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Dj's Playing For Themselves

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Interesting phrase don't ya think.

Heard it once or twice down the years:lol:

Heard it again today, and thought about it a bit- and was gonna have a bit of a rant,


What's wrong with playing something you like and believe in and think needs a bit of exposure, or reactivating or whatever.??

Or I am wrong(again)


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suppose it can be ok for a dj to play to himself provided what he plays is in tune with the punters but any good dj will or should know what the punters will accept or dance to at the event at which he or she is to dj at.

for me the worst thing a dj can do is to play is spot and disregard the punters and indulge in his or hers own collection,

I go out to listen and dance to the music and if the music is ok then fair enough but if the dj has tumbleweed rolling across the dancefloor then they should do something about it , either play to the punters or get down and let someone else do the job

cheers b

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I got accused of it last week with 300 people on the dancefloor! Guy was talking bollocks of course. Fact is, if you're a DJ it's your job to keep people interested, create the right atmosphere and keep the dancefloor lively. It obviously helps if your taste happens to appeal to the vast majority of the audience, otherwise you might just as well invite some mates around for a pint and a listening session............

Ian D :thumbsup:

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Guest Matt Male

What's wrong with playing something you like and believe in and think needs a bit of exposure, or reactivating or whatever.??

Or I am wrong(again)


Not wrong at all Tony. That's what it used to be all about, DJs with balls breaking new stuff or rarely played stuff to a dancefloor that wanted to hear new stuff and was prepared to listen. Not the frightened rabbits we have thesedays scared to play anything that might upset a few people or half the dancers and sticking to the same old shit week in week out.

I agree with Barney, a good DJ will know what the dancefloor at the venue will accept or they should refuse the booking. Unfortunately lots of DJs don't give the dancers credit and play far too safe all the time. Most dancers at most events will dance to a far wider range of stuff than most DJs play, but like i said, they are scared to try things out so the poor old dancers get stuck with the same old same old.

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I think a player should have their own style , which is why you book them surley otherwise we could clone Dj's ?

Having said that it is good to have an appreciation of what might encourage poeple to dance. Nothing worse than playing tunes that people just can't dance to, it being a complete set of ballads ( i have suffered this and wanted to make a sharp exit after feeling pretty depressed and almost sleepy ) or a constant " too fast "set can be just as bad and have you reaching for the asprin and a quiet corner.

For me tempos have to be mixed to make it enjoyable and exciting.

Another thing I will mention if every dj played what was popular and they all had the top ten current biggies , wouldn't life be boring after a month or two of hearing them everywhere. This can apply to newer sounds too .Working the floor in this way means anyone could do it if they had a big chequebook . Easiest thing in the world playing tried and tested material.

I admire the person that listens in their own right to a wide variety of material from a wide variety of sources and selects to share with others something that they believe in.

So I vote for individuality and encourage the dj to play for him/her self , show me their choice of play and if I don't like it I just don't make the effort in attending functions that they play at ...or skip their set , you normaly find more than one dj is on so take a break while they are on.

Edited by Carms
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Personally I think over the years the soul scene has fragmented into various styles of soul-nights and to some extent All-Nighters . As for the underplayed/rare and x/over scene I would say yes play for yourself , you may have records that I/we have not heard for many a moon and no matter what its a soul record , we may not dance to it but we will listen to it and give it the thumbs up or down . If it's up then its on your wants list , thank you very much Mr DJ.

As for the Oldies side of the scene then certainly not , you play to the floor , you would never get away with trying something different , but hey-ho thats the scene and it is much love by many punters .

Just my opionion and not a knock at any section of the scene

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Guest Bearsy

suppose it can be ok for a dj to play to himself provided what he plays is in tune with the punters but any good dj will or should know what the punters will accept or dance to at the event at which he or she is to dj at.

for me the worst thing a dj can do is to play is spot and disregard the punters and indulge in his or hers own collection,

I go out to listen and dance to the music and if the music is ok then fair enough but if the dj has tumbleweed rolling across the dancefloor then they should do something about it , either play to the punters or get down and let someone else do the job

cheers b

Some djs would be better playing out of other djs collections :yes:

I always play to myself and just hope those there enjoy it as much as me :thumbup:

saying that i wouldnt dj anywhere that my music wasnt suited for unlike lots of djs that will dj anywhere just to be able to dj and thats where the problem with djs not being right for that event and getting it all wrong cos they think they are the dogs danglies and the worlds greatest dj, blame the promoters and the djs if the music played aint right for a said event cos they are probably mates returning favours for a dj spot :)

as for the dancers :thumbsup: i keep hearing that dancers like to dance :D but often dont cos they dont know a tune :lol: weirdos the lot of em :thumbup:

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Surely the determining factor is the wether the DJ is playing the kind of set he was booked to play? Which, of course, puts the onus on the promoter to pick his DJ's logically. That said, if for whatever reason a fella's set is dying on it's arse and the peasants are revolting, it's in everyone's interest he either takes control or let's the next guy on a bit earlier.

