[Scan] Shades Of Soul #1 Jan 1984
Shades Of Soul #1 Jan 1984 - Fanzine Scan
![[Scan] Shades Of Soul #1 Jan 1984 magazine cover](https://www.soul-source.co.uk/uploads/monthly_2019_10/shaders-of-soul-1-1984-cover.jpg.dc5a798cdbac39747ed4969fbcbae127.jpg)
Shades Of Soul #1 Jan 1984- Fanzine Scan
Editor Derek Pearson aka @Derek Pearson
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Text version of above - this is a rough (very rough) text version of the above scan and is added for reference (so the site search engine can index the document - suggest use the above pdf to read)
Shades Of Soul #1 Jan 1984
Editor: Derek Pearson, 17 Crooke Lane, Wilsden, Bradford, BD15 OLL, West Yorkshire. Tel: Cullingworth 273758
CONTRIBUTORS - Darren, Stuart Raith, Eddie Hubbard, George Sharp
Hope everybody's had a Merry Christmas and here's my best wishes to everybody for a happy 1984. Thanks for buying Issue 1 of the mag (the first of many, I hope) . I trust you will find it both informative and interesting and also stimulate people to send info to me. If all you collectors send me a trickle of information, I can let it flow together to form a river of knowledge (corny or what). I hope I will not knowingly reproduce articles/label listings which have previously been printed. Without having read or seen every Soul magazine printed in the UK over the last 20 years, one is not aware of every article that has been prEpared. Certain discographies may be reprinted if the new one is an update of the old version with additional facts and figures . Providing s~several years has elapsed since:e t the initial printing of a label listing, I think there's enough justification to reprint the listing if it's an important and interesting label which will advance thE! readers knowledge of Soul music. For example, after spending a lot of time and effort trying to piece together the 'Backbeat' listing I was informed that it had originally bE!en printed in a 1973 edition of 'Hot Buttered Soul ' . Since that was 11 years ago, I thought that the number of collectors (both recent and of long standing) who had seen a listing of this important Southern State label was very small, thus making a reprint justifiable. If there are any:" label listings which you would like -to see printed, send in your request to the address a t the top of this page and I 'll see what we can do! (Ed -Don't anybody dare suggest a U.S. RCA label listing! ! )
Note the two different label designs on the Dynamics Top Ten white demos. Thanks to George Sharp for his photocopy, he owns the one on the left, mines the one on the right. Anybody know why there's a difference? Both (light blue) Top Ten issues and white demos retail at around £12-15.
Rumour has it that Keith Minshall recently sold his copy (the only known copy) of the Executive 4 "Good thing going" for £180 . Also Larry Clinton "Wanted in 3 States" Dynamo recently fetched £120. Also a copy of Jimmy Burns "I really love you" Erica recently turned up on a U.K. Blues list on sale for £1 -somebody got a bargain.
(Ed -Understatement of the year! ) As the title of this rag (Ed -ma1~ not rag!) suggests, I'd like t o cover all aspects of the Soul scene be it Northern. deep, modern, even jazz/funk/blues if there i s sufficient interest. If you have any ideas for articles, jot them down on a piece of paper and send them to me .
At the recent Preston. Gatsby's all dayers on New Year's day, I obtained several D. J . 's all time Top 5. (N.B. -These are NOT playlists)
Gary Rushbrooke
Gwen Owens - "Wanted and needed"
Jimmy Mack - "World on fire"
Jackie Wilson - "Whispers"
Vibration - "Get along without you"
Temptations - "Why you wanna make me blue"
Keb Darge
Chandlers - "Your love makes me lonely"
Big Joes Ivory Brass - "She won't see me cry"
Salvadors - "Stick by me baby"
Trade Martin - "The hurt on you"
George Kirby - "What can I do"
George Sharp
Herb Ward - Strange change'
Lester Tipton - "This won't change"
Donna King - "Take me home"
Rita and Tiara's - ''Gone with the wind"
Billy Prophet - "What can I do"
Kev Draper
Magnetics - "Lady in green"
The Group - "I don't like to lose"
Yvonne Vernee - "Just like you did me"
Gwen Owens - "Wanted and needed"
George Blackwell - "Can't lose my head"
Also got Tommos all time top 5:
Don Gardner - "Don't let him get you down"
Magnetics -"When I 'm with my baby"
Yvonne Vernee - "Just like you did me"
Rose Valentine - "When he's not around'"
Melvin Davis - "l must love You"
My top 5 for Jan 84:
Gloria Jones - "Come go with me" Uptown
Con funk shun -"Spirit of love" Mercury
Gloria Jones -"Come go with me" Uptown
D. D. Warwick -"Kept on talking" Atco
Catolinas -"Laughing' thro' tears" Pagoda
Danny Woods -"Had me fooled" Correctone
Recommended Reading:
New Blackbeat from Steve Guarnori, 101 Seven acres , Orton Brimbles, Peterborough PER OXJ out every 2 months .
Midnight Express from Rod Dearlove, 10 George Street, Hedon, Hull , HU12 BJH 50p
The Drifter from Gary Evans , 7 Linstock Ave, Riverdale, Cockermouth, Cumbria , CA13 9ES 60p plus s . a.e.
Support them all, buy them a l l!! !
All articles in this mag prepared by me (Derek Pearson) unless stated. Thanks to George Sharp for photocopies o:f' the Revlons (ex .Al Williams c/u) Honey & the bees Mr . Caldwell (ex. Bud Harper c / u) and Rayford Tucker (ex. George Blackwell c / u)
My home town of Bradford (or 'Bratfud' as it's known to us locals) used to have quite a following of Soul fans mainly due to the fact that there was a well known Soul Club in Station Road, Wigan, within easy travelling distance . During the last few years of the Casino and after its demise, a large percentage of local fans ceased to travel to other venues and the interest in Soul music in Bradford· began to wane . Around this time , various all-dayers and all-nighters were tried at the Queens Hall in Bradford. This building in Morley Street is situated behind the famous Alhambra Theatre and house.s the Bradford College Students Union offices and bars . These all-dayers and all-nighters proved unsuccessful,that is until
'After Dark ' promoter Steve Croft too.k charge. All-nighters began on a once a month basis, then onto once every 3 weeks as their popularity grew. During the summer of 1983 on any regular visits I noticed the attendances in both the newies and oldies rooms were gradually increasing as people started to travel from further afield to hear the sounds spun by Pat Brady, Richard Searling, Soul Sam , Steve Croft, Adam, Darren and a variety of guests. As time went on I realised more and more record dealers and collectors were attending, making the night for me, more interesting as I was able to browse throughgh hundreds of records.
My only complaint as regards the Queens Hall was that there was no particular area where record dealers/collectors could gather, the main hall and newies room were too dark , so that left us all crowded into the area between the toilets , the main entrance door, and the door lead.ing into the main hall. I didn't mind the pushing and pulling that went on (Ed. -Memories of the record bar on a Friday oldies night at Wigan) , it was that one couldn't hear the music from either the oldies or newies room properly! After every visit to the Queens Hall, I looked forward to my next visit more and more, then on the 13th of August 1983 the last all-nighter was held, due to renovations and repairs to the Queens Hall. The Soul scene in my opinion had lost one of the best venues for all-nighters, in a long time, yet there are rumours that all night dances may reappear at the Queens Hall in the future.
TNighters were transferred across town to the 'Bierkeller and Bensons' Club owned and run by those 2 long ti.me promoters of northern events -Chris King and Terry Sampson. In fact, all-dayers and all-nighters were promoted at 'Bensons' (prior to the opening of the 'Bierkeller') by Chris and Terry through the last year or so. All-dayers on a Sunday llLsed to follow Saturday all-nighters at the Queens Hall.
On Saturday 24th September I ma1de my first visit to the ' Bierkeller'. After paying my £2. 50 entrance fee (£3.00 for non-members), I entered the Bierkeller (60's and oldies room) which is a squareroom with the stage and record decks on one side, a square dance floor in the middle of the room, and seating comprising of heavy wooden tables down the other 3 side walls. The 'newies' room (_70 's and 80's) is situated in Benson' s night c:lub which is adjacent to the Bierkeller, this room is slightly larger than the oldi.es room, and has more of a nightclub feel to it with its smart decor and comfortable seating.
Both rooms aren't very large when compared to other venues such as Stafford,
Hinckley or Clifton Hall, yet the advantage of this , is that both rooms fill up very quickly and always look busy. The newies room doesn't open till around 2 (the nighter runs from 12 till as i t's full of beer drinking disco fans lurching to the sound of Culture Club, David Bowie, Rod Stewart etc. etc. This means that everybody crams into the Bierkeller for 2 hours, packing into the room like ' sardines in the proverbial sardine tin' . When one stops to think that if a large percentage of the people who attended the much larger Queens Hall venue, come to the much smaller Bensons/Bierkeller venue, one can see why it's always full. As I wasn't armed with a chalk and slate on my initial visit and my memory is pretty bad, I couldn't remember much of the D. J. 's play list except to say that Steve Croft played one of my favourite sounds Lost Souls -"Love Men" (Glasco). I listened intently to the top class c/u's spun by Pat Brady in his hour, which received good dance floor response in the oldies room. For me it was the first time I'd heard many of his c/u ' s and I can sincerely say that such such was the quality of his 60's sounds that I couldn't help dancing to them on my initial hearing, normally I have to hear new sounds, be it 60's, 70's or 80's, several times before I can decide whether I like them or not. One of Pat's most 'Instant' 60 's sounds is the Tay records release -Brook Bros. 'I need a woman' . . .. . ... . . . (Ed. -I need a copy in my collection!)
My next visit to the Bradford venue was on October 8th; this time I came adequately supplied with pen and paper:r. Steve Croft was on first in the oldies room from 12 till 1.30 his playlist included the Tymes 'What would I do' (MGM), Glories 'Worship you baby' (Da·te) and the immortal Linda Jones 'Just can't live my life'. He also spun Chapter Five's 'You don't mean it' on 'tasty' looking UK CBS label plus 2 sounds which have been played constantly at both Bradford venues over the last few months and have reached monster proportions -Belles 'Don't pretend' and Johnny Sayles 'I can't get enough' .
