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Guest spudmurphy

ian levine release its on you tube, what do you think. keep it sane. my opinion formulaic

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Posted (edited)



This where the tin hat goes on - and the alleged " flying monkey " costume ........

The following concerns the merits and background of the subject , not the personal politics that will be associated with it . Sadly , despite stating that , any forthcoming and resulting judgement that will be made , will sadly be overshadowed by those personal politics .

" Northern Soul 2009 " - the title alone will wind a minority of people up before any evaluation is given - is the most challenging album Ian Levine has been associated with .

Recording commenced in February of 2009 , but was halted at the end of April following the tragic accident to IL's long time producing partner Clive Scott , who sadly as a result of the accident , passed away on May 10th .

Fifteen of the songs were finished. IL and CS had started the music for six more , but were not completed . Seven unreleased songs that were originally intended for other projects , were included to complete the project .

" NS 2009 " has been released not to feed IL's ego , but as a tribute to the memory ans talents of Clive Scott .

IL expects the knives to be out again , but he sincerely hopes that before everyone condemns it , that people will at least consider the human side of it all , and give Clive Scott the courtesy now that he has died , of listening to " NS 2009 " with an open mind .

If you wish to view the YouTube trailer , click on the following link -

Malc Burton

Edited by Malc Burton
Guest James Trouble
Posted (edited)

Sadly , despite stating that , any forthcoming and resulting judgement that will be made , will sadly be overshadowed by those personal politics .

Malc Burton

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but 6 million people don't like it is because it is vile and repulsive, in every way. It has nothing to do with the fact that Levine is a self obsessed desperado and a wretch.

It is morally despicable, at best of little or no value to anyone with a pair of ears and at it's lowest points will degrade a person's will to live.

It is utterly bad, disturbingly so.

And the only thing that revolts people away from it more than than the truly horrific production values is Levine's obnoxious, pompous, egocentric and nauseating promotion of it.

Edited by James Trouble
Posted (edited)

Is this the monkey costume you mean Malc?


Sorry Godz , but no .....

The " Flying Monkey " ( from " The Wizard Of Oz " ) that I referred to , is shown in the next reply .

It is insinuated that anyone who dares make favourable and constructive statements about IL or his projects , must be under his evil spell , pampering to every command he makes , must be one of them ........

Quite laughable , and sadly pathetic .

Malc Burton

Edited by Malc Burton
Posted (edited)

Sorry Godz , but no .....

The " Flying Monkey " ( from " The Wizard Of Oz " ) that I referred to is shown in the next reply .

It is insinuated that anyone who dares make favourable and constructive statements about IL or his projects , must be under his evil spell , pampering to every command he makes , must be one of them ........

Quite laughable , and sadly pathetic .

Malc Burton

As promised . a " Flying Monkey " ......

Sorry to disappoint , but the only comparison between the FM and myself , is the colour of its' fur is akin to the colur of my hair .

Malc Burton


Edited by Malc Burton

Sorry Godz , but no .....

Malc Burton

I know what you meant really. In fact I don't know why I bothered to reply.


Those who think Levine's stuff is rubbish will say so in strong terms. Those who defend him do so in equally strong terms. People who would probably get on in the real world will fall out and some really nasty stuff will be said. The moderators will start off by deleting off topic and overly offensive posts and eventually the thread will get closed having accomplished nothing.

Should have used this image maybe...


Posted (edited)

I know what you meant really. In fact I don't know why I bothered to reply.


Those who think Levine's stuff is rubbish will say so in strong terms. Those who defend him do so in equally strong terms. People who would probably get on in the real world will fall out and some really nasty stuff will be said. The moderators will start off by deleting off topic and overly offensive posts and eventually the thread will get closed having accomplished nothing.

Should have used this image maybe...


Well said Godz .

I have not posted an opinion about the recordings contained in " NS 2009 " , I only gave the respective information relating to its' background , coupled with the polite request from IL , for the project to be given consideration in respect of the connection , and involvement of Clive Scott .

Despite this , I know full well that will be chastised and bollocked up and down dale , for doing so .

Still , a thick skin comes with old age .......

Malc Burton

Edited by Malc Burton

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but 6 million people don't like it is because it is vile and repulsive, in every way. It has nothing to do with the fact that Levine is a self obsessed desperado and a wretch.

It is morally despicable, at best of little or no value to anyone with a pair of ears and at it's lowest points will degrade a person's will to live.

