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Children at Allnighters  

  1. 1. Children at Allnighters

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Guest proudlove


It's Allnighters that are being talked about not fuking the local Beefeater and it's Wacky fuking Warehouse.

Children of the ages quoted above (12,13,14) at allnighters is a 100% no for me, and IMO any parent who takes them to one wants reporting to the authorities for child neglect.

I'm sure we all got up to stuff we shouldn't have in our teens, but i doubt 99% of our parents knew what we were up to, and very few of them would have condoned it.

No wonder this Country is going to Ratshit, when people think that exposing their kids to some of the 'characters' on this scene at such an early age is 'acceptable'.

It beggars belief.

Exposing their kids to the "characters on the scene?"..................What?...................... talk to the parents involved.............................if you can?

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August 21st is the next Bernies......................just so happens if you and yours like Birthday Cake then come down.My B/Day 22nd and you are invited.


Double bubble Steve it's mine on the 26th,

Want to share a cake ??


Exposing their kids to the "characters on the scene?"..................What?

A list of 'Characters' on the scene that I have personally come across:

Drug Traffickers.

Drug dealers.

Drug addicts.

Mentally damaged individuals due to past drug abuse.

'Debt collectors'.

Now whilst i don't think any of those I have met above would purposefully cause harm, I still think it is inappropriate for children to mix in these circles.

........ talk to the parents involved.................if you can?

Why do I need to talk to their parents?

Surely someone from Social Services would be better placed to put the parents straight.

(Although i would happily tell them that i think they are out of order for taking 'liitle uns' to 'niters).


A list of 'Characters' on the scene that I have personally come across:

Drug Traffickers.

Drug dealers.

Drug addicts.

Mentally damaged individuals due to past drug abuse.

'Debt collectors'.

Just sound like everywhere these days i'm sure the said parents will keep a close eye i know i would if i had kids,and personaly under 14 is a bit much.call the social sirvices probblly wont help have you read the news lately.

14 In two years or is it 3 they will be able to join the army and kill folks better off showing em whats what before then cause a lot of em will do what they like by then without there parents to tell em its too late then..

Guest Perception

Children at Allnighters


Can't parents respect that this is a time for grown ups, what the F are promoters doing allowing children into venues?

They ruin the atmosphere, just like live acts!!!

Nothing to do with proper Northern Soul Allnighters!


A list of 'Characters' on the scene that I have personally come across:

Drug Traffickers.

Drug dealers.

Drug addicts.

Mentally damaged individuals due to past drug abuse.

'Debt collectors'.

Now whilst i don't think any of those I have met above would purposefully cause harm, I still think it is inappropriate for children to mix in these circles.

Why do I need to talk to their parents?

Surely someone from Social Services would be better placed to put the parents straight.

(Although i would happily tell them that i think they are out of order for taking 'liitle uns' to 'niters).

Guest Andy Kempster




But it's not about babysitting in every case Andy (see my previous post) :huh:

Guest Bearsy

I have no idea how old he is. All I know is he looks 12.

im 42 actually :huh:

Guest Stormin Si



Got to agree, an ALLNIGHTER is just not the environment for CHILDREN. :huh:

As a fairly young 'un myself I would never discourage a young person from getting into our music - I was out buying N Soul compilations with my pocket money at 14, and making mix tapes with mi mams records. My mam gave me a few records here and there and I can honestly say it was enough as no other 14 year olds were attending club nights that finished at 01:00, 02:00 or 06:00 so it wasn't as if I was missing out. There are youth nights put on in nightclubs for under 18's put the rules are very different, no alcohol being served and a 10 o clock finish.

Even at 16, it was mainly Soul NIGHTS I attended and again this was more than enough to 'cut my teeth' and satisfy my craving for the music and to learn the dancing.

