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The Capitol Soul Club 2nd Anniversary: Pre-anniversary thoughts

The Capitol Soul Club 2nd Anniversary: Pre-anniversary thoughts

One of the many emails that I get from the website, this sort of feedback makes it all worth it!

See you all on the 30th @ the Dome


Matt Jahans

"As the anniversary of Capitol Soul Clubs marriage to the Dome beckons, it takes me back to July and my very first visit. I was already familiar with the music from the boys, but nothing could prepare me for what I actually experienced on going through the doors that steaming hot summers night.

I had decided to drive, and the car was very much alive to the sound of good music, as my partner in life Karen and I enjoyed the company of Dave Holt and Robbo.

After a somewhat lengthy journey, owing to roadworks we arrived at Finchley Park and managed to park about 100yds away from a building with plenty of outside activity.

Membership cards shown, we were in, and then it hit us.

Karen and I stood quite motionless for several minutes, not even daring to talk as a wave of music, heat, and an atmosphere to die for flooded over us. Only once before have I ever known that feeling, and that was on my first visit to the Torch in 1972, and here I was again, or was it someone elses first visit to the Casino or the Wheel?

Im sure everyones whos passionate about their music knows what I mean.

When we finally decided to move our feet and pitch our tent. We were welcomed by a lot of faces weve never seen, this was nice and I had already decied to go with the notion of when in Rome do as the Romans do.

No pre-conceived ideas, or Ive been there done that attitude, Karen and I were going to just let things happen, and did they happen.

The music was astounding as Alan, Dave, Carl an Irish Greg continued in the same vein as they did at Tonys all-nighter at Blackburn.

Excellent sets of music included The Nomads, The Springers, Sidney Barnes, Jesse Davis etc, etc.

Then popped up the guest for the evening non other than our good friend Ian Cunliffe. To say that he did the North justice would be an understatement, Ian did what Ian does, and does it so well. Joyce Taylor, Tommy Turner, Blue Jays, Brooks Bros., all went down a storm, but the real heroes are the punters.

They create an energy that all young people do, the difference is this time they do it with Soul.

They also are firmly behind the Jocks and their selections, and are prepared to dance to unknowns, which is so refreshing.

Im now counting the days to the November Dome, but I think Ill just forget everything Ive experienced, and start all over again..........wonderful.

Best wishes

Steve T"

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