It is utterly bad, disturbingly so.

And the only thing that revolts people away from it more than than the truly horrific production values is Levine's obnoxious, pompous, egocentric and nauseating promotion of it.


FFS will you ever get off that fence! :thumbup:


I'm sorry to disappoint you, but 6 million people don't like it is because it is vile and repulsive, in every way. It has nothing to do with the fact that Levine is a self obsessed desperado and a wretch.

It is morally despicable, at best of little or no value to anyone with a pair of ears and at it's lowest points will degrade a person's will to live.

It is utterly bad, disturbingly so.

And the only thing that revolts people away from it more than than the truly horrific production values is Levine's obnoxious, pompous, egocentric and nauseating promotion of it.

You do not disappoint me James , as I find a strangely disturbing comfort in the predictability of your replies to anything concerned with IL .

I posted as stated , the background to " NS 2009 " and the polite request from IL relating to it , not an biased opinion or tub thumping exercise to get people to buy it .

I am sorry to disappoint you , but this will be the last time I reply to your postings , as I feel there is no point in lowering myself again .

A piece of advice : you really need to seek help about your fixation with IL ......

Malc Burton

Guest James Trouble
Posted (edited)

You do not disappoint me James , as I find a strangely disturbing comfort in the predictability of your replies to anything concerned with IL .

I posted as stated , the background to " NS 2009 " and the polite request from IL relating to it , not an biased opinion or tub thumping exercise to get people to buy it .

I am sorry to disappoint you , but this will be the last time I reply to your postings , as I feel there is no point in lowering myself again .

A piece of advice : you really need to seek help about your fixation with IL ......

Malc Burton

Edited by James Trouble
Guest James Trouble


FFS will you ever get off that fence! :thumbup:

Hey ho, Dave! Hope you're well, sir? You get sorted with Ady? good.gif


I promised I would not reply again , but in light of your highly amusing reposte , I will .....

Well done : 10 / 10

Did you think of that all on your own , or did someone help you at the nursery ?

You are obviously willing and very eager to dish it out , but when anyone else does , you cannot take it .

Another piece of advice - get a life .......

Malc Burton

Guest James Trouble

Ady's having a dig around. Fingers crossed! I'll keep you posted.

Nice one, hope you manage to sort something, fingers crossed for you both :thumbup:

Guest James Trouble
Posted (edited)

I promised I would not reply again , but in light of your highly amusing reposte , I will .....

Well done : 10 / 10

Did you think of that all on your own , or did someone help you at the nursery ?

You are obviously willing and very eager to dish it out , but when anyone else does , you cannot take it .

Another piece of advice - get a life .......

Malc Burton


Ian Levine, Nil Point!

Edited by James Trouble
Guest SteveM

If Levines music is as formulaic and predictable as James posts on this subject it will be boring, repetetive and crass.

However, I don't need some self appointed saviour to warn me off it. I know I won't like it, am well aware of the personal promotion behind it - all of it- but am still capable of making my own mind up. No woolly thinking here.

Two peas in a pod.

FFS what a waste of server space.

Guest rachel

FFS what a waste of server space.

Yes indeed. Anyone got anything constructive to say about it (that they haven't already posted 20 times before)?


Don't understand - do you mean the video of Prince Phillip Mitchell dancing is reminiscent of the Village People?

What about the singing - he's still got it and it's not a bad re-recording of a classic.


Yes indeed. Anyone got anything constructive to say about it (that they haven't already posted 20 times before)?

Yes. Ian's videos are always reliable for giving me my regular dose of busty black ladies.

Guest paup-ine

. Anyone got anything constructive to say about it (that they haven't already posted 20 times before)?

Yes, I am under no spell. I like the opening trackthumbsup.gif



From a farmers point of view I have to ask myself ''Why oh why he always needs to milk the Northern Cow???'' I believe some people like his meat and his milk but on a farmers market confusion may occur due to that wrong labeling . I personally like the Traditional Northern Breed but I am not so keen on the brand new variety. I respect everyone in the farmers community including Mr. Levine who is trying to make a living as well as all people who buy his products. But people have different tastes than others and Cheddar is Cheese but not the other way around. So, I would like the UK government and all farmers to put in place some guidelines in order to stop the confusion. Maybe Brand New Soul will do it ?????? BN SOUL??? Any suggestions????

