by Basementphil · 2342 views
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by Basementphil · 2342 views
The Weymouth Soul Club Weekenders will be moving to a new venue in 2025
Hi all you WSCers
We have found a new fabulous venue on the seafront at Weymouth at the 2 star Prince Regent Hotel.
The Ballroom is fabulous and the dancefloor is sprung wood and similar in size to the Riviera Hotel so you are going to love it.
Use this link to see pictures of the venue
For those arriving on the Thursday who have booked the hotel there is a Thursday Night warm up, and the price includes an evening meal
Hi All
we are proud to announce the next chapter for the WSC at our New Venue The Prince Regent Hotel here on the seafront at Weymouth.
The new Venue has a fabulous Ballroom for the Northern Soul, Motown, RnB & 70s to Modern Classics and a second room for the Rare & Underplayed Soul.
W will be putting in a wooden dance floor in the Rare Room for the Weekend.
Derek Mead, Barry Gray, Steve Lyons, Phil Wells, Stuart Ross, Frank Parker, The Howchins, Gibby, Sibbo, Keith Scott, Madeleine Gould, & Jason "Do the Ska" Hughes.
Ted Massey, John Parker, Fred Benson, Russ Vickers, Billy Maguire
Ted Massey, John Parker, Arthur Fenn, Fred Benson, Maxine & keith Woon, Bob Snow, Russ Vickers, Phil Wells, Ian Evans, Brian De Honri, Madeleine Gould, Peter Ratcliffe
Peter Sumner, Mark Hopes, Gibby & Alan Howchin
Tim Smithers, John "Bushy" Bush
The Price for the Rooms which includes your Ticket(s) Breakfast & Evening Meal for 3/4days is as follows (The Thursday is Free)
Single Room
Seaview Rooms (SOLD OUT)
Double/ Twin Room
£375 / Horizon View £400
Family Room for 3 People (! double bed 1 single bed)
£450 / Seaview £500
Family Room for 4 People (! double bed 2 single bed)
£500 / Seaview £550
To Book
Send payment to my Bank Account
Mr Phillip Wells
Account - 00796654
Sort Code -40 - 11 - 92
For more info or when payment has been sent please email me at weymouthsoulclub@gmail.com
to tell me what type of room you are booking, the name(s) the tickets are for and what day you will be arriving.
I will then email you to confirm I have received your payment and will send your e tickets and Room number. October.
To just buy a ticket paypal weymouthsoulclub@gmail.com
Weekend Ticket £35 and a 2 day ticket (Fri & Sat Night) for £20
Day Tickets will be available on the door for £15 but will be limited.
We Look forward to seeing you all in January and making the new venue a great success.
Thank you all for all of your wonderful support
Phil x
Edited by Basementphil
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