From a personal point of view I don't think anyone below 17/18 should be attending allnighters. Let the young 'uns cut their teeth at soul nights or at home

Guest gordon russell

What l find ridiculous........are the posts that say "he,s a lovely lad " or "he,s a good dancer "....OH! thats alright then. phew! for a minute there l thought they,d let a lad in that couldn,t do a back flop or a bit floorwork or used his talc for dancing instead of his nappy..........WAKE UP will ya...........it,s an allnite, seedy,dark place where the devils work is done.......it,s a joke and those that advoate it need ya baggies burn,t at the stake (while ya wearing em)......as far as kids are concerned.................just say NO.........of course...there is an exemption for NOTTS retro (e hum) baggie oldies venues.........

p.s.......what next bingo

Guest Bearsy

What l find ridiculous........are the posts that say "he,s a lovely lad " or "he,s a good dancer "....OH! thats alright then. phew! for a minute there l thought they,d let a lad in that couldn,t do a back flop or a bit floorwork or used his talc for dancing instead of his nappy..........WAKE UP will ya...........it,s an allnite, seedy,dark place where the devils work is done.......it,s a joke and those that advoate it need ya baggies burn,t at the stake (while ya wearing em)......as far as kids are concerned.................just say NO.........of course...there is an exemption for NOTTS retro (e hum) baggie oldies venues.........

p.s.......what next bingo

on a serious note i think a meat raffle would work very well cos after your nighter you get home put you joint of meat in oven have an hours kip and wey hey your dinners ready :huh:

No to kids at a nighter i personally feel, why would you want a 12 etc age child of yours staying up until 6am then maybe a 1 or more drive home before they go to bed, its a fooked up world doing nighters and nighter folk aint normal and honestly would you want your kid being not normal like many on the scene me included :D

Guest gordon russell

Now whilst i don't think any of those I have met above would purposefully cause harm, I still think it is inappropriate for children to mix in these circles.

lol....back in the day they used ta take ya money.........wether you owed it or not lol..........but l took me mum up north one week and she made em give it back


Got to agree, an ALLNIGHTER is just not the environment for CHILDREN. :yes:

As a fairly young 'un myself I would never discourage a young person from getting into our music - I was out buying N Soul compilations with my pocket money at 14, and making mix tapes with mi mams records. My mam gave me a few records here and there and I can honestly say it was enough as no other 14 year olds were attending club nights that finished at 01:00, 02:00 or 06:00 so it wasn't as if I was missing out. There are youth nights put on in nightclubs for under 18's put the rules are very different, no alcohol being served and a 10 o clock finish.

Even at 16, it was mainly Soul NIGHTS I attended and again this was more than enough to 'cut my teeth' and satisfy my craving for the music and to learn the dancing.

From a personal point of view I don't think anyone below 17/18 should be attending allnighters. Let the young 'uns cut their teeth at soul nights or at home

Simon thanks for that!!!!!

I was just about to ring you mate to ask what your policy is on children as I will not be attending any Allnighter or weekender that allows children in , that is my choice and an opinion shared by every one who traveled up last night from South Yorkshire.

I am not doing a nighter with children full stop.

I respect any promoter's choice to allow children in all I say is let us all know up front what your policy is.


You make me sound like a perv or something,i said i dont but yeh i would allow kids to dance and collect records and with there parents go dancing all night after all you said something about parental rights,if you want to have rules about age thats ok aswell i will respect them rules..............so you don't have a social life with your kids then, go swimming,horse riding etc etc............oh i did say i would not have anything to do with them..............so don't make me look like shit cause i ain't.

And yeh i miss your point.

Ken, you seam very keen to have children at Allnighters mate,

Can I ask you why?

Do you like talking to them or just watching them dance?


For the record I voted no.

I wouldn't have taken mine at any age.

An all-nighter can be a warm friendly place, full of friendly banter and no where near a bad as many town centres on a Sat night. However it can on occassion be very different and things can and do go on that I wouldn't want my three kids seeing even now and the youngest is married and in her own home.

What I would say is if you choose to take them then don't moan about what they are exposed to or expect people to change to accomodate them or expect others to think its acceptable just because you do. Their presence wouldn't put me off going but you'll never persuade me it's either good for them or appropriate parenting but they are your kids not mine.


For the record I voted no.

I wouldn't have taken mine at any age.

An all-nighter can be a warm friendly place, full of friendly banter and no where near a bad as many town centres on a Sat night. However it can on occassion be very different and things can and do go on that I wouldn't want my three kids seeing even now and the youngest is married and in her own home.