Peace & Love 2 Everyone !!!! :thumbup:

Landwirt Hansi aus Mc Pom

Guest spudmurphy

just to note the question asked was what do you think of the music not mr levine who like it or not has influenced the northern soul scene since very near the begininng

Guest paup-ine

just to note the question asked was what do you think of the music not mr levine who like it or not has influenced the northern soul scene since very near the begininng

Hear Hear.

There is no need to be so bloody rude on this site.

I for one do not want to read such abuse & disrespect about anyone.



Guest Matt Male
Posted (edited)

If Levines music is as formulaic and predictable as James posts on this subject it will be boring, repetetive and crass.

However, I don't need some self appointed saviour to warn me off it. I know I won't like it, am well aware of the personal promotion behind it - all of it- but am still capable of making my own mind up. No woolly thinking here.

Two peas in a pod.

FFS what a waste of server space.

You're right Steve these threads that descend into arguments and personal attacks are starting to bore the shit out of me, they are f**k all to do with soul music and anything else as far as i can see. I bought six very nice 45s this morning and now i'm off to listen to them thumbsup.gif

For what it's worth i think that Phillip Mitchell track isn't half bad.

Edited by Matt Male

just to note the question asked was what do you think of the music not mr levine who like it or not has influenced the northern soul scene since very near the begininng

what he did in the mecca days was 2nd to none but the shite he is banging out now is nothing more than ripping the soul out of classic northern tunes and turning it in to disco pop shite


if wanna pass on your view on cd but dont want the grief others have got in the past when doing so

a suggestion is

that can use the rate topic to pass on your view of this release

its at top right under the "new topic"

Guest paup-ine
Posted (edited)

if wanna pass on your view on cd but dont want the grief others have got in the past when doing so

a suggestion is

that can use the rate topic to pass on your view of this release

its at top right under the "new topic"

Edited by paup-ine
Posted (edited)

How does that work Mike, is it an anonymous vote in favour of the CD?

just a throwaway friday suggestion

the thread rating is a member only, one vote, anonymous thing

rate cd make it a 5 starrer

dont rate it - call it a 1 starrer

and all stops in between

if wanna pass on your view on cd but dont want the grief others have got in the past when doing so

a suggestion is

that can use the rate topic to pass on your view of this release

its at top right under the "new topic"

Edited by mike
Guest soulmaguk
Posted (edited)

Funny, i've been to quite a few Northern Soul events this year, and dont recognise any of the songs in the youtube trailer at all! perhaps this CD should be renamed 'Disco Soul 2009' that would be more appropriate.

Edited by soulmaguk

Guest soulmaguk

little shirley - i want you again today - orbit

Posted info:

; In my opinion if any of Ian Levine's Northern Soul 2009 tracks are as he says 'Northern Soul' well so is this then.

Guest soulmaguk


i could always do the B' side for you Pete!?

Guest Brian Ellis
Posted (edited)

I don't think I've ever commented on any SS thread that has had Ian Levine or any of his productions as their centrepiece. I don't stand on the same side as James Trouble, neither do I stand on the same side as Simon White. I think I'm pretty balanced in nature and I think people who know me would say I have a fairly open mind where soul music is concerned.

I have, as Malc asked, given 10 minutes of my time to watch/listen to the YouTube trailer for NS2009.

I have tried to be objective in my assessment of it, but have to conclude that in my view the tracks previewed are certainly not 'Northern', neither are they particularly soulful. Many of the lyrics sound 'forced' with a seeming haste to get succeeding lines to rhyme, almost like primary school poetry. There was nothing from the trailer that would in any way persuade me to consider purchasing this.

I recognise that IL had a significant influence in time (long) gone by and the scene may not have been the same today without that influence (particularly from the 'modern' and crossover side of things). I think Ian should bask in former glories and concentrate on and aim any of his future productions at a different market; it seems to me that trying to continually 'force' his work on to the (Northern) Soul scene is pretty much flogging a dead horse.

Guess this contribution of mine won't please Ian, but I've been as objective as I can.

Brian thumbsup.gif

Edited by Brian Ellis

Don't understand - do you mean the video of Prince Phillip Mitchell dancing is reminiscent of the Village People?

What about the singing - he's still got it and it's not a bad re-recording of a classic.

Pete, careful, you are talking rationally and that does not go down well here does it, not when this subject raises its head.

