Supercorsa Blog 2005-2011
thoughts and buys
In A Reflective Mood
Posted by Supercorsa, 11 July 2011 ·
Just sitting here on my day off, meant to have been doing some work on the computer, but as always logged onto Soul Source and got distracted.
I've been reading Ian Dewhirst's thread about having enough money to be a top northern dj, mmm interesting.
Let's be honest if money was no object, the majority of people would go and buy whatever their heart desired or dreamt of, wherever that be records, cars, houses, clothes or whatever. As for wiinning the lotto or Euromillions, you'd buy your own venue and wouldn't need to worry about anything at all, you could play your 50k set and pay other dj's to play their 50k sets, it's obvious (or hypothetical). All the thread seems to have done for me is just recycle all the old chestnuts that resurface from time to time, oldies v newies, preplanned set v reading a floor, originals v boots, collectors v dj's
As for money, it's all relative. If you're unemployed or earning £40k+ a year however much you spend on records is purely up to you! Who are we to condemn someone for buying a £5 reissue/boot rather than spending £100+ on the original. Morally for instance, is the person buying a new Kent release of (for arguments sake) The Hesitations - Is This The Way and playing that out rather than the GWP release, not doing more to benefit the Artists/Writers etc., than the person who pays £50 for a secondhand GWP original, which benefits no-one only the seller?
I'm just content to spend a little each month on one or two bits of vinyl, lately it's ranged from the odd recent Kent release to the oldie that I've always liked or even Mary Wells Sounds Superb LP from the local car boot sale. My only gripe is that I buy on payday (as impatience or bills mean I can't delay), then 2 days later there's a list on here containing something else I would have preferred to buy!
PS Still not missing going out.
Apathy Or Priorities?
Posted by Supercorsa, 16 February 2011 ·
I have not been out to a soul event since the 100 Club anniversary last year. The less I go out the less I want to. Don't get me wrong I do enjoy attending events, just not the travelling to and from them. Take the 100 Club for instance, I love just listening to the music (as I'm not a dancer) and trawlling through all the record boxes, but driving there drove me mad. It was a Saturday evening and the traffic seemed like rush hour! I have to drive, unfortunately haven't got the stamina to go all night and I swear I will never go on a night bus again, not that they go near to where I live anyway.
Also I get 2 weekends off in 4, so spending time together as a whole family is important to me. I didn't realise how important this was to me until recently, when a work friend became a murder victim, leaving behind his kids. A man who was always cheerful, pleasant, decent, well loved, also just a few months older than myself. So now my priorities have changed, my family is coming before my own enjoyment. And you know what? I seem to be enjoying my life more as a result, I just wish my friend was still here to be able to enjoy his.
Rest In Peace Dainsley.
It's Nice Inside, Why Go Out?
Posted by Supercorsa, 09 June 2010
I've recently been reading some posts and been thinking to myself, glad I don't get out much.
There seems to be a lot of doom and gloom merchants about at the moment. Whoa is me, all do's are crap, how much longer can the scene go on for, all dj's are not playing what I want to hear, all dj's are ignoring my requests, etc., etc., For fooks sake just enjoy yourselves, too many people worry about what others are doing. Also what's with all the implied terms, if you've an issue with a venue, promoter, dj, whatever or whoever, then why not just name them? Otherwise it makes the whole point, well....pointless really.
As for myself, the longer it goes on that I don't attend anywhere, the less I miss going out. I'm quite happy to sit at home and pick up one or two records a month to enjoy indoors. I'm not a dancer, I don't drink, petrols not cheap and as I'd be attending on my own I tend to stay indoors with the family instead. Also the money I save on not going out I can spend on records. I sometimes wonder how many more like me are out there. The only time I tend to go anywhere now is if friends(who are not on the scene) want to attend anywhere.
Whilst I'm on the subject of record buying, I'd just like to recommend some of the sellers on here that I've bought from this year... Pete S, kjw, bitchdj, Chris Anderton, 45cellar and others in the past amongst them Mark Bicknell, Godzilla, Darcyboy, Pikeys Dog, In Town Mikey, Bearsy, Donkit, Headsy. Apologies if I've missed any off .
One last thing. Can dj's, that includes the ones who wish to either educate or entertain , can you please use the playlists forum more (you'll find it in the lookbacks forum), thanks
Feeling Somewhat Indifferent.
Posted by Supercorsa, 16 February 2010 ·
Sitting here feeling a bit cheesed off. Suppose I'm just feeling abit down really, not that I've got reason to be, just bored .
Anyway I just want to post up this request/greivance. Why aren't more playlists posted up in lookbacks? I know some people are of the impression that others should attend venues to hear what is played, but it's not always possible for some to attend events each week. In my case I probably get out about half a dozen times a year to soul do's, so I usually go to places I know. However just occasionally I'd like to attend somewhere new, but this is made somewhat difficult when I'm not sure of what to expect. I don't mean I only like to hear what I know, more what type of sounds are played, 60's, 70's, RnB, etc., So when there's no playlists to get an inkling to what's played at certain venues, it makes making a decision of where to attend that bit more difficult. Nothing worse than a thread talking up an event with 50+ posts before it and just half a dozen in lookbacks after an event (& then no playlists)!
So to finish, I know it isn't always possible to post up playlists, but everynow and again wouldn't go amiss . Thanks.
The Receiving Of Records And The Joy It Brings!
Posted by Supercorsa, 08 January 2010 ·
I was pleasantly surprised this morning to get a visit from the postman (sent out a van, no other post for the rest of the street ). He presented me with a parcel containing 3 round shiny black things! How exciting to be opening something that you want, rather than the socks or other usual christmas fare that you may have received a week or two ago.
