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Alcohol At Allnighters...is There Really Any Need For It?


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We went to an allnighter a couple of weeks ago, everything was good, good tunes, cracking venues but the thing that let it down was the amount of piss heads who had just gone there for late drinking. We thought "oh well when the bar closed theyre all f@~k off". imagine our dismay, or words to that effect, when we were told the bar was open til 6am!!!!. Promoters, is there really any need to have a bar open til that late/early, do those folks who are there for the beer really give a toss about what music is being played??, we all want new faces on the scene to carry on our great traditions but does it have to centre around the bar??!!


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It is nothing to do with promoters. It is the venue owners who usually insist on a bar, that is where they earn their money, not with th venue hire. Personally I agree alcohol at all-nighters is slowly ruining them, alcohol usually brings out the worst in people when too much drunk. I prefer the old days when a nighter started at mid-night, you did a warm up at a local soul night and everyone went to the nighter and it was buzzin' from the off, full dance floor etc. But promoters hands are tied.

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Could'nt agree more with last response , if you want a few beers , go to a soul night and bugger off at 2am , if you go to a nighter , last orders midnight !

As all you do is attract are the late night drinking crowd , with no interest in the music , and we've all experienced them in the past !, legless and taking the piss out of people dancing


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Could'nt agree more with last response , if you want a few beers , go to a soul night and bugger off at 2am , if you go to a nighter , last orders midnight !

As all you do is attract are the late night drinking crowd , with no interest in the music , and we've all experienced them in the past !, legless and taking the piss out of people dancing


Suppose that makes me a :wanker: then.

I like a drink if im honest (not in a way that makes me an alcoholic of course) - just the generation i've been brought up in i suppose. BUT i dont think that turns the nighter scene into a p!ss head scene.

The fact is, back in the day (which is obvious to my profile i wasnt around for, but many people i know were), the drug of alcohol was swapped with something else. That drug(s) still exists today but nowhere near as popular a choice imo, for many differing reasons; a good thing too.

However just because i like a drink at a nighter doesnt mean i ruin other people's night. Sometimes i'll end up drunk, sometimes i wont. But my friends would always tell me if i was being a d!ck and probably kick me out (literally) and into a taxi home if i was.

I get the music, i get the scene, i dance between 50-75% of the night away at a nighter etc. I'm probably one of the people who the opening post refers to as a "new face".......but is it really those people who are ruining it?

I go to a soul night / nighter for the MUSIC, not for the beer, but it doesnt mean it cant go hand in hand.

Although my post predominantly disagrees with the original post, i strongly agree that people should know there limits (as with any vice) and stop before it gets messy, or impacts other people's enjoyment.

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NO - has had nothing but negative effects on the nighter scene - hate it.


Total utter bollocks. I've been doing nighters since I was 16 in '87 and beer and other stuff goes hand in hand with the record bars and chatting with like minded normal everyday folk. Sometimes on here it's like the nanny state gone mad..


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What a load of utter tosh this thread is,

All kinds of illegal goings on are fine but if a middle aged responsible bloke/lady (that loves the music and has done for a lifetime) wants a lager after midnight the bar is closed because the venue/promoters can't deal with anybody having one too many?

Like Chalky said I can't see to many venue managers going along with that, and why the fukc should they?

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No beer?? You must be F'ing joking!angry.gifmellow.gifph34r.gif

Why are they joking,used to be ok before why not now ? if someone can find a village hall book the top djs,i would go............. :lol:

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I don't bother drinking at most venues as the beer's normally crap & overpriced, i'll normally have a couple of decent pints of real ale in a pub beforehand.

The only thing that normally turns me to drink at a do is if the music's boring, otherwise i'm happy dancing, chatting & looking at tunes.

Simon :lol:

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Total utter bollocks. I've been doing nighters since I was 16 in '87 and beer and other stuff goes hand in hand with the record bars and chatting with like minded normal everyday folk. Sometimes on here it's like the nanny state gone mad..


The only reason there was no beer "back in the daaay" was because it was against the law:wicked: And you know what there was instead? Plenty of very annoying people off their heads on gear that would compete with any pi**head:rolleyes:

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I don't think it has made much of a difference at all to all nighters.

It's not as if you see people fighting, falling over or staggering around any more than you did before the bar was open all night.