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suppose it can be ok for a dj to play to himself provided what he plays is in tune with the punters but any good dj will or should know what the punters will accept or dance to at the event at which he or she is to dj at.

for me the worst thing a dj can do is to play is spot and disregard the punters and indulge in his or hers own collection,

I go out to listen and dance to the music and if the music is ok then fair enough but if the dj has tumbleweed rolling across the dancefloor then they should do something about it , either play to the punters or get down and let someone else do the job

cheers b

good points but i must add that there are people,me included who want to hear the slower tumbleweed stuff,im just as happy to listen to a brill midtempo xover tune with hardly anyone on the dancefloor as i am listening to a full throttle dancer, and im certainly not the only one, this is why stafford was so special to me,the only example i can give is usos in walsall,djs playing all styles are booked and i expect to be educated with tunes i hadnt heard before no matter what the tempo,and usos delivers every time,whils there not so long ago a guy played the dynamics-lonely man and although difficult to dance to it was one of the most soulful tunes i ever heard,gut wrenching soul, spose my point is do a little homework of the djs booked before you attend the venue and you will have a good idea wat to expect,just my opinion of course


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Interesting phrase don't ya think.

Heard it once or twice down the years:lol:

Heard it again today, and thought about it a bit- and was gonna have a bit of a rant,


What's wrong with playing something you like and believe in and think needs a bit of exposure, or reactivating or whatever.??

Or I am wrong(again)


Always a tricky one this! you will always play your favourite tunes / Biggies but the Dancefloor will tell you whether you have got it right or wrong anyone can make a mistake! but not for an hour! and remember the people who are dancing are the ones paying the DJ's wages. A lot also depends on the kind of venue etc . eg an oldies night will not except an empty dancefloor for long, whereas an underplayed oldies/ new sixties/ rare etc are more susceptible to change and will endure more if the quality is right. It's ok to drop the odd one in your set but not to try and play an hour of unkowns! you know that some people are slow to change there ways! This is just my humble opinion. Atb John.

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Always a tricky one this! you will always play your favourite tunes / Biggies but the Dancefloor will tell you whether you have got it right or wrong anyone can make a mistake! but not for an hour! and remember the people who are dancing are the ones paying the DJ's wages. A lot also depends on the kind of venue etc . eg an oldies night will not except an empty dancefloor for long, whereas an underplayed oldies/ new sixties/ rare etc are more susceptible to change and will endure more if the quality is right. It's ok to drop the odd one in your set but not to try and play an hour of unkowns! you know that some people are slow to change there ways! This is just my humble opinion. Atb John.

Hi,although i agree thats true at some venues,no-one wants a dj to play a set "by numbers".If taken to an extreme,the "punters" may as well be surveyed on what they expect to hear - and the dj should provide just those tunes.

Good thing Searling,Curtis,Levine etc and the guys before them did'nt take a survey:lol: .

Viva le Resistance !!!!

Not a dig at you btw John.:boxing:

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Hi,although i agree thats true at some venues,no-one wants a dj to play a set "by numbers".If taken to an extreme,the "punters" may as well be surveyed on what they expect to hear - and the dj should provide just those tunes.

Good thing Searling,Curtis,Levine etc and the guys before them did'nt take a survey:lol: .

Viva le Resistance !!!!

Not a dig at you btw John.:boxing:

I know what your saying but some people were quite prepared to dance to anything back in the day! it seems now that if they don't know the words off by heart they won't dance!! I do try to mix it up myself !!! if you saw my playbox you would have a fit!! thinking what the hell's that doing in here etc as I try to cover most thing's in a box of 160 X 45's as I don't like moving home just to play a 1 hour spot!! and I also think about other DJ's getting there boxes behind the decks. Atb John :wave:

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Always a tricky one this! you will always play your favourite tunes / Biggies but the Dancefloor will tell you whether you have got it right or wrong anyone can make a mistake! but not for an hour! and remember the people who are dancing are the ones paying the DJ's wages. A lot also depends on the kind of venue etc . eg an oldies night will not except an empty dancefloor for long, whereas an underplayed oldies/ new sixties/ rare etc are more susceptible to change and will endure more if the quality is right. It's ok to drop the odd one in your set but not to try and play an hour of unkowns! you know that some people are slow to change there ways! This is just my humble opinion. Atb John.

what wages ? steady on john 3 pints and a bag of salt n viniger .who's getting more than that then :boxing::wave: not around our way

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Most promoters have heard you DJ before they ask you to guest surely so they have a good idea what kinda thing you play. I'm not saying you should just ignore the dancers and punters but theres little point in totally changing from your normal taste in tunes is there ?