Within the parcel were 3 records, that cost me about half of what just one of them would've cost me from a well known dealers site. Just had to play them all twice (whilst dancing around the living room in my dressing gown and slippers ), because I couldn't believe the bargain that I felt I'd got. Anyway, I'm now in such a good mood, I'm even willing to venture out and go shopping with the wife!
I'd just like to thank Chris Anderton, for the records . The Royal Mail for such an excellent service, especially considering the weather the country is currently experiencing.
Cheesed Off
Posted by Supercorsa, 01 June 2009
Sitting here on a nice warm day a bit cheesed off.
I've had a nice weekend off work. Had a pleasant day out with the family on Friday, then spent the weekend at the in-laws. Saturday night attended Soulfusion in Gloucester with family & friends.
Return home to find my daughters had friends around whilst we were away. They've made a mess and eaten all the food in the fridge! So as a result, the wife has been complaining about it all through the night and morning before going to work. This hasn't helped my mood as I've got to go to work this afternoon, hate going to work at the best of times, let alone when it's sunny out!
Anyway I digress, the postman has been and left me a recent vinyl purchase off Ebay. Now I don't spend a great deal on individual records, so I tend to be a bit selective so to speak. Anyway I had bought a copy of Jo Armsteads - I Feel An Urge Coming On, nothing terribly expensive or rare. On the listing it stated ZTSC stamped, no mention of it being a boot, so I took a chance. Upon opening checked deadwax only to discover indeed it is stamped, but not an original one. It's a boot , what makes matters worse is that the listing quite clearly states will not accept returns.
So now I am really cheesed off and definately don't want to go to work this afternoon .
Just A Quick Update
Posted by Supercorsa, 22 January 2009
Didn't realise it had been so long since I posted anything in my blog.
I think I'm suffering even more than normal due to lack of funds. I was planning on attending Farnborough this weekend, but dunno if I can afford it. This week the wifes car and mine has (or is going to) cost us in the region of £200 - £250! Firstly the wife's car needed a new tyre - £40, then we discovered the MOT was due to expire - another £55. Whilst doing the MOT we found out need a section of the exhaust replacing - £70. On top of this whilst travelling to Gloucester last Saturday a stone thrown up by a lorry cracked my windscreen, cost me an excess of £60 (lucky I was insured fitters said with new trims could've been looking towards £500). So automobiles have left the old wallet a bit empty .
Still at least I managed to get out last weekend whilst staying in Gloucester. I managed to get along to Soulfusions 3rd anniversary do with my brother-in-law. I thought the venue was great, 3 rooms, great bar and just far enough off the beaten track so as not to attract any passing pissheads/handbaggers. We definately intend on going again at some point in the future.
So with a lack of funds the old record buying has had to be curtailed somewhat. Although I did manage to pick up a cheapie last payday off ebay, a nice white promo of Joe Simon's When, for the total cost (inc postage from the USA) of a tenner. I don't think it ever sells for much more, but when you can still get quality records like this for such a small amount it keeps me happy .
Read Full Entry â ' 3 Comments
A Recent Post And Some Thoughts Of Late
Posted by Supercorsa, 13 August 2008 ·
The following is a post that I made on a lookback thread. I was trying to get across that I personally am sick and tired of all the recent threads and arguments with regards to too many events. I've been to events that are rammed and those that are almost empty, but I've enjoyed them all.
Yet another lookback thread, where there is not a playlist posted. To be honest the chances of me attending an event in Barnsley is almost zero, but I just wish to post an opinion on something. I feel the best way for a promoter to answer any critisms is to if possible post up a playlist or two. That way people can see what type of stuff is being played and if indeed it is to their liking. I read the initial post and the impression that I got was that the DJ's didn't get the dancefloor active, but were playing to chinstroking mates. Then again this may not be the case and that in actual fact they are playing something different to the norm and are going to stick to that policy, as that is what they believe in. This is just like so many other thread with regards to too many events, etc., as of late, people can't make an informed decision as to what event to attend as people (or punters as many are called) I believe are split into three categories. Firstly the group that like to hear what they know (for arguments sake oldies), secondly the group that like to hear new and different stuff (newies/rare) and finally those that just go out socially to see friends and don't care what sort of music is played (which imo is probably the majority of this scenes attendees).
I will admit to not being a dancer, but I would say dancers add to the atmosphere, but then again I've attended Solid Hit Soul before when there has been about 20 people in on some nights. Musically fantastic (imo), but not enough punters to continue you would think. But no the lads perservered, stuck to their beliefs and now it's one of the must attend events of the London scene.
The comment about the dj's can give us the tunes, perhaps they have been but they weren't to everyones liking. There must be hundreds of tunes that when first played no one liked, but with persistence have become popular. But also there must be tunes that some people consider played out or even cheesy. For instance Ain't No Mountain High Enough Marvin & Tammi, a few years back Mick Smith played it at a 100 Club anniversary. I was there and the dancefloor went crazy people dancing and singing along, thereafter the record was in demand and the price went up. However if it hadn't been played by Mick at the 100 Club, but by some other DJ at a small local night would it have took off like it did the answer is no. But the other side of the coin is a Dj at the George plays a tune that no one dances to, but insists on playing it because he likes it, he gets slagged off for having an empty dancefloor. Then two months later, Butch, Mick H, Soul Sam (take your pick) plays the same record to a packed floor at some allnighter, people come on here raving about it (resulting in everyone playing it out). Do punters of the George then go back and say to the DJ who played it first, sorry we were wrong and you were right? What I'm trying to say is that everyones tastes are different, try talking to the promoters, if you don't like the music policy or it's not going to change to your liking, then don't go. I have recently come to the conclusion that I am going to just go to the venues that I want to, not necessarily those venues where it seems to be cool to seen at. As so many have said before, life's too short.
