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What's The Most You'd Pay For That Long Time Elusive Want?

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I've recently bumped into the mother of all collections from someone who's been quietly beavering away collecting for the last 30 odd years and before anyone asks, no he's not on here or any other forums LOL. This was a guy who would never, ever sell anything previously so once he got something it always stayed in his collection period. When I say he has virtually everything I'm really not kidding. It's the best collection I've ever seen and I've seen quite a few. However, he's now changed his outlook somewhat and has said he'll let certain titles go 'for the right price'. He wants to remain anonymous but has invited me to come to him with specific offers on titles, so I'm throwing it open to anyone on S.S. who may be after a gem that's eluded 'em forever. Now is the chance.

I sold a RARE RARE RARE record (maybe half a dozen 'known' copies) for him last week at a price he accepted so he's for real. Please feel free to PM me if anyone wants to give me any titles with the price you'd be willing to pay whilst remaining anonymous. It's all very discreet but this could be an opportunity to get something that's been eluding you for a while! I think we're looking at the higher end of the market, so no point in pitching for any of the more common titles. I wish I could afford some of 'em myself - he has literally every single one of my favourite all-time records including some desperately obscure stuff so it's worth a try if you've been going nuts for something that never comes up anymore. It may be a question of him needing to raise some dosh quickly so it may well be worth striking whilst the iron is hot.

Anyway please feel free to PM with me any wants and the price you're willing to pay and I'll come back to each PM individually with a yes or no, record grading, etc, etc. Good luck!

Ian D biggrin.gif

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I've recently bumped into the mother of all collections from someone who's been quietly beavering away collecting for the last 30 odd years and before anyone asks, no he's not on here or any other forums LOL. This was a guy who would never, ever sell anything previously so once he got something it always stayed in his collection period. When I say he has virtually everything I'm really not kidding. It's the best collection I've ever seen and I've seen quite a few. However, he's now changed his outlook somewhat and has said he'll let certain titles go 'for the right price'. He wants to remain anonymous but has invited me to come to him with specific offers on titles, so I'm throwing it open to anyone on S.S. who may be after a gem that's eluded 'em forever. Now is the chance.

I sold a RARE RARE RARE record (maybe half a dozen 'known' copies) for him last week at a price he accepted so he's for real. Please feel free to PM me if anyone wants to give me any titles with the price you'd be willing to pay whilst remaining anonymous. It's all very discreet but this could be an opportunity to get something that's been eluding you for a while! I think we're looking at the higher end of the market, so no point in pitching for any of the more common titles. I wish I could afford some of 'em myself - he has literally every single one of my favourite all-time records including some desperately obscure stuff so it's worth a try if you've been going nuts for something that never comes up anymore. It may be a question of him needing to raise some dosh quickly so it may well be worth striking whilst the iron is hot.

Anyway please feel free to PM with me any wants and the price you're willing to pay and I'll come back to each PM individually with a yes or no, record grading, etc, etc. Good luck!

Ian D :D

Is he Ian Levine? :ph34r:

Sorry, i'll get my towel and my flip flops...


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OK, I'm just going to add a couple of ground rules which have only just become clear.

1) No offers for anything LESS than £500 please. He's less interested in selling lots of smaller items and would rather sell fewer big ticket items if you see what I mean.

2) He's armed with the price guides and if anything he'd probably expect a premium for many items as he argues that if he auctioned some of them he would probably get more than the book prices on several of the super-rare items. So don't expect any favours LOL.

To everyone that's PM'd me so far. I'll come back to you all individually. Suffice to say, that of all the records over £500 he got roughly 50% of the requests but is equally coming back with what he is prepared to sell them for.

So only the bigger priced items please gents and bear in mind that they can be with you within a week.

What's obvious is that there's some pretty damn rare records around including several that he's never heard of, so keep 'em coming folks. Also he has a wide collection so it's worth checking as he has a lot of Funk, Deep, Southern etc maybe in some cases for the flip!


Ian D biggrin.gif

Edited by Ian Dewhirst
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whats the most you've paid ian

£120 @ 1974 prices I seem to remember. But I got spoilt - I paid £40 for the Tomangoes and everybody said I'd been ripped at the time LOL.......

It's interesting seeing some of the wants. Everybody's after the same records by and large and I can't believe the prices on some of 'em. In fact there's a couple of titles which I GAVE away in the bloody 70's and they don't sound a hell of a lot better since LOL......

Mind you seeing some of the Auction prices leaves me absolutely bemused as well........it's a weird old world.......

Ian D biggrin.gif

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Guest Matt Male

No LOL. Even I plundered him in '79!


He's not on here, but are we likely to know him?

Edited by Matt Male
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OK, I'm wading through all the PM's slowly but surely and have replied to quite a few. Please give me some time - I'll do another burst of 'em tomorrow. With each record he's literally going through his collection. locating the item and giving me the price he's looking for, so it'll be win some, lose some. It's also very time consuming obviously so please bear with me.

Some nice offers coming in though, so keep 'em coming folks.....

