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3 Please.... :yes:

1) Getting in.....Holding your adidas holdall above your head and your feet not touching the ground at times

2) The old fella who cleaned the blokes bogs......The most incompetent employer in the history of work

3) The stairs coming down from the balcony on the right hand-side where one of them( for some reason) was so much shorter than the rest

Anymore for anymore :thumbsup:

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3 Please.... :yes:

1) Getting in.....Holding your adidas holdall above your head and your feet not touching the ground at times

2) The old fella who cleaned the blokes bogs......The most incompetent employer in the history of work

3) The stairs coming down from the balcony on the right hand-side where one of them( for some reason) was so much shorter than the rest

Anymore for anymore :thumbsup:

The over priced bottles of Coke .



Walking the street of Wigan on the 5th anniversary with a ticket in one had and a girlfriend without one in the other.

Being given a ticket outside at about half two

The raffle being drawn and finding my girlfriends mate still had her full ticket because no one had ripped it in half when she came in :yes:

She can't have annoyed me that much I ended up marrying her :thumbsup::lol:

Posted (edited)

The smell - Brut, sweat and piss (in and near the bogs)


Were they not a group ?


Edited by Malc Burton
Posted (edited)

Malc,have a look at post 6......Great minds and all that :lol:

Sorry Phil , I missed your post .

Saw the reply after mine stating Brut , Sweat and Piss , and reacted instinctively :yes: .........


Edited by Malc Burton

No problem,Malc... :lol::yes:

Hilda rubberstamping your hand with either " Mastercard " or " Night Shift " :yes:



3 Please.... :yes:

1) Getting in.....Holding your adidas holdall above your head and your feet not touching the ground at times

2) The old fella who cleaned the blokes bogs......The most incompetent employer in the history of work

3) The stairs coming down from the balcony on the right hand-side where one of them( for some reason) was so much shorter than the rest

Anymore for anymore :wave:

1) 'Frador' - A mouth ulcer treatment applied using a purple coloured liquid from a small glass tube via a cotton bud stick and telling this poor gullible punter in the toilet whilst treating a couple of troublesome ulcers, that it was a 'new way' of taking amphetamines. Honest, it's true :lol: :lol:

2) Getting jumped on by 3 Coppers as I approached my car for using my Mother's Tax disk on my old clapped out Morris 1100. :yes::lol:

3) Buying great British released records from the days of the Twisted Wheel and earlier for 50p and less. Bought a Billy Harner - What About The Music instrumental on UK Karma Sutra for £2!!! :lol:



Got yer tickets for St Ives yet?

Anyway, 3 memories from the Casino:

1) First time there - not least being overwhelmed by it, the number of people, the absolutely precise clapping, not being able to get onto the dance-floor but most of all a feeling of being watched....

2) Tobacco stains on my white t-shirt from the condensation drips off the ceiling....

3) The quantity and colourfull array of gear being carried by the Birmingham crew when I travelled up with them on their coach one time (with a guy called Mick funnily enough from Chelmsley Wood) not to mention the driver who stashed it under the internal engine hood....



Every time we went past the road sign that said Junction 25, A49 Wigan, at least two of us would say. "We're going to steal that one day". Never did.

Mind you, it's not the sort of thing you can fit in the boot of a Ford Escort! But we were'nt exactly thinking straight by the time we got that close.



Every week virtually. Perhaps the Mecca first then we come down the other way. Then Cleethorpes started attracting us. Another long hike. But hey, when you've got a cassette player and great buddies with you, who cares?

Guest topcatnumpty1

One night in 1978,i.d arranged to meet DaveRaistrick in the record bar to buy about 5 big Detroit records off him,was sat on the Balcony looking 2 ward the record bar to see if he,d arrived (it was about 2 a.m whe my girlfriend at the time said he,s here---down we went ,Dave got out the records and i asked Pam for my wallet from her handbag(containing about £150--a fortune- then) and it wasn,t there!!!! after me shouting a lot,Mark Derbyshire from Northallerton says--"I.ll go to where we were sat ,it cud have dropped out of her handbag" all i cud see was Jimmy Mack on Palmer,Dena Barnes. etc going back to Skegness with Dave-----when we looked up to the Balcony to see Mark waving something in his hand---it was my wallet--still intact---now i,m not saying there were a lot of dodgy people went to the Casino,but i would have given long odds on getting that wallet back!!!!