Hi Phil, Your right in what you're saying but some guy's get to a venue and suddenly decide to play all there rarest stuff because a few of there mates have turned up!! but as you rightly say the promoters should already know what to expect and it's down to them, That said I know promoters that DJ and they seem quite content to play to an empty dancefloor then complain about the numbers being down!!! Their choice!! And if you have big Phil T on then you know its gonna be on the rare side!! I hope your keeping well mate Atb John

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Their choice!! And if you have big Phil T on then you know its gonna be on the rare side!! I hope your keeping well mate Atb John

Hi John I'm good

And we don't get to hear Phil T dj nearly enough...a man with top tunes :boxing:

Phil, You're bang on with Mr t 's tunes if you where £10 behind his playbox you'd be a wealthy man!! :lol::D:wave:

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nothing wrong - it is the promoters fault for booking the wrong DJ

No need to say anything else Dave:thumbsup:

Promotors ,just like football managers...they pick the team fro the occasion ,if it does'nt work ,then they should take the flack .

THe best venue's in this country and anywhere in the world live and die by the expertise of the promotor....not the dj!

Unless of course we are talking about knees up mother brown ,top 500 venues, where ,"you give me a spot at your venue ,and i'll return the favour at my venue " is the order of the night :boxing:

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Guest gordon russell

promoters are the key .....they should put the right dj on at the right time........no good putting a floaty floaty fella at 5 in the morning or an uptempo fella on at openning time........trouble is promoters just put on names.........and when their venue is killed stone dead.........they pathetically tell you "l just let em play what they want"......not all soul is dance music,some is just for chilling........so no no for a dance venue.........it,s not the name of the dj that is important it,s what their preference is SO PUT EM ON WHERE THEIR PREFERENCE SUITS THE TIME OF NIGHT..............OR NOT AT ALL:yes:

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Guest gordon russell

remember there are djs who will dj for the devil at any sh*t hole on earth but, it,s the promoters job to decide if they fit the bill............come to that if they're any f**king good at all :no:

remember also there are promoters who will book a dj regardless as to wether they've even heard their set no no

and there are promoters who will book record players......that they feel will fill their venue regardless of what they play

lastly there are promoters who care and book dj,s who compliment one another allowing the music to flow all night.......by the way THAT AINT CALLED ACROSS THE BOARD :yes:

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My views are that the soul scene is fuelled by passion. Therefore, the DJ's will be collecting and playing stuff they really like and wish to share with us. So, we're going to hear the records they like. And I like that.

I know which DJ's lean toward the kind of records I like and tend to attend venues where those DJ's are playing.

I know I've been vocal about not bothering about original vinyl but I think I really do display a vein of hypocrisy where soul events are concerned because if it's an original vinyl only event you know you're going to get a fantastic plethora of different sounds unlike a CD or boot friendly event where they tend to play biggies they can't afford or get.

I can live with my hypocrisy on that level :no:

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I think the promoters do have a major part to play in booking the right dj for there night's but dj's should also know what venue they are visiting, it would also help if they turned up more then just a few minutes before they are due on so can get a feel for what's working & what's not.When someone dj's some of there personality should come through, so within an hours set there is room for them to champion a few tunes & punters should allow them to do this as it might be a sound that blows them away?I think dj & dancer should respect each other instead of wanting to slag each other off if it isn't perfect for the full hour??

I've found a foolproof system...........I dj to my wife which means I get at least one on the dancefloor & she's got far better taste then me so there's usually plenty on the dancefloor :no::yes:



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It's strange though Martyn, because I've attended venues where the music is 'cream your pants time' yet no one 'cept me and a couple of others on the floor. Doesn't mean they're bad or unacceptable records, just means that many prefer not to dance. Maybe they like to mess themselves on the sidelines :no:

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Just wonder how Butch would go down at some of the venues i've attended ,where people who dont know a particular record say....