A Weekend Of Mixed Emotions & Failed Plans
Posted by Supercorsa, 18 May 2008 ·
I was really looking forward to this weekend to celebrate my mates 40th, the plan was to attend Soul Revolution on the Friday night followed by the 100 Club on the Saturday. Unfortunatey the weekend didn't get off to the start that I had imagined.
Friday afternoon was spent at my Uncle Harold's funeral, a sad story made worse by the fact that things could have been so much different if the knowledge was there so many years ago. From since I can remember my uncle was a patient (resident) in mental institutes. He was a serviceman (RAF) in I think the Suez conflict, but when he returned home and to civvy street he had a breakdown (smashed windows in the house and other forms of unusual behaviour). From what I can gather it was probably some form of Post Traumatic Stress (another uncle told me that he thinks he was also suffering with a touch of malaria at the time), but in those days it was a case of lock 'em up. I think from there on in he just became institutionalised. He used to come home for weekends when I was younger, he was always smoking roll ups and asking for fags, that and warning us that the Germans were coming! He wouldn't hurt a fly and although he wasn't well he'd never allow me and my brothers or sister fight or argue with one another. My mum says he was a lovely young man, I learnt at the funeral from another uncle that when he was in the RAF he gave my Nan his paybook and just got by on a few bob. RIP Uncle Harold.
Later that evening I was in not so much of a sombre mood as I was travelling up to attend Soul Revolution in the company of my friends Gary (also brother in law) and Shaun (celebrating his 40th). Anyway after managing to get past Kenny on the door, after he insisted that he had to cross us off his list, we were unsure what to expect not having attended before. Anyway we found the Soul Or Nothing room at the back to find the other not so young man celebrating his 40th, that being Bearsy. Luckily I was very nearby when James presented him with a bottle of champagne for his birthday, so I managed to sneak a free glass, cheers! Spent a while in there whilst waiting for the downstairs room to open, nice to meet and greet James, Steve Cato, Baz, Simon M, Bearsy and the real surprise for me was seeing Rich Buckley who I haven't seen for what must be a couple of years. I was standing (I'm not a dancer) there when a tune came out from the speakers which I love, I knew I'd heard it before, but couldn't remember the name of it. So upto the decks I went to see a Coral label with the words Ortheia Barnes & I've Never Loved Nobody on it, what a fantastic record I love it (if anyone will have a copy for sale on Friday 30 May -payday- I'd be very interested), thanks for spinning it Baz. Anyway the rest of the night went by in a blur with time spent between the two rooms, enjoyed listening to Matt Male spot whilst chatting to Bearsy, funny thing was his spot was longer than planned I think Baz's watch had stopped . Matt Male spun another current fav of mine this being Jesse Fishers You're Not Loving A Beginner, dunno why he wouldn't accept my offer of £40 for it . Tune of the night for me though had to be Soul Incorporated's My Proposal spun by James Trouble, I've heard this before on a Scenesville tape, but never out loud, thought it was fantastic. Anyway before too long it was time to leave telling everyone who would listen that we'd see them at the 100 Club. I managed to stop Rich Buckley and his lovely young lady from falling prey to illegal minicab drivers and after dropping him off home (not Leeds!), stopped off for a burger and a birthday kebab for Shaun before arriving home at about 4.30am.
Managed a couple of hours kip before I was awoken by my 6 year old son wanting to go to football training, went back to bed later with the intention of getting up to watch the cup final. Woke up during half time, so I missed the best half!
Arrangements had been made for Saturday night to go to the 100 Club for the allnighter. Left my house at 9.30pm with a tenner in my wallet and the intention of stopping of at a cashpoint, picking up Shaun, then proceeding at speed to Oxford Street. Here is where the plans went astray. I went to the local cashpoint only to find I have no money . Not wishing to dissappoint Shaun I went round and told him of my embarrassing predicament and said if he wanted to I'd still go, because as I was driving I'd only have drunk water all night anyway. As an alternative to this we decided to pop down to the anniversary do at Farnborough for a couple of hours instead. In respect I'm glad that we did. On arrival was a bit unsure as the car park didn't seem that full, but once inside there was a respectable crowd in attendance. Nice to have a chat with Terry (Mr Tea) & Colin (Soulsmith) before they departed for I believe the 100 Club (gits! ). Andy Hutchins and Matt played a couple of great sets, first time I'd heard either of these play hopefully not the last. Nice to chat to Mischief, Chris and Moldie as always.
So I hadn't managed to get to the 100 Club and help Shaun & Bearsy celebrate their respective 40th birthdays as intended, but still as I realise now it's not the end of the world. I'm sure I'll get down there soon. And to compensate today I'm going to celebrate at home with my family the fact that I've won the Soul Source Fantasy Football League. Like I told Bearsy he maybe 40, but I'm no.1 !
Frustration In 2008
Posted by Supercorsa, 15 February 2008 ·
I haven't been out to a do since going to Lightwater before Christmas. I only get two weekends off out of four and what with family commitments it's sometimes hard to get out and about. I also admit to being bit of a lazy git and not wanting to venture too far, but when I'm off work the nearest event seems to be a good couple of hours away. When I'm at work there seems to be a load on nearby, tonight is a prime example. I'm on lates and Solid Hit is on, another event that I've had to miss. When I am off the wife seems to have my weekends planned out for me visiting relatives.