LOTS of non music memories ,Webby --but that sticks in my mind----God bless you Dabbsy(Mark) and i hope you,re enjoying your life in the Bahamas


Posted (edited)

1) 'Frador' - A mouth ulcer treatment applied using a purple coloured liquid from a small glass tube via a cotton bud stick and telling this poor gullible punter in the toilet whilst treating a couple of troublesome ulcers, that it was a 'new way' of taking amphetamines. Honest, it's true :yes: :yes:

2) Getting jumped on by 3 Coppers as I approached my car for using my Mother's Tax disk on my old clapped out Morris 1100. :shades::thumbsup:

3) Buying great British released records from the days of the Twisted Wheel and earlier for 50p and less. Bought a Billy Harner - What About The Music instrumental on UK Karma Sutra for £2!!! :yes:

Talking about Moggy Minors .......

I once accompanied three others in a very run down Moggy Traveller ( rust holding it together , the wood rotting away from the frame , springs poking through two of the seats ...... in fact , it ran on three star wing and a prayer :D ) . When we came out in the morning , we found the driver's side door had been opened . There was a note on the dashboard stating

" we were going to nick your car , but we felt sorry for you " :yes:


Edited by Malc Burton


One night in 1978,i.d arranged to meet DaveRaistrick in the record bar to buy about 5 big Detroit records off him,was sat on the Balcony looking 2 ward the record bar to see if he,d arrived (it was about 2 a.m whe my girlfriend at the time said he,s here---down we went ,Dave got out the records and i asked Pam for my wallet from her handbag(containing about £150--a fortune- then) and it wasn,t there!!!! after me shouting a lot,Mark Derbyshire from Northallerton says--"I.ll go to where we were sat ,it cud have dropped out of her handbag" all i cud see was Jimmy Mack on Palmer,Dena Barnes. etc going back to Skegness with Dave-----when we looked up to the Balcony to see Mark waving something in his hand---it was my wallet--still intact---now i,m not saying there were a lot of dodgy people went to the Casino,but i would have given long odds on getting that wallet back!!!!

LOTS of non music memories ,Webby --but that sticks in my mind----God bless you Dabbsy(Mark) and i hope you,re enjoying your life in the Bahamas


Dabbsy is in the Bahamas ? knowing him , it will be a very , very cushy number :thumbsup:


Guest Dave Turner

Talking about Moggy Minors .......

I once accompanied three others in a very run down Moggy Traveller ( rust holding it together , the wood rotting away from the frame , springs poking through two of the seats ...... in fact , it ran on three star wing and a prayer :D ) . When we came out in the morning , we found the driver's side door had been opened . There was a note on the dashboard stating

" we were going to nick your car , but we felt sorry for you " :(



Thank you Malc, my first chuckle of the mornin' :ohmy:


...that feeling in the pit of your stomach once you left Sandbach...the sight of that iconic exit sign Greety mentioned...trying to be cool and not rush off the coach to join the queue...and of course that sheer overwhelming atmosphere as you walked onto the balcony...:ohmy:

Guest theoriginator56

one of the main doors coming from its hinges due to the crush gettig in we pased it over our heads it ended up in the road. also the broken gutter pipe half way along the front .

finding £1.60 in the bogs. kev griffin being trapped under a car parked out side the casino due to the rush of geting inn. (more later)

Posted (edited)