As for JT. This little oik is not mature or intelligent enough to take on board the fact that yes, there are great artists involved here and if any of them are making a buck out of it, fair play to them. So fooking what if the versions are not as good as the originals? If they get some performance royalties, fair play - they dont get a penny when the originals get sold privately for big prices on our scene do they? As far as I am concerned, his pathetic campaign against LEVINE is the most ridiculous, childish and boring aspect on this site. The only reason I am posting is that actually, it is quite vicious in its tone and I am surprised that he is allowed the platform to maintain it.

As for people who buy it, thats their choice, its not a cardinal sin and TROUBLE is beginning to sound like some sort of whacko religous fanatic. Its just a CD thats all. Those who do not like LEVINE'S work will in the main ignore it and some people will buy it because they like the style of his re-workings. That is their right. Do I think there is any value in LEVINE'S work? Yes. I prefer the original records but for example, I like watching the video of WILLIE HUTCH just before he died and in that way the artists are celebrated. I loved the freaky images of BOBBY PARIS too - he looks like some type of TARANTINO hitman but real and where else would we have actually beeen able to visualise the face behind a voice we've heard so many times? Really, LEVINE is like some of the Reggae Producers who recycle 'versions' of classic tunes, nobody is damaged by the act and if the artists involved earn a small crust, who would begrudge someone like PHILLIP MITCHELL that chance? At the end of the day TROUBLE needs to remember that LEVINE cannot make these records without the consent and participation of the artists, so he is by extension, attacking them too when he gets up on his soapbox and starts performing.

Maybe that is part of his 'Soul Revolution' - i.e electing himself to a position whereby he has the right to deny Black American Soul Artists their choice in what recordings they create? He needs to grow up, join the real world and think hard about that, because his current stance is quite simply embarrassing.

In fact, it is beginning to reflect an ego in danger of dwarfing IAN LEVINE'S and that is saying something!

No, actually it is pathetic, childish and personal beyond any realms of taste and fair debate. It achieves nothing and changes nothing. In fact, it does nothing more than inspire LEVINE I am sure, so just what does he think he is gaining? Beyond me, mate!wanker.gif


what he did in the mecca days was 2nd to none but the shite he is banging out now is nothing more than ripping the soul out of classic northern tunes and turning it in to disco pop shite

What about thinking about it this way?

The originals are still there. LEVINE'S versions do not damage their standing or value amongst people on the scene.

A few bob for the ARTISTS involved? Who does that hurt?

Surely it is up to PHILLIP MITCHELL to decide whether he wants to make this record? Since when do we get the right to tell these artists to leave what we clearly imagine to be 'our' records now - alone?

Think about it calmly.thumbsup.gif


ian levine release its on you tube, what do you think. keep it sane. my opinion formulaic

I think thats a fair comment.

Fact is though - a lot of people, especially non-soul fans would call Tamla Motown and most certainly stuff we recognise as 'classic, traditional Northern' formulaic and in terms of production aspects and vocal inflections they would be correct. Except we just happen to adore that original 'formula' so it does not matter then does it?thumbsup.gif


Yes indeed. Anyone got anything constructive to say about it (that they haven't already posted 20 times before)?

Have raised the point of the ARTSIST'S own human rights, to which JAMES TROUBLE seems to believe are not relevant.

Or perhaps he has simply not thought about that?thumbsup.gif


Pete, careful, you are talking rationally and that does not go down well here does it, not when this subject raises its head.

As for JT. This little oik is not mature or intelligent enough to take on board the fact that yes, there are great artists involved here and if any of them are making a buck out of it, fair play to them. So fooking what if the versions are not as good as the originals? If they get some performance royalties, fair play - they dont get a penny when the originals get sold privately for big prices on our scene do they? As far as I am concerned, his pathetic campaign against LEVINE is the most ridiculous, childish and boring aspect on this site. The only reason I am posting is that actually, it is quite vicious in its tone and I am surprised that he is allowed the platform to maintain it.

As for people who buy it, thats their choice, its not a cardinal sin and TROUBLE is beginning to sound like some sort of whacko religous fanatic. Its just a CD thats all. Those who do not like LEVINE'S work will in the main ignore it and some people will buy it because they like the style of his re-workings. That is their right. Do I think there is any value in LEVINE'S work? Yes. I prefer the original records but for example, I like watching the video of WILLIE HUTCH just before he died and in that way the artists are celebrated. I loved the freaky images of BOBBY PARIS too - he looks like some type of TARANTINO hitman but real and where else would we have actually beeen able to visualise the face behind a voice we've heard so many times? Really, LEVINE is like some of the Reggae Producers who recycle 'versions' of classic tunes, nobody is damaged by the act and if the artists involved earn a small crust, who would begrudge someone like PHILLIP MITCHELL that chance? At the end of the day TROUBLE needs to remember that LEVINE cannot make these records without the consent and participation of the artists, so he is by extension, attacking them too when he gets up on his soapbox and starts performing.