I'm sure they would have had the bar open all night back then if the licencing laws were the same as they are now.

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Years ago we had no choice, due to the absurd licencing laws then in place

and with most people being into gear, it just wouldn't have lent itself, would it?

Walking into a venue at 1am and finding it smoke-free with a soft drinks only policy

would seem very, very odd to me now. Sadly, I'm one of those that has to 'loosen up' a bit before

hitting the floor, quite pathetic, I know. But could it be that drinking pints in session mode

makes some people boorish, particularly the chaps? I ask because where I live it's shorts

(also in session mode) after midnight, rather than beer. There'll be lots of hugging, kissing

and 'friends for forever' stuff, but very rarely do people become obnoxious.

I think the only thing you can do is encourage people to be civilised, observe the etiquette etc,

and if they fail to do so, escort them to the entrance and invite them to abandon the premises.

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Total utter bollocks. I've been doing nighters since I was 16 in '87 and beer and other stuff goes hand in hand with the record bars and chatting with like minded normal everyday folk. Sometimes on here it's like the nanny state gone mad..


Agreed. Some people must be a right laugh to go out with!thumbup.gif

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What a load of utter tosh this thread is,

All kinds of illegal goings on are fine but if a middle aged responsible bloke/lady (that loves the music and has done for a lifetime) wants a lager after midnight the bar is closed because the venue/promoters can't deal with anybody having one too many?

Like Chalky said I can't see to many venue managers going along with that, and why the fukc should they?

Spot on. thumbsup.gif

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Go to any music venue outside the soul scene with 300 or more people in on a Friday or Sat night. Then come back on here and tell us there's too many piss heads on the soul scene. You need either a reality check or visit to your local Oceana to get some perspective.

brilliant postthumbsup.gifYeah, try a couple of nights in one of those 'Flares' Discos....

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The only reason there was no beer "back in the daaay" was because it was against the lawwicked.gif And you know what there was instead? Plenty of very annoying people off their heads on gear that would compete with any pi**headrolleyes.gif

When you say annoying,do you mean amusing?laugh.gif .P*sshead= beer stroker.biggrin.gif

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Debbie - I have never had a drink myself, so i would not miss it! :lol:

I have always got plenty of enjoyment from the music & dancing, i understand that some people like a drink, Ian my partner drinks, but with some folk it can get a bit out of hand, some seem to be there just for a late bar & not the music, then when they have had a few drinks they get up & have a dance, (with the drink still in hand) & fall over everyone, which can ruin a good night out! :yes:

I think there is nothing wrong with folk having a drink, as long as they can keep themselves under control! thumbsup.gif

If i did drink i would go to a pub!

But if i want to dance, i go to a soul night! :thumbup:

Anyway beer gives you a beer gut, ask Ian! :lol:

But he has now lost a stone in weight with no beer drinking, nice one my love, well done! :thumbup:

Edited by parkash
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Guest Ste Brazil

Total utter bollocks. I've been doing nighters since I was 16 in '87 and beer and other stuff goes hand in hand with the record bars and chatting with like minded normal everyday folk. Sometimes on here it's like the nanny state gone mad..


Amen to that Rich, too many normal Norman's! laugh.gif


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Never really cared if there,s a alcohol or not, almost every nighter I have been to since the mid-70s I have drove there.

I think most people at nighters are ok when they have had alcohol.

Which was the 1st nighter to sell alcohol all-night?

The 1st one I can think of was Bolton's Pigeon Fancyers Club mid-90s?

I think it was run by Derek Watmore & Phil Dick.

I remember the shock Chris Sheppard got when he was told the bar open all night.thumbsup.gif


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Personally I have no issues with bars being openall night - but can see why shutting at say 2am is sensible to avoid peoplegoing "just" for the all night bar, similar in some ways to cricket now, whichwith all day drinking attracts some followers who go with no intention ofwatching any cricket.

I have been to events and stayed sober throughout, others just had a few,others been very merry, others been drunk (and left when I knew I had hadenough). I choose dependent on how I feel and the circumstances of whereI am. Am I driving or staying via Taxi. Its actually quiet nice for me personally to have a few drinks and listen to the music I love. Its very relaxing.

I like to have full bar facilities available so I can choose.

I also like a snack bar selling non-alcoholic drinks and coffee all nite.

