The Soul Source Favourite Motown Song Result
the members motown song choice...

Back in March this year, the newspapers reported that ITV plans to show a programme titled The Nations Favourite Motown Song in the UK. Based on a poll of select motown songs.
Here on Soul Source it seemed a good idea to sound out members on their own favourite motown song by having our own informal poll to find out just what is the 'Soul Source Favourite Motown Song'...
After an extended voting period, the votes have been counted and we are at last in a position to announce the results....
In an attempt to build up excitement on this midweek morning, will firstly pass on the most nominated artists...
The Artists with the most votes (total amount of votes for various songs) are…
1. The Four tops
2. The Temptaions
3. The Miracles
4. The Originals
5 Marvin Gaye
and now onto to the favourite song results…
The Top 3 Most voted songs in Soul Source Favourite Motown Song Poll are…
in reverse order...
3. The Elgins - Heaven Must Have Sent You
Very very difficult shout, but I'll have to go with the Elgins-Heaven must have sent you....
2. The Originals - Suspicion
it's a record which has it all
...pure class
and the winner....
The Soul Source Favourite Motown Song is
1. The Four Tops - Ask the Lonely
not only Motowns finest for me also one of the greatest soul records of all time too
I can listen to this song a hundred times in a row and still find something new in it such is the power of the emotion when Levi sings !
Rob Wigley
..reduces me to tears ...
Not a great surprise to many I imagine, but am sure most if not all of you will agree it is a worthy winner!
Thanks to all you members who took part and made this a worthwhile thing, appreciated.
The forum poll thread can be viewed here
and will post the full summary of all votes later
Look forwards - next week trying something similar but different...
thanks again
Peter99Jun 11 2014 10:43 AM
Nice one Mike
Really interesting piece of work.
Thanks for putting the time in.
soulhawk1960Jun 11 2014 01:52 PM
The winner is justified.
A wonderful work of art that has given me so much pleasure over the years.
staceys dad likes this Like
SoulStuJun 11 2014 06:09 PM
I love this stuff! - must be the trainspotter in me.
Any of the nominated tunes would have made me happy if they'd been no. 1
Thanks Mike - another reason why SS is THE place for true soul fans.
scenemanJun 11 2014 09:37 PM
understandable its got so much going for it .
dramatic tune that raises the rafters
look at the B&W video on youtube and who were the dancing dollies in the background ?stunning and of the period
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mike photo
mikeJun 11 2014 09:55 PM
kev jones passed on this image
mr blue and Kevin Bruce like
mid tempoJun 12 2014 11:18 AM
Great poll & much deserved winner.
turntableterraJun 12 2014 02:04 PM
motown................. well desereved top tune. and as we saw there are so many more
jazzJun 12 2014 07:32 PM
Justice done the the best singer to ever walk on this planet god bless you levi sing with the angels sir and show them how it should be done
Winsford Soul, Henry and fragiledancer like Like
ashy1Jun 15 2014 10:59 AM
love, love motown, ask the lonley , ahhhhhh, what can you say,,,,worth the no1 spot, only ever heard it played once, i,ve asked plenty times !!!!!!
Winsford SoulJun 16 2014 02:03 PM
Brings tears to my eyes every time. Simply a stunning record in every way. there will never be another singer to match the flawless Levi
fragiledancerJun 16 2014 02:49 PM
What an emotive tune, just have to stop everything and listen even though I know I'll be teary eyed throughout....can't sing along to it with the lump in my throat. Says something about Levi when my teenage son can recognise a Tops tune just from his voice.
little glynJun 18 2014 11:30 PM
winner is such an emotional record each word is sung with such feeling and there is not a single place during the record that you can,t sing comfortably along with
little glynJun 18 2014 11:40 PM
when you play and listen to Suspicion - The Originals and view the video that goes with it it makes you realise how fortunate we were to be brought up on this quality of music and artists that went with it !
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