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  On 17/06/2010 at 07:38, jocko said:

Eh that is exactly what I am doing and have always done, in fact you steal my words from my first post, I am judging it based on the fact so far there are 2 glaring stupid errors just on the trailer which doesn't bode well for the film, it is the film chap himself who has now come on saying the film is now based on Winstanley's book which kinda changes the context of the film and if correct makes it a far more ambitious project and in reality one hardly likely to be achievable on screen.

However I am more than a little suspicious, I think the film is sold out for both showings, I am on holiday in Italia so haven't tried to book, so there is no real need for them to publicise it here, other than they are now faced with an empty after show party and you judge if its co-incidence that they only appeared here after the local lads pulled the plug, completely correctly by the looks of it, on their do. Its been fairly typical of the behaviour up to now and its a damn shame when they have something as prestigious as a Saturday night gig at one of the worlds leading film festivals they continue to act like rank amateurs and has been the case all along treat people on here like puppets and with no respect. They have just lied all the all through their dealings on here which is just really quite pathetic for a world wide organisation and just proves like their hero Mr Winstanley they only care about the bottom line, not the product.

I still can't help feeling they only added Northern into the film as they knew they had a captive audience rather than any concern for the subject matter, just a pity they didn't actually take any time to understand their audience which has always been my concern about this, the lack of respect and understanding they have and the fact its a crowd ploy rather than subject matter they love along with their behaviour has me thinking this just wont work, and I use it again, its about getting the right emotions attached to the film which Paul Sadot did so successfully with his play, its not an easy thing, I think the scene and people on it deserve the respect of setting context and concept correctly, then the storyline is an independant beast and can take care of itself and that is the least we deserve,

If you are happy with your 15 minutes of fame, so you can say you were there, at any cost to scenes already dwindling reputation then that is your choice, but for me that is as usual another nail in coffin of any credibility of people around.

Why don't you make your own film and show us all how it should be done instead of slagging of someone else's hard work? That goes for all of you slagging it off without even having seen it, you're pathetic.

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  On 17/06/2010 at 09:17, Pete S said:

What a f*cking ridiculous statement, I like films set in the 70's, it reminds me of some very happy times, I'm looking forward to seeing this, Christ what could be better than a film with a Northern Soul soundtrack?

A good film would be better, turn your statement around and ask why should a poor film get an audience just because it has Northern in it, and this is the rub, I have stuck up for this film until now but the cynical marketing team have just sickened me with it.

You might be happy with a second rate product just so you can say to people I was there, I am more interested in the quality of the product than my 15 minutes of fame.

  On 17/06/2010 at 09:21, Pete S said:

Why don't you make your own film and show us all how it should be done instead of slagging of someone else's hard work? That goes for all of you slagging it off without even having seen it, you're pathetic.

Its a public piece of work you idiot, since when has any production the public arena not been up for review, WTF is so special about this. Do you just go and see a film and say it was shit but they worked hard producing a piece of shit so thats okay, you are either easily pleased or a liar, the reason I don't do lots of things such as make films is because they are beyond my talents, not everyone is quite so self aware or we wouldn't be so subject to shit films, music books etc etc. Life is too short to spend with shit things for me, and on that note I am off to Italy for some good food, great scenery and some decent football fans.

At the end of the day I will pay to see this and then subject all to my views good or bad, I suspect you wont be paying to see it Pete will you!


  On 17/06/2010 at 10:12, jocko said:

A good film would be better, turn your statement around and ask why should a poor film get an audience just because it has Northern in it, and this is the rub, I have stuck up for this film until now but the cynical marketing team have just sickened me with it.

You might be happy with a second rate product just so you can say to people I was there, I am more interested in the quality of the product than my 15 minutes of fame.

Its a public piece of work, since when has any product not been up for review, do you just go and see a film and say it was shit but they worked ahrd producing a piece of shit so thats okay, you are either easily pleased or a liar, the reason I don't do lots of things is because they are beyond my talents, not eveyone is

I wasn't there so why would I tell people I was there?