At 1.30 am Pat Brady started off with his Johnny Hampton c/u 'Got to know
her name', then the Twans 'I need yo\llr love' c/u, followed by the Gene McDaniels 'Stop tearing me apart' c/u. I was t:hen seem to make a fool of myself on the dance floor to that 60' s stormer by t:he Brook Bros. 'I need a woman' . Pat also played his Leon Washington c/u 'I found somebody new' and the Chandlers 'A change is gonna come' c/u. Some uncovered sounds which were spun were John Bowie 'You'll miss a good thing' (merben) v.-hich has become a Bradford biggie after months of playing, Larry Hale 'Once' (diamond), Wilbur Walton -24 hours of loneliness an Id ,the superb Lolleta Holloway 'Moth.er of Shame' . (Ed . -I remember seeing a white Aware demo of this record on sale for £3.00 about a year ago and left it as I wasn't keen on the record then, but after hearing it regularly, it's now gone on my want list).
The Esquires said they could ' Dance A hole in the world' , well I could have danced a hole in the floor to Pat's excellent Jimmy Raye ' In the one' c/u.
From 3 -4 am, Adam played established sounds like Larry Santos ' Got me where you want ·me , now• •, plus ., the 2 Bierkeller biggies, Belles 'Don't pretend' and Johnny Sayles 'I can' t get enough' keeping the dance floor as full as ever. I apologise for not providing a more detailed account of Adam's session but as I was constantly 'bobbing' in and out of' both rooms trying to catch people, I didn't make a note of what was being played (moral -man with one body, cannot view two rooms at the same time!)
We left at 4.45 am, so I was only able to catch 45 minutes of George Sharpes spot. George D.J. 'd to little dance floor action with some excellent 60' s sides such as Sonny Herman 'What about me' (Utopia), Ray Agee 'In losing again' (Soul Town), Monique 'Love me or let me go' (Maurci) and Jo Ann Corey 'I got the power' (Twirl). Also spun were obscure sounds by New Yorkers ' Ain't that news' (Tac-full\singing Sam 'Move it baby' (Dandy), and Elaine Jones ' Their doing it' (Angel Town) • After playing hi s 2 cover-ups Verdelle Smith 'Love me and leave me ' and the catchy Donna Washington 'Someone else's turn', my ears were treated to the sound of 'the Prophets/Temptations/? 'Suspicion' and the Proffesionals ' That's why I love you' (Groove City) which filled the floor more than any other record played that night in the oldi1as room. I'm sure that if George who was willing to spin a selection of rare :~nd lesser known sounds was able to do a regular spot every two weeks at Bradford, the dancers would soon come to know and appreciate his records and in turn would fill the dance floors just as if he was playing established oldies .
I apologise for not commenting on the newies room playlist; I hope to do this on my next visit.
It's a pity that the Queens Hall all-nighters have finished, as there was a cafe called 'The Olympus' (known as 'The Pus' to locals due to the Chef ' s excellence in preparing fried egg sandwiches) conveniently placed at the rear of the Queens Hall which stayed open till 3 am on Saturday nights. A lot of nighter-goers used to congregate in the cafe after the pubs had shut prior to the midnight opening of the Queens Hall. Since the nighters have moved across town, the cafe isn't frequented by 'Soulies' anymore on Saturday nights before Bensons, as it's quite a long walk between 'The Pus' and the Bierkeller.
Sorry if this article is slightly outdated, but I thought I'd include it as I haven't seen a report on Bensons/Bierkeller in any of the Soul press except a brief report in December's Blues and Soul .
I would very much like to thank Roger Nicholls of Willenhall, and Graham Coates of Lincoln for all their time , effort and valuable assistance in helping to prepare this listing. The Backbeat label was based on 5208, Wylie, Houston, in the State of Texas, the home state of J.R. Ewing and the land of oil rigs. This Texan label had a 'well' of excellent Soul records and ' gushed' forth with a total of 128 records , many to become classics on the rare Soul scene. Records such as "All of a sudden", "Something's got a hold on me" both by Jeanette Williams and Carl Carlton "Competition ain't nothing" still pack the dance floors up and down the country. Without knowing release dates for any of the records, I estimated that the company probably operated during the years 1967-69 as 8 records from the latter end of the catalogue were issued on the U.K. ACTION label during the late ' 68/mid '69 period. I could be way out on the dates, ao if anybody can offer any assistance, please do! Nearly one third of the releases on the label were divided between a group of 5 well-known artistes, some of them having over 10 releases on the Southern State label . For example (by my calculations) veteran Soul star O.V. Wright had 16 releases , Joe Hinton also had 16 releases,northern hero Carl Carlton provided 10 releases, whereas Roy Head had 8 releases and Jeanette Williams "All of a sudden" chipped in with 5 releases,
Several releases on this label, prompt me to ask the following questions
Are the Catolinas on Backbeat 513 the same group who recorded "Laughing' through' tears" and/or "You haven't the right" on Scepter? Was release number 584 "The flea pts 1 and 2", an attempt by this label to promote a dance of that name, similar to those North American dances such as the Jerk, Philly and the Temptation Walk? Whilst researching into this label I was informed by Roger Nicholls that the Backbeat listing was originally published in a 1973 edition of Hot Buttered Soul, from where a large percentage of this listing came from.
I would be grateful for any information on the 14 missing numbers, I know of a record by Jean Elias "You make me anybody's woman" on Backbeat, but I have no release numbers .
The colourful red based label design incorporating a drum and drumsticks is exactly the same for promotional copies as well as issues, except that on ' demos', the familiar words 'Promotional, not for sale' are printed, along with a line of 3 X's (XXX) indicating the plug side.
Call her your sweetheart/Too much of not enough I know/ Ladder of prayer What would I do/Your love Tell m.e you love me/ Tear down the house Action packed/ I make the love
Grapevine/Mary Lou Pretty little mama/Will you Song of love/Dollhouse Someone else, not me/Pauline My first love/I'm here to tell you
Handsome/Betty Joe Unloved/Hot seat A thousand cups of happiness/If you love me Everybody/Rain, rain, rain Lonely one Romeo The girls in my life/Come on baby Texas is going to be my home/Smile You know i t ain't right/ Lovesick blues
Better to give than receive/There's no in between There ought to be a law/You're my girl Funny/You gotta have love The crying man/I ' ll take love Teenage letter/Pain Don't ·want to sit down/Can't find true love I want a little girl/True love Treat her right/So long my love Everything/Darling come talk to me You gonna make me cry/Monkey dog You oughta see my baby/My one sin Kid n~med Joe/Pledging my love Poor boy/I'm i n your corner It's a sad world/The hands of time Dancing to the shotgun/You're moving too fast Alright/Wonderful you Apple of my eye/I pass the day A friend:a friend of mine/You didn't know then Backbeat 567 Shirley Lawson released on U.K. Soul City 108
Whilst gathering info. for an article on records released on local labels and then picked up for national distribution, I soon realised that there were enough Detroit records released in this category to form1 an article of its own. I haven't tried to indicate which of the several local relea.ses were issued first. Just because a certain label has been typed first on the line doesn't mean that it was issued first on that l abel, e.g. Gino Washington ' s "Gino is a coward" was first released on Correct One, then re -released for the second time as the opening release for the Ric Tic label.
'New Holidays "Maybe so, maybe Soul Hawk/Westbound Emanuel Laskey "Lucky to be loved Wild Deuce/Thelma (Some claim that the Thelma release doesn't exist, some claim to have seen a copy, I don't know myself, I only write these articles!!!) Little Rena Scott "I just can' t forget that boy" Black Rock/Grand Junction Joe L "It's love baby 24 hc,urs a day" Boss/Valtone Soul Tornadoes "Go for yourself" Burt/Magic City Steppers "Come on and get it" Bumpshop/Aware Dee Edwards "Tired of staying honie" D-Town/Tuba Soul Brothers ''What can it be/We ge>t heartaches" D-Town Wheelesville Emanuel Laskey "Remember me `` D-T / Stag Gino Washington "Gino is a coward" Ric-Tic/Corretone/Do Re De Juanita Williams "Baby boy" Wingate/Golden World Cody Black "The night a star was; born" Groove City/Rambrock Mike Jemison •~You' 11 never get my love" Geneva/Lake People's Choice "Ease the pain" Grandland/Palmer Johnnie Mae. Mathews "Lonely you'll be" Art/Jam (Was told that this record was also released on Northern and Atco) Jimmy Soul Clark "If only I knew then'' Karen/ Moira Jim.my Delph "Almost" Karen/Carla Jimmy Gilford "l wanna be your boy" Solid Hit/Wheelesville Fabulous Peps "With these eyes" Wheelesville/Wee 3 Buddy Lamp "Confusion" Wheelesville/Wee 3 Buddy Lamp "l wanna go home" Wheelesville/Wee 3 (Thi s was released 3 times on Wheelesville) J .J. Barnes "Won't you let me know" Mickays/Kable J.J. Barnes "My love came tumbling down" Rich/Kable/Mickays Al Williams "lam Nothing" L.A. Beat/Palmer
Records were released several times generally because on their initial release the record 'flopped' due to either insufficient promotion, the musical climate wasn't right at that time, or simply the standard of the record wasn't good enough. Another company or sister group may have faith in the record (or have been talked into it) and release it again on a new label at a later date, perhaps when the musical climate was better suited to its release.
When a record was released on a local label, there were probably one of two options why it was picked up by a large company for national distribution 1) the record achieved good local sales, and it was released on a national label in an attempt to get a nationwide hit, 2) the record didn't sell well locally, but the record scouts for the ' nationals' were convinced that because of the quality of the record, given good promotion and a push in the right direction, it could result in a nationwide hit.
