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Stuart Cosgrove - Apologies alone are not enough to atone for racism

Stuart Cosgrove - Apologies alone are not enough to atone for racism magazine cover

Stuart Cosgrove: Apologies alone are not enough to atone for racism

An interesting article from Stuart Cosgrove shows up on The National newspaper website. Known to many on here as the author of such books as Detroit67, Memphis68, Young Soul Rebels and more, the author passes on his take on the current mainstream media's reaction to the killing of George Floyd.

It was inevitable that George Floyd’s killing would reverberate arounds the media and lead to an outpouring of self-recrimination. We had seen the script before in the aftermath of the Harvey Weinstein trial. Film and television are by their nature sensitive and often self-obsessed industries, but they are also made up of creative people working away on the imprecise role of being a motherboard of national taste and tolerance....

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That's a pity because I think it's quite clear. It might be worth reading Stuart's "Soul Trilogy" to get a better measure of where he's coming from with this. You'll certainly learn a lot more along the way.


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22 minutes ago, Mickey Finn said:

That's a pity because I think it's quite clear. It might be worth reading Stuart's "Soul Trilogy" to get a better measure of where he's coming from with this. You'll certainly learn a lot more along the way.


I understood his point with regard to the media, who are currently virtue signalling, left, right and centre. What I wasn't sure about was whether he supported taking the programs down or not, which after a second reading, I now see that he does. However, i'm not a fan of history being, denied, changed or airbrushed. The statue in Bristol should have also said the guy was a slaver. If history isn't accurately portrayed how can we learn from it ?. 

How will we ever know the truth about things, if history isn't accurate, as demonstrated by this.




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3 hours ago, Smudger said:

A very interesting read and shows our legacy in a stark light,absolutely agree all relevant parts of history should be portrayed in an equal light .Doesn't make our past look good does it.

The other thing is if we don't have accurate history, how do we know how we far forward we moved on with things like racism etc.

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Back to Stuart's article - his experience at Channel 4 gives him better insight than most about what sort of things go on in the UK television industry.

One thing that stands out is that a lot of the comedy shows now suddenly being withdrawn were made by and for people who thought they were light years ahead of Benny Hill or Bernard Manning, whose public reputations were already low.

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