" whats this sh**e ive never heard it before":no:

That one always cracks me up!

Does Butch play to himself ?

he's broke a lot of unknown choons in his time :yes:

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Just wonder how Butch would go down at some of the venues i've attended ,where people who dont know a particular record say....

" whats this sh**e ive never heard it before":no:

That one always cracks me up!

Does Butch play to himself ?

he's broke a lot of unknown choons in his time :yes:

Sometimes I find Butch quite annoying with his untethered and fragmented sets but sometimes they can be very exciting.

I've learned, over the last 3 years at least, that people are very much driven by hormones.... ok, just me then :yes:

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Collecting and playing to myself does me nowadays....My dog loves all the tunes I play unreservedly....whilst the wife does the ironing....can't go wrong:yes:

What a charmed life you have Wilxy :no:

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Sometimes I find Butch quite annoying with his untethered and fragmented sets but sometimes they can be very exciting.

I've learned, over the last 3 years at least, that people are very much driven by hormones.... ok, just me then :no:

Pehaps it's only annoying because he's playing sounds that the punters are asking him to play and i thought hormones was only a female thing.

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Guest martyn

I would think that all the top DJs SHOULD play for themselves . The only reason records get broken on the scene is because someone is stuborn enough & has a big enough ego to keep playing to an empty floor once in a while .:D

We all surely remember some of the so called overplayed oldies emptying the floor untill everyone had got used to them ?:lol:

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I'm pretty sure Butch isn't playing anything people are asking for Potter.... really.

Just realised your back on Karen......nice to have you back:wave:

Reading throught the posts ,your starting to mellow ............or are you just easing back in:wicked:

Back on track :- DJ'S PLAYING TO THEMSELVES:g:

Have to say ..this is the most annoying clich'e on the soul scene for me

To try and justify or even clarify things from a dj perspective ,well from a "small time" dj/collector point of view

I buy records that i happen to think are fantastic and represent my taste in the rare soul scene....

things that i've heard that i feel deserve to be shared with other members of the scene .

When given the chance to dj,which is'nt every week ,maybe not even once a month ,i want to play records that excite me ,records that i can't wait to put on the decks in the hope i'm not alone in my thinking ,that these are f**kin sublime to the ears .

Records that have taken painstaking hours/weeks /months or maybe yrs to find and then hopefully afford!

I honestly only buy records i like ,but when it comes to my next dj spot ....i listen hard and try to imagine how these sounds will go down in a venue ??

Is this one too slow ??,will it sound boring ??will this follow that ??etc etc

I know some people say ..." i never have a playlist before i go on the decks ", but i like to have an idea of what i'm gonna try and play .It does'nt ever happen that i play exactly what i thought i would .... i think it just makes me feel at ease,knowing i've got everything under control.

When i eventually get behind the decks ....the mood of the room is what influences me in my choices.

If it's after 9pm and people are dancing , i try to keep the tempo and slip in things from the list in my head ,as and where i can.

The reward for my efforts is when i see people enjoying the fruits of my labour ,be it by dancing or coming up to see me ,to say they really enjoyed it.

But the fact is ..i've never gone out and bought a record that i don't like ,just so i can be a dj .

I've dj'd at a few places where i've had people come up and say to me "play some northern ,i don't know this ,i want to have a dance " !

It's all part of the learning curve of finding out ,which places will and won't appreciate my style of music.

I honestly believe that most of the people i consider my friends on the scene ,that frequent the places i attend and those that allow me to spin a few records,are all of the same mind set...but then i could be just ignorant and narrow minded .

I don't aspire to be the next Searling or soul sam or butch or even ginger ...i have no desire to be the next best thing ....it's just something i got into along my journey ,something i enjoy and if it gives somebody else half as much pleasure as it does me ,then i'm a happy man.

My biggest influences are:-

1) the 1st time i ever heard "northern soul" ,back when i walked into a room and heard all these incredible sounds ,that i'd never heard before and thought "Wow ,this is f**kin awesome" ,that was back in the late 70's when admittedly it was a dance orientated scene

2) when i walked into the cumby arms after a 20yr absence and started to hear a different sound ,a sound that was so much more soulful ,records that made the hairs on my neck stand up ,as well as the ones that made me want to dance.

"HEARING NEW SOUNDS" has always been my biggest influence and is the only thing that keeps me interested today.

Too many people are quick to jump on the band wagon of judging some poor guy ,who had the balls to get up there and share what he/she has worked hard to put together, for 1hr of your precious time and enjoyment!

