The monthly 2 room event on the last Saturday of the month is coming round again!!!
2 Rooms ....2 Dancefloors fillled with Top quality music covering all styles of Soul music .
All originals from our diverse selection of residents ....Plus Top Guests each month in both rooms
This Month Chic Mullineux with a collection that rivals any DJ in my humble opinion !!!...And Willliam Mailey on in the Dolly Room .......Decisions ...Decisions !!!!
Large safe soft drinks /tea/coffee/and snacks !!!!.....Bring your own booze.....and dancing shoes !!!
£6 gets you in ....2 Rooms ....Best Value event around methinks.....Deservedly gaining in popularity !!!
As i've said before ..forget the politics ....If the love of Soul music is your reason for going out come and see for yourself !!!
Grimsargh Village Hall - Longridge Event Map
Longridge Venue Address:
Grimsargh Village Hall
Preston Road, Longridge, Lancashire, PR2 5JS, United Kingdom