Ian D biggrin.gif

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this guy must know virtually all the big dealers and collectors to have put that collection together.

are other people selling bits for him as well or are you his exclusive seller ? whats the comission like :D

Commission is shit - I just like to see great records going to good homes where they'll be appreciated by real collectors rather than opportunists and if I can help then it generally has associated benefits - I get to know who wants what 'cos I have a few mates with good collections and there's always a price in times like this. He was going the E-Bay route until I put him off with scare-mongering about the low sales rate this Summer (which is true) and I said I may be able to help him out via the forums.

Little did I realise what an administrative nightmare it is LOL. However, I've tucked away a few sales over the last few days as I did some private ones as well, so I reckon he'll get his cash injection and then go back to quietly collecting again. And yes, he has sold to someone else but I don't know who. He's keeping me on my toes.......

It's a quiet Summer generally so I'm just having a bit of fun agenting some private record sales and doing other bits and pieces. I'm fascinated with this stuff actually. It's an obsession I know well..........

Come on guys. I need few more BIG offers LOL. I started with an £8K deal and it's been downhill ever since! :laugh:

Ian D :D

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A man with a humungous collection and does'nt know anyone to sell his big records to..MMMM he should of got out more..:laugh:

LOL, I don't need anyone to encourage him to go out more! Going out less has meant that he's managed to stockpile a magnificent collection from his well-worn armchair!

Ian D :D

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Well a brisk morning so far. Hopefully I will have got back to everyone by now. So far 8 very rare records sold touch wood and another 7 being thought about.

At the risk of sounding mercenary, once again he's looking to sell fewer records at higher prices rather than lots of stuff at lower prices, so if you have some very expensive wants, then these are the ones which are tempting him more!

The guys who are coming in with a handful of rare wants @ top prices are getting the best results.

Predictably he's not so keen to sell stuff which has auctioned at ridiculous prices just lately for much less, so he won't be selling Robbie Lawson anytime soon for a grand - get my drift LOL....

So keep 'em coming but focus on the high-end stuff if poss please.

Many thanks.

Ian D :D

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Guest posstot

LOL, I don't need anyone to encourage him to go out more! Going out less has meant that he's managed to stockpile a magnificent collection from his well-worn armchair!

Ian D biggrin.gif

VAL DOONEGHAN??? didn't know he collected laugh.gif (was that a hint??)g.gif

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Guest posstot

VAL DOONEGHAN??? didn't know he collected laugh.gif (was that a hint??)g.gif

Wouldn't it be easier, on you, if he gave you a list of his big ticket items? for all to offer on. Could save some of the logistics!!yes.gif

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Guest topcatnumpty1

Ian,----it,s not the little chappie we were discussing in the beer garden on that wonderful Sunday afternoon at Morecambe is it??

Tony C.

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Ian,----it,s not the little chappie we were discussing in the beer garden on that wonderful Sunday afternoon at Morecambe is it??

Tony C.

LOL, you expect me to remember ANYTHING we were discussing that afternoon? The only thing I can remember is Mrs Top Cat Numpty telling me all about her exploits in her younger days LOL.....and it COULD be the little chappie depending on which one it is. PM me and remind me mate as I'm bound by a confidentiality thingy.......

And what was that bloody MCA single again mate? I can't be arsed ploughing through my PM's to locate your message.

And for everyone who's waiting for replies, please bear with me - I've had a heavy week this week but looking to get a few things resolved tomorrow with a view to getting all the transactions done next week.

Ian D biggrin.gif

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OK, we're proceeding @ pace with quite a few deals in the process of being tied up today. Many thanks for everyone's patience.

What's become apparent is that we're not talking much in the way of bargains here. This is more of one of those 'if all else fails let's throw some money at it' type scenarios, so he's tending to be very choosy about what he's letting go of, if you see what I mean. But please let's keep persevering here folks. I managed to unite some long-desired records with new owners so it's becoming obvious that money talks here......

He's wavered over a couple of records and then let them go and some people have wavered and pulled out over a £50-£100 quid price variance, so it's really swings and roundabouts, but keep coming with the high-end wants and I'm sure there'll be more sales coming through.....

Thanks to all for the messages. I'm pretty sure I've now come back to everyone but if for some reason I haven't then please give me a nudge.....

Ian D biggrin.gif

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OK, now we're rockin' and rolling. Will get back to everyone with delivery details etc but I've got a radio show to do now, so it'll be later tonight OK.....

Keep those wants coming folks - I filled two seriously difficult obscurities for someone yesterday and he's over the moon!


Ian D

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can you not at least list some of the sales

pleeeeze :innocent:

I'll list the titles sold once all the transactions have been done which should be by mid next week. I don't think it will be fair to list the prices or who's bought them but I guess there's nothing wrong with looking at a list of extremely rare record sales. So wait a l'il while and I'll stick 'em up OK?

Some very interesting records have been sold which cover quite a wide swathe across the various areas - some Northern monsters, some Modern monsters, some Sweet Soul, some Funk rarities, a couple of Popcorn/R'n'B and a brace of semi-knowns. All very interesting to an impartial observer that's for sure......

Ian D :D

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What records have sold Ian and whose had em ? shades.gif

See above reply Simon.