I only went a handful of times, but one memory for myself is when a good friend of mine (still on the scene but very much into modern), was hassled by the fuzz in the toilets. it eventually surfaced that he was indeed a constable of the law himself (only 18 at that time) :ohmy: . they then proceeded to tell him that it was his duty to inform the local cops that anything untoward going on in the building should be reported to them... immediately! last thing i remember from that incident, is when a big rush of lads bundled into the bogs and we legged it back into the main hall and carried on with our night :lol: . Not to mention coming back in a Triumph Dolomite firing on 3 cylinders whilst driving in pea soup fog with only the cats eyes to guide us. then the look of horror on our faces as we passed a cop car at speed with no visibility, not sure who was more surprised, us or them :(

Another 'funny' moment is when a few of us from Grantham went on the coach trip from the Brit club (Nottm) to an oldies anniv i think. jonathan organised it i believe. making our way up there in a blizzard, i remember seeing a sign that stated we were'nt too far away from our destination, when the coach driver took it upon himself to pull off the motorway to find a phone box. off he went. then 5 mins later he got back on and told us all that his boss had ordered him back because of the snow and that we would be heading south instead of the few (about 12) miles to Wigan. Well with that, a big Notts lad walked to the front and told him in no uncertain terms that he had a choice......... either carry on northward or "one of us lot will drive the effin thing" :D . we got there not long after.

The things folk did to get there!


Edited by parkash
Guest roggert

3 Please.... :thumbsup:

1) Getting in.....Holding your adidas holdall above your head and your feet not touching the ground at times

2) The old fella who cleaned the blokes bogs......The most incompetent employer in the history of work

3) The stairs coming down from the balcony on the right hand-side where one of them( for some reason) was so much shorter than the rest

Anymore for anymore :thumbsup:

one niter at wigan a tv/film crew turned up, first time id seen to the other side of the balcony instead of the smoke /body fog-steam as the management put the lights on,,just like wood lice many peeps ran into dark corners to hide , the dance floor seemed to be full of spinning cats eyes as the camera lights shone into all those dilated pupils that the d.s.alwaysseem to try to catch you with.

Guest Neil-ok

3 Please.... thumbsup.gif

1) Getting in.....Holding your adidas holdall above your head and your feet not touching the ground at times

2) The old fella who cleaned the blokes bogs......The most incompetent employer in the history of work

3) The stairs coming down from the balcony on the right hand-side where one of them( for some reason) was so much shorter than the rest

Anymore for anymore :D

1)Getting in/there-Never having the money but refusing to give up getting there and getting in-had some quite interesting escapes/captures,that back bridge at Wigan north western station got some usage;).

2)Friends-still after all these years keeping in touch or getting back in touch with old friends who now live in most parts of the world.

3)Being fed up on the sunday/monday when it was back to normal life,it was a downer even if you didn't take anything;).

Guest aintgotit

gettin a kickin outside wallgate station one night when only four of us on an earlier train.Queuin up with numb feet in the snow. teeth chatterin, then about half an hour later , the sweat runnin down the walls and drippin off the ceiling.

Guest biggray1

Went for about three years of an on,music was ok but for the f..kin footsee and the likes,met some great freinds wich am still in touch with today .As for the venue well it wanted demolishing,stanck of fags and damp,stinking carpets,walls that was drenched in moisture from sweat etc etc,toilets the couldnt cope with demand ie fucking stanck plus walking in piss..:thumbsup: other than that it was ok..cant say i miss the place.The Casino has gone but the music remains....:thumbsup: Long live soul.

Guest biggray1

1) 'Frador' - A mouth ulcer treatment applied using a purple coloured liquid from a small glass tube via a cotton bud stick and telling this poor gullible punter in the toilet whilst treating a couple of troublesome ulcers, that it was a 'new way' of taking amphetamines. Honest, it's true :no::yes:

2) Getting jumped on by 3 Coppers as I approached my car for using my Mother's Tax disk on my old clapped out Morris 1100. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

3) Buying great British released records from the days of the Twisted Wheel and earlier for 50p and less. Bought a Billy Harner - What About The Music instrumental on UK Karma Sutra for £2!!! thumbsup.gif

Can you post up a scann of the Billy Harner 45 please,never seen the instru 45..Graham.


