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All About the SOUL CLOTHING ;

Year's ago people wore string vests. They wore Wigan baggies, patent leather shoes, beer towels tucked through their belts. Girl's sewed weighted objects into the hems of their full skirts.

Now ... Nothing! Why's that then? Could it because people have grown a little older and don't give too much of a toss really what they wear to soul do's? I can remember owning and wearing baggy trousers and even patent leather shoes (never string vests or beer towels though). These days jeans and a dark top, so as to not look too much of a fright if I dance a lot and get all a bit sweaty. This the standard mode of dress for me.

I do see mods still smartly dressed at soul do's. But the northern soul scene is still as much of a scene as the mod scene or any other for that matter. So when soulies are still passionate about vinyl and other aspects of the scene, why not about clothes? Are northerners smarter than southerners, or midlanders? Or as I suspect have we all slipped into mediocrity when it comes to what to wear. Or should that be what not to wear?

PS, If you want to know who in the queue are soulies and who are interlopers; look at the shoes. Brogues or loafers; they're soulies. Anything else, they're impostors. Footwear is the only thing not to have changed over the last thirty years.

PPS, Keb & the Sub Keb's Hawaiian shirts and turned up jeans are exempt :thumbsup:

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All About the SOUL CLOTHING ;

PS, If you want to know who in the queue are soulies and who are interlopers; look at the shoes. Brogues or loafers; they're soulies. Anything else, they're impostors. Footwear is the only thing not to have changed over the last thirty years.



Good holiday Ian :thumbsup:

Got to disagree on the footwear, I wear trainer type shoey things with rubber :yes: soles and a few people i know ware the same and others wear trainers :thumbsup:


Thiknk you're seeing nothing there Ian, folks dress no different than they would on the night down the pub - which inslef is sometimes cool most times not.

Me, i allways try to look me best :yes::thumbsup:

no need to reply. Ta :thumbsup:


Good holiday Ian :thumbsup:

Tip top ta wink.gif

Got to disagree on the footwear, I wear trainer type shoey things with rubber :yes: soles and a few people i know ware the same and others wear trainers :thumbsup:



Thiknk you're seeing nothing there Ian, folks dress no different than they would on the night down the pub - which inslef is sometimes cool most times not.

Me, i allways try to look me best  :yes:   :thumbsup:

no need to reply. Ta  :thumbsup:


Mind if I do? You lost me at the beginning there Dave. Back in the day, folk wouldn't go down the pub in vest & baggs - you get me?


I never put anything in the hems of my skirts cos I never wore them ... I wore black trousers which I still do (comfy and can't see the cider spills :thumbsup: ). I also wear flat black shoes for the same reasons as above and always have since I was about 17 (only last year :thumbsup: ) so nothing's changed in my wardrobe :yes:


I never put anything in the hems of my skirts cos I never wore them ... I wore black trousers which I still do (comfy and can't see the cider spills  :thumbsup: ).  I also wear flat black shoes for the same reasons as above and always have since I was about 17 (only last year  :thumbsup: )  so nothing's changed in my wardrobe  :yes:


That sounds sensible (apart from the cider spills :yes: )

Would anyone concede at least that there was a sort of clothing fashion on the NS scene?

What about jogging bottoms and moccasins in the eighties, lol. With white socks!


Tip top ta :yes:

How does one slide about etc in trainers? :thumbsup:


Its not the easyst of shoes to dance in...alittle talc helps i find leather shoes a bit to 'formal' and i can never find a decent pair that are smooth on the bottom for dancing, they all have nasty toggles or paisely type design on them....you know being the young hip trend setter that i am :thumbsup:


Mind if I do?  You lost me at the beginning there Dave.  Back in the day, folk wouldn't go down the pub in vest & baggs - you get me?


I meant dont reply about me looking me best lol :thumbsup:

And i have just re-read your first post and, now, no, i dont get you. You start off saying people worre baggies, vests etc then say have they grown up so dont wear them anymore, then say why have we slipped into mediioricty. So, sorry mate i am not sure any more...

I love Haiwain and flowery shirts though and now you are a bit of a snappy dresser :thumbsup:

just not sure what your first post was about; I thought i did at first LOL


I meant  dont reply about me looking me best lol  :thumbsup:

And i have just re-read your first post and, now, no, i dont get you. You start off saying people worre baggies, vests etc then say have they grown up so dont wear them anymore, then say why have we slipped into mediioricty. So, sorry mate i am not sure any more...

I love Haiwain and flowery shirts though and now you are a bit of a snappy dresser  :thumbsup:

just not sure what your first post was about; I thought i did at first LOL


Hmmm, maybe an edit needed if first post is not clear.

Is meant to spell out that people used to dress up a bit, uniform etc and now that has totally gone.


Its not the easyst of shoes to dance in...alittle talc helps i find leather shoes a bit to 'formal' and i can never find a decent pair that are smooth on the bottom for dancing, they all have nasty toggles or paisely type design on them....you know being the young hip trend setter that i am :thumbsup:


Nice Loakes brogue mate :thumbsup: Smoothe sole for a smoothe soul :yes:


Is meant to spell out that people used to dress up a bit, uniform etc and now that has totally gone.