What I would say is if you choose to take them then don't moan about what they are exposed to or expect people to change to accomodate them or expect others to think its acceptable just because you do. Their presence wouldn't put me off going but you'll never persuade me it's either good for them or appropriate parenting but they are your kids not mine.

I'M WITH YOU ON THIS ONE GED:yes: :thumbsup::yes:


Children in baggies at niters ......


..... if that doesn't prove NS is mainstream I don't know what does.

It all looks faintly ridiculous to me. I'm amazed the subject needs debating.

It won't be long before Northern Soul gets an entry on web sites like this; https://fancydressheaven.co.uk/fancy-dress-119/brands-designers-118/smiffys-147/teddy-boy-costume-black-draped-jacket-1007420.html

Did anyone on this forum regularly go out with his father at the age of 13 or 14 doing what he used to do when he was 17? I'd rather have stuck needles in my eyes.

If they did, were they dressed like their father was when he was 17? Admittedly, there was a brief fashion in the 70's for 40's clothing (and Glen Miller) but it didn't include bringing your parents.

If the answer to both questions is yes - did they have any mates their own age?


Can we have a list of Allnighter and Weekender promoters who will give their policy on this please

When I travel I am traveling to an allnighter and not a glorified soul night.

The furthest we traveled this year was The 100 Club, I aint spending time, money and effort to visit a childrens disco and I wanna know up front before I spend my hard earned coin.


What l find ridiculous........are the posts that say "he,s a lovely lad " or "he,s a good dancer "....OH! thats alright then. phew! for a minute there l thought they,d let a lad in that couldn,t do a back flop or a bit floorwork or used his talc for dancing instead of his nappy..........WAKE UP will ya...........it,s an allnite, seedy,dark place where the devils work is done.......it,s a joke and those that advoate it need ya baggies burn,t at the stake (while ya wearing em)......as far as kids are concerned.................just say NO.........of course...there is an exemption for NOTTS retro (e hum) baggie oldies venues.........

p.s.......what next bingo

Thinking of starting a Under 11's night.

You know,small dancefloor,small tables and chairs,crayons when they get bored with "Right Track".Or they can be entertained by Mr. Speedy,the friendly cuddly character with his comedy backdrops.

Parents can drop em off then go for a proper night out - or stay if they want.(Creche available).

At just £4 for Under 11's and £5 for parents,its a family night out for all.


Thinking of starting a Under 11's night.

You know,small dancefloor,small tables and chairs,crayons when they get bored with "Right Track".Or they can be entertained by Mr. Speedy,the friendly cuddly character with his comedy backdrops.

Parents can drop em off then go for a proper night out - or stay if they want.(Creche available).

At just £4 for Under 11's and £5 for parents,its a family night out for all.

Trouble getting a baby sitter?

Sick of leaving early?

From the makes of kalpol and Rusk we are proud to announce the arrival of "Junior dexamphetamine".

"Nowt wrong wid dat"

Shannon Matthews mother

Guest gordon russell
Posted (edited)

Children in baggies at niters ......


..... if that doesn't prove NS is mainstream I don't know what does.

It all looks faintly ridiculous to me. I'm amazed the subject needs debating.

It won't be long before Northern Soul gets an entry on web sites like this; https://fancydresshea...et-1007420.html

Did anyone on this forum regularly go out with his father at the age of 13 or 14 doing what he used to do when he was 17? I'd rather have stuck needles in my eyes.

If they did, were they dressed like their father was when he was 17? Admittedly, there was a brief fashion in the 70's for 40's clothing (and Glen Miller) but it didn't include bringing your parents.

If the answer to both questions is yes - did they have any mates their own age?

lol.......at the age of 14 to 19.....parents are to be lied to remorselessly as to where ya going,who with,why ya don,t want ya sunday dinner oh and you're always staying around ya mates.........this was the 70's council estate ( only one phonebox on the whole estate ) and my mum wern,t walking anywhere for the phone.