Records which were released on local Detroit labels first, then picked up for national distribution or released in other towns (Detroit labels first)
Timmy Willis "Mr. Soul Satisfaction'' Sidra/Veep Derek Martin "Sly girl" Tuba/Volt (Also released on U.K. Stax) Innocent Bystanders "Frantic escape" Pameline/Atlantic Masqueraders "A family" L.A. Beat/Tower Jimmy Soul Clark "Tell her" Moira/Cotillion Emanuel Laskey "I need somebody" Thelma/N. P.C. (Pittsburgh) Lorraine Chandler "What can I do" Giant/RCA Tony Hestor "Watch yourself" Giant/Karate Tommy Neal "Going to a happeilling" Pameline/Palmer/Vault (Also on U.K. Vocalion) (Los Angeles) Ronnie Taylor " l can't take it" Revil~ot/Nassau (Cleveland) Just Bros . "Things will get better" Empire/Music Merchant (Hollywood) Edward Hamilton "I'm gonna love you" Mary Jane, Carrie (Nashville) Virgil Murray "I still care" Kool Cat/Airtown Johnny Griffin Inc. "Grand central shuffle" Geneva/RCA (1973) Dynamics "Yes I love you ba.by" Top Ten/Laurie Marv Johnson "Come to me" Tamla/United Artists J . J. Barnes "Just one more time" Mickay,/Ring/Scepter Shaine. Hunter "Sweet things" Awake/Sue Wilson Picket "if you need me" Correctone/Lupine Wilson Pickett " I can' t stop"
Thanks to Cliff Steele of Northampton for photocopies of above Detroit rarities .
Many thanks must go to Graham Anthony of Derby, Stuart Raith of Gt. Harwood and Cliff Steele o:f Northampton for all their time and effort spent in obtaining :facts for inclusion in this article.
In Issue 2 there will be an in depth comprehensive list of records released on local labels then picked up for national -distribution -any additions would be most welcome . Please send them in, listing A 8t B sides, label number and record numbers if possible.
"Wants List" -Contact Derek Pearson, addr and telephone number at front of mag
Kenny Carlton -"Lost and found" Bluerock. Ad Libs -"Think of me" Karen De~o . Informers -"Hard way to go" Blackjack. Ga:rland Green -"Rained 40 days & nights Gamma. Joseph Moore -"I still can't get next to you" Mar.v.lus. Ascots -"Another: day" Mir.a.don. Bobby Kline -"Say something nice" M.B. Holidays -"I've lost you" Groove City. Falcons -"Love look in her eyes" Big wheel. Lou Lawton -"I am searching" Capitol Patti Drew -"Stop and listen" Capitol. Sbo:rty Long -"Baby come back home" Soul. Five stairsteps -"Don't waste your time" Windy City . Blue Jays -"Point of view" Jay•
Wanted Pat Lewis "No-one to love" Solid Hit SH 109 -Contact 0274 568042, your price paid, must be in ex/m nick.
The main aim of this article is to draw attention to lesser known sounds produced by major American labels. OIK, I know this sort of article isn't a new idea but I think I'm justified in printing it as there are so many excellent sounds on major labels that stay hidden in the shadows of more well known sounds.
Many of these 'hidden' sounds a.re well known to collectors through the growing Underground tape scene that continues to flourish, yet I think it's a crime that these records are not played every now and again at venues to gain acceptance by the masses. (The word REACTIVATION springs to mind straight away).
OK enough of the waffle and on with the first label under the spotlight 'the MODERN label'.
The label which produced one of the all-time stomping classics Danny Monday's "Baby without you", Mel Williams "Can it be me" and released six records from the immortal Mary Love including her 'tasty' masterpiece "Bitter into sweet". Here's 3 sounds everybody should have in their boxes.
Mel Williams "Can it be me" Modern 45
I agree this is probably well known by a lot of people, but I must admit I haven't heard it pounding out of any speakers at venues for a long time. Powerful start to this up-tempo dance:r that never lets up. Mel seems really struck on his lady friend, but is unsure of her love for him as he repeatedly sings in the chorus
Shrine and Jacklyn labels and discographies/ articles on Kenny Carter and Darrow Fletcher. I would be grateful for all info.
The selling prices of U.K. rarities has stayed relatively constant over the years with no increase, taking into account the rise in inflation. However, I think prices are set to rise again from what I've seen and heard over the past 4 months with mega rarities like Hoagy Land's 'Next in line" Stateside Demo on sale at £60 , April Stevens "Wanting you" MGM Demo for £40, P.P. Arnold "Everything's gonna be alright" Intermediate Oemo £40 and Barbara Mills "Queen of Fools" Hickory Demo for £80.
by Eddie Hubbard
Kenny Carter "Don't Go" RCA Victor Stunning ballad this, beginning with a big drum roll, as Kenny steps forward, feeling down and out "What more can I say, you've said goodbye . " The girly chorus confirming the point as they call "Bye bye baby", lovely strings and gentle piano make this a razor sharp production in the fashion of other great 'enders' such as "Walk with a winner""uphill climb to the bottom''etc. In actual fact, Kenny sounds very much like Walter Jackson on this 45, as he tries to convince his girl that her new man is of ill repute, "He just wants to use you, he wants to mislead you" feeling so strongly about her that he uses the 'B' side "How can you say goodbye" to emphasise his point. Also an ace side though more 'late night' style with tinkling piano and Kenny getting quite gritty at times (probably desperate by now) "Before I lost my control, tell me how can you say goodbye". Great double sider, which is so good, I can't make my mind up which is the best -always a good sign.
Raw Spitt "Songs to Sing" U.S. United Artists
Deep Soul fave. Charlie Whitehead is the voice behind this gritty, testifying opus, this change of name was used apparently at the Company's request. With lyrics from the prolific pen of Jerry Williams Jnr., this 1971 outing is still topical today, as Charlie sings of his hope for peace and harmony in the world. " If songs to sing, I had a choice, Lord and the whole world could hear my voice , I'll sing about war, completely unjust, I'll sing about a nation the world would no longer trust, I'll sing about the riots, Lord you see on T.V. and how after five hundred years, people still are not free". The name 'Raw Spitt' reflects exactly the mood and style of this record, but it's raw Soul in the best possible way. Very hard to find apparently, (despite the huge label name) but for lovers of James Carr style ballads an essential purchase.
Freddie Scott "Johnny's Hill0 U.S. Elephant V/U.K. Roulette
another Soul man who really excels on slow moody ballads, his strong blues tinged voice combined with mournful horns and piano make this a real killer. The sad story-line is about ~merica's Vietnam war dead being brought home to rest on 'Johnny's Hill'. Here's a few lines from the song which really bring home to the listener the sheer waste of life war brings. "They gave us an old medal but it doesn't mean a thing, Johnny's little brother asks why did Johnny have to die, the Captain says I'm sorry, but I have to tell you again, he was a hell of a soldier, he was one of our best men". A really depressing heavy song then, but tells it like it is and is superbly sung and written. As Kenny Gamble says, "There's a message in the music"!
Mattie Moultrie "That's how strong my love is" U.S. Columbia/U.K. CBS
From 1966 and issued on U.K. CBS (though ultra rare) this is the version of the classic song also recorded by a wh,ole host of Southern Soul stars such as Otis Redding, O.V. Wright and Eddie Giles . Mattie's intense, powerful vocals i nterprete the R. Jamison lyrics with real conviction and feeling. "If I were the sun way up there, I 'd go with my love ,everywhere, I ' d be the moon when the sun goes down just to let you know I'm still around ." Thundering backing and sweeping strings add to the already smouldering wax, reaching a climax in the last seconds with a crescendo of gospelesque wailing from Mattie's trembling vocal chords, "Baby, baby please, oh my, oh my, I just can't save myself, everyday I find myself calling your name, on 11y, that's how strong my love is". Recently re-issued on
U. K. Epics "Lost Soul" L. P., get it or regret it!
Barbara Mason " You did not stay last night" WMOT L.P.
More up to date for this one, a ibeautiful sensual slowie taken from Barbara's 1980 album "A piece of my life". Possibly her best waxing of all time, she brings it all home to her man what he missed the previous night, dig these purring lyrics you did not stay last night, you missed the best thing of your life, you could have kissed my lips, right down to my fingertips, you did not stay last night, missed all the wine and candlelight, I put on my 'best for you, just so I could undress for you". A really sophisticated late night sound, that's a million miles production wise from the 'Raw Spitt' single, though equally as good in its own right.
by Stuart Raith
This is the first time my name has gone into print, well regarding Soul anyway. I'll try and review any kind of Soul be it easily obtainable , on one-off, deep , new, anything as long as its got a good tune, and it gives me goosepimples so here goes:
Ah pure sixties magic, I know that everybody uses that pun, but it really does sum this disc up. I've seen this record go for as little ,as three quid, and yet it'll probably never be heard by the masses . Nice mid-tempo dancer, which starts off with Sam pleading for his sugar to return, followed by such poetic lyrics like "A nightingale without a song to sina,, like a gambler without a chip, like a captain wjLthout his ship. " Now iiow can you justify not playing records like this pure magic, pure class and miss it at your peril !!!
Not really hard to find, and at one time a much sought after record, but by gum, wouldn't it be good to hear this belting out of a pair of loud speakers again, during any oldies spot. Shep, in Shep Pettibone who has since made his name in the States producing and mixing a lot of up and coming Soul artists. All one can say about it i s that he sounds ultra Soulful, and with the Don Gardner Orchestra behind him, belting out a crashing sixties uptown beat which is both raw and powerful... need I say more!!?
From a powerful sixties disc , to a powerful new eighties disc. Cecil and LiDda Wommack have come up with 1;his gem. I read the review in Black Echoes and a week later heard it off a tape from Robbie Vincent's Soul show , and was instantly knocked out with it. Very heavy solid beat, not funky and not your disco dross, very different and very very Soulful, in parts the vocals remind me of those early Philly gems, pj,ty one of the brothers was killed a few years back, I believe they were thinking of reforming the Valentinos, they would have been brilliant.