Getting pulled by the fuzz at Sandbach.

Travelling up,6 in a mini.

One of our party whipping out a small baseball bat,and going looking for a "friend" in the Casino.


Avoiding Sammy & Grant & friends from Blackburn. Whatever happened to them.


I've just edited my original post. They certainly were people to aviod back then.



Avoiding Sammy & Grant & friends from Blackburn. Whatever happened to them.


Yeah. Im from Blackburn. A couple years younger than those guys. They used terrorise us. If you saw them coming you used to dart away sharpish like.


one of my memories of the early days, very early days, freddie star was doing stand up jokes next door to the M's room. used to cum down after the show wiv his minder the front of the stage doing a few back drops L shape clinto splits there for about 20 minutes to half a hour then disappear, only done it for a few saturdays that the last i saw of him, i must admit he liked the music and his dancing and was good. Billy

Guest bazabod_downunder

The long coach trips from Poole, the numerous times the squad stopped us (one of the girls fathers was DS)......the stupid idea to drive the 260+ miles & about 6hrs to do it in my old clapped out Ford Anglia which developed a radiator leak, so had to stop frequently to fill it up with water, the look on the womans face when I knocked on her door at 10.30pm on a saturday night a few miles from the Casino to ask for water.......she probably thought wtf's this southern lad with his farmers voice doing at my door...lol...it took ages to get back, wasn't funny at the time, but looking back it was a laugh.



quote name='webbydublin' timestamp='1280761386' post='1384151']

3 Please.... :lol:

1) Getting in.....Holding your adidas holdall above your head and your feet not touching the ground at times

2) The old fella who cleaned the blokes bogs......The most incompetent employer in the history of work

3) The stairs coming down from the balcony on the right hand-side where one of them( for some reason) was so much shorter than the rest

Anymore for anymore :yes:



Al Coney stealing the spastic statue and us lot knocking the head of it in the bus must of been at least 200 quid in penny coins scattered all over the eden bus .bought eddie parker for 7 quid that night all in penny coins lol.

Pulling in at Kirby Stpehen and having a drink in the pub we all walked out with beanstalkers-barbour coats wellies-farmers gloves-youname it -allnight that night Al Coney worre a beanstalker and i had a pair of size 19 wellies on !!

Knicking milk -on doorsteps outside at 5 in the morning and a lad from darlo got gaught he was charged with 5 counts of theft [one for each milk bottle]

Paul hindle getting locked up for biting a punk.

My good mate conney deliberatly falling downstairs in our corner for pound notes lol, top to bottom.

sleepovers from friday to sat with gaz simons girlfriend and me and kev johnson eating toast in a terraced house in wigan with a girlfriends mum while smoking 10 no 6 .

carlo knicking a mini and the steering wheel coming off -

back street bluies inside of pork pies .

the mods mayday night me booking a bus and not turning up.

lovely people like june daily who never charged me for 3 years for bus fair 78-81 because i was gaz simons mate lol.

absolute nutters like bowsey and mouse from boro who had no boundries and even scared the wigan bouncers-

jack livo telling me he was gonna be a hit man when he grew up [those who know him will have a silent chuckkle]

little dungan mc callister beating up hells angels at service stations

finally because i really could go on all night -rading brighouse space invaders and spendig 2 nights in prison with 35 nutters from aycliffe -darlo and boro -every single person had a forged ticket for the oldies aniversary-didnt matter we did not get there.

no wonder i failed my o levels!!


