by Eddy Edmondson · 8248 views
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by Eddy Edmondson · 8248 views
Soul in the Sun - Winter Holiday - November 5th -- 19th, 2022
We are delighted to announce that we are returning to Lanzarote for our twice yearly holidays
The fantastic luxury Sands Beach Complex, in Costa Teguise, Lanzarote have welcomed us back
Week ONE is Saturday November 5th – Saturday November 12th 2022
Week TWO is Saturday November 12th – Saturday November 19th 2022
Or you can join us for the full fortnight like so many are doing!
Our holiday runs from Saturday – Saturday but I know many of us like a longer break. You can join us for one week (either 1st or 2nd week) or the full fortnight. If you want a 9 or a 10 day holiday it’s not a problem, but the extra days need to be before the 1st week, or after the 2nd week. i.e. 2nd – 12th or 12th – 22nd
Sands Beach is certainly a luxury resort, with no apartments, more than 2 high, in fact most of them are single stories.
We will have our music every afternoon and every night for the week, plus of course our famous Fancy Dress Day and our or Shite Shirt Nights. These will take place on both weeks so whichever week you plan on joining us, you won’t miss out.
Also we are bringing back our “War of the Roses” when DJs from Lancashire & Yorkshire complete against each other to fill the dance floor!!!! We might even have a team of DJs from the rest of the UK!!
Sands Beach has 6 areas, surrounding 6 swimming pools, including a full size 25M heated Olympic pool for those of you, who like me love to exercise in the morning!!!!!
As well as the 6 areas there is also a fantastic man made beachfront, which overlooks the Mai Tai bar and area (where we will be playing our music in the afternoons)
There are 2 restaurants, The Hacienda and Mai Tai pool bar, plus the Lido bar which is ideal for “ Lunch in the Sun”
Breakfast is available every morning from 7.30 – 10.30, Lunch from noon - 5pm and Dinner from 6.30 – 9.30pm
You will have free Wi Fi during your stay, plus use of the many services including Gym, a stretching room, a massage room, supermarket, bike hire, car hire, surfing hire, tennis court & laundry.
I’m sure that you will agree Sands Beach is no ordinary complex, but a very special one.
Prices are per apartment for one week, extra days will be charged on a pro rata basis.
Apartment Per person
Studio Apartment
Single occupancy £355 £355
2 Sharing £416 £208
One bedroom Apartment
2 Sharing £440 £220
One Bedroom Luxury Apartment
2 Sharing £498 £249
3 Sharing £546 £182
One Bedroom Luxury Beachfront
2 Sharing £602 £301
3 Sharing £666 £222
Two Bedroom Luxury Apartment
3 Sharing £773 £258
4 Sharing £835 £208
5 Sharing £885 £177
Two Bedroom Luxury Beachfront
3 sharing £924 £306
4 Sharing £980 £245
5 Sharing £1050 £210
Three Bedroom Luxury Beachfront
6 Sharing £1386 £231
May I remind you that you must be staying at Sands Beach and you must book through us, if you want admission into the soul events.
There is a charge of £50 per person for the wristbands
You need to sort out your own flights, but the price includes transfers to and from the airport
Lots have already booked the early Easyjet flight from Manchester