And if it's shit, I'll say it's shit, I'm surprised you think I wouldn't, but I'm afraid there's the slight problem of me not having seen it yet so I can't give a verdict on it. I couldn't give a toss about what the marketing team are up to, it's got nothing to do with the film, what sort of shennanigans go on witjh Hollywood films, I don't know and I don't care.

Bottom line is, as has been said so many times, only the people who've seen it really have the right to give a verdict on it. The fact that someone claps out of time isn't going to stop me watching it.


  On 17/06/2010 at 09:55, Pete S said:

How come you're not BIG anymore?

Due to old age & "shrinking" i felt i no longer fit into the large category :rolleyes: so ammended my profile to suit,..i may shortly be called "small Chris" :rolleyes:


  On 17/06/2010 at 10:15, jocko said:

A good film would be better, turn your statement around and ask why should a poor film get an audience just because it has Northern in it, and this is the rub, I have stuck up for this film until now but the cynical marketing team have just sickened me with it.

You might be happy with a second rate product just so you can say to people I was there, I am more interested in the quality of the product than my 15 minutes of fame.

Its a public piece of work you idiot, since when has any production the public arena not been up for review, WTF is so special about this. Do you just go and see a film and say it was shit but they worked hard producing a piece of shit so thats okay, you are either easily pleased or a liar, the reason I don't do lots of things such as make films is because they are beyond my talents, not everyone is quite so self aware or we wouldn't be so subject to shit films, music books etc etc. Life is too short to spend with shit things for me, and on that note I am off to Italy for some good food, great scenery and some decent football fans.

At the end of the day I will pay to see this and then subject all to my views good or bad, I suspect you wont be paying to see it Pete will you!

So have you seen the film then?

I thought the premiere was coming up, has there been some sort of pre-screening?

Confused :rolleyes:

Agree with the comments in other posts about getting RW to host the aftershow knees up - makes you think that not a lot of homework has been done if they think he is the face of NS.

I'm waiting for the DVD :rolleyes:


Well I'm the first to admit I had strong reservations when this was discussed as a project.

But I'll certainly be seeing it at the cinema.

And I've just visited the Ipsofacto web site.

The opening video, or more importantly, the backing music surprised me.



  On 17/06/2010 at 10:45, Tabs said:

Well I'm the first to admit I had strong reservations when this was discussed as a project.

But I'll certainly be seeing it at the cinema.

And I've just visited the Ipsofacto web site.

The opening video, or more importantly, the backing music surprised me.


Wonder who's singing that version of On A Magic Carpet Ride?


Hi Pete,

Still a surprising choice of tune.

  On 17/06/2010 at 11:04, Pete S said:

Wonder who's singing that version of On A Magic Carpet Ride?


Well I'll be going to see it, and not just because its a film with a NS backdrop (geddit biggrin.gif )... IpsoFacto have made some great films in the past using PROPER actors. I love British independant films and I'd rather watch one of these than a shedload of Hollywood crap... just hope there's never an American re-make swoon.gif


  On 17/06/2010 at 11:04, Pete S said:

Wonder who's singing that version of On A Magic Carpet Ride?

Gabrielle Climi produced by Andy Lewis. It's the one new song in the movie.

I've actually seen the film for a preview to see if it would be right for an event I am organising. I'd have no problem showing it. It might not be The Godfather but it was a good to watch.

It also reminded exactly how good the classic northern soul records really are.

Posted (edited)

  On 17/06/2010 at 08:54, SoulBoythefilm said:

i am the producer of the film and the first time i posted on this site was yesterday. i am also a girl rather than a guy.

the writer read russ winstanley's book and then wrote a film where the backdrop was the wigan casino. the film is a drama, the story about a young man finding a scene in which he belongs. it is not a documentary and it doesn't purport to get everything 100% right but we made every effort with limited resources. i only ask that you give the film a go if you like then great and if you dont then i am sorry.

i already gave the reason why we asked russ and i stand by it. whoever we asked would have upset someone.