Walking out of the service station shop and almost being squashed by two coppers running in ( Bowsie ,Paul Harland & co had decided to empty the shelves)

To find Jimmy Joyce sat in the driving seat of a police Granada with lights flashing etc,revving the f==k out of it

"Howay Steve this,ll get us home faster than that sodding bus"---so we set off crashed into a concrete post after about ten yards and legged it


Yeah. Im from Blackburn. A couple years younger than those guys. They used terrorise us. If you saw them coming you used to dart away sharpish like.

just to set the record straight folks - it wasn't me :yes:laugh.gif


The Manchester Arms near Victoria station before getting the train , if you were there you,ll know what I mean whistling.gif

Avoiding Malcolm Lear,s flying spins :yes:

Marvelling at the Joey Burns hair thumbsup.gif

Constant laughter and great mates :lol:


The Manchester Arms near Victoria station before getting the train , if you were there you,ll know what I mean whistling.gif

Avoiding Malcolm Lear,s flying spins :yes:

Marvelling at the Joey Burns hair thumbsup.gif

Constant laughter and great mates :lol:

Manchester Arms---crap pint ---BEAUTIFUL SCENERY


Grabbing a pint in Manchester then all running like scolded cats from Piccadilly to Victoria to catch the last train to Wigan followed by scuffles with the piss heads on the train & those on the way from the station to the Casino, till Gail's best mate Andrea got her Dad's farm van for us to use.thumbsup.gif

Trying to avoid the squad at Birch services.Once sat in mates car in the lower car park at Wigan when Taffy & Co pounced on the car & searched it & us, when asked where she came from Andrea replied innocently, "Swinefleet,where pigs are from".laugh.gif

The heat & noise that hit you like a tidal wave as you entered through the double doors, the hole in Mr M's dancefloor that you had to avoid, Wigan bath's in the morning with a bottle of ice cold milk from the milkman, many many more but finally for this, the bottle of liquid Ephedrine which sat against the wall on the pavement just by the main door in to the Casino from the early hours & was still there as we left with everyone trying to avoid eye contact with it in case it was a set up, don't know where it came from or where it went, Memories hey!!!!!!:lol:

Take care,be safe & remember," Sweet,sweet the memories you gave to me,You can't beat the memories you gave to me",



Grabbing a pint in Manchester then all running like scolded cats from Piccadilly to Victoria to catch the last train to Wigan followed by scuffles with the piss heads on the train & those on the way from the station to the Casino, till Gail's best mate Andrea got her Dad's farm van for us to use.thumbsup.gif

Trying to avoid the squad at Birch services.Once sat in mates car in the lower car park at Wigan when Taffy & Co pounced on the car & searched it & us, when asked where she came from Andrea replied innocently, "Swinefleet,where pigs are from".laugh.gif

The heat & noise that hit you like a tidal wave as you entered through the double doors, the hole in Mr M's dancefloor that you had to avoid, Wigan bath's in the morning with a bottle of ice cold milk from the milkman, many many more but finally for this, the bottle of liquid Ephedrine which sat against the wall on the pavement just by the main door in to the Casino from the early hours & was still there as we left with everyone trying to avoid eye contact with it in case it was a set up, don't know where it came from or where it went, Memories hey!!!!!!:lol:

Take care,be safe & remember," Sweet,sweet the memories you gave to me,You can't beat the memories you gave to me",


Remember standing on the platform in Manchester waiting for the train to Wigan in 1974 and this guy was selling gear. Another guy comes over short hair, leather bomber jacket really looking like someone heading off to Wigan and asks the seller what he's got and the next thing the guy in the bomber jacket had declared himself DS and nicked the dealer - was a bit of a shock to the system I must say and totally unexpected.



Guest Dave Turner


Al Coney stealing the spastic statue and us lot knocking the head of it in the bus must of been at least 200 quid in penny coins scattered all over the eden bus .bought eddie parker for 7 quid that night all in penny coins lol.

Pulling in at Kirby Stpehen and having a drink in the pub we all walked out with beanstalkers-barbour coats wellies-farmers gloves-youname it -allnight that night Al Coney worre a beanstalker and i had a pair of size 19 wellies on !!

Knicking milk -on doorsteps outside at 5 in the morning and a lad from darlo got gaught he was charged with 5 counts of theft [one for each milk bottle]

Paul hindle getting locked up for biting a punk.

