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Chalky At The Monkey

Chalky At The Monkey magazine cover

Well after a great night at the Wilton with a quality dj line up it was time to leave for North Wales and make Monkeys of ourselves (Andy Dyson and Mick H, the two guests for the night and myself.

Arrived an hour and fifty minutes later to be greeted by such a wonderful sight, two lasses in fancy dress, one dressed as a genie....f*****g ell could have rubbed her lamp but as my hands were full with Andys record boxes any thought of playing Aladdin soon disappeared Was sorely tempted to put the boxes down and head next door but as we werent suitably dressed for the occasion had to settle for the Drunken Monkey Soul Club!

All I can say is top night and top crowd. Musically great with the emphasis on quality, non of the usual overplayed hammered to death soul you get at some other venues. We all had a great night and cant recommend this place enough, you really ought to try and get along.

Crowd were fully appreciative of all the records played regardless of individuals tastes. As I said earlier Andy and Mick H were the guests and they didnt disappoint. Both played blinding sets as did all the djs on the night. Our ears were treated to sounds like Soul Inc, Sensations- Demanding Man, Robert Tanner - Sweet Memories, Vanguards on Shirley (listen out for this great choon), Locations - Mister Diamond Man, Nu-Rons All Of My Life and many more which Im sure Ill remember when some brain cells have recovered.

Maybe Andy can remember what he played and post a playlist Nice to meet all the other Soul Talkers making monkeys of themselves, I wont name names as I dont want to offend anyone I miss out which I probably will with my memory. Left towards the end and headed for Stoke which was a different experience altogether.

Again great night and hope to get back there again pretty soon.


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