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Fresh Rare Northern Soul Videos - Soul Masters 2008 15 min Montage !

Soul Masters 2008


Long time members may recall how a few years ago an ground breaking series of rare soul video dvds were out and about. These dvds entitled Soul Masters Vol 1-3 featured a wide range of little seen or even known about video clips from the 60s and 70s. Featuring a wide range of soul artists and both familar and rare soul tracks, these dvds caused quite a stir at the time.


In those far off days before youtube most of such archive footage was in the hands of dedicated soul and pop music video collectors and was not really widely available or even known about out of these circles. Thanks to one Uk collectors input on the 3 Soul Masters dvds this changed rather quickly.


Unfortunately as it sometimers happens, after having the insight and spending time and effort to push these dvds out, some old school "soul names" decided rather than applaud such insight/efforts, they rather do what they used to be good at, rip someone else's ideas/efforts off, and so yep it wasnt long before dvds featuring the same tracks were being pushed out and sold to main street outlets by the usual suspects.


Disillusioned by such going ons that was that , no more Soul Masters dvds. Of course it was no great suprise that there were no more "other ones" either.


Anyway though the door was shut, the clips were still around and time has moved on. While no more dvds are planned as far as aware , the collector guy involved has ok'd and passed on a 15 minute montage of just a few of the tracks that are still out there in collector land.


There's a few screenshots below


Starting off with one that will just say could send your jaw downwards when hera it.












Also some classic stuff from the 60s, Dobie Gray - Out On The floor, Bobby Freeman - I'll never fall in love again, a version of "What" by Groucho Marxs daughter Melinda, The Larks, a fair few familar faces, some jaw droppers and so on

Basically a wide varied 15 min grab bag of video soul clips!.


The link is below

non members must use that, members can view normal ways


Its opened to all to view for a short while and then it go back to the same as all other clips members only


now out of date

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