My good mate conney deliberatly falling downstairs in our corner for pound notes lol, top to bottom.

sleepovers from friday to sat with gaz simons girlfriend and me and kev johnson eating toast in a terraced house in wigan with a girlfriends mum while smoking 10 no 6 .

carlo knicking a mini and the steering wheel coming off -

back street bluies inside of pork pies .

the mods mayday night me booking a bus and not turning up.

lovely people like june daily who never charged me for 3 years for bus fair 78-81 because i was gaz simons mate lol.

absolute nutters like bowsey and mouse from boro who had no boundries and even scared the wigan bouncers-

jack livo telling me he was gonna be a hit man when he grew up [those who know him will have a silent chuckkle]

little dungan mc callister beating up hells angels at service stations

finally because i really could go on all night -rading brighouse space invaders and spendig 2 nights in prison with 35 nutters from aycliffe -darlo and boro -every single person had a forged ticket for the oldies aniversary-didnt matter we did not get there.

no wonder i failed my o levels!!

Strewth Baz, I've just realised what a fookin' boring life I've led laugh.gif


Were you there at this night????


pretty sure i was there, me and ady reeves arrived in wigan early for Mr Ms early session but it was closed that nite, somepunks came out (think the band chelsea were playing inside) started a bit of trouble but got wasted, wewere sat on the wall chatting with some colwyn bay lot when nxt thing hundreds of punks came piling out the casino and chased as down over the carpark opposite the casino, then reinforcements arrived yes.gif


pretty sure i was there, me and ady reeves arrived in wigan early for Mr Ms early session but it was closed that nite, somepunks came out (think the band chelsea were playing inside) started a bit of trouble but got wasted, wewere sat on the wall chatting with some colwyn bay lot when nxt thing hundreds of punks came piling out the casino and chased as down over the carpark opposite the casino, then reinforcements arrived :D

I was there that night - a lot of stone throwing went on. I was stting on the wall opposite too and there seemed to be a bit of stirring up going on from non Soul fans or certainly faces I didn't recognise - the punks chased a small group of younger ones down the carpark and the road strangely enough some of the punks were chanting Blackburn. I just sat on the wall it was all a bit daft really. In fairness Grant I don't think the punks started it I think they got jumped as they came out and ironically I think the people who stirred things up were probably the same crowd who jumped Soul fans on a normal Saturday night.




I was there that night - a lot of stone throwing went on. I was stting on the wall opposite too and there seemed to be a bit of stirring up going on from non Soul fans or certainly faces I didn't recognise - the punks chased a small group of younger ones down the carpark and the road strangely enough some of the punks were chanting Blackburn. I just sat on the wall it was all a bit daft really. In fairness Grant I don't think the punks started it I think they got jumped as they came out and ironically I think the people who stirred things up were probably the same crowd who jumped Soul fans on a normal Saturday night.



Hi Manus

yeah think ur right, seem to remember something starting on the corner in a shop doorway (jewellers?), then it really kicked off. Seemed to be 3 or 4 onto one or two scruffy punks. Guess I was one of the young ones who got chased down into the carpark, and yep they lobbed stuff and we kindly threw it back to them. remember Ady hiting a soulie on the back of his head as the projectile slipped out of his hand :D


Posted (edited)

Mrs.Woods if you don't mind, have a bit of respect please :D ....l was shit-scared of her :no:

You and everyone else !! she told me if I lost anymore membership cards I wasn't getting in!! I still have the last Bugger up stairs it's like new I guessed this time she' serious :yes::yes::no: :no: :yes: Ps did anybody ever go to wigan and find the gent's toilet floor dry?? I even went to an early do before the nighter and was one of the first in and guess what !! Yeah fu**ing soaking!!:yes: :yes:

Edited by mrtag
Posted (edited)

:lol: That floor was never dry to my knowledge.....Remember once seeing a lad throw up in there and in the vomit were black bombers and another lad pretending to care....Was picking them out of the vomit and gobbing them.... :yes:

What a sad generation!!:yes::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::thumbsup::D

Edited by mrtag

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