If I were you I would just stand back from all this , and let the film do the talking . I really can't understand why some are getting their knickers in a twist about some of the things mentioned on this post .It is all quite irrelevant comment really IMHO as nobody has seen the film yet ph34r.gif

Either way you won't please all of the people all of the time , but please keep it real ..this is a few people sharing an opinion ( which they are within their rights to do ) some more strongly than others ..... it is not the whole CROWD that supports soul music week in week out whome probably 70% of don't even venture into cyberspace.

Am I bothered about the politics of who did what and where ... am I hellerslike laugh.gif I would just like to see a nice movie that incorporates some things that I can relate to.

I do hope there is some romance in it thumbup.gif i doubt there will be much sex PML laugh.giflaugh.gif

Edited by Carms
Posted (edited)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHt38RgWhe8Cheers Dean.

  On 17/06/2010 at 11:21, Dean Rudland said:

Gabrielle Climi produced by Andy Lewis. It's the one new song in the movie.

I've actually seen the film for a preview to see if it would be right for an event I am organising. I'd have no problem showing it. It might not be The Godfather but it was a good to watch.

It also reminded exactly how good the classic northern soul records really are.

And now we know.biggrin.gif

  On 17/06/2010 at 11:21, Pete S said:

Don't disagree with you, just wanted to know who was singing it...

Edited by Tabs

Guest Gogse

Regarding the after party...

Russ thought that his name carried so much weight that the soulboys would gratefully bend over and take one up the rear.

The soulboys are very well respected on the Scottish scene and certainly do not need any patronage from Russ.

I know they are a bit peed off regarding the situation, but I'm sure they hold no malice towards all the people who worked on the film.

Regarding the film...

Is it really so important? It's only a film ffs. It's not going to kill the scene. It's not going to commercialise the scene (it's not wigans ovation). It seems to me that it's this site that is keeping the perpetual motion of its dissection. The world outside this site doesn't give a flying fck if it's cheesy or if the handclaps are out of sinc.

I think we should keep the film in perspective, as a side note to the scene.

Not really worth falling out over.

Just my tupenth worth.

Posted (edited)

Webby, you're spot on.

When I walked through the door in September '73 after the Mecca Im pretty sure Russ was on the decks.

OK, he seems to have a poor reputation nowadays but I don't know him personally and don't know if it is earned. What I do know is that a lot of those slagging him off weren't anywhere near Station Rd on that night or later.

There seems to be this assumed orthodoxy that certain perople's efforts are more worthy than others. Paul Sadot and Dave Shaw are mentioned on this thread. Never seen the play and never read the book and more to the point never heard of them or came across them at Wigan. I can't see there is anything to be gained by me in understanding my experiences there through their eyes. Not that I need to "understand" much. It was a night out doing what I liked to do.

Can't see this film being any different. Won't be going to see it at the cinema as it's not my type of film as I prefer foreign language cinema re-telling the struggles of the Marxist proletariat in the face of uncaring capitalism, especially the bit where the alien bites the scantily clad teenage heroine's head off. Might catch it if it comes on Sky


Edited by modernsoulsucks
Guest Phil Armstrong

people seem to be giving this film a lot of gravitas, surely it will be a feel good film along the lines of "The Boat That Rocked " but with a Northern Soul theme - Sounds Great.



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Saturday 2nd October 2010

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  On 17/06/2010 at 11:36, Gogse said:

Regarding the after party...

Russ thought that his name carried so much weight that the soulboys would gratefully bend over and take one up the rear.

The soulboys are very well respected on the Scottish scene and certainly do not need any patronage from Russ.

I know they are a bit peed off regarding the situation, but I'm sure they hold no malice towards all the people who worked on the film.

