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Not too often this happens where I'm concerned, but I'm still just too overcome by emotion to put together the words I want to say to everyone on here.

Tomorrow I'll post the reply text I sent to Sian earlier today - I think it about sums it up, really..

But I did want to tell everybody myself, on here, - in a nutshell - my daughter (Charlie), my wife (Sue) and I can enjoy a good nights sleep tonight - and our Xmas - because you lot have ensured we will DEFINATELY, now, be able to keep our home !!! yes.gifyes.gifyes.gif


For know, that's all I can manage..


Brilliant news, Merry Christmas to you and your family.

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Oi, get off my thread! laugh.gif


i have 2 copies of just brothers on lupine. one is g+ and 1 is vg. you auction them off and i will send them to the winning bidder. You then put the money into the fund




I'm broke myself Pete mate (2 months behind on the rent) but I get my next lot of Student Finance in 3 week's time so can throw in a tenner then. I don't know John personally but he sounds like a great bloke so happy to help.



Wow. Stunning response from all @ S.S. and very appropriate under the circumstances. This is a real community and shows how people can come together in certain situations.

Pete should seriously consider a future career in socially concious fund-raising and Johnny is a perfect example of a human being with very good karma. A really magical 'lil set of events here folks......

Makes a change to have a genuine feel-good story on Christmas Eve doesn't it?

Right time for a brandy methinks.......I'm starting to feel Christmassy............

Ian D biggrin.gif

Guest Mrs Simsy

Just got home from the pub & am so so pleased for Johnny. What great people are on our scene!:)

Merry Christmas everyone.xx


Just got home from the pub & am so so pleased for Johnny. What great people are on our scene!biggrin.gif

Merry Christmas everyone.xx

Yes, when I spoke to Johnny back at Stoke whenever that was, I spoke of a fundraiser perhaps to Teneriffe or Thailand, just to give him a bit of a break. Could think of no better ally than Pete S, being on the receiving end of Johnny's heartfelt kindness in the past and a man who folk listen to - Pete, you've done a superb job mate, really pleased!

After some of the somber news we've had recently, for Pete to make this happen and save the family home of one of our nicest, kindest & most generous people, on Christmas (fookin) Eve !!!!!! Outstandingness all round ! :)


Pete when you read this you will find you have mail! Couldn't belivie it when I read your thread, I have known Fingers for many years and we have spent many a happy hour huddled over a record box around mine when he should have been at business clients in the past. Haven't been in touch with him the past year or so (family gets in the way) but I wanted to underline what's already been said, namely he's one of the scene's and lifes good guys with a generous heart and spirit and he too has done me favours in the past that I now gladly return. If you dont know him but can spare anything do so as people like Fingers are few and far between, Johnny if your reading this Jane and I send our love and keep your head up mate, Pete, well done, the spirt of Xmas is alive and well!


I Have only just seen this, met Johnny a couple of times and he is one of lifes good souls, and Pete you are up there also for such a kind and heartwarming gesture... this is what Christmas is all about, peace on earth and goodwill to all.

You have funds Pete. God bless you. xx



I'm unemployed but I'll chip in with a tenner.

I'm just thankful that my situation is not so severe.

Merry Christmas to everyone.


Guest Mark Holmes

Just played forward some money I received for helping out a person.

The folks on Soul source who have helped me maintain my own sanity over the past 18 months are some of lifes diamonds...what this group has done in a single day for a fellow soulie is absolutely incredible and everyone should feel very good that they have such precious souls.


Pete Brilliant to read this dont know '' Johnny'' but we one big family of soul brothers & sisters so a few ''buckarros'' from Aussie best Johnny red pants Ktf in da sun

Ps Anorther reason to get a few Soul retirement villages going in the future with emergency accomdation ''just in case'' Merry xmas 30c here


Just started reading this now as back from the beach (!) - Happy Christmas everybody from sunny Perth. Never met JF (yet) but from reading all of the posts, he sounds like a top lad, so Pete - you've got an email from Paypal,



Posted (edited)

Well I've just got up and guess what, another dozen or so contributions in my inbox, thanks again to everyone who's sent money, offered money, records etc, PLEASE DON'T SEND ANYTHING IF IT'S GOING TO LEAVE YOU SHORT! But thank you for the lovely offers.

I was told maybe I shouldn't announce totals as you never know who may be reading but just for the purposes of this let's just say it's my money and I can give it to who I like.

As it stands this morning we have had payments from 111 people and I would say 30% of those don't know John.

The total stands at...