The next weekend I have off is at the start of March, but the wife wants to visit her Mum for her birthday and Mothers day. I've had a look at the events calendar nothing on in Gloucester, where the mother in law lives, that weekend. So I look ahead to the following weekend when I am off again. Great I think to myself, Lightwater is on and as I haven't been out for a while think I may venture up to the 100 Club afterwards. Then when checking my diary, b*****ks!, realise this is the same weekend as my brother-in-law's (he's also one of my best mates) 40th birthday weekend away to Weymouth. So that means I have to wait for another two weeks after that before venturing out.
Whilst at work this evening I've put in for a day off next Sunday, as hopefully I may get down to Rochester on the Saturday for the Kent Soul Club 2nd Anniversary do. I've got to get out soon I'm going stir crazy!
I apologise if I seem to be rambling, but I am so pissed off!
Buys Of 2007 - December
Posted by Supercorsa, 16 December 2007
Finally , here's the last of the record purchases for 2007. I was hoping to buy a few more this month, but what with Christmas and all, just couldn't do it. Anyway I did buy a couple more cheapies, these being the following:
The Odds & Ends - Let Me Try - Today
Chuck Jackson - Any Other Way - Wand
So the total soul purchases for 2007 equals: 50 7" singles, 3 LP's & 1 CD. As for the amount of money they've all cost, erm I can't remember and at this time of year I'd rather not let the wife know!
Anyway, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and hopefully see you all in 2008!
Buys Of 2007 - November
Posted by Supercorsa, 20 November 2007
Here's the penultimate listing of purchases for this year, you've only one more month to suffer. Only three records this month, what with my finances being tighter than a ducks backside. For next month I'm going to have to give copies of my wants list to people in the hope I get some for Christmas .
Anyway here's Novembers three 7"s:
Dee Dee Sharp - There Ain't Nothin' I Wouldn't Do For You - Cameo
David Ruffin - Everything's Coming Up Love - Motown
Peggy Gaines - When The Boy That You Love (Is Loving You) b/w The San Franciscan TKO's - Make Up Your Mind - Kent 100 Club Anniversary (1998)
Buys Of 2007 - October
Posted by Supercorsa, 23 October 2007
Only two more months of this to go . Anyway here's this months purchases, including for a change a few albums and a cd. I don't normally buy albums except at car boot sales maybe, but bought one for a quid (David Ruffin) in a RSPCA charity shop, gave me the urge to buy a couple more.
Bobby Reed - You Are - Brunswick
Edward Hamilton & The Fifes - I'm Gonna Love You - Jameco
Carl Carlton - I Can Feel It - Backbeat
David Ruffin - Everything's Coming Up Love - Motown LP
Garland Green - Jealous Kind Of Fella - Uni LP
Jackie Wilson - Whispers - Brunswick LP
Maxine Brown - Oh No Not My Baby (The Best Of Maxine Brown) - Kent CD.
I bought the Maxine Brown cd at the recent Kent Records 25th anniversary event at the Forum. Well after Maxines performance it would have been rude not to. I wish on the night I'd had enough cash to buy Mary Loves & Tommy Hunts cds as well, but unfortunately I just wasn't in the position to. Anyway I bought the cd and one of the posters for the night then went upstairs to hopefully get a few autographs. I'm not one for getting autographs usually, but I thought it had been such a great night wanted some sort of momento. So upon my arrival upstairs I saw Tommy Hunt and Winfield Parker, but no Mary, Maxine or the Flirtations. Somewhat disappointed thinking I'd missed the ladies, asked the gents for a couple of signatures whilst thanking them for a great night. Then to my great delight to my left I saw the ladies appear at the top of the stairs. People who know me would say I can be a bit mouthy and full of wit, but I was speechless when approaching Mary Love and Maxine Brown. Just mumbled my thanks and asked for autographs on the poster. I did get Maxine to sign the cd booklet though. Finally getting The Flirtations to sign the poster, just got to wait for payday now to go and get it framed (hate those cheap clip frame things). My biggest regret was not asking someone up on the balcony to take a picture of me with the artists . I don't like to ask people to do something for me when I don't know them, still hopefully I'll get another opportunity, not the end of the world, just seems like it.
Finally I'd just like to add that I'm glad that the event finished at 2am, people leaving happy and on a high wanting more. Whereas if it was an allnighter think in the morning you'd just be left with a small band of regular allnighter goers and in a large venue like the Forum don't think it would have the same atmosphere as somewhere like the 100 club. Hopefully Kent and Ady may arrange another one in a year or twos time, but if they do, they're going to have their work cut out to top that night. I can honestly say it was probably the best soul event I've ever attended bar none (and I was sober drinking water all evening). Thanks once again to Ady and his Kent colleagues for such a fantastic night.
Buys Of 2007 - September
Posted by Supercorsa, 24 September 2007
This month has been very disappointing for me in record buying terms. The main reason is lack of funds or should I say buying stuff for the kids new school term (shoes, uniforms, pens, folders, etc.,) taking priority. Mind you I'm not too downhearted as I haven't seen any records that I've been desperate to get listed for sale this month anyway. However I did manage to buy one record, this from Pikeys sales listed on here, plus I also received the freebie at the 100 Club on Saturday.
Here's the two records:
Etta James - Mellow Fellow - Argo
Milton Bennett - What's One More Lie b/w The Hesitations - Go Away - Kent 100 Club Anniversary (2007)
Buys Of 2007 - August
Posted by Supercorsa, 20 August 2007
As I know I'm not going to be buying anything for the rest of the month (lack of funds), I thought I'd do the monthly list today. Also the fact that two records were awaiting my arrival from work this afternoon nudged me into doing it. Anyway on with the list.