Now then, we all know our Buddy don't we, you know the bloke who sounds like he has half a dozen crushed brown ale bottles in his throat. The most striking thing about this record is it's incredibly-simple backing. Starting off with a low key , but brilliant trumpet intro followed by a plodding drum beat and Buddy's great baritone '70ice, again just screaming (literally) to be played . For me his best.
Like I said , I 'll review anythin1~, taking a break from the up-tempo sounds, hows about this for a lovely little deep number. Now it' s the sort of record you put on when the telly's finii1bed, the lights are low, bottle of plonk, ten Woodbine and the girlfriend by your side. The songs simple enough, it's all about this guy who keeps acting up Clarence' s bird, and like the rest of us, he ge~s a little upset, aJld eventually , loses his cool and causes a scene, not surprisingly really won the following lyrics slip out, "l just couldn ' t stand to see him rub your behind, be disrespected you and he disrespected me." Dead slow, for1~et the fox, this is a stunner, if you see it, buy it.
Go on then, seeing as you liked 1(;the one above, I'11 review another deep gem. From the partner label of Clarence Carter's release comes this stunner, you could be mistaken for thinking it's called "A lonely man's appeal" and from the title you've probably guessed what it's all about. Soft spoken intro, again dead slow and I must add that the solitary sax which weaves its way through this record is incredibly!, and it' s the sax that really hits you first . I can't really review records of this class, you've simply got to get to listen to 'em.
Back to the sixties , with this splendid little toe tapper, i t's actually the
flip side of "Lucky to be loved." But for me, this is the better side,
coming a close second to "Peace lovin' man" as the best Emanuel Laskey from
this era. It was his fourth rel1~ase for Thelma and was also released on Wild Deuce. The songs great, catchy clip clop beat with clicking fingerpops and handclaps , simple vocal backing and it's almost Mock Mouton great man .
I 'm totally in the dark regarding: Milt Grayson. This is his only record I 've had the pleasure of hearing, and what a pleasure. It' s enough to send a sixties freak into a frenzied fit. Milt ' s incredible 'baritone voice (makes Roy Hamitton, sound a whimp) is c:arried along by a 100 m.p.h . fully orchestrated backing, with girly voices screaming behind him (yes it's that that good) . I first heard it off Guy Hennigan about four years ago, and it 'll always remain one of my faves, catch it i f you can.
From the new L . P. the whole album is well as some great cool dancer. Soul how can you argue . playlist. "Talk to me" c:comes this outstanding track, well in truth outstanding including some nice punchy up-tempo tracks as ballads . But this one comes over real Soulful and almost is still being made, with sounds ,of this quality around Almost sounds like it's from Blackpool's late seventies
Seeing as this is the last one, I've decided to plump for this little oddball. It starts off like Tom JoD.es 's "It's not unusual" (honest), then you hear this bloke introducing Donni., like he's about to take the stage at a Vegas nightclub . But the thing i s, it isn ' t live, it's just some bloke introducing him in the studio. But I ipore the beginning and you've a great dancer, which is very, very fast, this record I love, great vocals of Donni, great sax break in the middle and again those great girlies backing him up to the hilt. Now this would do business at any all-nighter
Have you ever noticed that when talking to somebody who isn't on the Soul scene or seriously interested i n record collecting, whenever the subject of record prices is mentioned, there's the 1iieyjl table gasps and signs of shock/horror. If I ever mention I've paid £5, £10 or £:rn for a single the most common replies are
" You can get records like that for £1,. 35 in town': or "You've paid a fiver for a s i a single, you must be some sort of head case! " After suffering years of abuse, it's time to get your own back by quoting these following facts
1) Did you know that rare original copies of the programme from the first F.A. Cup final to be played at Wembley between Bolton Wanderers and West Ham Utd on April 28th 1923 sell for around £1.00.
2) Did you know that in November 1983, the butts of several cigars smoked by Sir Winston Churchill were sold by Auction. Two of the butts , one 3½ inches long , and the other 2½ inches long fetched £120 .
OK people can justifiably say that the programmes and cigar butts are memorabilia, articles of history , examples of a time gone by never to be replaced, well surely these statements are ·also true when directed at the collecting of rare American Soul records from the 60's and 70's. If someone can spend £100+ on a cigar butt, then in comparison someonE~ spending £100+ on a copy of Yvonne Vernee ' s "Just like you did me" (Sonbert) is gE~tting a bargain, in the sense that the cigar butts will probably stay eternally locked away in a showcase for all interested parties to see, whereas with a record one can enjoy both seeing and hearing the record, it has twice as many functions as a static exhibit.
My younger brother who collects football programmes informs me that there are also 'shady' dealings going on in the programme world with persons counterfeiting old and rare programmes and sElling them at prices equal to the originals . The Soul scene is not alone in its tre>ubles with counterfeits, pressings etc. , mean who's to know that the Churchill articles aren't "butt legs" . (Ed. -Groan)
On Friday 18th November my girlfriend and I went down to London for a weekend visit -as we hadn't planned specifically to coincide a shopping/sightseeing visit with any Soul events, we were lucky that 2 days prior to the weekend, we discovered that there was a Record Convention at Kensington Town Hall and a 'Function at the Junction' at the Cornet, Lavender Hill.
After arriving at Oxford Street around 10 o ' clock Saturday morning, we departed ways , Gillian went to the shops and I went to Carnaby Street looking for Terence Stokes record shop, as I had been told that his shop may still have back issues of a London based So.ul mag entitled ' Right tracks' , a mag I 'd heard about but had never seen a copy. I wasn't in luck as non of Terence Stokes 2 record shops had any back issues, however, I did buy a mod fanzine called 'Patriotic' mainly because I saw the magical words 'Ric-tic revue' on the front cover. There was little of interest to the serious Soul fans in the mag, but one thing I did notice was the frequent mention of venues playing 6T's/ Soul music that had ceased to operate, due to violence amongst the patrons. I must admit I did wonder if there was going to be any large scale scuffling at the F.A.T.J.
A quick journey over on the tube and I was in Kensington Town Hall browsing through masses of records. The hall itself was warm, well lit and roomy, although I didn't buy anything, there were a lot of interesting stalls both· for the Soul/ non-Soul collectors.
I always like to look through rare records whether they are Soul, Rock, Rock ' n' Roll, Country etc. etc. as it's always advantageous to know about collectable records from other forms of music, as they sometimes turn up whilst looking for Soul records. I ' ll never forget overlooking a White German Polydor demo of a Beat Bros. record in a Bradford Junk Shop for 25p. I was reliably informed that the Beatles recorded under the name 'Beat Bros.' whilst in Hamburg in the early 60's and that the record I'd missed was worth around £18.
Around 9 o'clock in the evening we decided to get a taxi from our hotel in Hammersmith down to Lavender Hill. I was very suspicious of the taxi driver as during the journey he asked~ for directions to the Coronet pub! What appeared to be a relatively short distance (3-4 miles) on the map, seemed to take ages , (l remember thinking at the time ' we ' re going from Hammersmith to Lavender Hill via Southampton'), well when I heard what he wanted for the fare, I'm damn sure we went via Southampton! As the driver couldn't find the pub, we got out somewhere in South London and started to trudge up Lavender Hill Road. I kept asking people if they' d heard of the place and all I got was blank looks until a guy in an off licence told me 'it was about! of a mile up the road!' We stopped off en route to half eat/throwaway the worst fish 'n' chips I've ever had the displeasure of buying. Eventually we arrived at around 10.15 pm, both in a bad mood praying that the event would be worth all the trouble. We each paid out £2 admission entrance and made our way to the 'heaving' bar to buy our coca-cola' s. Then into the main room which was a long rectangular shaped room with a large dance floor, tables and chairs down 3 sides and the decks at ,one end. The first D. J. I hear whose name I cannot remember {sorry) kept the da1nce floor busy with classics such as Franky Beverly "That's what you wanted", Beverly Ann "Mind on other things", Rose Batiste "Hit and run" and Philp Mitchell's "Free for all". Also spun were Mikki Farrows "Heart at ease", Martha Starr's "Part-time love" and the Volcanoes "Laws of love". An excellent sound we:touch I was surprised to hear, as I don't think I ' ve ever heard it before at a ·venue was Joe Simon's goodie, "the girl's alright with me ."
The next D.J. on kept · the atmosphere going by playing Frankie and the Classicals ''What shall I do", Marvin :Smith's "Have more time", Fidels "Try a little harder" and Benny Spellman's "Fortune Teller". Also played were Motown dancers such as Four Tops "Shake me, wake me", the Detroit Spinners "I'll always love you", and a couple of slower items, C.O.D.'1s "Michael" and Aaron Neville's "Tell it like it is". On my return to the bar for 1more drinks I had a quick chat with well known
U.K. record dealer/collector Pete Widdison and a look through his box of U.K.
U.S. goodies. He had a copy of Mike Victor's "On the brink" (Inst . ) on U.K. Columbia for sale at a tidy sum,<:'°Boogaloo investigator} The record was used as a BBC film theme tune, and had been covered up recently~and was filling dance floors throughout the U.K . . Around 12.15,popular D.J. Ian Clark took to the decks and proceeded to spin Jackie Wilson's "Sweetest feeling", Willie Tee's "Walking up a one street", Richard Temple's "Beating" and William Bell's "Happy". We were then treated to a phase of Motown sounds like Barbara Randolph's "I get a feeling", Junior Walker's ''Shake 'n' finger pop", Martha Reaves "Nowhere to run" and Edwin Starr's· "My weakness is you, `` a request from me. After hearing Fascinations "Girls are out" (U. K. Stateside demo) two of my favourite top 1000 were heard booming out the speakers. Norman Johnson's "You're my everything" and Jack Montgommery's "Dear beloved" . The night finished promptly at 1 am, and we went back to Paul Temple's house in Chiswick to listen to some of his large impressive collection till 4 am. (Thanks for the coffee Paul!)
