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Soul In Print - A History of Soul Fanzines and Magazines - New Book

Soul In Print - A History of Soul Fanzines and Magazines - New Book magazine cover

 News just in all about a new book titled Soul In Print, a History of Soul Fanzines and Magazines. Due to be published on 1st June 2021. Written by Iain McCartney aka member  @Souledtrafford  

Iain over the 180 plus pages, covers soul music related publications from both home and abroad, with many interviews with the people who made those publications possible. 

Here's the blurb...

Soul music remains the biggest 'underground' music scene in the world with each weekend, pre-Covid19, seeing countless soul nights and weekenders fill the diaries. Records, on often obscure labels, change hands regularly for four figure sums, while many artists come to Britain countless years after they first stepped into a recording studio to sing tracks that they had to re-learn the words to as it had been so long since they last sung it to an appreciative audience. But for many to learn about those 'four-figure' tracks and those who recorded them, they have had to rely on countless diehards on the scene, the 'anoraks' so to speak. Those who seek out details of an artist's career and compile discographies of the labels on which they recorded and then take the time to put it all into print in the form of a fanzine, or if finances allow, a fully-fledged magazine. Some of those publications failed to last beyond one issue, others slightly longer, and although they do not command the same monetary value as the records, many will fetch considerably more than the music publications found on magazine shelves today. There have been books on the artists, the record labels and the venues and now 'Soul In Print' fills a gap, covering the fanzines and magazines which did much to keep the scene alive and maintain the interest which continues today?

Available from 1st June 2021 via Newhaven Publishing at many stockists such as Amazon, Foyles, Waterstones, WH Smith and more







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So good to see these contemporary documents/views and opinions recorded for posterity- they really capture the scene as it was- not the edited fuzzy romantic version as remembered!

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My copy arrived yesterday so I have had time to read and digest it's contents. I'm mightily impressed on it's thoroughness and scope. It's often a nostalgic read and bought back many memories of past fanzines and magazines. I have copies of some but far more have gone so to be reminded of them and in a well written way is something of a joy.

McCartney and his his co-helper Martin Scragg name 'There's the Beat' (Iain) and 'In The Basement' (Martin)  as their favourite 'glossies' of all time (Iain has 'In The Basement ' at no. 2  whilst Martin has 'There's the Beat' as his no: 5 ). My choice would be David Cole's 'In The Basement' as well. It was so well written and I have a complete set. 

Their favourite 'non glossies' are 'Shades of Soul' (Iain) and 'Soul Up North' (Martin). Impossible to argue against those choices I'd say.

As I say a fine piece of work well written and edited. Maybe a bit more about some of the writers - Cummins and Abbey get a mention but nothing on John Ridley aka. Sirshambling and London Fats or Steve Guarnori, two of my favourite contributors through the years. A lovely piece of work. Thanks.

PS. I'll add that I contributed regularly to 'In The Basement' so I am a tad biased.


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Thanks so much for your 'review' of the book. It was certainly a task putting it all together. More so in attempting to do a 'Top Five' or whatever, as I think I mentioned, every editor deserves praise for what he produced.  It was difficult to pick between 'Basement' and 'There's That Beat' for many different reasons. The former is a stand alone publication, but it was the latter that hypnotised me with its lay-out and images.  

Thanks again for buying the book and I am glad you enjoyed it. Regards, IAIN 

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Hopefully it won't be out of stock by the time I return from my Holidays.  

Just had a brain wavy thingy.  There is a WH Smith in Tenby or a Waterstones in Haverfordwest.  Sorted. 

Can't wait to get a copy now.


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