In my opinion, the people who moan about a certain dj ,who did'nt quite get it right on the night ,are the selfish ones .

For god sake a normal soul night starts at 7-30 and finsihes about 12-30 ,that makes for about 5 one hour dj slots??

Not everyone in the room likes modern all night ,same as not everyone likes oldies or Rnb etc etc, so why do some people expect to hear 5hrs of what they like and then when some dj plays something not to their taste,slag him/her off ,or even worse go up to the decks and remonstrate:ranting_1:

Ask yourself ,just who is playing to themselves :lol:


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Just realised your back on Karen......nice to have you back:wave:

Reading throught the posts ,your starting to mellow ............or are you just easing back in:wicked:

Back on track :- DJ'S PLAYING TO THEMSELVES:g:

Have to say ..this is the most annoying clich'e on the soul scene for me

To try and justify or even clarify things from a dj perspective ,well from a "small time" dj/collector point of view

I buy records that i happen to think are fantastic and represent my taste in the rare soul scene....

things that i've heard that i feel deserve to be shared with other members of the scene .

When given the chance to dj,which is'nt every week ,maybe not even once a month ,i want to play records that excite me ,records that i can't wait to put on the decks in the hope i'm not alone in my thinking ,that these are f**kin sublime to the ears .

Records that have taken painstaking hours/weeks /months or maybe yrs to find and then hopefully afford!

I honestly only buy records i like ,but when it comes to my next dj spot ....i listen hard and try to imagine how these sounds will go down in a venue ??

Is this one too slow ??,will it sound boring ??will this follow that ??etc etc

I know some people say ..." i never have a playlist before i go on the decks ", but i like to have an idea of what i'm gonna try and play .It does'nt ever happen that i play exactly what i thought i would .... i think it just makes me feel at ease,knowing i've got everything under control.

When i eventually get behind the decks ....the mood of the room is what influences me in my choices.

If it's after 9pm and people are dancing , i try to keep the tempo and slip in things from the list in my head ,as and where i can.

The reward for my efforts is when i see people enjoying the fruits of my labour ,be it by dancing or coming up to see me ,to say they really enjoyed it.

But the fact is ..i've never gone out and bought a record that i don't like ,just so i can be a dj .

I've dj'd at a few places where i've had people come up and say to me "play some northern ,i don't know this ,i want to have a dance " !

It's all part of the learning curve of finding out ,which places will and won't appreciate my style of music.

I honestly believe that most of the people i consider my friends on the scene ,that frequent the places i attend and those that allow me to spin a few records,are all of the same mind set...but then i could be just ignorant and narrow minded .

I don't aspire to be the next Searling or soul sam or butch or even ginger ...i have no desire to be the next best thing ....it's just something i got into along my journey ,something i enjoy and if it gives somebody else half as much pleasure as it does me ,then i'm a happy man.

My biggest influences are:-

1) the 1st time i ever heard "northern soul" ,back when i walked into a room and heard all these incredible sounds ,that i'd never heard before and thought "Wow ,this is f**kin awesome" ,that was back in the late 70's when admittedly it was a dance orientated scene

2) when i walked into the cumby arms after a 20yr absence and started to hear a different sound ,a sound that was so much more soulful ,records that made the hairs on my neck stand up ,as well as the ones that made me want to dance.

"HEARING NEW SOUNDS" has always been my biggest influence and is the only thing that keeps me interested today.

Too many people are quick to jump on the band wagon of judging some poor guy ,who had the balls to get up there and share what he/she has worked hard to put together, for 1hr of your precious time and enjoyment!

In my opinion, the people who moan about a certain dj ,who did'nt quite get it right on the night ,are the selfish ones .

For god sake a normal soul night starts at 7-30 and finsihes about 12-30 ,that makes for about 5 one hour dj slots??

Not everyone in the room likes modern all night ,same as not everyone likes oldies or Rnb etc etc, so why do some people expect to hear 5hrs of what they like and then when some dj plays something not to their taste,slag him/her off ,or even worse go up to the decks and remonstrate:ranting_1:

Ask yourself ,just who is playing to themselves :lol:


Very well Said


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Guest Matt Male

Just realised your back on Karen......nice to have you back:wave:

Reading throught the posts ,your starting to mellow ............or are you just easing back in:wicked:

Back on track :- DJ'S PLAYING TO THEMSELVES:g:

Have to say ..this is the most annoying clich'e on the soul scene for me

To try and justify or even clarify things from a dj perspective ,well from a "small time" dj/collector point of view

I buy records that i happen to think are fantastic and represent my taste in the rare soul scene....

things that i've heard that i feel deserve to be shared with other members of the scene .