My conclusion to the night was ·that we both really enjoyed ourselves, it was well worth the hassle getting there. There was a large trouble free turn out at the function, and everybody danced themselves silly. My only gripe was that on the advertising handouts, we were promised "an evening of 6T' s Rhythm and soul plus a dash of Northern floor shakers", well during the time we were there, the large percentage of sounds played were 'northern floor shakers', so instead of having a nice relaxed evening, getting steadily drunk listening to a selection of sounds I didn't know, I ended up getting :rapidly drunk and having a hot sweaty night charging around the dance floor like a Rhino on heat, listening to sounds that I knew.
Sorry for the lack of info. on this man, all I know is that he's a black American male who was well known in the Detroit area for his prolific writing and production talents, and recorded at least 4 records for 4 different labels during the late 60's.
If your into good quality Soul Records, I can recommend all 4 releases they all show off his superb emotional voice perfectly matching with a nice mid tempo backing. Buy ,them all!!
Baby take a chance on me/Baby take a chance on me(Inst) Revue Rll009 My dear beloved/Do you believe :i.t Scepter SCE 12152 Don't turn your back on me/Never in a million years (Inst) Barracuda WO 28030 Beauty isn't born/Beauty isn't born (Inst)
Thanks to Roger Nichols of Willenhall for mentioning his Austons release, one I didn't know of, and I agree totally with his comment that it's a shame that besides his scepter outing, all the 1B sides were all instrumentals, as he has such a good voice. Perhaps the rarest of ·them all is his scepter release currently on sale around £10, the other 3 should cost around £2-3.
On the reverse side of the Honey Bees "Let's get together" (Garrison) is the vocal to the "Never in a million year:s" (Inst) .
I've always enjoyed listening to the lyrics on Soul records, which tend to be very meaningful,. truthful and one can always relate to them during everyday life. Here's some snatches of my favourite lines from a variety of records, I know they're out of context, but I hope you'll agree that the writer(s) who penned these lines knew what life was about. Do you have any face. lines from records, send them in, Issue 2 will have a readers 'golden lines' column.
Eddie Hill "You got the best of me" (Thelma) -I stuck to you like a stamp to a letter Richard Parker "Sugar love" (Right on) -I'm like an empty shell, I'm like a sick man that can't get well Gladys Knight "Heroes" (Vision L.P. Track) -I can fly higher than an eagle, with your wind under my wings
Joe L "Worried" (Classic) -If he wants to fire me, that's the way it's gotta be, and I'll get another job you'll see (Not these days I'm afraid Joe!)
Exits "You gotta have money" (Gemini) -You gotta have money so true, so very true)
Willie Hobbs "Till I get it right" (Sound Sta9ee) I'm like a wounded bird, hungry for the sky Luther Vand rc,ss "Never too much" (Epic) -You must have known that I had feelings deep enough to swim in Sherlock Holmes "Standing at a standstill" -I must be under water, 'cos my eyes are such a blur
60s 70, 80s RECORD REVIEWS
It seems as though at last the 'rare-soul only' barrier has all but disappeared; especially at Bradford B:Lerkeller/Bensons all-nighters, £100 records go hand in hand with £2 fairly easily obtainable items. Surely it is in the interests of the punters to play qual:Lty Soul music in preference to rarity alone. (Ed -Here, here!) The following are all doing the business at Bradford/Cleethorpes all-nighters:
Four Tops "Let me set you free" Casablanca L.P .
Taken from the "Tonight" album which spawned the hits "Used to be my girl" and "Don't walk away"; this up-tempo dancer was an instant success upon first play.
With Levi Stubbs on lead vocals, how could it fail? Comparable with any of their
Motown dance tracks, a real gem from :L981.
Locksmith "Blackjack" Arista 12"
Stomping instrumental from 198011 perhaps considered too Jazz/Funkish for the purists, but complete with necessary breaks, this Steaker/Blake composition is currently proving popular. First big 70' s/80's instrumental since Nightline Shadows!?
Gwen McCrae "The melody of life" T .K. 12"
From the lady more associated w:L th deep Soul ballads, this 1979 mover really shows Gwen's ability to record up-tempo numbers as well. Written, produced and arranged by another Southern heroine Hetty Wright , a floor packer after 2 allnighters . Another Mick Godfrey bargain!
Ronn' Matlock "Backstreet" Cotillion L.P.
Stand out dance track from the ~1uperb "Love City" L.P., check out "You got the best of me", eh Robin!! Ronnie signs of a lady who disappears down the backstreets after dark for seemingly rathE!r dubious purposes. Got to be the bargain of the year at 19p from the local cheapo shop, get it now if you can, bound to be in demand in the months to come.
Sydney Joe Qualls "I don't do this" 20th Century L.P.
Not as instantly memorable as records such as the Four Tops, but this midtempo floater is certainly picking up much interest. Taken from his 1979 L. P . "So sexy", under the guidance of Carl Davies, this track may take a while to sink in, but is well worth the inclusion itl any 70's spot.
Charles Russel "It ain ' t easy" Psyche
A "Cleethorpes classic" from yeB1rs gone by. Re-issued on BIONIC as Image featuring Charles Russel. But this VErsion was also remixed and proved to be not a patch on the original version first issued in 1974. Wailing intro and we're into 3:23 of pure mid-tempo magic and so vastly underrated. Took me a couple of years to get the still very rare PSYCHE version, but definitely well worth the wait .
Bands of Gold "It' over" Smash
Superb 60's stamper that's been around for quite a few years without ever really gaining the popularity it so richly dEserves. 2:18 minutes of traditional northern Soul at its best makes this a sure-fi1·e winner that is setting many a good dance floor light. Have been offered some decent money for this, well worth it at any price! (Ed . -I 'm also after a copy, anybody got one for sale?)
Tommy Bush "I don't like it" Rika
Another memory from the original Cleethorpes all-nighters courtesy of Rick Todd. A real 'Kim White' back-dropping classic if I ever heard one. Tommy doesn't like the way his woman walks Bill over him, but he needs her love so badly, he apparently just grins and bears it. A record that has always remained quite rare over the years and usually commai:1ds around a £10 price tag·,
Masqueraders "do you love me baby" Wand
Now this really is a record in a million. Excellent 'gritty' vocals make this my favourite track from the extensive Scepter/Word Catalogue, even ranks above Jack Montgomery. Sixties mid-tempo, sis Soulful as you like and then some . . . . . ... .
Soul Brothers Six "I'll be loving you" U.K. Atlantic One I finally managed to prise away from Sean Hampsey. Put out in this country as the B side of the first issue of "Some kind of wonderful" on Red Atlantic in 1967. The easily recognisable vocals more than make up for a rather sparse backing track, so raw, so good it's almost unbelievable. Oldies D. J. 's forget Barbara McNeir, she's had her day, get behind this one and keep Northern Soulful.
Until next time, all the best. Darren.
Australia and New Zealand are surrounded by the Tasman Sea, The Pacific and Indian Oceans and together have a combined-population of around 17 million. The capital City of Australia is Canberra, whereas Sydney is the largest port (pop. 5 million) on the island {Ed -Sounds like a Geography lesson, get on with the interesting bits!) A land well known for kangaroos, Fosters lager and Maori tribesmen who go around baring their buttocks and :frightening members of our royal family. As one can imagine, it's an impossible task to list all the Ozzie Soul releases that I know of (around 400), so I've prepared a summary of the most interesting releases.