Edited by Pete S



i have 2 copies of just brothers on lupine. one is g+ and 1 is vg. you auction them off and i will send them to the winning bidder. You then put the money into the fund



Paul that is fantastic but what if I auction them and get less than you think they should go for??


I'm broke myself Pete mate (2 months behind on the rent) but I get my next lot of Student Finance in 3 week's time so can throw in a tenner then. I don't know John personally but he sounds like a great bloke so happy to help.


You get yourself sorted mate, it's all taken care of here, stop buying shit Studio One records :rolleyes:


Well I've just got up and guess what, another dozen or so contributions in my inbox, thanks again to everyone who's sent money, offered money, records etc, PLEASE DON'T SEND ANYTHING IF IT'S GOING TO LEAVE YOU SHORT! But thank you for the lovely offers.

I was told maybe I shouldn't announce totals as you never know who may be reading but just for the purposes of this let's just say it's my money and I can give it to who I like.

As it stands this morning we have had payments from 111 people and I would say 30% of those don't know John.

The total stands at...



Proof, if ever it were needed, of the high level of trust, faith and respect with which we soulies hold each other.

What a fantastic thread this is !! Wonderful !!


Well I've just got up and guess what, another dozen or so contributions in my inbox, thanks again to everyone who's sent money, offered money, records etc, PLEASE DON'T SEND ANYTHING IF IT'S GOING TO LEAVE YOU SHORT! But thank you for the lovely offers.

I was told maybe I shouldn't announce totals as you never know who may be reading but just for the purposes of this let's just say it's my money and I can give it to who I like.

As it stands this morning we have had payments from 111 people and I would say 30% of those don't know John.

The total stands at...



Well dun Pete just sent some money m8 [ dont no johnny ] but we are like a family on here ,so nice to help outhatsoff2.gif

Guest Mark Cartwright


Sorry I don't know you or Fingers but what a great thought - £10 on the way - very happy to help.



this has made my xmas i feel a warm glow inside:hatsoff2:

that's exactly what me and Michael said this morning!


Here is confirmation that I have withdrawn another £1000 from paypal into my bank account.

So that means 2 x £1000 plus the money on the cards yesterday £130 and I've taken more on the card since. I'll post up all the receipts so everyone can see what is going on. It's best this way. :rolleyes:

Dear peter smith,

You asked us on 25 Dec 2009 to transfer 1,000.00 GBP from your PayPal account to your bank account. We are processing your request.

The transfer normally takes 2-3 business days.

The money should be in your bank account by 1 Jan 2010.

We will email you if any problems occur with your request.

Do you want to receive and withdraw larger amounts? Log in to your PayPal account to find out how. Click View Limits on your Account Overview page.

Yours sincerely,




Just been over on EMS (Essential Modern Soul) & this thread was mentioned on there by Derek Jack & now I have posted a link as well for folks.

Great gesture Pete & as a Mod on here can I just say a great big thank you to everybody so far who has helped out so far.

Makes Modding on here so worthwhile when everybody gets together to help out like this.

Will send a few quid over later Pete.


Great work pete or should it be innocent.gif Peter thumbup.gif

Yes Saint Peter indeedyes.gifhatsoff2.gif

Wonderful, wonderful thread and fantastic result!

A Very merry X-mas to all but especially Johnny, Sue and Charlie and of course St Petergood.gif

Hope everyone has a great day


Posted (edited)

very true that, I have two now GRANDCHILDREN that is! (didn't know I could still pull funny faces without being slapped!)biggrin.gif

Well done Pete Smith for this amazing gesture 'tis what Christmas is all about good.gif

Edited by dancingcollector

A lesson can be learnt for everybody here,my hat comes off to you Pete for starting this.I dont know Fingers that well by anymeans but for the cause and thru Nicola i hoped weve also helped in a small way.Is'nt nice to help somone.We like that feeling,you just never know whats round the corner,it could be any one of us one day thats down on our luck.Keep your chin up Mr Fingers. many kind regards Gilly and Nicola

Posted (edited)

this has made my xmas i feel a warm glow insidehatsoff2.gif

that will be the brandy john

Edited by Guest
Posted (edited)

I've never met Fingers, however I don't like to hear about a fellow soul in trouble, so have sent Paypal. Hope this will help keep the wolf away. Well done Pete for organising this.


Edited by Dezzie Boy
Posted (edited)

Last night was the first night, in longer than I can remember, that I was able to fall off to sleep the second my head hit the pillow - instead of spending umpteen hours tossin' & turnin' with the worry of the possibility for the worst start to a new year.. I still had a right s**t sleep, though - but that was a consequence of the sciatica and nothing else.