Shirley Wahls - Why Am I Crying - King
The Artistics - This Heart Of Mine - Okeh
The Falcons - Standing On Guard - Big Wheel
The Ambassadors - (I've Got To Find) Happiness - Atlantic
Johnnie Mae Matthews - Baby What's Wrong - Blue Rock
I actually only bought the Johnnie Mae Matthews the other day for the princely sum of $9.95, on an Ebay buy-it-now listing. So with postage from the States works out at less than a tenner, can't be bad, just got to wait for it to arrive now. Managed to get The Artistics for £50 (I outbid someone by just 1 cent for it on ebay), which I think is quite reasonable when I've seen copies listed for £100+. Admittedly it's not in mint condition, bit of writing & damage on the label although it plays fine, but as someone once said you can't play a label.
Hoping I might be able to splash out a bit next month, that's if all my relatives put large amounts of cash in my birthday cards.
Buys Of 2007 - July
Posted by Supercorsa, 28 July 2007
Well it's the next thrilling instalment of records purchased this year. These blogs must read like a telephone directory , but I've started so I'll finish, as Magnus once said. One thing I must say is that I seem to be buying more stuff on Buy-it-Now, than bidding on in auctions. I seem to think that the vinyl is in better condition, than on some of the auction stuff I've won in the past. It was a poor month for buying records, with only three added to the collection. Still it's three more than I had this time last month.
Well here they are, as before no expensive tunes just collection fillers:
Charmaine - Young Girl - Serock
Azie Mortimer - You Can't Take It Away - Okeh
Inovations - Just Keep On Loving Me - Hit Sound
The bottom two arrived in the post yesterday (27/07/07) and upon opening was suprised to find them wrapped in a couple of pages of The Meadville Tribune dated 23 July 07, now that's what I call quick delivery from the US.
Lightwater 30 June 2007
Posted by Supercorsa, 01 July 2007
Just thought I'd add what I posted in the Lightwater lookback thread.
I arrived early to find the doors locked, until they finally submitted and told me to stop with the JJ Barnes impression. Inside discovered Moldie and Chris hiding hoping that I would get bored and go home. I would go home, but this wouldn't be until I had attempted to drink the bar dry of Greene King Smooth . To keep me out of trouble, Moldie asked if I'd like to spin a few records before the official start time of 7.30pm, I think this was just a ploy so that he didn't have to talk to me for any longer than need be. Anyway I did my stint at the decks, possibly the best set of the night, after Chris's, Dave's, Warren's, The Barrow Boys (Phil & Rob? Told you I'd drank a lot), Keith & Maxine's. I must say that I thought it was one of the best nights musically down at The Crossley Club, if I'm honest I prefer it in the one room (too lazy to keep going up & downstairs for drinks). I was in that much of a good mood (drunk), I actually had a dance during Dave Abbots set! Finally had to call it a night before I lost my sense of balance, good job the wife doesn't drink. Gave a lift home to Terry (Mr Tea), who must also have a loving wife. As he was getting her to take him back today, to pick his car up. Finally just want to say thanks to Moldie and the others who DJ'd, plus all those that attended for a great night.
Here's what I played for those who are interested (might not have been in this order):
Frank Butler - How I Feel About You - Space Age
Jimmy (Soul) Clark - Tell Her - Moira
Billy Butler - Help Yourself - Brunswick
Jimmy Delphs - I've Been Fooled Before - Carla
Edwin Starr - I Have Faith In You - Ric Tic
The Temptations - Girl (Why You Wanna Make Me Blue) - Gordy
The Supremes - He's All I Got - Motown
Brenda Holloway - When I'm Gone - Tamla
Mary Wells - Keep Me In Suspense - Atco
Theresa Lindsey - Daddy-O - Golden World DJ Copy
Barbara Acklin - Am I The Same Girl - Brunswick
The Lovelites - My Conscience - Lovelite
Jean Wells - What Have I Got To Lose - Calla Promo Copy
Barbara Mercer - Call On Me - Sidra DJ Copy
Jimmy Norman - This I Beg Of You - Samar
The Precisions - Instant Heartbreak (Just Add Tears) - Drew
Louis Curry - I'll Try Again Tomorrow - M-S
Deon Jackson - Ooh Baby - Carla
The Sheppards - How Do You Like It - Mirwood
Occasions - There's No You - Big Jim
The De Vons -Someone To Treat Me (The Way You Use To) - King
June Conquest - What's This I See - Curtom
The Impressions - You Ought To Be In Heaven - Abc
Bobby Bland - Shoes - Duke
The Superiors - Can't Make It Without You - Mgm DJ Copy
The Mighty Marvelows - Talkin' Bout Ya, Baby - Abc
Buys Of 2007 - June
Posted by Supercorsa, 30 June 2007 ·
Well half the year has gone already, doesn't time fly when you're having fun!
I've only bought three records again this month, although if I may so myself, all quality tunes. I'm still waiting for one to arrive from the States. I arrived home this morning, after taking my son football training, to be greated by a parcel containing one of my ebay purchases. I was a little disappointed to find it wasn't the one I was hoping to receive before tonights do at Lightwater. Then on the other hand very pleased that it arrived so quickly when it was the last one purchased, so I can't complain really. Anyway on with the show, here they are:
The Royal Esquires - Ain't Gonna Run - Prix
(Bought for just £30 at Solid Hit Soul, seller knocked off £20 from marked price of £50. I'm never quite sure of the sellers name, he has boxes marked up with the name Soul Incorporated. Is his name Des Parker? Whatever his name is, he's a top man in my book! )
The TSU Toronados - Please Heart Don't Break - Rampart Street
Maurice Jackson - Lucky Fellow - Lakeside
I am quite certain that I'll be playing, some of the stuff that I've bought this year, tonight at Moldies event in Lightwater. Whether anyone will like any of them is another thing altogether!