Its not about as much i would say :thumbsup:


Hmmm, maybe an edit needed if first post is not clear.

Is meant to spell out that people used to dress up a bit, uniform etc and now that has totally gone.


OK, yes, know what you mean. But that is not everyone, some are still smart and care about their appearance, is that not the same as most scenes?


OK, yes, know what you mean. But that is not everyone, some are still smart and care about their appearance, is that not the same as most scenes?


Yes deffo. Croydon Cliff can talk solidly for twenty minutes about his dockers pants and always sports an expensive brogue.

Great thing about NS scene has always been the wear what you like policy. But by and large that has gone from the flamboyant dungarees and lamb chop side burns, to the mediocre short sleeved shirt, jeans and leather shoes. Infact I'm gonna count those dress types on Saturday night and add those stats to this thread. I'll be wearing something outrageous BTW. :thumbsup:


OK, yes, know what you mean. But that is not everyone, some are still smart and care about their appearance, is that not the same as most scenes?


Mr Abbott always looks incredibly smart, I was only saying to myself on Saturday what a fine smartly dressed young man that Dave Abbott is, its a pleasure to be assosiated with him :thumbsup:


Mr Abbott always looks incredibly smart, I was only saying to myself on Saturday what a fine smartly dressed young man that Dave Abbott is, its a pleasure to be assosiated with him  :thumbsup:


No, can't argue with that Karen :thumbsup: And you're a fine pretty woman, any man can plainly see :yes:


Mr Abbott always looks incredibly smart, I was only saying to myself on Saturday what a fine smartly dressed young man that Dave Abbott is, its a pleasure to be assosiated with him  :yes:


What are you after Karen yes.gif:thumbsup:

I must admit I tend to dress "down" for soul nights (as above black trousers etc) but if I'm going to a club/pub (which is very very rare) I tend to wear something a bit smarter only because most places won't let you in unless your wearing some sort of label on your clothes :thumbsup: In Stafford you certainly can't get into most of the pubs in trainers which I find shocking especially if you're on a pub crawl and you need to run from pub to pub to make sure you get them all in before last orders :yes:wink.gif


Me too - Vans mainly, comfiest shoes ever, four years old now and that style I've got is 'deleted' but can still get them from the States. I never, ever wear 'proper' shoes unless it's to something when I have to wear a collar and tie.


No, can't argue with that Karen :thumbsup: And you're a fine pretty woman, any man can plainly see :thumbsup:


Why thankyou Mr Sims, I find that black is the best thing to wear at all times, no messing about then and black goes so well with black :yes:


Rare to go out socially to something that isn't soul related unless it's family of course.

Dave make's some good points above about there still being some smartly attired individuals (himself included :thumbsup: ). But what is the modern day equivalent of the string vest, or the patent leather shoe?

I don't mean there should necessarily be any such uniformity these days, it's just that it seems to have slipped away without anyone noticing.


No, can't argue with that Karen :thumbsup: And you're a fine pretty woman, any man can plainly see :thumbsup:


Ian, you can tell by the way I walk I am etc. etc.

think the thing is there are smart people and there are those mediocre and there's the scruffs who dont own a mirror....it'll allways be the same imo


Ian, you can tell by the way I walk I am etc. etc.

think the thing is there are smart people and there are those mediocre and there's the scruffs who dont own a mirror....it'll allways be the same imo


Have you actually seen your hair, like, ever?? :thumbsup:


Ian, you can tell by the way I walk I am etc. etc.


:thumbsup: i think I got that line wrong,sure it's "you're a fine pretty woman anyone can plainly see.."

Think the thing is there are smart people and there are those mediocre and there's the scruffs who dont own a mirror....it'll allways be the same imo


All you say is true. Point I'm not getting across too well is that, for example in the mid seventies soulies were identifiable to some degree by what they wore there was some semblance of a dress code and now there is none.


Interesting, because the first time I met you, I had hair.

First time I dj'd at These Old Shoes, and it was only the second night ever there, I have a couple of photos from that and I have a fair bit of hair.

What happened after that, I don't know, but I suffered really bad alapecia around the 'beard and moustache area' which is still only just growing back properly (it grew back white instead of dark!)

So basically, it's ever since I met you that my hair disappeared. Bastard.


So basically, it's ever since I met you that my hair disappeared. Bastard.


Disappeared? Your hair didn't disappear, it left home. It was fed up with you going on and on and on about how soul nites should be newie originals only, bootleggers should be shot and CD's burnt. I know this cos last time you had hair, me and your hair had a heart to heart in the, ahem, toilets.

It couldn't wait to jump ship (or scalp in this case). I didn't make your hair disappear I just helped it - gave it some money, tickets outta here, false passport etc. And now everything your hair stood for, you try to replicate, like your way of apologising to it. Well you dont fool me, I know deep down you are a 100% original, upfront soulie, unlike your hair...it's just a shame you two fell out...



