Thanks to everyone for attending our last event in December - a great turn out for Ted Massey and thanks to all who supported us throughout 2019. We hope you can all join us again for our next PERSHORE SOUL Night, the first of 2020 ...
- with regular DJs CHUBB, GINGE, DON & KEITH
& this month we are pleased to welcome, for the first time, our Special Guest DJ - ALLY MAYER
8PM TILL 1AM .... £ 5.00 on the door ... great venue ...wooden dance floor ...large car park nearby ...everyone welcome .
at BAR 57
(formerly Pershore Working Mens & Old Comrades Club (The "Workies") )
More info call Chubb - 07851 477881
Future dates confirmed:-
Saturday 18th April 2020 - Guest DJ Rob Smith
Saturday 6th June 2020 (9th Anniversary) - Guest DJ Dave Evison
Saturday 15th August 2020 - Guest DJ Laurence Proxton
Saturday 24th October 2020 - Guest DJ Ted Massey
Saturday 12th December 2020 - Guest DJ Shaun Parker
Bar 57 - Pershore Event Map
Pershore Venue Address:
Bar 57
55-57 High Street, Pershore, WR10 1EU, United Kingdom