Praise to Adey for his amazing endurance and patience (I've only known him to miss one all-nighter!)

But to get to the point - the All-Nighters were struggling badly earlier on this year as we all know. Things picked up after Mr C's appeal to support the club or it could close anyway, but I seriously wonder if sufficient numbers would be maintained even if the club survived. For a start the admission would have to go up to cover the extra costs we are hearing about and you will still have a problem with an early finish putting off punters coming by train because of the long wait in the morning. I also think the change of opening times has had a detrimental effect (I liked the idea at first) as a 10pm opening time attracts the tourists and undesirables. Admittedly, there has always been an element of "strange" characters but nowadays it's more your group of lads on the p*ss who probably wouldn't be on Oxford St at 1am on a Sunday morning. I have been told that even a lot of the London soulies have stopped going because of this reason.

My solution (wait for the gasps of horror) MOVE ON!!! Find somewhere slightly off the beaten track, with a better dance floor, toilets and a later finishing time. I know lots of you will disagree but I think there are as many valid reasons to move to a different club as there are to keep it open (at least as the All-Nighter venue)

Even if the club survives I will still attend when I can but I honestly think it's time to "Just Say Goodbye" to that little place affectionately known as "The Club"

Mark C (Norwich)

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Guest aintgotit

I've frequented the 100 Club since 1979 (Mod Revival days) and I've dj'd there with bands quite a few times in the last 15 years. I love the place, on a great night the atmosphere is electric due to the unique shape and make up on the space.

Having said that I think the main reason the club will close is it's close promixty to the new Tottenham Court Road Cross Rail Station, it's right opposite. The block opposite has been demolished and the redevelopment of east Oxford Street means value and rents of building will be very high. Here's a scan from today's Metro showing what the station will look like::


Mmm, thats lovely ,bet its nice and warm in there, and is that the smeel of coffee and bread coming from insde? its so , ,, unlike any other building anywhere , ever? fabuous, a triumph.

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A short documentary for the Save The 100 Club campaign

this is an important and pivotal moment...many more people will sit up and pay attention on viewing this highly polished photogenic statement.

ive chipped in here well down the line where the varying correspondance is concerned, although i have reviewed the debate from time to time, and i must say i am confused by some of the apathy and negativity expressed....like the outcome is just accepted as being so. the bigger picture is about saving the club for ALL musical genres...our beloved northern soul scene is merely a piece of the jigsaw that makes the 100 club a unique cosmopolitan oasis for music lovers of every bent to frequent...its looks, breathes and smells of history, the epitomical music track of a nations life. of course ady can go off and find another venue, like any other promoter....no sweat, but he aint gonna find another jewell like this in the heart of the city, with a name that resonates and puts a lump in the throat of the punters or makes the hairs bristle on the backs of their necks....and its the same feeling for the myriad of punters who attend the live gigs year in, year out, supporting the bands in a venue that puts people at ease but, at the same time, makes them feel a sense of privelage at being on hallowed ground in the company of the contemporary greats who have graced the 100 club with their presence over 60 years.

i havent visited for 8 years and thats obviously not a solitary confession here, of course, im still aware of it and having been in attendance at the beginning of the millenium, its imprinted on my grey matter...i'll not forget just how special it was at that time and, even in my absence, still is.

half a million is chicken feed to many of the high rollers who began their careers at the 100 club, so its a distinct possibility that this hurdle should be overcome quite easily.......provided someone steps forward/wants to...in their consciences they should certainly consider they owe the club that much....at least. its totally irrelevant, bleating about not having a soul night, great as it is, it pales into insignificance when you consider how huge a landmark the venue is on a global music scale. its an integral benchmark for bands/artists to pass the acid test, getting a good review in this place is the perfect passport to success.

so, it HAS to be saved, no matter that the clock is ticking...IT HAS TO and when all the fuss and bother has died down, the doubters and pessimists amongst us who have professed words of doom and gloom and " SO WHAT,...GET OVER IT" will all go back to being smiley happy people, safe in the knowledge they can bury their hypocracy in the darkest recesses of the club they REALLY do love....the ONE AND ONLY 100 CLUB.

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Yes, they've weathered the immediate threat, but still a long way to go, so get your fine self down there.

big up for you personally mate, because where this venue is concerned, you wear your heart on your sleeve...thats how passionate you are about it.....and a big thumbs up to music in general......OH,.....AND A BIG TWO FINGERS TO THE " SO WHAT...ITS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD, IS IT?" BRIGADE.

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Great news that the December niter is going ahead Ady.

My grandparents & parents before me attended the 100 Club and it feels like part of the fabric of my life, I'd hate to see it go.

More importantly I've already booked a hair appointment for the Christmas party, so I hope to God you can keep it hanging together until then Ady :D

Tee x

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Great news that the December niter is going ahead Ady.

My grandparents & parents before me attended the 100 Club and it feels like part of the fabric of my life, I'd hate to see it go.

More importantly I've already booked a hair appointment for the Christmas party, so I hope to God you can keep it hanging together until then Ady :hatsoff2:

Tee x

Your hair or the club?

Both I'm sure will be luxuriant come the 23rd

Ady X

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Guest Leona M

To play at the 100 club is something special....

Hope to add to what is a fine line up..

Some big efforts by folk in support of " SAVE THE 100 CLUB "..... :thumbsup:

See you all on the night, got some good support from oooooop North....

As fellow Mancs we'll be looking forward to the invasion of Northerners at the next 100 club!yes.gif

The last one was pretty special ... a few tears were shed and we had a few "moments" on the dance floor.