Needless to say, a lot of people want the same records and are all offering roughly similar prices yet most of these records are now going straight to auction or E-Bay as and when they come up so the chances of, 1) even getting them and, 2) getting them at the quoted prices has to be a long shot. The beauty of something like this, is that many of the titles are available but only at a premium, if you see what I mean.

In other words he who pays the piper, calls the tune. whistling.gif

Keep 'em coming folks. One was sold yesterday which the guy has never seen in 30 odd years of collecting!

Ian D biggrin.gif

Edited by Ian Dewhirst
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Ok can any of the buyers please come forward please ! This sort of auction should be banned IMO ph34r.gif

Stop stirring! Why on earth would you want to ban a private sales opportunity to unite people with some of their long cherished wants.........?

10% premium for anything you want now my rotund friend!laugh.gif

Ian D biggrin.gif

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More records have gone out today and the next burst will be sent out on Friday.

I'm away for a couple of days, so anyone still waiting for me to come back to them on some of their offers it'll most likely be Friday.

Sold some absolute killers! Please keep the lists coming and remember it doesn't just have to be Northern - there's plenty of other goodies in there as well - tons of Modern, Rare Funk and General Rare Oddball stuff so keep those wants coming folks. The hit rate is not bad at all......

Ian D biggrin.gif

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Guest James Trouble

I've had no reply from you for getting on for 3 days now, Ian.

It's not a small amount of money we are talking about here, are these sales for real?

Can any buyers put their hands up, please?tumbleweed3.gif

Edited by James Trouble
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Guest James Trouble

Ian, are you out there? No communication for quite a while now. These are not penny sweets we're talking about here and you said you would know on the 18th!

Perhaps this mysterious seller should have gone to Manship if he needed to sell records?


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Guest James Trouble

Dealt with now, put 2 + 2 together and gone direct to the seller with the records.

What a nonsense :thumbsup:

Edited by James Trouble
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What a strange thread, not at all what I was expecting.

I have heard of mystery buyers but not mystery sellers before with mystery records and mystery prices.

Still if all these deals have been done it can't be all that bizarre!

He's not sitting on a pressing machine is he and pressing them up on demand?

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Guest James Trouble

What a strange thread, not at all what I was expecting.

I have heard of mystery buyers but not mystery sellers before with mystery records and mystery prices.

Still if all these deals have been done it can't be all that bizarre!

He's not sitting on a pressing machine is he and pressing them up on demand?

The seller didn't realise how Ian "The Broker" Dewhirst was getting sales for him, he's not on here. I think he assumed he had some secret network of buyers. He's sold a few bits for good prices though, so the deals are real enough and the seller is happy. All very bizaar though.

Maybe someone should start a rival broker service? Now there's an idea...:thumbsup:

Edited by James Trouble
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Surely if Ian D hadn't have put this thread on here,only the upper echelons of the scene would have got a sniff of these rareities?.And therefore kept it "in house".

So,not much change there then!.Its not what you know etc,etc........

Edited by KevH
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Surely if Ian D hadn't have put this thread on here,only the upper echelons of the scene would have got a sniff of these rareities?.And therefore kept it "in house".

So,not much change there then!.Its not what you know etc,etc........

As I am not a member of the "upper echeleon", I wouldn't know.

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all sounds a bit dodgy to me...buyer says to broker i'm prepared to pay £700 for record, broker says to seller ive got an offer for £500, buyer accepts, hey presto broker pockets 200 quid, this is exactly the way gary field used to opperate, funny that, coz him & dewhirst are buddies

Sound like Hedge Funding ,hey James?:D

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Guest James Trouble

all sounds a bit dodgy to me...buyer says to broker i'm prepared to pay £700 for record, broker says to seller ive got an offer for £500, buyer accepts, hey presto broker pockets 200 quid, this is exactly the way gary field used to opperate, funny that, coz him & dewhirst are buddies

Aye, leaching money out of collectors to swan off abroad buying booze and whores.

Or pay for the groceries and the rent bill :thumbsup:

Edited by James Trouble
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Even if Ian took a acommission, where`s the problem ? Its the owner of the 45 who obviously was satisfied with the amount(s) being offered and it were the buyers who were offering the amount they thought would be okay with them and their wallets.

If those who shouted the loudest would swear on the bible that they never ever sold a record on for more then they actually paid I would call 50 % of them being untrue...

Its all a bit very hypocrite IMVHO.

And most of all I don´t understand why its not being given a rest at least until Ian is back to defend himself. No judgement shall be done without the defendant in the room so to speak.

For gods sake...



and no, none of my four wants were availabale at all LOL!

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Even if Ian took a acommission, where`s the problem ? Its the owner of the 45 who obviously was satisfied with the amount(s) being offered and it were the buyers who were offering the amount they thought would be okay with them and their wallets.

If those who shouted the loudest would swear on the bible that they never ever sold a record on for more then they actually paid I would call 50 % of them being untrue...

Its all a bit very hypocrite IMVHO.

And most of all I don´t understand why its not being given a rest at least until Ian is back to defend himself. No judgement shall be done without the defendant in the room so to speak.

For gods sake...



and no, none of my four wants were availabale at all LOL!

what were your four wants?

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