When given the chance to dj,which is'nt every week ,maybe not even once a month ,i want to play records that excite me ,records that i can't wait to put on the decks in the hope i'm not alone in my thinking ,that these are f**kin sublime to the ears .

Records that have taken painstaking hours/weeks /months or maybe yrs to find and then hopefully afford!

I honestly only buy records i like ,but when it comes to my next dj spot ....i listen hard and try to imagine how these sounds will go down in a venue ??

Is this one too slow ??,will it sound boring ??will this follow that ??etc etc

I know some people say ..." i never have a playlist before i go on the decks ", but i like to have an idea of what i'm gonna try and play .It does'nt ever happen that i play exactly what i thought i would .... i think it just makes me feel at ease,knowing i've got everything under control.

When i eventually get behind the decks ....the mood of the room is what influences me in my choices.

If it's after 9pm and people are dancing , i try to keep the tempo and slip in things from the list in my head ,as and where i can.

The reward for my efforts is when i see people enjoying the fruits of my labour ,be it by dancing or coming up to see me ,to say they really enjoyed it.

But the fact is ..i've never gone out and bought a record that i don't like ,just so i can be a dj .

I've dj'd at a few places where i've had people come up and say to me "play some northern ,i don't know this ,i want to have a dance " !

It's all part of the learning curve of finding out ,which places will and won't appreciate my style of music.

I honestly believe that most of the people i consider my friends on the scene ,that frequent the places i attend and those that allow me to spin a few records,are all of the same mind set...but then i could be just ignorant and narrow minded .

I don't aspire to be the next Searling or soul sam or butch or even ginger ...i have no desire to be the next best thing ....it's just something i got into along my journey ,something i enjoy and if it gives somebody else half as much pleasure as it does me ,then i'm a happy man.

My biggest influences are:-

1) the 1st time i ever heard "northern soul" ,back when i walked into a room and heard all these incredible sounds ,that i'd never heard before and thought "Wow ,this is f**kin awesome" ,that was back in the late 70's when admittedly it was a dance orientated scene

2) when i walked into the cumby arms after a 20yr absence and started to hear a different sound ,a sound that was so much more soulful ,records that made the hairs on my neck stand up ,as well as the ones that made me want to dance.

"HEARING NEW SOUNDS" has always been my biggest influence and is the only thing that keeps me interested today.

Too many people are quick to jump on the band wagon of judging some poor guy ,who had the balls to get up there and share what he/she has worked hard to put together, for 1hr of your precious time and enjoyment!

In my opinion, the people who moan about a certain dj ,who did'nt quite get it right on the night ,are the selfish ones .

For god sake a normal soul night starts at 7-30 and finsihes about 12-30 ,that makes for about 5 one hour dj slots??

Not everyone in the room likes modern all night ,same as not everyone likes oldies or Rnb etc etc, so why do some people expect to hear 5hrs of what they like and then when some dj plays something not to their taste,slag him/her off ,or even worse go up to the decks and remonstrate:ranting_1:

Ask yourself ,just who is playing to themselves :lol:


Totally agree Nev. The people who use the tag 'DJs playing for themselves' are those people who can't be arsed to dance to or listen to anything outside their comfort zone.

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Just realised your back on Karen......nice to have you back:wave:

Reading throught the posts ,your starting to mellow ............or are you just easing back in:wicked:

Back on track :- DJ'S PLAYING TO THEMSELVES:g:

Have to say ..this is the most annoying clich'e on the soul scene for me

To try and justify or even clarify things from a dj perspective ,well from a "small time" dj/collector point of view

I buy records that i happen to think are fantastic and represent my taste in the rare soul scene....

things that i've heard that i feel deserve to be shared with other members of the scene .

When given the chance to dj,which is'nt every week ,maybe not even once a month ,i want to play records that excite me ,records that i can't wait to put on the decks in the hope i'm not alone in my thinking ,that these are f**kin sublime to the ears .

Records that have taken painstaking hours/weeks /months or maybe yrs to find and then hopefully afford!

I honestly only buy records i like ,but when it comes to my next dj spot ....i listen hard and try to imagine how these sounds will go down in a venue ??

