Here we go for our October edition of damn fine music supplied by all at Something Different rhythm and soul club,8 hours of rhythm & soul played by the STAFF SOULSPINNERS and our resident spinner ROGER BANKS.Roger will also be in attendance with his vinyl shop for you to have a flick through.Our regulars,who attend every month and our also keen enthusiasts/collectors,are being given their chance to share their collections with us up at Shirebrook,so this month we welcome JOHN WALMSLEY of Gainsborough to the stage to spin a few discs,what I've heard about his collection he'll definitely fit in at the Staff.Everyone is welcome up the Staff,so come and have a look for yourself..all the details on the flyer,oh and not forgetting me mams famous cobs.
Shirebrook Staff Sports And Soci - Shirebrook Event Map
Shirebrook Venue Address:
Shirebrook Staff Sports And Soci
Langwith Road, Shirebrook , NG20 8TF, United Kingdom