To awake this morning too, and not face an instantaneous bombardment of thoughts of a potentially very bleak future slamming into my head felt wonderful.. And all down to the kindness of our wonderful Soul Music fraternity !!

I sat down at my PC just after 5pm last night - all preparations and final running about in readiness for Xmas completed - and, as I'm also on Pete's mailing list, I read a message that - initially - held me steadfast in a daze. Not quite knowing what emotions I should be feeling at the words I saw in front of me.

Without signing in I then came on here to view the thread in it's entirety - it was at this point I broke down in floods of tears, and called to my wife and told her of the thread whereby both Sue & Charlie came in & we read through all the postings together. The silence was deafening as we realised exactly just what we were witnessing, then we just looked at each other without saying a thing.. None of us needed to - our facial expressions spoke a million words. We all three knew that we would still have our home in the new year !!

I feel embarrassment.. I feel so humbled - but I don't feel worthy. Even now I find it difficult to comprehend that so many of you would do this for me & my family - I'm still just so totally overwhelmed !!

Below is the response I wrote to Sian (Rugby Soul Club) in reply to a text I received from- I feel it sums up how we feel..

Given the opportunity I would welcome being able to thank each and every one of you in person - so, if you see me out PLEASE come and say hi, and allow me that opportunity. That is the very least I could do. But I would like to take time, now, to thank three - in particular - of God's children.. Without whom we would not have seen this sudden reversal of fortune bestowed upon our family..

Ian Simms (Simsy) - for the original seed of the idea..

Simon (Imberboy) - For starting the marvellous thread that prompted Pete to instigate this kind deed..

And finally Pete Smith himself.. I did help Pete out on an occasion and it was quite simply a fact of him having a need & me having the spare cash to provide a solution. At that time I didn't have a need for the money - Pete did.. Simple !! In my dealings with Pete over the previous years, via the Internet, I could occasionally see that - as much he as he would try - he was dealt some really duff cards at times and I saw my contribution solely as a means of, this time, Pete NOT having have to put up with the duff card.


My wife, daughter and I are reading right now.. I'm in tears ! I was resigned to attending the hearing on the 4th with a shortfall - not massive in comparison to what I've raised - but enough where I felt the decision could go against us.. But now - and the day before Christmas - we KNOW we will DEFO keep our house !! And all because of the goodness of kind peeps on our beloved music scene !!! The relief we are feeling, along with the generosity shown by those donating to our cause, has left us so indescribably overwhelmed.. On behalf of the three of us I offer our humblest gratitude - and hope one day we can return the acts of those who have been so selfless. XXX



Edited by FickleFingers

Last night was the first night, in longer than I can remember, that I was able to fall off to sleep the second my head hit the pillow - instead of spending umpteen hours tossin' & turnin' with the worry of the possibility for the worst start to a new year.. I still had a right s**t sleep, though - but that was a consequence of the sciatica and nothing else.

To awake this morning too, and not face an instantaneous bombardment of thoughts of a potentially very bleak future slamming into my head felt wonderful.. And all down to the kindness of our wonderful Soul Music fraternity !!

I sat down at my PC just after 5pm last night - all preparations and final running about in readiness for Xmas completed - and, as I'm also on Pete's mailing list, I read a message that - initially - held me steadfast in a daze. Not quite knowing what emotions I should be feeling at the words I saw in front of me.

Without signing in I then came on here to view the thread in it's entirety - it was at this point I broke down in floods of tears, and called to my wife and told her of the thread whereby both Sue & Charlie came in & we read through all the postings together. The silence was deafening as we realised exactly just what we were witnessing, then we just looked at each other without saying a thing.. None of us needed to - our facial expressions spoke a million words. We all three knew that we would still have our home in the new year !!

I feel embarrassment.. I feel so humbled - but I don't feel worthy. Even know I find it difficult to comprehend that so many of you would do this for me & my family - I'm still just so totally overwhelmed !!

Below is the response I wrote to Sian (Rugby Soul Club) in reply to a text I received from- I feel it sums up how we feel..

Given the opportunity I would welcome being able to thank each and every one of you in person - so, if you see me out PLEASE come and say hi, and allow me that opportunity. That is the very least I could do. But I would like to take time, now, to thank three - in particular - of God's children.. Without whom we would not have seen this sudden reversal of fortune bestowed upon our family..

Ian Simms (Simsy) - for the original seed of the idea..

Simon (Imberboy) - For starting the marvellous thread that prompted Pete to instigate this kind deed..