Is this one too slow ??,will it sound boring ??will this follow that ??etc etc

I know some people say ..." i never have a playlist before i go on the decks ", but i like to have an idea of what i'm gonna try and play .It does'nt ever happen that i play exactly what i thought i would .... i think it just makes me feel at ease,knowing i've got everything under control.

When i eventually get behind the decks ....the mood of the room is what influences me in my choices.

If it's after 9pm and people are dancing , i try to keep the tempo and slip in things from the list in my head ,as and where i can.

The reward for my efforts is when i see people enjoying the fruits of my labour ,be it by dancing or coming up to see me ,to say they really enjoyed it.

But the fact is ..i've never gone out and bought a record that i don't like ,just so i can be a dj .

I've dj'd at a few places where i've had people come up and say to me "play some northern ,i don't know this ,i want to have a dance " !

It's all part of the learning curve of finding out ,which places will and won't appreciate my style of music.

I honestly believe that most of the people i consider my friends on the scene ,that frequent the places i attend and those that allow me to spin a few records,are all of the same mind set...but then i could be just ignorant and narrow minded .

I don't aspire to be the next Searling or soul sam or butch or even ginger ...i have no desire to be the next best thing ....it's just something i got into along my journey ,something i enjoy and if it gives somebody else half as much pleasure as it does me ,then i'm a happy man.

My biggest influences are:-

1) the 1st time i ever heard "northern soul" ,back when i walked into a room and heard all these incredible sounds ,that i'd never heard before and thought "Wow ,this is f**kin awesome" ,that was back in the late 70's when admittedly it was a dance orientated scene

2) when i walked into the cumby arms after a 20yr absence and started to hear a different sound ,a sound that was so much more soulful ,records that made the hairs on my neck stand up ,as well as the ones that made me want to dance.

"HEARING NEW SOUNDS" has always been my biggest influence and is the only thing that keeps me interested today.

Too many people are quick to jump on the band wagon of judging some poor guy ,who had the balls to get up there and share what he/she has worked hard to put together, for 1hr of your precious time and enjoyment!

In my opinion, the people who moan about a certain dj ,who did'nt quite get it right on the night ,are the selfish ones .

For god sake a normal soul night starts at 7-30 and finsihes about 12-30 ,that makes for about 5 one hour dj slots??

Not everyone in the room likes modern all night ,same as not everyone likes oldies or Rnb etc etc, so why do some people expect to hear 5hrs of what they like and then when some dj plays something not to their taste,slag him/her off ,or even worse go up to the decks and remonstrate:ranting_1:

Ask yourself ,just who is playing to themselves :D


Very well put Nev as you know i am like minded and like to hear new stuff all the time. for me if a Dj isnt playing for himself i have picked the wrong club :lol:


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I'm pretty sure Butch isn't playing anything people are asking for Potter.... really.

I'm sorry to inform you that he does play requests. and i'll state my life on that.. Did you know he could strut his stuff on the dance floor aswell Karen.

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I don't know many Dj's who play to themselves. often the wrong DJ is booked for the crowd in attendance by the promoter and if a DJ takes a certain type of record, records he or she has been asked to play then the fault does not lie at the door of the DJ.

And Butch does play requests if it fits within his sets and plans. he's played many at Lifeline.

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I don't know many Dj's who play to themselves. often the wrong DJ is booked for the crowd in attendance by the promoter and if a DJ takes a certain type of record, records he or she has been asked to play then the fault does not lie at the door of the DJ.

And Butch does play requests if it fits within his sets and plans. he's played many at Lifeline.

Hi chalks

To be honest i don't think Karen or anyone said Butch does'nt play requests ??

I think the point being made was how he has consistently played sets with unknown cover ups ,yet no one would ever suggest he plays to himself.

And we would'nt want him any other way .....the man epitomises what the soul scene dj represents to most of us ,just as Sam and plenty of other's do.

But in general ,dj's who do this get chastised for doing it and the label "playing to themselves" thrown at them.

Hope that covers what i'm trying to say:)

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I didn't mean it in a derogatory way, it's just that most of the sets I've heard I wouldn't even know what the records were to ask for them anyway lol

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Hi chalks

To be honest i don't think Karen or anyone said Butch does'nt play requests ??

I think the point being made was how he has consistently played sets with unknown cover ups ,yet no one would ever suggest he plays to himself.

And we would'nt want him any other way .....the man epitomises what the soul scene dj represents to most of us ,just as Sam and plenty of other's do.

But in general ,dj's who do this get chastised for doing it and the label "playing to themselves" thrown at them.

