by Dean Carr · 1130 views
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by Dean Carr · 1130 views
Soul On Wax Present,
Dowty's Soul Night. We hope you can join us for our forth event at Dowty Social Club in Staverton, Gloucestershire. The venue offers two great rooms of the best in Northern Soul & Modern Soul. The main ballroom plays a great mix of Northern including, big oldies, stompers, up tempo dancers and many soulful classics, including the latest in-demanders. The Modern room just off the main bar area spins 70's Modern Soul and the latest in-demand dancers. We have a fabulous team of soul DJ's from our already established soul events in St Ives and Newquay so we aim to bring you a great mix of top soul spinners at every event.
Confirmed DJ's so far Dean Carr, Mark Oliver more top class soul DJ's to be added.
Where to stay
There are lots of hotel's in close proximity to the venue including;
How to get there
The venue is situated just off Down Hatherley Lane via the B4063. It is about a 7 minute drive from Junction 11 of the M5 Motorway.
SOUL CLUB ADDRESS: Dowty Sports & Social Club, Down Hatherley Lane, Gloucester GL2 9QH
Admission: £7.00 on the door