Buys Of 2007 - May
Posted by Supercorsa, 04 June 2007
May has been a very poor month for me, both financially and record buying wise. However I still managed to purchase three pieces of vinyl, although I'm still waiting for two of them to arrive in the post.
Emanuel Lasky - Lucky To Be Loved (By You) - Wild Deuce
The Artistics - The Chase Is On - Brunswick
Jackie Wilson - I've Lost You - Brunswick
Right where did I put that list for next months payday....
Buys Of 2007 - April
Posted by Supercorsa, 28 April 2007 ·
I said this month was going to be bad, I only managed to get 2 records. Mind you, they did set me back a few bob between the pair of them.
Lorraine Chandler - You Only Live Twice b/w The Metros - My Imagination - Kent 100 Club Anniversary (1997)
The Sheppards - Stubborn Heart b/w How Do You Like It - Mirwood
I just hope the Sheppards gets here in one piece!
During the month went to a local car boot on the bank holiday Monday. Whilst looking through some blokes stuff I overheard a conversation between the seller and another bloke. Seems the bloke had bought a box full of northern soul records for £160 from the seller (seller said worked out about £1 each record) the day before. The seller said a few people had had some stuff from the box before he bought it. The buyer was moaning saying that there was nothing of real value in the box and he couldn't find any references to the records in goldmine book. The impression that I got was that the buyer collected doo-wop & rock n roll and that he'd bought the records just to make money. I thought to myself, hope he's got a box full of disco demand stuff, the money grabbing b&*%**d!
Buys Of 2007 - March
Posted by Supercorsa, 03 April 2007
Haven't bought much this month, mainly due to being skint , I've only purchased five records.
Gene Chandler - Such A Pretty Thing - Checker
Bobby Bland - Shoes - Duke
Ben E King - What Can A Man Do - Atco
The De Vons - Someone To Treat Me (The Way You Use To) - King
The Temptations - Girl (Why You Wanna Make Me Blue) - Gordy
Looking at my bank balance this afternoon, I think April will be a bad month as well.
Oh well, hopefully may be able to scour the old car boot sales soon, they usually start in earnest after Easter.
Buys Of 2007 - February
Posted by Supercorsa, 23 February 2007
Well here's this months mixed bag of 7" black vinyl purchases. I can't see me buying anymore within the next 5 days anyway.
Al Williams - Try Them - Grapevine
Barbara Acklin - Am I The Same Girl - Brunswick
Barbara Acklin - Just Ain't No Love - Brunswick (nice picture cover)
Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose - Big Time Lover - United Artists
Drizabone - Pressure - 4th & Broadway
Garland Green - Jealous Kind Of Fella - Uni
Jimmy Delphs - Almost - Carla
Jimmy Delphs - Feels like Summer's Coming On - Karen
Moses Smith - Try My Love - Dionn
Sam And Bill - Tryin' To Get Back To My Baby - Decca Promo
I wonder what awaits in March. "I dread to think" - I heard you.
Buys Of 2007 - January
Posted by Supercorsa, 02 February 2007
Right, I'm going to join Dave Rimmer & Matt Male in listing what records I buy this year. If only to keep in check how much I'm spending when I can't really afford it. With the risk of opening myself up to some ridicule with the stuff that I buy , here we go,
Barbara Mercer - So Real/Call On Me - Sidra Promo (actually bought just before xmas,but didn't arrive until new year)
Darrow Fletcher - The Pain Gets A Little Deeper - Groovy
The Volumes - Gotta Give Her Love - American Arts
Billy Butler - Sweet Darling/Help Yourself - Brunswick
Bobby Hutton - Lend A Hand b/w Willie Hutch - Love Runs Out - UK Abc (the 70's release not the recent boot!)
Freddie Scott - I'll Be Gone - Shout
Moses Smith - Girl Across The Street - Dionn
The Precisions - If This Is Love - Drew
Deon Jackson - I Can't Go On - Carla Promo
Just paid for something else today, that can go on the list for February.
Lightwater Playlist
Posted by Supercorsa, 17 December 2006 ·
Firstly, I'd like to thank Moldie for asking me to spin a few tunes, it was a privilege to do so.
I apologise for shooting off quickly at the end, but had a call to say my son was ill at home. Got home to discover he'd been sick all over his bed and sister during the evening!
Anyway here's what I played (between 7.15pm -8.15pm), if anyone is interested. No real rarerities amongst them, but it was still a "Boot-Free Zone".
Louis Curry - A Toast To You - M-S
Ray Gant & Arabian Knights - Don't Leave Me Baby - Jay-Walking
The Exits - Under The Streetlamp - Gemini
The Mask Man & The Agents - I Wouldn't Come Back - Loop
Walter Jackson - It's An Uphill Climb To The Bottom - Okeh
Leevert Allison - I Want To Give My Heart To You - Poncello
Jimmy Robins - I Can't Please You - Jerhart
Frank Butler - How I Feel About You - Space-Age
The Superiors - Let Me Make You Happy - MGM DJ
Cody Black - Going Going Gone - Ram-Brock
Syl Johnson - Try Me - Twilight
Darrow Fletcher - My Young Misery - Groovy
Brenda Holloway - Just Look What You've Done - Tamla Promo
Martha Reeves & The Vandellas - Show Me The Way - Gordy
Kim Weston - I'm Still Loving You - Tamla
Mary Wells - Can't You See (You're Losing Me) - Atco
Laura Lee - To Win Your Heart - Ric Tic DJ
The Shalimars - Stop And Take A Look At Yourself - Verve DJ
Five Stairsteps - Change Of Pace - Windy C
The Mighty Marvelows - Talkin' Bout Ya, Baby - Abc
The Precisions - Instant Heartbreak (Just Add Tears) - Drew
Occasions - There's No You - Big Jim
Danny Moore - Somebody New - Allrite
The Impressions - You Ought To Be In Heaven - Abc
Jackie Wilson - Whispers - Brunswick
Here's to the next time.
