Stoned On Soul Trains next stop @thesanctuary "For a little Togetherness" 13th October Ivan, and Mick will be "Turning your Heartbeat up" with their mix of Northern Classics, Big Beat Bangers, and Sublime 70s 80s Soul on one of the best dancefloors in the area A warm welcome always awaits from Jane and Sue on the door and Neil Karen and the Sanctuary Team
Whats not to like it all starts at
15 00pm till 20 00pm
£6 00 on the door or £5 00 from the venue or reserve on S.O.S. FB page
The Sanctuary Dance Venue - Stone, Staffordsh Event Map
Stone, Staffordsh Venue Address:
The Sanctuary Dance Venue
65 High Street, Stone, Staffordshire,, ST15 8AD, United Kingdom