And finally Pete Smith himself.. I did help Pete out on an occasion and it was quite simply a fact of him having a need & me having the spare cash to provide a solution. At that time I didn't have a need for the money - Pete did.. Simple !! In my dealings with Pete over the previous years, via the Internet, I could occasionally see that - as much he as he would try - he was dealt some really duff cards at times and I saw my contribution solely as a means of, this time, Pete NOT having have to put up with the duff card.


My wife, daughter and I are reading right now.. I'm in tears ! I was resigned to attending the hearing on the 4th with a shortfall - not massive in comparison to what I've raised - but enough where I felt the decision could go against us.. But now - and the day before Christmas - we KNOW we will DEFO keep our house !! And all because of the goodness of kind peeps on our beloved music scene !!! The relief we are feeling, along with the generosity shown by those donating to our cause, has left us so indescribably overwhelmed.. On behalf of the three of us I offer our humblest gratitude - and hope one day we can return the acts of those who have been so selfless. XXX





Pete i've only just seen this thread and its not offensive at all :ohmy: i think its a wonderfull gesture by you to do this :yes: Johnny is undoubtedly one of the nicest guys me & Mart have ever met and we are only to glad to help out a very dear friend wub.gif just sent the money Pete wink.gif

JB & Mart xxx

Posted (edited)

Last night was the first night, in longer than I can remember, that I was able to fall off to sleep the second my head hit the pillow - instead of spending umpteen hours tossin' & turnin' with the worry of the possibility for the worst start to a new year.. I still had a right s**t sleep, though - but that was a consequence of the sciatica and nothing else.

To awake this morning too, and not face an instantaneous bombardment of thoughts of a potentially very bleak future slamming into my head felt wonderful.. And all down to the kindness of our wonderful Soul Music fraternity !!

I sat down at my PC just after 5pm last night - all preparations and final running about in readiness for Xmas completed - and, as I'm also on Pete's mailing list, I read a message that - initially - held me steadfast in a daze. Not quite knowing what emotions I should be feeling at the words I saw in front of me.

Without signing in I then came on here to view the thread in it's entirety - it was at this point I broke down in floods of tears, and called to my wife and told her of the thread whereby both Sue & Charlie came in & we read through all the postings together. The silence was deafening as we realised exactly just what we were witnessing, then we just looked at each other without saying a thing.. None of us needed to - our facial expressions spoke a million words. We all three knew that we would still have our home in the new year !!

I feel embarrassment.. I feel so humbled - but I don't feel worthy. Even now I find it difficult to comprehend that so many of you would do this for me & my family - I'm still just so totally overwhelmed !!

Below is the response I wrote to Sian (Rugby Soul Club) in reply to a text I received from- I feel it sums up how we feel..

Given the opportunity I would welcome being able to thank each and every one of you in person - so, if you see me out PLEASE come and say hi, and allow me that opportunity. That is the very least I could do. But I would like to take time, now, to thank three - in particular - of God's children.. Without whom we would not have seen this sudden reversal of fortune bestowed upon our family..

Ian Simms (Simsy) - for the original seed of the idea..

Simon (Imberboy) - For starting the marvellous thread that prompted Pete to instigate this kind deed..

And finally Pete Smith himself.. I did help Pete out on an occasion and it was quite simply a fact of him having a need & me having the spare cash to provide a solution. At that time I didn't have a need for the money - Pete did.. Simple !! In my dealings with Pete over the previous years, via the Internet, I could occasionally see that - as much he as he would try - he was dealt some really duff cards at times and I saw my contribution solely as a means of, this time, Pete NOT having have to put up with the duff card.


My wife, daughter and I are reading right now.. I'm in tears ! I was resigned to attending the hearing on the 4th with a shortfall - not massive in comparison to what I've raised - but enough where I felt the decision could go against us.. But now - and the day before Christmas - we KNOW we will DEFO keep our house !! And all because of the goodness of kind peeps on our beloved music scene !!! The relief we are feeling, along with the generosity shown by those donating to our cause, has left us so indescribably overwhelmed.. On behalf of the three of us I offer our humblest gratitude - and hope one day we can return the acts of those who have been so selfless. XXX



Hi Johnny so pleased to read / see that things are looking better for you and your family now . I believe that in life you reap what you sow and from the past posts from people who you have helped in the past, has spun back round for you at just the right time. I hope you and your family have a great holidays and hope to see you soon all the best mate

Steve h

Edited by abbeyrnb
Guest gfarrington

Hi Johnny so pleased to read / see that things are looking better for you and your family now . I believe that in life you reap what you sow and from the past posts from people who you have helped in the past, has spun back round for you at just the right time. I hope you and your family have a great holidays and hope to see you soon all the best mate

Steve h

exactly , what goes round comes round,

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