We can't necessarily halt the march of "progression" or redevelopment but we can be grateful that we are part of this big beautiful Soul Family wub.gif

See you there our kid x

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  • 2 weeks later...


I can't believe the coverage the 100 Club has been getting on both ITV and BBC news today. Tremendous stuff!

Ronnie Wood and Mick Taylor from the Stones rolled out and got all the press and TV coverage and the slots were great and were obviously heartfelt pleas to take the issue seriously.

Whoever organised this deserves a pat on the back. This has propelled the issue into the mainstream and given the media a good angle and a good cause to promote in the season of goodwill.

Excellent PR and this could really help the situation. Watch the papers tomorrow!

And expect some press types at the next Northern event!

All good!

Ian D :hatsoff2:

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  • 2 weeks later...

£60.00 a Ticket........... anyone know if this went to the 100 or did he trouser it?.

Breaking News

McCartney plays gig at 100 Club

27 mins ago

Sir Paul McCartney turned back the clock as he returned to the days of playing cramped, sweaty bars with a lunchtime show at London's famed 100 Club.

298753258-mccartney-plays-gig-100-club.jpg?x=310&y=231&q=75&wc=385&hc=288&xc=26&yc=1&sig=fUgXFdX.4BViNe58zk1Njg--#310,231 McCartney plays gig at 100 Club Enlarge photo

The music legend played to little more than 300 people in the heaving basement venue - renowned as a hotbed for punk in the 1970s.

It was Sir Paul's tiniest club show since he played Liverpool's Cavern in 1999, and was designed partly as a warm-up for a pair of Christmas shows, as well as to show his support for the venue which could close because of a huge rent rise.

The show was also a return to his early days as a musician, learning his craft with The Beatles with endless hours of performing in bars in Hamburg and Liverpool before landing a record deal.

After walking to the stage with his band performing an a cappella Hey Jude, Sir Paul asked fans: "Who wants to save the 100 Club?". But the lunchtime start seemed to be a slight shock to the system. "It's too early for this," he joked.

The star opened the show with Matchbox, then launched into Beatles hit Magical Mystery Tour for the cheering standing room-only crowd who had paid £60 each for tickets.

Sir Paul, dressed in a pale shirt and grey waistcoat acknowledged the contrast with the snow on London's Oxford Street outside the venue, saying: "It's snowing outside, freezing cold - and it's boiling in here."

Sir Paul played almost 30 songs during the 110-minute performance, including well-loved Beatles tracks such as Eleanor Rigby, Yesterday and And I Love Her. As he performed an energetic version of Wings song Band On The Run, his face was dripping and he asked the audience: "Are you sweating at the back?"

He also drew attention to the possible closure of the venue, which has been a home for jazz, blues and punk since it opened in the 1940s but is now fighting for its survival, saying: "It's a great gig for us and many bands - so I think, please, Mr 100 try and save it, because it's a really class place, this."

He rounded off the performance with his four-piece band with a version of Sgt Pepper's Loney Hearts Club Band before slipping into a section of the long medley from Abbey Road, and finishing with The End

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£60.00 a Ticket........... anyone know if this went to the 100 or did he trouser it?.

Breaking News

McCartney plays gig at 100 Club

27 mins ago

Sir Paul McCartney turned back the clock as he returned to the days of playing cramped, sweaty bars with a lunchtime show at London's famed 100 Club.

298753258-mccartney-plays-gig-100-club.jpg?x=310&y=231&q=75&wc=385&hc=288&xc=26&yc=1&sig=fUgXFdX.4BViNe58zk1Njg--#310,231 McCartney plays gig at 100 Club Enlarge photo

The music legend played to little more than 300 people in the heaving basement venue - renowned as a hotbed for punk in the 1970s.

It was Sir Paul's tiniest club show since he played Liverpool's Cavern in 1999, and was designed partly as a warm-up for a pair of Christmas shows, as well as to show his support for the venue which could close because of a huge rent rise.

The show was also a return to his early days as a musician, learning his craft with The Beatles with endless hours of performing in bars in Hamburg and Liverpool before landing a record deal.

After walking to the stage with his band performing an a cappella Hey Jude, Sir Paul asked fans: "Who wants to save the 100 Club?". But the lunchtime start seemed to be a slight shock to the system. "It's too early for this," he joked.

The star opened the show with Matchbox, then launched into Beatles hit Magical Mystery Tour for the cheering standing room-only crowd who had paid £60 each for tickets.

Sir Paul, dressed in a pale shirt and grey waistcoat acknowledged the contrast with the snow on London's Oxford Street outside the venue, saying: "It's snowing outside, freezing cold - and it's boiling in here."

Sir Paul played almost 30 songs during the 110-minute performance, including well-loved Beatles tracks such as Eleanor Rigby, Yesterday and And I Love Her. As he performed an energetic version of Wings song Band On The Run, his face was dripping and he asked the audience: "Are you sweating at the back?"

He also drew attention to the possible closure of the venue, which has been a home for jazz, blues and punk since it opened in the 1940s but is now fighting for its survival, saying: "It's a great gig for us and many bands - so I think, please, Mr 100 try and save it, because it's a really class place, this."

He rounded off the performance with his four-piece band with a version of Sgt Pepper's Loney Hearts Club Band before slipping into a section of the long medley from Abbey Road, and finishing with The End

Knowing him Gave he would have pocketed the cash, if there's one thing Macca loves and that's the colour of money



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