Hope that covers what i'm trying to say:)

Hi Nev

I've read all you have said and agree with it all :lol:

Anyone who books Butch and expects anything less that what you describe is either a fool or is new to the scene.

Maybe the smaller DJ is an easier target?

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Agree completely with Nevs points.

Fair enough there has to be a balance but on the other side of the argument ie Djs playing what the crowd wants and expects - I've been to 2 local oldies nights in the last 6 months where the guest DJ's ( both nationally known) had travelled a considerable distance only to play a by the numbers, bog standard, ultra predictable spot (to a full floor I'd better add) I just stood there thinking whats the point?? You might as well have a jukebox on:ph34r:

Where's the passion?

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Guest Netspeaky

Agree completely with Nevs points.

Fair enough there has to be a balance but on the other side of the argument ie Djs playing what the crowd wants and expects - I've been to 2 local oldies nights in the last 6 months where the guest DJ's ( both nationally known) had travelled a considerable distance only to play a by the numbers, bog standard, ultra predictable spot (to a full floor I'd better add) I just stood there thinking whats the point?? You might as well have a jukebox on:ph34r:

Where's the passion?

Couldn't agree more the whole point of GUEST DJ's use to be to play something different that the regular DJ didn't have, do not see the point of having a guest if he's going to playing a spot the local regular could spin.

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Hi Nev

I've read all you have said and agree with it all :hatsoff2:

Anyone who books Butch and expects anything less that what you describe is either a fool or is new to the scene.

Maybe the smaller DJ is an easier target?

Interesting point Chalky.

Established DJ's who have already 'paid their dues' probably have an easier ride than new up and comers. However, established DJ's are generally there for a reason and that's usually because they're good and provide what the majority of the audience wants to hear.

The thing that makes an 'amateur' DJ and/or a collector different from a pro, is that the pro will understand all the different requirements of the audience better and know how to balance priorities better. The only way you learn these things is to be persistent and keep playing to good audiences. If you're any good as a DJ the bookings will keep coming in and the confidence factor will grow.

In this day and age where virtually everybody is a DJ sometimes the lines get blurred. A DJ is there to inspire and entertain the audience with his/her choice of music and you'll generally find that the Butch's of this world are there for a reason. In Northern Soul terms he absolutely ticks all the boxes. Presumably Butch started as a collector didn't he?

Ian D

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I didn't mean it in a derogatory way, it's just that most of the sets I've heard I wouldn't even know what the records were to ask for them anyway lol

i'm sure you did'nt Karen meself i've got no problems with cover ups as in my eyes it can give a great sound a prolonged lease of life before being booted or pressed, unlike in the mid 70's great sounds were being booted within weeks of being disscovered, these were'nt 1 offs they were being done in large numbers on a weekly basis, but some compliements must be given to the DJ's of that period for the quantity and qauality they wrere diigging out. So in my eyes it's just a small way to prolong the life of a good sound and looking after your own intrests., anyway have a good weekend ang right on and keep the faith.

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Interesting point Chalky.

Established DJ's who have already 'paid their dues' probably have an easier ride than new up and comers. However, established DJ's are generally there for a reason and that's usually because they're good and provide what the majority of the audience wants to hear.

The thing that makes an 'amateur' DJ and/or a collector different from a pro, is that the pro will understand all the different requirements of the audience better and know how to balance priorities better. The only way you learn these things is to be persistent and keep playing to good audiences. If you're any good as a DJ the bookings will keep coming in and the confidence factor will grow.

In this day and age where virtually everybody is a DJ sometimes the lines get blurred. A DJ is there to inspire and entertain the audience with his/her choice of music and you'll generally find that the Butch's of this world are there for a reason. In Northern Soul terms he absolutely ticks all the boxes. Presumably Butch started as a collector didn't he?

Ian D

There are too many who are at the so called top cause they spend a lot of money and not for the thought or imagination that they put into their sets. Not many will stick their necks out over a tune and play it cause they believe in it and it could be or will be a top record on the scene. Many play ready made biggies playing records each other already have and play. I find many of the smaller DJ's play better sets but because they cost a fraction of the price of a well known established DJ then folk don't want to know.

I find it is those that who will take a chance and stick their neck out over a record are the ones who get accused of playing to themselves. Many of these little people have paid their dues in some respects, some have better collections and have been collecting longer than established names.

I agree a DJ's job is to inspire and entertain but it is also the job of a Dj and the promoter to keep this scene alive and moving forward, attracting younger blood who probably aren't interested in listening to the same records for 30 years.

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