Maybe that is part of his 'Soul Revolution' - i.e electing himself to a position whereby he has the right to deny Black American Soul Artists their choice in what recordings they create? He needs to grow up, join the real world and think hard about that, because his current stance is quite simply embarrassing.

In fact, it is beginning to reflect an ego in danger of dwarfing IAN LEVINE'S and that is saying something!

No, actually it is pathetic, childish and personal beyond any realms of taste and fair debate. It achieves nothing and changes nothing. In fact, it does nothing more than inspire LEVINE I am sure, so just what does he think he is gaining? Beyond me, mate!wanker.gif

You know what?

I completely, totally and utterly AGREE with every word here mate and you have written it so well I have nothing to add.

Not sure if we've met but I'd like to. thumbsup.gif

Just let's not talk about the other thread....... :D




You're right Steve these threads that descend into arguments and personal attacks are starting to bore the shit out of me, they are f**k all to do with soul music and anything else as far as i can see. I bought six very nice 45s this morning and now i'm off to listen to them thumbsup.gif

For what it's worth i think that Phillip Mitchell track isn't half bad.

Agree with that last line and it most certainly is his right to record with LEVINE if he wishes too.thumbsup.gif

Guest proudlove

Agree with that last line and it most certainly is his right to record with LEVINE if he wishes too.thumbsup.gif

Watched the Phillip Mitchell track----don't the guy look good-----------there may be hope for us all!!!


What about thinking about it this way?

The originals are still there. LEVINE'S versions do not damage their standing or value amongst people on the scene.

A few bob for the ARTISTS involved? Who does that hurt?

Surely it is up to PHILLIP MITCHELL to decide whether he wants to make this record? Since when do we get the right to tell these artists to leave what we clearly imagine to be 'our' records now - alone?

Think about it calmly.thumbsup.gif

i have calmly thought about this and im not against any boby making money but why not leave the original alone and try some new material we all know the acts and would welcome something NEW by them or reissue the original songs and give the copyrights to said artists so they get something out of it, we see loads of bootlegs on ebay and other sites and they are ripping off everyboby so my OPINION is still that his remixes are not soul and are nothing more than disco shite but thats my opinion...... i spent a day with phillip mitchell when he performed at morecambe and he was offerd more money if they could video the performance but he said no they offered him a percentage of sales and he still said no so i dont think he is short of money but i may be wrong

Guest proudlove

i have calmly thought about this and im not against any boby making money but why not leave the original alone and try some new material we all know the acts and would welcome something NEW by them or reissue the original songs and give the copyrights to said artists so they get something out of it, we see loads of bootlegs on ebay and other sites and they are ripping off everyboby so my OPINION is still that his remixes are not soul and are nothing more than disco shite but thats my opinion...... i spent a day with phillip mitchell when he performed at morecambe and he was offerd more money if they could video the performance but he said no they offered him a percentage of sales and he still said no so i dont think he is short of money but i may be wrong

What a good post, 100% agree. I was about to bad mouth il,but that goes against my principles-----------ignore.


You know what?

I completely, totally and utterly AGREE with every word here mate and you have written it so well I have nothing to add.

Not sure if we've met but I'd like to. thumbsup.gif

Just let's not talk about the other thread....... wicked.gif



No, lets stay off the other one, it was quite depressing in the endthumbup.gif

I just think the rational position here would have to support the ARTIST'S rights to record whatever and with whoever they wish. When it comes to supposed Soul 'Fans' believing otherwise, we are in a 'strange' situation indeed.

Hopefully share a beer sometime, all the best and thanks for your contribution to the 'other thread'!thumbsup.gif


No, lets stay off the other one, it was quite depressing in the endthumbup.gif

I just think the rational position here would have to support the ARTIST'S rights to record whatever and with whoever they wish. When it comes to supposed Soul 'Fans' believing otherwise, we are in a 'strange' situation indeed.

Hopefully share a beer sometime, all the best and thanks for your contribution to the 'other thread'!thumbsup.gif

the thread is about a cd release

if you want to talk about other issues then start up a new thread

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