Toni Lamarr -"I'll do anything" Astor Franki Valli -"The night" Mowest Glories -"I stand accused" CBS Metroes -"Since I :found my baby" RCA Balkmore/Ohio Band -"Condition red" Stateside Lynne Randell -"Stranger in my arms" CBS T1tms -"Hey girl don't bother me/Take me away" (July 64) Ampar MK 691 Tom and Jerrio -"Boo-ga-loo Boomerang" A.apar MK 1003 Sapphires -" Gotta have your love/Gee, I'm sorry baby" Ampar MK 1014 Dean Parrish -''Tell her/Fall on me" Ampar MK 1435 Ray Charles -"I don't need no doctor/Please say your fooling" Ampar MK 1580 Troy Keyes -"Love explosions/I ' m crying" Ampar MK 2191 Okaysions -"Girl watcher/Deal me in" Ampiar MK 2417 Impressions -"Woman got Soul/Get up and move" Ampar MK 950 Joe Simon -"Nine pound steel/Girl's alright with me" Monument 950 Marvin Smith -"Time stopped/Have more ti.me" (Jan 67) Coral CK 1550 Artistics -"Hope we have/I'm gonna miss you" Coral CK 1626 Jackie Wilson -"Higher and higher/I'm the one to do it" Coral CK 1945 Jackie Wilson -"Since you showed me how to be happy/Who who song" Coral CK 2097 Gene Chandler -"There was a time/The good old days" (Nov 68) Coral CK 2599 There 's a selection of releases on the Atlantic label of which, I have over 200 listed Drifters -"Vaya con dios/Land of make believe" Atlantic AK 526 (the female vocal quartet backing on this1 way Dionne Warwick, D.D. Warwick, Cissy Houston and Doris Troy) Barbara Lewis -"Someday we're gonna love again/Spend little time" Atlantic AK 628 WUlie Tee -"Teasin' you/Walking up a one-way street" Atlantic AK 913 Wilson Pickett -"In the midnight hour/I 'm not tired" (Aug 65) Atlantic AK 1057 Astors -"Candy/I :found out" Atlantic AK 1058 Sam & Dave -"You don't know like I know/Blame me" Atlantic AK 1219 Mary Wells -"Dear lover/Can't you see ye>u.'re losing me" Atlantic AK 1266 Percy Sledge -"When a man loves a woman/Love me like you mean it" Atlantic AK 1330 Capitols -"Cool jerk/Hello stranger" Atlantic AK 1354 Barbara Lewis -"What do you want me to clo/I remember the feeling" Atlantic AK 1587 Otis and Carla -"Tramp/Tell it like it j_s" Atlantic AK 1801 Sam & Dave -"Soothe me/I can't stand up" Atlantic AK 1874 Soul Bros . Six -"Some kind of wonderful/I ' ll be loving you" Atlantic AK 1936 Otis Redding -"Sitting on the dock of the bay/Sweet Lorene" (Apr 68) Atlantic AK 2184 Wilson Picket -"She's lookin' good/We'vu got to have love" Atlantic AK 2317 Jimmy ' Soul' Clark -"If only I knew then/Do it right now" Atlantic AK 2409 There were also several E. P . 's relEased by major artists on Atlantic Aretha Franklin -"Respect 3" (pie. cover) Atlantic Aretha Franklin -"Spanish harlem/Say a little prayer + 2" (p. c.) Arthus Conley -"Sweet soul music 3" (p.c. ) Atlantic Ben E . King -"Spanish harlem" E.P. -"T:itle/First taste of love/Don't play that song/ Misty mountain" AX 10693 Wilson Picket -"Land of 1000 dances" E.P. -"Title/You're so fine/Mustang Sally/ 3 timer loses" AX 11255 Freda Payne -"Deeper ' n • deeper/Unhooked generation" Invictus 3975 Chairmen o , t. Board -"Elmo Jones/Bittersweet" Invictus 4636 Holland-Dozier -"Why can't we be lovers/Don't leave me" Invictus 4872 100 Proof -"Sleeping in my bed/Come to save you" Hot wax HWK 3969 Al Wilson -"Now I know what love is/Do what you gotta do" Liberty LYK 2111 Al Wilson -"The snake/Ready for tomorrow''' Liberty LYK 2407 INu.+ Charlie Foxx -"Mocking bird/Hurt by love" United Artists WAK 2902 Mary Wells -"He's a lover/ I 'm learning" :rnth Century TK 1034 Charts -"Desiree/Fall in love with you" Scepter JK 1307 Roscoe Robinson -"That's enough/One more time" Scepter JK 1432 Dionne Warwick -"Don't know what to do with myself/ In between the heartaches"Scepter JK1535 Shirelles -"Last minute miracle/No doubt about it'' Scepter JK 1887 Bobby Bland -"Call on me/That 's the way love is" (Mar 63) Festival FK 326 Chiffons -"The real thing/Nobody knows what's going on in my mind" Festival FK 990 Wooden Nickels -"Should I give my love the>night/ Take my love" (Jan 66) Festival FK1181 Earl Grant -"Hide 'nor' hair/ I love you" Festi val DK 1685 Patrick Bradley -"Just one more chance (Voc)/Just one more chance (Inst)" Festival FK1854 Candy & the Kisses -"Chains of love/Someone out there" Festival DK 2702 Bobby Patterson -"T.C.B. or T.Y.A. /What s. wonderful night for love" (Jan 69) Festival 2948 Tommy Hunt -"Fine morning/Sign on the dotted line" Interfusion K6652 O'Jays -" I love music pt. 1/ pt. 2" Phil. Int . PS 1001 Barbara Mason -"Keep him/Yes I'm ready" London HL 2231
I also found 2 series of releases on the famed 'Stax' label, one set of releases prefixed by KK, the other 2025 . Carla Thomas -"Where do I go/ ?" Stax KK 2643 Eddie Floyd -"Girl I love you/ Got to have your love" KK 2848 Booker T -"Time is tight/ Johnny I love you" KK 2888 Soul Children -"Hearsay/ Don't take my sunshine" St ax 2025 102 Mel & Tim -"Starting all over again/To want it so bad" (1972) Sta.x 2025 125
Then of course there's a few mind blowing Ozzie releases -Lada Edmund -"La rue/?" Decca. Sheila Ferguson -"Broken hearted memories/?" Stateside Belles -"Don ' t pretend/?" Action (though some claim it's a New Zealand release!) Cheryl Gray -"You don't love me anymore" HMV (femme version of Johnny Caswell's classic -only released in Australia).
One of the interesting things about foreign Soul releases that makes them very collectable is that sometimes certain songs a r e released on foreign singles but not on a '45' in the U.K. or U.S . One such record was a Jackie Wilson Coral E.P. which had "Who who song/Showed me how to be happy/Soul ville" and a good version of Darrel Banks "Open the door t o your heart" . I'm reliably told that this version of
O.T . D,T.Y.H. bas never been released on a '45' in the U.K. or U.S . A lot of singles are released in p:lecture bags , sometimes with previously unreleased photos on the covers e.g. Jackie Day's E.P. on the 'W & G' label.
George Sharp of Bingley (who used to be a good friend, now ex-friend} recently out-bid me for several items on an Australian Auction list. Here's a few items that the 'dirty rat ' got that I wanted.
Jackie Day -Without a love/Before .it's too late/Oh what heartaches/
If to lose you W & G WGE 2740 Volumes Gotta give her love/ Can' t live without you Stateside 055 149 81:barbara Acklin Just ain't no love/Please sunrise Coral CK 2704 Sapphires Gonna be a big thing/Yc:>u'll never stop me Ampar MK 1210
Tamla Motown also had its fair share of releases , in fact you try to name a country where there haven't been any records released under the T. Motown logo!
Isley Bros. -"Tell me it's only rumours/?" . Kim Weston -"Helpless/?" Supremes -"Up the ladder to the roof kWh,when are you coming home" TMO 9086 Jimmy Ruffin -"I'll say forever my love/Sad and lonesome feeling" TMO 9214 Supremes -"You can't hurry love"E.P."Title/Love is here/No stopping us now/
Keep me hangin~ on" (1967) TMEO 1004
D. Ross & Supremes -"Love child" E, P. -"Title/Reflections/Time changes things/
Forever came today" (1968) TMEO 1010 Note the '45' and 'E.P.' release numbers are prefixed by the letters TMO and TMEO respectively. Supremes -"Baby Love" E. P . Title -"LOV43light starts/ See about me/Where did our love go" (1964) Stateside OSE 1001 New Zealand
Bev Bremmers -"Get smart girl/ ?" Scepter. J/B Purify -"Shake a tail feather/ ?" Stateside. I know that T. Mot own had releases in this country on a nice looking pink label , tho ' I haven't got any details of release except -Temptations -"Oh girl/?" T. Motown.
I would like to thank Graham Kelly and Ron Pedley (both of York) and Graham Anthony (of Derby) for all their assistance in helping me compile both this article and all future articles on foreign Soul releases.
I was fortunate to obtain a copy of George Crotty's listing of the Festival label releases between 1961-69, (3000 rE~leases). Festival was a parent company who released a lot of records of interest to the Soul fan on labels such as Atlantic, St ax, Festival, Ampar, Coral, Scepter, Monument etc. George's very interesting and informative booklet enabled me to add many 'B' sides, release dates and numbers to the already impressive list of records that I had .
Foreign Soul collectors seem to be very few in number, this is probably due to several reasons -1) the scarcity of foreign releases actually on sale in the U.K.
2) the time and expense required in hunting records in unfamiliar and uncharted countries, often for little or no reward,
3) the lack of established contracts in these areas, and finally 4) the lack of info. about foreign Soul releases, which handicaps collectors who want to send 'wants lists' over. Most serious collectors/dealers usually know the selling/buying price of both U,K. and U. S. records, whereas with foreign items who's to estimate their true value? I suppose we 're back to that old saying "a record's worth as much as your willing to pay for it, depending on how much you want the record. "
Well that about wraps up that article and I've only scraped the tip of the iceberg. Next issue of S .O.S. will contain a review of Dutch Soul releases.
I've been unable to gather any in:f'o. on Soul releases in Switzerland, Norway or Russia! ! -I know that Tamla Meitown had releases in Sweden but haven't got any facts -Can you help with any releases f:from these countries?
If anybody has any other info. on Foreign Soul releases be it from France, Germany, Holland, Italy or anyway send i t in please, also after info. on Canadian or Irish releases. I've found very lit1:le info. on Austrian, Polish, Rumanian, ~wedish, Norwegian Soul releases , or anything released in Luxembourg All offers of information gratefully acc:the accepted.
Thanks to George Sharp for photocopies of above Aussie rarities.
During recent all-nighters I've been boring people to death with my incessant quest for information on foreign Soul releases. I've heard it rumoured that people haven't been attending venues when they knew I was going,due to me constantly pestering people for info:r:-mation, on a variety of topics. Then again I'm not one for believing silly reno·urs ! ! !