Regarding the film...

Is it really so important? It's only a film ffs. It's not going to kill the scene. It's not going to commercialise the scene (it's not wigans ovation). It seems to me that it's this site that is keeping the perpetual motion of its dissection. The world outside this site doesn't give a flying fck if it's cheesy or if the handclaps are out of sinc.

I think we should keep the film in perspective, as a side note to the scene.

Not really worth falling out over.

Just my tupenth worth.

Here here! Can it really do much bad to a supposed living scene with hardly any fresh faces to speak of.


The waiting will soon be over....

I really do think the Ipsfacto team have done themself few favours in posts on here....... But,,,, i really do hope the film is a winner for most of you..... It could never ever please all..

As the song says " its been a long time coming"...

Look forward to feedback after the weekend

Posted (edited)

  On 17/06/2010 at 23:38, little-stevie said:

The waiting will soon be over....

I really do think the Ipsfacto team have done themself few favours in posts on here....... But,,,, i really do hope the film is a winner for most of you..... It could never ever please all..

As the song says " its been a long time coming"...

Look forward to feedback after the weekend

If the film is actually any good, then it will be a sucess, if it is not then it will be a fail and loose money.

weather it is set in the 70s with a northern soul theme or set in the 90s with a house music theme.

if its a decent film it will be talked about by film critics as good film and will be given time in cinemas and enjoyed by people

if they pan it, it will vanish.

its all going to come down to how well the this film is recieved by the film critics and the public.

not us !

Edited by mossy

  On 17/06/2010 at 08:54, SoulBoythefilm said:

i am the producer of the film and the first time i posted on this site was yesterday. i am also a girl rather than a guy.

the writer read russ winstanley's book and then wrote a film where the backdrop was the wigan casino. the film is a drama, the story about a young man finding a scene in which he belongs. it is not a documentary and it doesn't purport to get everything 100% right but we made every effort with limited resources. i only ask that you give the film a go if you like then great and if you dont then i am sorry.

i already gave the reason why we asked russ and i stand by it. whoever we asked would have upset someone.

Well said that girl. C'mon guy's lets not get carried away here, at least someone took the gamble to make a drama/film. It was never gonna please everyone and it was certainly never gonna be 100% correct ( in some peoples eyes ). Others have tried in the past and to some degree their effort was worthwhile. I for one can see why they wanted Russ to be involved and whether he is liked or dis-liked among today's soul crowd HE was responsible for setting up the greatest allnighters and we were all happy to go along then inspite of some of the music played there. So let's embrace something that might just be the saviour of this truly wonderful scene we love so much cos without a newer and younger crowd it WILL die along with us and there defo ain't anything happening even in soul heaven. I have only seen the small clip on you tube but first impressions are ' we did all act like that at 17 '. Remember, halo's are for angels, not the average punter that just wants a damn good night out. Hopefully this film will re-activate a passion in the youngsters who ' want something different ' to the usual drivel they are subjected to nowaday's. As Churchill once said ' never have we owed so much to so few '. Spread the Faith. Tony T Bone OZ.

Posted (edited)

one of my all time fave films is Quadrophenia, though I'm of an age where I couldn't have enjoyed the underground mod scene of the early 60's before every body became a mod or a greebo,

However last year I had the pleasure of spending a night with two Peterborough guys who were in their early 60's and were "where it's at" in 1964.

When I asked them if Quadrophenia was a true reflection of that era, both said NO together "for starters we used to get beat up by the rockers quite a lot and you'd never carry 'phets' around on your head"

My point is that the film may be a very entertaining insight into a subject and era that millions are aware of but never had the privelige of clapping at the precise moment with 1500 others during The Jades I'm where it's at.

I hope the film makes a fortune for those that have invested in it..

Edited by PaulDonnelly
Guest Simon

  On 17/06/2010 at 11:21, Dean Rudland said:

Gabrielle Climi produced by Andy Lewis. It's the one new song in the movie.