Edited by gordon russell

I have seen a few youngters/teens at Soul nights wearing the bags etc.................& i don't think they would wear them unless they were happy to do so, young teens can be quite sure of what they want to wear...........i know my parent's used to have a fit when i was a teen, especially in what i walked out in :thumbsup:

(No comment's Ian like............what's new :lol: )

But one parent approched me & asked if i would make her a circle skirt for her young 6 year old :yes: but i refused!

This is only my opinion, so no offence intended............but i thought that was a bit too much :D

Debbie x

Guest gordon russell

I have seen a few youngters/teens at Soul nights wearing the bags etc.................& i don't think they would wear them unless they were happy to do so, young teens can be quite sure of what they want to wear...........i know my parent's used to have a fit when i was a teen, especially in what i walked out in :thumbsup:

(No comment's Ian like............what's new :lol: )

But one parent approched me & asked if i would make her a circle skirt for her young 6 year old :yes: but i refused!

This is only my opinion, so no offence intended............but i thought that was a bit too much :D

Debbie x

sorry but, only a divvy teenager would wear clothes that their PARENTS thought were cool. At that age you wear what you think looks well cool.......you know when you have cos ya dad takes the piss relentlessly


Can we have a list of Allnighter and Weekender promoters who will give their policy on this please

When I travel I am traveling to an allnighter and not a glorified soul night.

The furthest we traveled this year was The 100 Club, I aint spending time, money and effort to visit a childrens disco and I wanna know up front before I spend my hard earned coin.

Clearly you feel strongly about this Simon but don't expect promotors to rush to register their policy.

The totally unscientific vote is overwhelmingly against kids being allowed at nighters but I'm wondering how many people voted that never go to nighters anyway?

If promotors took such votes seriously we may be in danger of every nighter being the same after all if weight of numbers is anything to go off Kev Roberts has the perfect recipe. I'm glad there is a range of different events, venues, promotors, DJs, music policies and would hate it if they were all the same.

The scene needs variety.

Are you really saying "If you let him / her in I'm not coming"?

Afterall its very rarely more than two.


Ken, you seam very keen to have children at Allnighters mate,

Can I ask you why?

Do you like talking to them or just watching them dance?

You can go **** *** aswell,cause i answered all the questions if you dont wanna' read em dont,when ya kids leave school and they have experianced nothing and become junkies or piss heads dont look at me,this oversensitive country of ours what as the worst record on kiddie fiddling, drug taking, unhappy kids, glue sniffers ,child killers with guns on bikes, than just about anywere......wont be seeing you at any weekender soon then biggest kid off the lot.

If you wanna make aspersions look at some of your djs,at least one as e racord for kiddie whatsits.

And we send em' to war at 17 learning em to kill,oh but thats allright..........maybe you dont want there cause you wouldnt be able to control yourself,or get pointed out by one of em.



Are you saying that because there is a likelihood that most of us had a drink before we where 18 that its now ok to have children at allnighters?

That logic is unsound?

What age is ok with you Sue and how many?

Any age, any number?

I don't want kids there full stop!

so wear a durex then. and some kids (children) are better dancers than most "old men" ie; brent howarth's son ethan. so shut the f@@@ up moaning.


so wear a durex then. and some kids (children) are better dancers than most "old men" ie; brent howarth's son ethan. so shut the f@@@ up moaning.

dude I'm wearing a durex

If your gift to this debate is that kids (children) are better dancers than most "old men then fine but I refuse to have a battle of wits with some one who is clearly unarmed.


A list of 'Characters' on the scene that I have personally come across:

Drug Traffickers.

Drug dealers.

Drug addicts.

Mentally damaged individuals due to past drug abuse.

'Debt collectors'.

Now whilst i don't think any of those I have met above would purposefully cause harm, I still think it is inappropriate for children to mix in these circles.

Why do I need to talk to their parents?

Surely someone from Social Services would be better placed to put the parents straight.

(Although i would happily tell them that i think they are out of order for taking 'liitle uns' to 'niters).

I agree with Joe.

Not just because of those reasons either.

Kids aren't allowed in pubs after about 8pm so why are they allowed at soul venues?

I thought I was a grown up now? If I wanted a night out with kids I'd go to Wacky Warehouse or stop at home.

