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Calendonia Soul Review - Irish Greg

Calendonia Soul Review - Irish Greg magazine cover

Heres news of another event that like most featured on Soul Source is keeping Northern moving forward rather than backwards.

Cheers to Irish Greg for passing on

Scotland? What a night - The place just rocked!!!.

Well done to Martin,Caroline and Lenny etc for starting off this event and providing Scotland with a club that is forward thinking in its music policy.

The crowd was well up for it and even the people from the Street loved it and danced happily next to hardcore Soulies like Kenny Burrell&co.

Sounds played varied from Rare/Classic Sixties to 7ts and a touch of RnB - Magnetics,Mayfield Singers,Districts,Charles Sheffield,Explosive

Dynamics,Fascinators,Johnny Maestro,TC Lee&Bricklayers etc etc. I would like to add that the people were so nice and friendly that you didnt want to leave the venue, so get to the next one which has Butch spinning the Vinyl plus residents. Celtic 2-0 got a nice response from the Crowd!!!


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