I've actually seen the film for a preview to see if it would be right for an event I am organising. I'd have no problem showing it. It might not be The Godfather but it was a good to watch.

It also reminded exactly how good the classic northern soul records really are.

Why haven't they used the Kiki Dee original rather than this horrible modern version, would have been like Bananarama singing 'Be my baby' in Quadrophenia.



  On 18/06/2010 at 07:16, Simon said:

Why haven't they used the Kiki Dee original rather than this horrible modern version, would have been like Bananarama singing 'Be my baby' in Quadrophenia.


The GC version of " MCR " is surprisingly very good , and respective to / of the original recording , except for the unessessary phasing of the male backgrounds vocals 2:12 into the song .


Guest Simon

  On 18/06/2010 at 07:30, Malc Burton said:

The GC version of " MCR " is surprisingly very good , and respective to / of the original recording , except for the unessessary phasing of the male backgrounds vocals 2:12 into the song .


Gotta disagree Malc, sounds all horrible & modern to my ears, maybe it's because i like Kiki's version so much.



I'm really looking forward to seeing the movie thumbsup.gif Hope it makes it to Brighton - the Duke of Yorks picturehouse and then a Soul night would do me fine.




  On 18/06/2010 at 07:44, Simon said:

Gotta disagree Malc, sounds all horrible & modern to my ears, maybe it's because i like Kiki's version so much.


I am very wary when anyone attempts / does a cover of a well known sound Simon , but as I stated , it is surprisingly very good , and the production of it is respectful to the spirit of the original .

Who is , and what are the credentials of the producer of the GC version ?


Guest Simon

  On 18/06/2010 at 07:55, Malc Burton said:

Who is , and what are the credentials of the producer of the GC version ?


Andy Lewis - A nice chap, we've had him dj at 'Da Doo Ron Ron', plays guitar for Paul Weller, been in a few of his own bands, lifelong Mod & Northern Soul fan.


Guest MBarrett
Posted (edited)

  On 18/06/2010 at 06:35, PaulDonnelly said:

one of my all time fave films is Quadrophenia, though I'm of an age where I couldn't have enjoyed the underground mod scene of the early 60's before every body became a mod or a greebo,

However last year I had the pleasure of spending a night with two Peterborough guys who were in their early 60's and were "where it's at" in 1964.

When I asked them if Quadrophenia was a true reflection of that era, both said NO together "for starters we used to get beat up by the rockers quite a lot and you'd never carry 'phets' around on your head"

My point is that the film may be a very entertaining insight into a subject and era that millions are aware of but never had the privelige of clapping at the precise moment with 1500 others during The Jades I'm where it's at.

I hope the film makes a fortune for those that have invested in it..


Just to develop your point a bit.

I happened to be in Clacton at Easter 1964 when the whole Mod phenomenon went national over one very bizarre Bank Holiday weekend. So I saw a lot of the 1960's Mod thing at first hand.

Most of the rocker/greebo kids in our area came from the country villages around about and were outnumbered by about 100 to 1. So there was no beating up of Mods by greebos in my experience.

But I am sure in Peterborough the balance was much more even so can understand exactly what those guys were saying.

The point I am making is that you can take a group of people who were all there "at the time" and every one will have a different but perfectly valid version of the truth.

I went to one of the first showings of SoulBoy in Feb 2009 - said at the time that I liked it - and haven't changed my opinion since.

It has a bit of "low budget" feel - but that's no bad thing for the era it is representing. It's a bit more "feel good" than Quadrophenia but that's OK by me. Early 70's was quite a "feel good" period of my life.

All in all - nobody will relate to or agree with the whole of this film. But everyone will relate to part of it.