Every now and then I fancy escaping the small fry and spending time with some adults:yes:

Last time I went to Prestatyn I ended up looking after somebody elses children who were left on their own without a drink or anything. And they were still there at 3am! They can't have been more than 10.


I agree with Joe.

Not just because of those reasons either.

Kids aren't allowed in pubs after about 8pm so why are they allowed at soul venues?

I thought I was a grown up now? If I wanted a night out with kids I'd go to Wacky Warehouse or stop at home.

Every now and then I fancy escaping the small fry and spending time with some adults:yes:

Last time I went to Prestatyn I ended up looking after somebody elses children who were left on their own without a drink or anything. And they were still there at 3am! They can't have been more than 10.

So why didnt you tell the management or the social sirvices, people on here like to talk the talk but thats about it..maybe thats the probblem,all i did was say what i thought and what happens, what bunch of no marks on here.


So why didnt you tell the management or the social sirvices, people on here like to talk the talk but thats about it..maybe thats the probblem,all i did was say what i thought and what happens, what bunch of no marks on here.

I found the lads' father and told him off actually Kenneth:yes:


I found the lads' father and told him off actually Kenneth:yes:

Good but a 10 year old,not good enough maybe Reg...........all i know is i went to nighters to get away from bully's,drink,and staying at home waiting to see if me mam was drunk and bad things happend sometimes it was easier to go out with her and get pissed meself,so instead of walking the streets i traveled everywhere to allnighters cause there was no drunkereds or bullys or glue sniffers,i'll show you the scars next time out yeh, and as for baby sitters well thats no guarantee and statisticly a family member is worse especialy if you not loaded.

You try being a German scoucer in Athersley nrth barnsley yorkshire,with a mam who is out 24/7 on the ale, from when the shop opens 5am to when it shuts.

All is said and done you dont have to worry about me, because you're all fine upstanding people and the vote says that.... were not all from the good side of town, just yesterday i seen a deal go off from my window.... if it wasnt for nighters this is all i would know, and as mores likely i would be doing crack or some dikchead thing like that.


I've still not voted either way,i'll go with the flow...........is that allright for you's biggrin.gif

Guest Mrs Simsy

Got to agree, an ALLNIGHTER is just not the environment for CHILDREN. :yes:

As a fairly young 'un myself I would never discourage a young person from getting into our music - I was out buying N Soul compilations with my pocket money at 14, and making mix tapes with mi mams records. My mam gave me a few records here and there and I can honestly say it was enough as no other 14 year olds were attending club nights that finished at 01:00, 02:00 or 06:00 so it wasn't as if I was missing out. There are youth nights put on in nightclubs for under 18's put the rules are very different, no alcohol being served and a 10 o clock finish.

Even at 16, it was mainly Soul NIGHTS I attended and again this was more than enough to 'cut my teeth' and satisfy my craving for the music and to learn the dancing.

From a personal point of view I don't think anyone below 17/18 should be attending allnighters. Let the young 'uns cut their teeth at soul nights or at home

I agree completely.:lol:


the 'flow' is saying 'no' mate so just hit that there button... :-)

The flow is respecting the vote, when i'm totaly convinced i'll vote no but i wont be voting yes or posting anymore of my sh*t in this thread.......i reserve the right not to vote.......its not like its gonna' change anything............


Oh fukc it, ok i'll vote no.now lets here from some promoters, see if they agree with the vote.............or just make excuses.


ive enjoyed reading this thread its been thought provoking in some respects and theres been alot of sense from some quarters-my view is a firm no-to me it did not hit home untill a couple of months back when i was having a cuppa round me old mates house AL CONEY -Al has a pic of us lot in 1978 on the bus on the way to the casino GAZ Simons Harry from darlo Johnny Mercer etc and i must admitt when i looked at it i was agasht "we were barely out of nappies lol-and we were proper naughty lads lol.So exposure to older nutters-gear-gear talk - -etc is just not good regardless of what year we are in and bet your bottom doller -young people will be exposed.

The wider societal issue is young peoples consiousness and ofcourse alot of them know waht goes on etc-thats why my 16 year old daughter looks through me when i come back from dos -kids arnt daft but younger ones really should be kept away untill 18 by which time there will be downloading kings of leon and pink lol.