The venue owner will usually want the bar open as long as licence allows tomaximise his/her return ?

This is turn allows some nights to operate (a busy bar take) ?

Of course you want people to come for the music ; but I think its verydangerous to start dictating behaviour to finely.

Big events, Alldayers and Allnightershave, generally, door staff and surely after a warning - ejection is fairlyeasy ? Isn't it there job to keep aneye out for that sort of thing ?

Anyone who isn't sober enough to stand / behave / talk shouldn't really be letin.......

I think variety and individualism is key to the scenes"feel"........and we need to be careful about alienating anyone whowants to give it a go - particularly the youth and many of those like a drink..............

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How do you distinguish those that 'are there for the bar' from the others then?

I might attend an event & not move from the table/record bar, apart from trips to the khasi.

That's not to say I'm not fully attentive to what sounds are being played and who's playing them etc;

If I go to a club at around half twelve/one o'clock, having the bar close on me at 3.30am is extremely irksome.

I know what you're gonna say though, get there earlier!! :lol:

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How do you distinguish those that 'are there for the bar' from the others then?

I might attend an event & not move from the table/record bar, apart from trips to the khasi.

That's not to say I'm not fully attentive to what sounds are being played and who's playing them etc;

If I go to a club at around half twelve/one o'clock, having the bar close on me at 3.30am is extremely irksome.

I know what you're gonna say though, get there earlier!! :lol:

Indeed lol

No, I think most will be in agreement that its no fun having folk fall into people, fall over, etc etc so we are taking extremes but these people should be very obvious and should be suggested they take a seat or a few waters ideally by their friends or the door staff if they think problems are occurring.........

I was at Lifeline and someone walked right across the floor to and from the bar, which must be very irritating to the dancers ; so i think some etiquette helps everyone - things maybe you shouldn't have to spell out but seem to have too........ The person who walked across the floor was a first timer and just didn't know it wasn't the done thing. So a friendly word and it was understood....

In terms of when you let them in, I don't think you can tell if they are there just for the bar.......

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How do you distinguish those that 'are there for the bar' from the others then?

I might attend an event & not move from the table/record bar, apart from trips to the khasi.

That's not to say I'm not fully attentive to what sounds are being played and who's playing them etc;

If I go to a club at around half twelve/one o'clock, having the bar close on me at 3.30am is extremely irksome.

I know what you're gonna say though, get there earlier!! :laugh:

I'm with you Macca, i would be very much "irked" if the bar closed on me shortly after arriving.

An example is my local soul night which isn't my usual venue of choice, does sometimes "fill a corner" as it were when i'm at a loose end -as I know a few faces there so can just turn up on my own.

However, I may not bother with it in future as they have made last orders earlier than ever- the bar closes shortly after 11.30 which I'm sure is about the earliest last orders at any soul night. And that's before I mention the music policy which is pretty God damn awful. but that's beside the point of this thread :-)

It's nice to have the choice I think, a lot of us work very hard and it's nice to be able to relax with a few beverages when you get the chance-my worse crime after having a few too many is nodding off in the ladies (as a few of you on here can probably confirm... :-) )

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Agreed. I think it may be a tiny minority, often just one prat, that spoils it for everybody.

The Spanish have the saying 'pagan los justos por pecadores', which means that the righteous

pay for the sins of others. Root out the sinners now!!

Ultimately, a lot of fuss about nothing in my view...:rolleyes:

So what if a few guys get pissed? Whatever their state, its usually dealt with, in fact in 36 years of do's I can honestly say I have never seen an ALL-NIGHTER or a Soul Night curtailed or closed down due to drinking problems, whilst I have been in many commercial clubs where mass brawls and drunken madness has ended the night prematurely...

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Should we allow crisps at nighters?

I remember years ago, there was a venue that banned chewing gum!!! Think it was DERBY ASSEMBLY ROOMS but stand to be corrected, yeah ban gum, booze, crisps, talc, etc, etc....:thumbup:

Who said it's supposed to be fun?:chinstroke:

Edited by chorleysoul
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Ultimately, a lot of fuss about nothing in my view...:rolleyes:

So what if a few guys get pissed? Whatever their state, its usually dealt with, in fact in 36 years of do's I can honestly say I have never seen an ALL-NIGHTER or a Soul Night curtailed or closed down due to drinking problems, whilst I have been in many commercial clubs where mass brawls and drunken madness has ended the night prematurely...