If anyone thinks it should never have been made I think that's pretty mean-spirited. IMHO. :rolleyes::lol:


Edited by MBarrett

  On 17/06/2010 at 09:21, Pete S said:

Why don't you make your own film and show us all how it should be done instead of slagging of someone else's hard work? That goes for all of you slagging it off without even having seen it, you're pathetic.

No you're being too harsh there. They've heard stuff way back about this film, the plot, they've seen trailers, mates who have danced as extras.. Based on the information available they were entitled to express their views. Nothing pathetic about that.

If this film ever reaches a cinema anywhere remotely near me, I would be very interested to see it.

Guest Roddy
Posted (edited)

I'm once more in agreement with Jock.

I will be attending both the first and second showings of the film as part of the film festival.

Zander/Shaz thanks for your input in clearing up another messy and unessesary northern soul situation where greed has divided what should have been a celebration of the past.

I hope the films great and gets it right ...

but I am appalled that once more RW is allowed to make more cash from the once great WC.

In fact rw=W.C

Edited by Roddy

Posted (edited)

  On 03/06/2010 at 14:26, Mark S said:

For a naff film about NS compare the Soulboy.com

For a good film about Africa compare the Soul Boy.com

The Meerkat made me do it rolleyes.gif

Right back underground ph34r.gif


Edited by paul-s

  On 18/06/2010 at 08:43, Simsy said:

No you're being too harsh there. They've heard stuff way back about this film, the plot, they've seen trailers, mates who have danced as extras.. Based on the information available they were entitled to express their views. Nothing pathetic about that.

If this film ever reaches a cinema anywhere remotely near me, I would be very interested to see it.



I saw the new trailer and jesus the guy is breaking (spinning on his back) at the end.! Thats just wrong. Also the big 'line Dancing, hands in air scene looks pants'. Trailers are meant to reflect the best of a film, so im not holding out much hope. Also basing it it on Winstanleys bookmeans its definitely a rose tinted, innaccurate, naieve account of the times. According to Russ's book, there were no drugs at Wigan. Shame also that they have him djing with pressings and boots at the after party, but probably reflective of the films quality.

Trailer reminds me of a Northern Soul version of 'GREASE'wink.gif , but im sure you can "tell me more, tell me more" Enjoy..


right if this film is to be authentic, I demand, at half time when the ice cream lady comes round, 1 westlers famous hotdog, 1 kiora orange juice and a tub of ice cream. simples.

Posted (edited)

  On 16/06/2010 at 23:32, zmpromo said:

the reason theirs an alternative after show party at the merlin is because mr winstanley asked soul boys promo to orginise the after show party for them and after finding venue,advertising,selling tickets,orginision pa system and dj,then wanted 100 free tickets & half the door money and didnt want to put any money towards party,as this wasnt feesable they then decided they would put the party on themselfs and put preasure on traverse thearte to deal with them and not soul boys promo...after all the hard work we had put in to this mr winstanley had stabbed us in the back so we are having our own after show party were everybody is wecome....film cast & film makers....so come along and join us for a great nite of northern soul oldies...8.00 till 1.00...at the merlin....hoping this answers your question roddy

AS i have often said Mr Winstanley is a callous, leeching, souless, no morals, mofo, yes.gif He has stabbed many, many people in the back and the fact the film people love him says it all.

Edited by paul-s

  On 18/06/2010 at 09:34, paul-s said:

I saw the new trailer and jesus the guy is breaking (spinning on his back) at the end.! Thats just wrong. Also the big 'line Dancing, hands in air scene looks pants'. Trailers are meant to reflect the best of a film, so im not holding out much hope. Also basing it it on Winstanleys bookmeans its definitely a rose tinted, innaccurate, naieve account of the times. According to Russ's book, there were no drugs at Wigan. Shame also that they have him djing with pressings and boots at the after party, but probably reflective of the films quality.

Trailer reminds me of a Northern Soul version of 'GREASE':wink: , but im sure you can "tell me more, tell me more" Enjoy..