Mr Abbott always looks incredibly smart, I was only saying to myself on Saturday what a fine smartly dressed young man that Dave Abbott is, its a pleasure to be assosiated with him  :thumbsup:




I want one :thumbsup:


I like that, I think Janine has a fat fish top :thumbsup:




Is that diamonte I see Dave wearing :thumbsup:


I like that, I think Janine has a fat fish top  :thumbsup:


Above pic of dic & jan is from the same website as the fat fish shirt :thumbsup:


Above pic of dic & jan is from the same website as the fat fish shirt :thumbsup:


dic = dictator btw. As in SSCDT Dictator. Not Dick :thumbsup:


Is that diamonte I see Dave wearing  :yes:


Above pic of dic & jan is from the same website as the fat fish shirt :thumbsup:


PML, where's that pic from Ian?! That was at the Cleggy all-dayer, 25th March, me J and Win popped up (fackin long way to pop, i must say!!). I bough Janine that t-shirt, we fell in love with it - 'northern soul' in glittery letters on the front. so tack it was brill. I did slowly walk away when she actually told the guy selling it that it was really tacky but brill... :yes:

And, yes Karen, well close, that is a 'D' i am wearing, though I doubt its diamonte but the real thing. John and Deanne May came along and she wanted me to wear it (well, i guess 'wanted' is a bit strong; couldnt stop me knicking it and putting it on more like) :thumbsup:


All you say is true.  Point I'm not getting across too well is that, for example in the mid seventies soulies were identifiable to some degree by what they wore there was some semblance of a dress code and now there is none.


I see what you mean, but i think thats a good thing, i for one like to be individual. The problem of course does come when letting people in at a do you dont know who is a soulie and who isnt (BTW, I'm not saying dont let non-soulies in...)


As previously stated, I'm a black top, jeans and brogues type and I'm with you on the individuality thing.

Regarding the spotting of soul & non soul punters - as above, the shoes, always check out the shoes :thumbsup:

Posted (edited)

They'll wanna hear the Right Track :thumbsup:   It could end in tears :thumbsup:



Nah, if they're none soulies they wouldnt know what Right Track was... its when they come and ask for '3 gays in a Bar' that you worry (yes, that has happened to me while DJing) :yes:

Edited by DaveAbbott


Nah, if they're none soulies they wouldnt know what Right Track was... its when they come and ask for '3 gays in a Bar' that you worry (yes, that has happened to me while DJing)  :thumbsup:



Non soulies are armed with more info than we may think thanks to the good folk at Sainsburys, Woolworths, Tesco's, KFC, Volvo, Persil etc etc.


Don't actually remember string vests, but at one time a lot of people wore either a vest or T shirt with a sort of comic strip type of design that said "Dragonette" or something similar. I actually preferred the bowling shirt look with my 40" bags.



I never put anything in the hems of my skirts cos I never wore them ... I wore black trousers which I still do (comfy and can't see the cider spills  :thumbsup: ).  I also wear flat black shoes for the same reasons as above and always have since I was about 17 (only last year  :thumbsup: )  so nothing's changed in my wardrobe  :yes:


Hi Mandy, I dont wear skirts - long story why! I wear black trousers a lot too, did then and do now! Just different styles! I wear flat black shoes, did then, do now! again difference style! I also wear for same reasons - comfortable to dance in then and now!

'Uniform', not compulsory - up to the 'individual', as long as you enjoying yourself doesn't matter!


NS Attire :thumbsup:


I had to read that twice in case you spelt it wrong!!!! :yes::thumbsup:


All About the SOUL CLOTHING ;

Now ... Nothing!  Why's that then? Could it because people have grown a little older and don't give too much of a toss really what they wear to soul do's? 

There was a guy at Cleethorpes on the Sunday night wearing the most incredible pair of bags I've ever seen. The trousers had about 4 ticket pockets on the back, were high waisted & were a small check. Does anyone know where trousers like that come from?

n do Loakes come in girls sizes? I'd like to dress a bit better at soul nights :thumbsup:


Hi Mandy, I dont wear skirts - long story why! I wear black trousers a lot too, did then and do now! Just different styles!  I wear flat black shoes, did then, do now! again difference style!  I also wear for same reasons - comfortable to dance in then and now! 

'Uniform', not compulsory - up to the 'individual', as long as you enjoying yourself doesn't matter!


I think the practicalities of the female dark trouser wearer are just and if I were a bird, I'd probably be the same. It's a shame though as the full skirt and indeed all skirts (on women) are far more feminine than trousers.


There was a guy at Cleethorpes on the Sunday night wearing the most incredible pair of bags I've ever seen. The trousers had about 4 ticket pockets on the back, were high waisted & were a small check. Does anyone know where trousers like that come from?

n do Loakes come in girls sizes? I'd like to dress a bit better at soul nights :thumbsup:


Don't know about the strides, but check out Loakes retail outlet; >Cool Edges< :thumbsup:


There is a guy at Plinston, I forget his name (Big O could tell us), he sells baseball caps and polo shirts, and the last time I was there he had on the most outrageous pair or flared jeans I'd seen for some time. Don't see quite so much of that sort of thing these days.

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