We arrived at Hinckley Leisure Centre at 12.30 am on a rainy Sunday morning and as there wasn't the expected large· queue, we were soon in through the doors after paying £5 for members (£6 for non-members). A quick rwi up the steps and we were into the room where all the record dealers/collectors gather, which conveniently overlooks the large dance floor. The large hall at Hinckley always reminds me of one of those college gymnasiums that one sees on American films with different coloured lines marking out basketball/tennis/netball courts on the floor (which play havoc with dance floor routines) and tiered seating pushed against the walls. The first D.J. played all recognised stuff such as Garnet Mimms "Looking for you" , Sandi Sheldon "Gonna make you love me", Lynne Randell "Stranger in my arms", NF Porter "Keep on", and a few 70's items like Charles Johnson''"Never had a love" and Larry Houston "Let's spend some ti.me". A quick look on the dance floor revealed a surprisingly sparse number of dancers·s, however, by the time the next D.J. Mark Bicknell of Reading was on, the attendance had swelled considerably. On previous visits to Hinckley to see live acts such as Edwin Starr/Major Lance/ Ric Tic Revue, there's always been a g:reat abundance of record dealers but this time they were notable by their absence, however, well known faces such as Derek "I've got a Seven Souls okeh W. Demo for sale at £20" Greehoff of Barnsley, Cliff Steele of Northampton, Mick Godf'rey, Rob Smith and Clive Jones were all present . Mark played a more varied set mixing some sounds I didn't know with some goodies like Jimmy McFarland "Lonely L,over" , Seven Souls "I still love you" (which several years ago, one couldn't sell o,ne for £2 ! ) Gloria Jones "Come go with me" and the Steinways "Leading me on" tho\l1gh I prefer the other side "My heart's not in it anymore" . Tony Clayton D. J .'d next and mixed rarities such as Arin Demain "Silent treatment,'' John Drevars "Closer she gets" (Ugh!) and Prophets "Suspicion" with not so rare, but just as good,sounds like Superiors "What would I do", Bill Crosby "Little old man" and another favourite of mine the Showmen "Our love will grow". He also played a sound which I'd heard about, but hadn't heard J .J. Barnes version of Frank Wilson's "Do I love you" produced by Chris King in a recording studio in Cleckheaton, a sma.11 town near Bradford. From where I was stood, on first hearing it sounded quite good. Around 3.45 Steve Whittle followed on with Jerry Cook "Hurt on the other side", Laura Lee "To win your heart" and a selection of Motown sounds like Tammi Terrel "Old heart of mine", Velvel~ttes "Lonely girl", Marvin Gaye's "Ain't that peculiar" and "Shake me, wake me", "Something about you" both by the Four Tops. Due to an unexplained hold up Kin Weston was on later than planned, but when she did arrive, she gave us 45 mins. of soulful singing which included cover versions of "My girl", "Dancing in the street" and "I can't help myself'' . Proving that time hasn't dulled her vocals, she sang a trio of up-tempo dancers "Two can have a party", "Helpless" and "Take me in your arms", her voice ably competing with the slightly loud backing group. She finished a competent set with the Supremes song "Reach out and touch" showing us the gospel side to her voice. Up in the record bar Tommo and Eric had arrived from Stafford with Tim Ashibendes box of records, amid rumours that Tim A. had recently returned from the States with 1,500 records. I heard conflicting reports as regards the attendance at Stafford, some said it was quite full, some said it was empty. Pete Finn took to the decks around 5.30 and spun mainly 70's sounds such as moments "9 times", Doug Parkinson "I'11 be around", Alfie Davidson "Love is•·• Atlantic Starr "Circles", Lew Kirton "Heaven in the afternoon" and Johnny Bristols "Love has no longer got a hold on me", as well as 60's sides like the Professionals "That's why",Seven Souls (again) and the Apollos "Mr. Creator" (which he'd bought on the night for £4) . Around 6.30 Dave Evison took over (as well as D.J.'ing, Dave was there to interview Kim Weston, for his spot on Radio Derby) and played an interesting spot with sounds like Gwen Owens "You'd better watch out", Magic Night "If you and l" Jackie Beavers "Trying to get back to you", Tavares "It only takes a minute girl" and Earl Connely "Make your mind up" plus several other sounds that
I didn't know, I didn't manage to 'catch' the titles either to include in this article. Brian Rae finished off the night confirming his title as Britain's top oldies D.J. with sounds like Presents "Many's the slip", Billy Butler "Right track", Freddie Chavez "They'll never know" (One of my all-time hates), Holly St. James "That's not love" (memories of baggy pants) , Pookie Hudson "Gets to me" (Great) . Frankie Beverly "What you wanted", Dean Parrish "Determination" and the melodic I la Van outing on P. I. P. records "You made me this way". Soon it was time to go home and a long 2½ hour journey back up the M. 1 awaited us. My opinion on the night was, it was a good night, though not as good as on previous visits to see live acts, the attendance was good though I suspect it was down due to Stafford being on the same night and Morecambe being on the previous Friday night, I felt that the event was slightly spoiled by the sound system, on previous visits the sound system has been crystal clear, but on this occasion I felt it was slightly off and I was unable to hear the D.J. s speaking clearly. I look forward to seeing other live acts from the States at Hinckley which is undoubtedly one of the best venues for live acts in the country.
P.S. -Any chance of seeing Oscar Perry on stage?
If I had to search for a record, that to me epitomises Soul music at its best, the record I would be after would be Eddie Parlter' s "Crying Clown" written by Detroit's Jack Ashford and Lorraine Chandler, and produced by Lorraine Chandler, released on Triple B (T-B0001B) records.
This record was previously accurately described by Graham Anthony in Issue 6 of Rod Dearloves mag "Midnight Express",. As Graham mentioned it's not a dancer, iL t 's just Soul music at its best , the record was also released on the other side of " I'm gone" (Awake) and Billy Sharae mmg on uninspired version on Spectrum/U.K. Action.
It's A 60 's record that has evf~everything you could ever want in a ballad -a talented voice, simple but effective lyrics and a beat set at a British Rail working p11ce. I can sincerely say that I'm proud to be part of a music scene that listens t<) and appreciates such quality sounds as this . In fact everybody I've taped this record for, raves over it. Thanks both to Eddie Hubbard of Banbury and Roger Nilchols of Willenhall for informing me of a track entitled "They say I'm afraid of losing you" on a Freddie Butler Kapp L.P. which has the same backing track as "Crying Clown" but uses different lyrics. Having recently heard this track on tape (courtesy of Roger Nichols) . I can say that only Eddie's emotional voice can compliment the plodding backing track to its best advantage.
This 2 . 36 minute masterpiece starts off with a femme back-up singing "Crying Clown", a quick roll of drums and in comes Eddie's plaintive voice
" Everybody sees me standing here, with a smile on my face, but no one will ever know, I'm the saddest one in the place, fame and fortune belongs to me , but a happy man I ' ll never be, for my heart is broken imd I'm feeling let down, and I call myself the crying clown, (back-up -a crying clown) they all think I'm a carefree guy (back-up -a crying clown) outside I smile, inside I cry I used to be such a happy man , but things don't always go like there planned, when things have all gone wrong, I know, I know I've got to be strong, for my heart is broken and I'm feeling let down, and I call myself the crying clown (back-up -a crying clown) I don't want you to pity me (back-up -don't pity me) I let my life go on as tt stands, though I'm sad and it's plain
to see and keep on pushing without a helping hand, for my life has been so blue, little girl since I lost you so I keep on walking with my head held high, no no, no no, just can't, just can't baby, listen to me, don't want you, don't want you to see my face, no no baby , just can't, oh my soul baby, just can't, just can't let you see my face . "
Are there any Eddie Parker collectors out there, that would like to produce a discography of his release::1 for publication in a future issue of this mag?
George Sharp
Collectors of original label 'northern' records, often have to pay large sums to obtain their records. However at the other end of the price scale, there are hundreds of records available to the collector, many of which are good value for money.
Eugene Jefferson "A Pretty Girl Dressed in Brown" Open 1617
This west coast gem starts with a bouncy guitar and trumpet rift and then Eugene starts to sing the praises of his pretty ~~girl. The very danceable beat is maintained throughout with drums, horns and guitars. It sounds like an up-tempo Darrell Banks "Open the door". An excellent record, vel~Y catchy , should cost about £2, worth every penny. I wonder if Eugene has any relation to the other West Coast veteran 'Jo Jefferson'.
Janet and the Jays "Love Whatcha Doing to me" Hi 45-2129
This female group sound starts in a very similar way to the Steinways flip 9' My heart 's not in it anymore", with a burst on the sax, in fact the whole record is in the same vein as the Steinways cut. The delicate wispy vocals are very infectious, backed with sax and pianos. The choruses are especially catchy, well worth watching out for at about £3 or less.
Companions "Be Yourself'' General American TH-COM-IX
To Philadelphia, for this soulful male group sound. Originally played at Blue~ckpool Mecca years ago but since hasn't seen much of the DJs turntables. The ~ecord starts with really haunting horns setting a mid-tempo pace for the whole record. The lead vocals soulfully plead with his baby to 'be yourself' while the rest of the group ooh, ooh their hearts away, all jour.Long as one at the chorus. Haunting mid-tempo brilliance is possibly the easiest way to describe this one. Up to now I have seen 3 different label designs, one green and silver, one yellow and black,and one black, red and white (D.J. copy), with the latter possibly being the rarest .
Lee Rodgers "Sock Some Love Power to me" Premium Stuff 6
One of the better releases on this label, and has the same backing track as Buddy Lamp "Save Your Love" on Wheelsvillei, but only usually costs a 1/3 of the price, around £2 or £3, maybe £4 for a D.J. copy. However, the demo is only single sided. I think this is a better record than Buddy Lamp's because the lyrics fit better to the gutsy horn backing.
Lavells "Sheire him" CTB C-700
This girl group sound starts with a pounding bass guitar and organ. Harmonic vocals are maintained throughout this up-tempo dancer. It's only a pity that the organ backing wasn't substituted for a saxophone. As far as I know this has never been played and perhaps could go if someone got behind! it. A really great atmospheric dancer.
When I first became interested tn Soul music , I was an avid reader of the more readily available Soul mags such as 'Blues and Soul'" and 'Black Echoes• which could be bought in most large newsagents throughout the U. K. However, I soon became very interested in reading and collecting underground magazines which were only available by post or by purchasing a copy at venues. I admired the people behind these fanzines as these literary works were produced as a labour of love for the music and not for the money, these people were still active on the scene attending venues, they had their finger on the pulse of the northern scene. The first mag I can remember buying was 'Soul Cargo' which produced 12 issues between late'77 to late '79 . Its editor was the respected Chris Savoury of Stoke and his magic included a wide range of material , ~60's, 70's Soul reviews , album reviews and U. S. listings of the Wand, Karen, Carla, G. S.F. , Invictus, Suresbot, Fairmount labels, Discographies of William Bell, Laura Lee and the Detroit Emeralds, and U. K. listings of the Chess, Action, Moj o and Contempo labels. A very valuable mag to have for all that precious info. it contained, I recently managed to obtain several back issues from Chris Savoury to complete my collection.