Ive also never bought into the "we need young people on the scene"to me the issue is we need ABLE BODY PEOPLE LOL,the music willcarry on with us gone lol.


Posted (edited)

Oh fukc it, ok i'll vote no.now lets here from some promoters, see if they agree with the vote.............or just make excuses.

I voted No ......but

I'd say 15/16 would be ok. Still kiddish but ok to make up their own minds in what they get involved in. When I first started allnighters at that age it was an exciting environment to be in. I'm glad my mum and dad weren't there but i was more relaxed when my older brothers were. I remember going round the casino at that age begging money off strangers to buy odd tunes that I wanted when others were robbin' tunes outta people's boxes or being sold boots. ...but I wouldn't go into the bogs on my own. Took me 3 years to pluck up courage to step on the dancefloor in Mr M's. It'sdifferent now as a lot of the hard-edge has gone from a lot of the places I go to now. There should be a rite of passage but not for kids.

How much pocket money have they got for tunes as well. Oh there's lots of looky-likey stuff around. Who buys them. Probably the same as when we bought pressings. Young one's need an environment to learn the rules...but I still say under 15's is too young for nighters.

Ken you're an exception to the rule as those were different times. And you're right this thread won't have any affect on anything.There's still a lot of crud around in society but I'm sure its got a lot worse since the 70's. Sure feels like it.

Best to you Ken



Edited by Kev Moore

I voted No ......but

I'd say 15/16 would be ok. Still kiddish but ok to make up their own minds in what they get involved in. When I first started allnighters at that age it was an exciting environment to be in. I'm glad my mum and dad weren't there but i was more relaxed when my older brothers were. I remember going round the casino at that age begging money off strangers to buy odd tunes that I wanted when others were robbin' tunes outta people's boxes or being sold boots. ...but I wouldn't go into the bogs on my own. Took me 3 years to pluck up courage to step on the dancefloor in Mr M's. It'sdifferent now as a lot of the hard-edge has gone from a lot of the places I go to now. There should be a rite of passage but not for kids.

How much pocket money have they got for tunes as well. Oh there's lots of looky-likey stuff around. Who buys them. Probably the same as when we bought pressings. Young one's need an environment to learn the rules...but I still say under 15's is too young for nighters.

Ken you're an exception to the rule as those were different times. And you're right this thread won't have any affect on anything.There's still a lot of crud around in society but I'm sure its got a lot worse since the 70's. Sure feels like it.

Best to you Ken



Cheers Kev i eventualy voted no because it seems like all the folks i really respect are voting that way, Joe (Pikey) ,mr Abbott ,and now yourself.........you see it my way a bit, but it looks like there is no room for senterment and it looks like 18 isn't good enough some,but yeh lets have em in the army at 17.


see some at niters today and some can't be over 12.....in their vests and bags too :yes:

Saw one at Radcliffe on Saturday.............looked about 10-12 year old.............but then again one does see the odd strange thing at nighters sometimes!!! :lol:

Guest Phoenix8049

I think the message coming across in this thread is : we are all older and wiser now.

And we were all wrong to go to nighters under age back then,and it's still wrong to do it now.

I can see the point of that young lad Ethan and his parents escorting him.

He does seem to have a passion for our scene,and maybe for someone like that we should make the odd exception.

But to me i think he is a special case.



I think the message coming across in this thread is : we are all older and wiser now.

And we were all wrong to go to nighters under age back then,and it's still wrong to do it now.

I can see the point of that young lad Ethan and his parents escorting him.

He does seem to have a passion for our scene,and maybe for someone like that we should make the odd exception.

But to me i think he is a special case.


Thats where it falls flat on its face, sorry Ethan.

Guest gordon russell

just found out that one allnighter in stoke is introducing baby changing facilities and selling circle nappies......as long as they're good dancers:thumbsup:

Posted (edited)

Simon, you said (as have other people at nighters)...

I am not doing a nighter with children full stop.

But you were polite to Lottie to the extent of saying what a good dancer she was and held a conversation about her. I'm confused now. :)

Edited by TheSoulgirl
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