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Broughton - look back at 18 Sep and flying scooter niter visit

Keith Money, Brian Ellis, Soul Sam, Phil Blacknel and Rhyl Scooter Niter Broughton - Look back One of North Wales premier Uk regular monthly events was showing up on the event guide and with the news that Keith Money was the guest it was one of those get to no matter what events. As more than likely know Broughton is run by Brian Ellis and Soul Sam and as said many times it has its own unique feel and crowd with their own style of taste. No hassle getting there, a 40 mile trip is small change nowadays to get to a venue. Walked into one of North Wales coast finest Phil Blacknell dishing out a heavy bit of a crossover session, no attempt to drag early dancers on floor using cheese as bait, who wants that? just out and out decent tunes, highlight was "The Spartans" 45 which sounded so good remembered it . More of this all way up to 10 from Phil and then it was time for Keith Money who should be an ambassador for Scotland as all round quality guy, Keith and rest of party had travelled down with Kenny Burell so a fair old Scottish corner, add a touch of Joe Dunlop to mix and can imagine table was lively. Was good to hear Keith in North Wales again, especially as his work schedule meant that havent been able to get him doing monkey for a fair while.

 Numbers at this time were a bit down on the usual figures. And as such floor reaction wasnt its usual that see when Keith does his stuff. And when throw in fact that Broughton crowd as said has its own unique tastes, the usual activity that occurs when Keith plays didnt show. Still ears had a treat with likes of Mark Loyd, Imperial Cs, Bob and Fred, Bill Bush, and of course "my proposal" unfortunately last didnt work that well with blame belonging on shoulders guy who requested it - yep me. After Keiths guest spot it was Brian Ellis up next and did a great hour using his regular knowledge to coax the floor, Sam up next and finished the night of with a customary Sam spot, all eras all styles then all done Night finished, and time to move on, shame Goldbourne was cancelled as was rare time when didnt clash with other events and reckon would have been a good night. Convoy to Rhyl to Robin Hood scooter weekender, where there was a semi-allnighter going on, bit of a shock walking in as mucker reckons was 1000 people altogether in the two rooms , what caught place was kicking, a great buzz , two rooms , had to drop mucker off as he had to get home so couldnt stay, but those who did said enjoyed it, people all over uk and Ireland there.

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