Agree :good: nice summary

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Are some of you really that sheltered that you can't cope with a bit of beer spillage and drinking on the dancefloor every now and then. When I used to knock about in Indie clubs I'd have to squeeze the beer out of my t-shirt a couple of times a night and that's before the band came on.

Some of us like getting bladdered, some of us like taking gear. Maybe it's getting to the point where niters need to introduce a tea and biscuits bar complete with complimentary anusol - whadya reckon :wicked:

Now about banning the crisps.....I reckon ready salted are okay but anything else.......:rolleyes:

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Never really cared if there,s a alcohol or not, almost every nighter I have been to since the mid-70s I have drove there.

I think most people at nighters are ok when they have had alcohol.

Which was the 1st nighter to sell alcohol all-night?

The 1st one I can think of was Bolton's Pigeon Fancyers Club mid-90s?

I think it was run by Derek Watmore & Phil Dick.

I remember the shock Chris Sheppard got when he was told the bar open all night.thumbsup.gif


The Allnighters at Bolton Pigeon fanciers club were nothing to do with Derek or Phil. It was me and John Mills that promoted those. And yes, as far as I'm aware it was the first allnighter with a legal all night bar. It was to do with the Club's licence, because the pigeon clocks had to be returned to the headquarters of the Pigeon Fanciers Association (and this could be any time of the day or night if it was a big race from Europe) their licence to sell alcohol was any 35 hours a week. When we ran the first allnighter there they took more money on the bar that one night than they had in the previous three months ! Sadly, once they realised the money they could make from running all night Jamaican Blues Parties every fortnight they told us to bugger off, so the Northern fans couldn't have been buying that much beer !

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The Allnighters at Bolton Pigeon fanciers club were nothing to do with Derek or Phil. It was me and John Mills that promoted those. And yes, as far as I'm aware it was the first allnighter with a legal all night bar. It was to do with the Club's licence, because the pigeon clocks had to be returned to the headquarters of the Pigeon Fanciers Association (and this could be any time of the day or night if it was a big race from Europe) their licence to sell alcohol was any 35 hours a week. When we ran the first allnighter there they took more money on the bar that one night than they had in the previous three months ! Sadly, once they realised the money they could make from running all night Jamaican Blues Parties every fortnight they told us to bugger off, so the Northern fans couldn't have been buying that much beer !

Dave some of those pigeons where sluts! I fancied most of them; it's great that these clubs exist and the Bolton Pigeon fanciers club was ahead of its time and well before the internet sites that specialize in sexy pigeons.

I remember buying a hand full of Millet in the toilets one night just before the RSPCA raided the place and I got busted.

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Should we allow crisps at nighters?

Except for Prawn Cocktail - they should be banned.

Pigeon Fancier's the first nighter with alcohol? Aside from the Ritz which pre-dates the PFC signficantly (and recorded all the naffer results that can follow from alcohol in its time - some woman called Judith got chucked out for sneaking in a bottle of Bacardi as I remember) give me a break - pretty sure the Unicorn (1985 RSG in Leighton Buzzard) and the Fleet (1983 Dedicated Soul Club days) served alcohol (though I may be mixing up the alldayers - all a Riker blur I'm afraid) and I'm sure they weren't the first either.

Still think it goes against the grain big style.


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The Fleet in the early 80's most definitely served alcohol, but just for the first hour I think.

Crisps, whatever the flavour, are the most sinful manifestion of all-nighter goer perversion

I can think of. A few handfuls of millet was chickenfeed compared to being caught with

cuttlefish bone, powdered or whole. This thread is going to spiral out of control.

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We went to an allnighter a couple of weeks ago, everything was good, good tunes, cracking venues but the thing that let it down was the amount of piss heads who had just gone there for late drinking. We thought "oh well when the bar closed theyre all f@~k off". imagine our dismay, or words to that effect, when we were told the bar was open til 6am!!!!. Promoters, is there really any need to have a bar open til that late/early, do those folks who are there for the beer really give a toss about what music is being played??, we all want new faces on the scene to carry on our great traditions but does it have to centre around the bar??!!


Fucking right it does...we are not all gear heads! :lol:

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