They are often just 'trailers' though, I've seen loads of trailers where clips never actually appear in the film.

But if someone's spinning on their back...that's just plain daft and unnecessary.


  On 18/06/2010 at 09:34, Pete S said:



  On 18/06/2010 at 09:34, paul-s said:

I saw the new trailer and jesus the guy is breaking (spinning on his back) at the end.! Thats just wrong. Also the big 'line Dancing, hands in air scene looks pants'. Trailers are meant to reflect the best of a film, so im not holding out much hope. Also basing it it on Winstanleys bookmeans its definitely a rose tinted, innaccurate, naieve account of the times. According to Russ's book, there were no drugs at Wigan. Shame also that they have him djing with pressings and boots at the after party, but probably reflective of the films quality.

Trailer reminds me of a Northern Soul version of 'GREASE'wink.gif , but im sure you can "tell me more, tell me more" Enjoy..

Pete, you could not have seen the film in it's entirety, written the above and still be 'dead on balls' accurate. If you'd written a credible play as well, even more so! :P


  On 18/06/2010 at 10:20, Simsy said:


Pete, you could not have seen the film in it's entirety, written the above and still be 'dead on balls' accurate. If you'd written a credible play as well, even more so! :P

In English please?


  On 18/06/2010 at 09:47, paul-s said:

AS i have often said Mr Winstanley is a callous, leeching, souless, no morals, mofo, yes.gif He has stabbed many, many people in the back and the fact the film people love him says it all.

I love his hair biggrin.gif



  On 18/06/2010 at 10:28, Pete S said:

In English please?


Your point is schtum unless you've seen it. My point is we're allowed to express views on what we've seen, heard and read so far. So there.


  On 18/06/2010 at 09:47, paul-s said:

AS i have often said Mr Winstanley is a callous, leeching, souless, no morals, mofo, yes.gif He has stabbed many, many people in the back and the fact the film people love him says it all.

oh for goodness sake grow up.... this smacks of i don't like you cause you like him.... really ...this is playground stuff


On a lighter note........

Dancing couple can step right into film party

TALK of the Town is on the hunt for this fun-loving city couple who won a Northern Soul dance contest at the famous Wigan Casino more than 30 years ago.

This lost picture of Wayne McFadden and Alison Mitchell at the 1970s contest surfaced during the filming of the new Northern Soul movie Soulboy, which premieres at the Film Festival on Saturday.

The producers have invited the pair to show up at the premiere and after-party at the Traverse Theatre - and even show the stars how it's done on the dance-floor.



  On 17/06/2010 at 09:14, little-stevie said:

Maybe it would have been best just to turn Winstanleys requests for 100 free Tickets and half the door take :P ( as said in the post yesterday ) than turn the Scottish crowd against the premiere aftershow party.... You could have had Russ play also if he could moderate his requests.... Thats called a win win.....

That would have been the best course of action maybe and all the cast/ Crew/ punters share a great after show part together..

Thats just me thinking with my promoters head on....

Anyway... Back to the film.... Not long to go and look forward to feedback

Yes Mr C that would seem the best way to get most peeps onside if only initially.

Having used this site for research, extras and advertising, least they coulda done was to offer Mike some sort of rider, he'd only want 50 free tickets :thumbsup:

They could have used this site to identify the local sweaty sock scene and invited them to get involved with the bash. Wouldnt have taken much time or cost and shows goodwill to the scene that has helped with the (excuse the pun) backdrop to the film.


  On 18/06/2010 at 12:08, Carms said:

oh for goodness sake grow up.... this smacks of i don't like you cause you like him.... really ...this is playground stuff

You should get an award for most sensible post on this thread so far thumbsup.gif

Well Said :rolleyes:

Guest proudlove

  On 18/06/2010 at 14:40, webbydublin said:

if you'd have asked me then you would have pleased everyome! :yes::yes::laugh:

Phil...........................................whats an everyome?

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