Looking Forward With Some Trepidation
Posted by Supercorsa, 12 December 2006 ·
This weekend (16 December 2006) I will be DJing for Moldie at his Lightwater event. I'm excited and a little bit scared at the same time. I've only DJed before at my club for non-paying customers, so I'm a little worried that this time paying punters may be disappointed with what I play .
My small collection is more than enough to fill the 45 minute slot that Moldie has given me at the start of the evening. I know traditionally this is sometimes the most difficult spot to fill, as most do's are quiet at the beginning . But then I suppose there is less pressure as I may not be playing to the floor, that's not to say I don't intend trying to get people to dance. If I just get one person up and dancing then I'll go home happy.
Mixed Emotions
Posted by Supercorsa, 17 October 2005 ·
Well I had another stab at holding a Do, it's been a few days now so I've had time to collect my thoughts. It is very much a case of mixed emotions, pleased with myself for playing (primarily) original vinyl only, honoured that Moldie, Chris & Mischief agreed to DJ (Thanks Gents), disappointed that not more people turned up (more for the others than me) and finally embarrased for getting pissed and dancing so badly!
Some promoters have different reasons for holding events I'm not going to go into all that, I'm just going to give mine. I am on the committee of the Staines Ex-Servicemens Club, as such I can get the use of DJing equipment plus the main hall for free. True it is only a small venue and I can't get an extension past 11.30pm, but I am able to play the sort of music I want to hear and also that what my friends want to hear (if only they'd turn up! ).
Anyway here's what I played (What I can remember playing anyway ), not necessarily in this order:
Marv Johnson - You Got The Love I Love - Tamla Motown
Marvin Gaye - Chained - Tamla
Jimmy Delphs - Almost - Karen
The Undisputed Truth - You Got The Love I Need - Gordy
The Contours - Just A Little Misunderstanding - Gordy
Syl Johnson - Try Me - Twilight
Majestic - Send My Baby Back To Me - Equator
Barbra Mercer - Hey!! - Golden World
Barbara Mason - Ain't Got Nobody - Arctic
The Occasions - There's No You - Big Jim
The Precisions - Instant Heartbreak (Just Add Tears) - Drew
Barbara Randolph - I Got A Feeling - Soul
Eddie Kendricks - Date With The Rain - Tamla
Joe Turner - Two Loves Have I - Phillips (French)
The Exits - You Got To Have Money - Gemini
Edwin Starr - I Have Faith In You - Ric Tic
Edwin Starr - If My Heart Could Tell The Story - Gordy
The Five Stairsteps - Change Of Pace - Windy C
The Superiors - Let Me Make You Happy - MGM Promo
Lorraine Rudolph - Keep Coming Back For More - Jetstream
The Voice Masters - You've Hurt Me Baby - Bamboo
Little Charles - Guess I'll Have To Take What's Left -Jewel
Tammi Terrell - I Can't Believe You Love Me - Motown
Kim Weston - Helpless - Gordy
Martha & The Vandellas - My Baby Loves Me - Gordy
Edwin Starr - Girls Are Getting Prettier - Ric Tic
Jackie Wilson - (I Can Feel Those Vibrations) This Love Is Real - Brunswick
The Avons - Since I Met You Baby - Excello
Jimmy Robins - I Can't Please You - Jerhart
Jimmy Norman - This I Beg Of You - Samar
The Magicians - (Just A Little) Faith And Understanding - Kent
I sometimes wish I had a Monday to Friday job that enabled me to go out every weekend to a Do, but I don't (then I wouldn't have to hold me own!). As a result I have to be a bit more selective when I go out, because having only 2 weekends off a month and wanting to spend time with my wife and kids, I sometimes may only go out once maybe twice every two months. So I go to events that I know I'll enjoy rather than events that are sometimes seen as the place to go.
The one event that I have been to this year as often as I can has been Solid Hit Soul, it's not because of numbers. It was because I was made to feel welcome, also they play quality records which is a bonus! Others have been Moldie's events in Lightwater & Farnborough, reasons being they are local to me and I enjoy the music played there (which again is different to Solid Hit Soul). I am not a great traveller, I don't want to be driving for an hour or two to somewhere, knowing that I've got to drive home afterwards. One reason is I can't be arsed to, and another is the wife doesn't like being left on her own in the house with the kids too long at night. So that is why you won't see me at too many allnighters! Any other event I go to would be primarily due to the people who would be there, the Derby Alldayer being a case in point!
Anyway I can now look forward to planning the next Do to attend. Is that events calendar fixed yet?
Posted by , 12 August 2005
Can someone explain why whenever I plan to go out, something crops up to put a spanner in the works?
Last weekend for example I had planned to go to the 100 Club for the allnighter. What happens, my 3 year old son gets upset because Dad's going out, this in turn makes the wife all stressed, who then in turn doesn't want me to go! So being the soft touch that I am, I stay in.
