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MR. FRANK JACKSON - sadly missed

And i felt it just wouldn't be right to let today pass without saying just a few words about this unforgetable man.


As some of you will already know, it was the funeral of Frank Jackson today.

And i felt it just wouldn't be right to let today pass without saying just a few words about this unforgetable man.

Frank Jackson, has got to be one of the most humble, respected, dedicated, enthusiastic, kind,loved and most knowledgeable

people this scene will ever know!

His pure passion for soul music, the way he carried himself as a man, the way he so completely loved his wife Maureen and son Frankie and genuinely cared about those who were blessed with having him as a friend, will never be matched or equaled.

He was one on his own....one fantastic guy!

So wether you were lucky enough to know Frank Jackson or not is irrelevant.

This man helped make the soul scene what it is today....


Way to go Frank!

Love you and miss you loads,

Joan,Tony and all your many,many friends


Ps: Be sure to give that Lawson fella loads!!

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