As a result of that I look ahead to this weekend. I scour the events listing and see the NCSC allnighter in Stoke. I haven't really ventured up north (Stoke is north from me) and never having attended a NCSC event before, thought I'd push the boat out. Having saved money from last weekend, plus stashing away the money I received for my wedding anniversary on Monday, I was looking forward to scouring through all those record dealers boxes.
How fate has a cruel way of knackering any hopes I have of getting out of a weekend! Our cooker has broke (well the oven really), so now the money that I had stashed is to be used to purchase a new cooker!
Why me?
A Couple Of Days After
Posted by , 26 June 2005
Well I needn't have worried about the room being half full of soulies & half full of members thinking this is shit. As the room wasn't even half full!
Anyway where do I start? I know, my brother-in-law who started playing his records at 7.30pm. Thankfully nobody was there to hear them apart from myself, I managed to kick him off before anyone turned up. I said it was the crap that he was playing that scared people away! He was playing stuff like: You've Got Me Dangling On A String - Chairman Of The Board, You're More Than A Number - The Drifters, Under My Thumb - Wayne Gibson, I won't bore you with the rest. To be fair though he did play his Gino Washington - I'll be Around - Mala Promo, he bought it about 20 years ago for £2.50 thinking it was GENO Washington & The Ram Jam Band! Since he's found out it's true value he won't sell it to me!
Anyway I started playing through from about 8.20pm to 10pm. I was just playing whatever I liked with no set playlist in mind. I was pleased when someone asked me about one of the records that I was playing, Unit Plus - What's The Price Of Happiness? - Verve DJ (it was because of this record that I taunted Pete-S on here, which lead to the introduction of the following smilie ). Anyway during my stint at the decks some people actually turned up, amongst them Soulsmith, Moldie, Mr Tea plus a few others. A couple of girls actually danced to some stuff which pleased me!
It was nice to meet Moldie & Soulsmith, especially after going to various Do's that they've held and having spoken on here. I was more than happy for Moldie to spin a few tunes, which he did between 10pm & 11pm, and very nice they were too.
After Moldie, my mate Shaun had a stab at spinning a few tunes (out of my record box) mainly Oldies. Before long I took over for the last 10 minutes or so. Just long enough to play a couple of requests one for Mr Tea (Jeanette Harper - Pick Me Up And Put Me In Your Pocket) and one for my mate Malcolm ( Little Hank - Mr Bang Bang Man). The last two tracks played were Timi Yuro's - It'll Never Be Over For Me & Jimmy Radcliffe with Long After Tonight Is All Over.
Did I enjoy it? Yes I did!
Would I Do It Again? I'm not too sure, we'll have to wait and see.
One thing I did gain was a change of opinion, that of playing CD's at Do's. It never used to bother me, but I played one track off CD allnight (Timi Yuro), to be honest not all my records are originals, but I did take some satisfaction from playing records instead of CD's.
I would just like to thank those that did turn up, it was appreciated. I'm just sorry we couldn't have had a few more in, maybe next time.
The Day Before
Posted by , 23 June 2005
Sitting here worrying about tomorrow evening.
I have had to attend allsorts of disco's & karaoke evenings as well as listen to hundreds of middle of the road bands down my Club. So now I'm on the committee, all of a sudden I think I can suddenly promote an evening of Northern Soul, under the guise of the Staines Ex-Servicmens Club. Originally I planned it because I get one Friday evening off out of four. This Friday I'm off, my mates wedding is on the Saturday, it's payday, I don't go to many Do's (one a month if I'm lucky), free venue, free equipment, so I thought sod it I'll have me own Do.
The Club has basic equipment, but will it be good enough? They bought two new decks (bottom of the range Numark TT1610's), which have been used about three times in the last 2 years. The speakers are in use everyday for background music or when the bingo's called. The amp, CD player & mixer were all donated to the club, tell a lie the mixer is my mates. Whenever I attend anywhere nowadays every mixer I seem to see in use has more switches on them than Concordes flightdeck. Then I think to myself "I'm not a fucking DJ anyway, so if anyones records are going to get knackered they'll be mine".
I have received offers of equipment from Soulsmith, which I felt I had to decline. As it's really the Staines Ex-Servicemens Club that is having this Do and not me. The Club will be the one who makes the money over the bar, I will not recieve one penny from tomorrow night.
Records are my main concerns, have I got enough quality tracks for the evening. I have got a collection of approximately 400 singles (a mixture of originals/reissues/bootlegs), but it is probably more than adequate for tomorrow evening. However is more than adequate enough? That is why I put on the flyer "Across The Board Tunes played from Across The Board Formats, Original & Non-Original Vinyl & CD's", as I felt I may need to play tunes that people may want to hear that I just don't have on vinyl, but do have on CD. For my mates who attend soul nites even less than I do, all they want to listen to is stuff like The Right Track, If That's What You Wanted, Our Love Will Grow, Do I Love You, even possibly The Snake! In my opinion most people on this site would cringe at the thought of going to a Do like this, let alone playing these records.
I suppose the problem I'm faced with is that my tastes have changed over the last 18 months, whereas my friends taste haven't changed over the last 18 years.
Do I play what I want to hear or what they want to hear?
It doesn't help when I know people like Soulsmith maybe coming. I mean he has been involved at events (Chalfont, Lightwater), so I don't want to appear like a complete twat who doesn't know what he's doing! Also people passing the Club have seen the poster outside and have been enquiring about it. What I don't want is half the room full of soulies thinking this is shit and the other half full of members thinking this is shit. Mind you it could be worse: dancefloor =
Thinking about it, I'll take Andy F's advice (could've been RBmans can't remember) and just get pissed. That way then I won't care if it's shit at least I've had a go!
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