I have memories of leaving the Casino on several occasions with a copy of the latest 'Soul Source' in my sweaty little hands , waiting to read it on the way home. Chris Fletcher of Nottingham was responsible for this and he released 9 1,issues (I think, well Issue 9 is the last mai~ I have), in the period late '78 to late '79. Interesting mag as Chris was well inte> 60's newies at that time such as Magnetics "Lady in Green" , Kenny Gamble "Jokel' e>n you", Don Ray "Born a loser" , Herb Ward "Strange change" (Ed. -Is it really S years ago since these sounds were first played, only seems like yesterday!) irhe mag featured honest venue reports , Rob Smith's record reviews and previewed the big 60 ' s and 70 ' s for Richard Searling, Soul Sam and Pat Brady. I think the n1ag suffered from devoting far too much space space to adverts and record sales. Also in the '78-'79 period, Ian Stewart of Weybridge , Surrey, released his mag 'Soul Symbol'. I only have Issue 8 (dated Sept. '79) of this neatly printed mag which has a Chairmen of the Board discog., plenty of record reviews and a very humorous outlook on the scene. Size of Manchester released his mag 'New Soul Time' during the '77-'78 period, I don ' t know the exact number of releases, but I've got a copy of Issue 6 in which he reviews such 'newies ' as Paul Anka "When we get there", KikiL Dee "Carpet ride" and Teddy Vann "Coloured man". Plenty of venue reports and interesting co~~ts on the input of pop stuff into the northern scene,which was all the rage at that time , e.g. Sue Lynne "Don't pity me", Muriel Day "Nine times" . WEill known DJ . and Black Echoes scribe Pat Brady released his own mag entitled 'Talk of the North' in the '78-'79 period. This mag covered the full spectrum of the Soul music scene (i. e. Northern/Disco funk) and ran to 4 issues; lotsa venuE! reports . As one can see the late 70 ' s were boom years for the output of fanzines . The early 80's were no exception. Sheffield's Glynn Thornhill's ran 7 issues of his mag 'Okeh Northern Soul' (get ready for the get down') during the late ' 81-mid'82 period. This well presented mag contained many interesting articles on 60's and 70's Soul and shed an interesting light on Glynn's love of 80 ' s releases . Good letters page . Richard Radford of Brighton's 'Soulside Rendezvous' mag was released during 1982 and ran to 4 issues. (Does anybody know what happened to Issue 5 11 my cheque was cashed, I sent a couple of letters but no replies were forthcoming), interesting record reviews. The ' Sound of Soul' mag Issues 1 to 5 wero issued by Stokes 'Martin Scragg' during the mid '81-mid '82 period. Wicked humouR~, plenty of record reviews, venue reports, lotsa label repros., well put together, good mag, much missed. Has the v . interesting 'gµide to cover-ups' for people like i~e who can't remember c/u titles after they've been uncovered! e.g. Frank Wilson "Guess who loves you" c/u turned out to be Eddie Day "Guess who loves you" on Shirine. One of the most clearly printed, most informative Soul music mags I've ever read is Steve Bryants of Ilford's 'Souled out' Issue 1 being released in Jan. •78, Issue 6 in Dec. '82. A very factual mag for the Soul fan, not particularly northern based, but full of honest to goodness facts on the Share, Vando, Music Merchant and Sound Stage labels, discogs. of Walter Jackson, Hoagy Lands, Montclairs and Dee Edwards, I've always been envious of all the Info. that this msg has been able to obtain. Solid reading, essential reading. It's a shame it isn't released more often. Hod Dearlove of Hull has released his excellent 60's based mag 'Midnight Express' dur:ing 2 phaseS1Issues 1 to 3 during '81 and Issues 3 to 6 in 1983. Contains interesting record reviews, venue reports and mind boggling photostats of records and artists lik.~ Yvonne Vernee, Mickie Lanay, Inspirations and Co-operett~s. D.J.s take note of Rod's thinking man's oldies chart.
Wigan Casino founder and D. J. Russ Winstanley released 4 issues of the 'Northern Line' during 1979-80. Remember buying it at the entrance desk in the Casino? It's the only time I can ever recall Richard Searling putting his articulate views forward in print. Wonder why!
Gary Evans of Carlisle has so far released 4 issues of 'The Drifter' in 1983, articles include the U.K. Contempo label listing, U. K. Tamla Motown discography of Martha Reeves and Junior Walker, Major Lance U.K. and U. S. Discog. and photostats. of advertising hand-outs for the U.K. Soul City label. An interesting mag with a bright future·. Last but not least is Steve Guanori of Peterborougbs 'New Backbeat' still in production after its initial release in the winter of 1979. I've spoken ' to both co-editors Steve Guarnori and Kev Griffin and both stories agree that the mag started life under the name 'Northern Life' late '79 with only 15 copies of Issue l being printed. After Issue 3 its name changed to 'Blackbeat ' and publication numbers increased up to 500 copies per issue. After Issue 17 around late '82, Kev and Steve parted ways aIILd both of them issued a copy of Blackbeat No. 18. Kev now writes articles for 'The Drifter' and sells records via mailing lists whereas Steve's 70's/80's based mag 'New Backbeat' continues to flourish. Perhaps the best all round mag on the scene at the moment, so much info. where does he get it all from. I can't ever get replies from U.K. record companies, never mind
U.S. record companies. (Psst -how about passing on a few tips Steve). Well, that's it folks a brief guide to late 70's/eArly 80's Soul fanzines from my collection. I'm sorry if I've not mentioned•IIJ ma11:s, I'm bound to have missed a few as I don't know everything, if you do know of any more send me brief details of the mag and I'll include it in the next issue.
Whilst collecting Soul mags I 've come across the mention of other Soul based fanzines such as 'Nitelife' published by Dave McAdden of Manchester who released at least 2 issues in the '78/ ' 79 period quote "Worth buying just to see who ' s getting slagged off" (Ed. -Sounds interesting ) also 'It's the Beat' editor and release dates unknown. Then there's a Merseyside based mag edited by Kevin Murray titled 'Deeper and Deeper' which as the titlE! suggests covered deep Soul, and ran to 9 issues. I must shamefully confess that I've never seen or read a copy of Chris Savoury's much respected mag 'Hot Buttered Soul' which ran to well over 50 issues during the early/mid 70's. It contained many label listings and discogs . and was a valuable source of knowledge! for interested Soul fans ; a Soul fan's bible so I'm told . I've just found a LondoDt Soul based mag from 1973, in my collection, this mag entitled 'Black Wax-Magazine~ was edited by Roy Stanton, I've no idea about the number of issues released though. Copies of any of the previously ft1 mentioned mags are highly collectable and very hard to pick up as generally~a few hundred copies of each issue were printed.
I have listed below my mag wants list, I need copies of any Soul fanzines from the 60's, 70's and SO's; if you have any for sale please contact~ me .
Blackbeat 1 , 2 , 3,4,5,6,7, 8 , 9 Any copies of 'It's the beat', ' Nitelife ' ,
Soul Symbol 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 'Hot Buttered Soul'
Soul Source l,2 , 3, 4 ,Deeper n' Deeper' , 'Soul Time' ,
Okeh/N. Soul 1,2,3
Talk of the North 2,3,4
New Soul Time 1,3,4,5
Was told that Matt Lucas "You better go-go" on Karen 803K-2524 was boot-legged (300 copies pressed) by Detroit record dealer Bob Maze many y1~ars ago as the B side "My tune" a piano instrumental was popular to collectors in the U. S. A. This Popcorn Wiley/M. Bonney composition is an unusual item as I 'v1~ never seen it listed on any Karen label listing.
My copy's original (I think) as it ha:3 a b::,t small stamp mark on the run out groove 1~. The run out groove number states SK4:M-252•l; this is unusual as there are only 2 release,is on the label whose numbers are prefixed by SK4M, the vast majority are prefixed by the letters K or KA or KR or TM. Blue eyed Souls·ter BABY YOU BETTER GO-GO
Matt Lucas had one other release on titlis
MATT LUCAS label "The Motor City twine pts 1 and 2" on Karen 321. I paid £8 for my copy of this 60's dancer about 1½ years ago and is still hard to find.
The all-dayer was divided into 2 rooms, the smaller one next to the entrance door played oldies, 70's and requests, whereas the much larger room upstairs played 60's newies . Gary Rushbrooke, Guy Hennigan, Kev Darge and Dev Draper all D.J. 'd during the time we were there (6 -11pm) and all played a wide variety of good quality 60's sounds, showing that there's still a lot of mileage left on the 60's newies road, despite what many people say. Also on was Richard Searling who played an uninspired spot combining his 60 's rarities which have been around for several years (Eddie Holman 'hurt' , maurice McAllister "Slipping away", Chris Bartley " Out of my mind") with 70 's items like Doug Parkinson "l 'll be around" and Greg:Perry "It takes heart". Indicating to me that has lost a lot of his interest in discovering new 60's, much preferring instead to launch new 70's and SO's sounds . The attendance was good (tho' I thought it would have been busier), the sounds were good, there were a lot of records to look thro', bar prices were reasonable 40p coke, 43p ½midnight rider (cider), admission price £2 . 50 (inc. 1984 S ,A.S . of G.B. membership card); when you think it costs that to get into the cinema for 2 hours, the entrance fees for dayers/night,ers are excellent value for money. All in all a very satisfactory all-dayer -will there be one at Easter?
Whilst listening to the new 60's item:s, most of which I liked, there were several which (how can I put this)'went straight in one ear and out the other' ,in the quest for unknown 60 ' s sides rarity musn't become the prevailing factor when deciding to spin a record, quality must come before rarity!
Nicest surprise of the day was to see a mate from yesteryear, Bob Hitchcock of Ormskirk who I haven't seen since the days of the Casino. Had a long chat with him about record labels which I'm interested in and this hopefully will provide quite a list of info. for certain label listings which I'm working on.
Mustn't forget other D.J.'s who were on before we arrived. -Keith Minshull, George Sharp and Pete Lawson.
With regards label listings, Detroit's always been well covered, obviously because of the large amount of rare Soul releases that have emerged from the motor city. However, Chicago, the 'Windy City' doesn't seem to have had as much coverage, ~o with your help I ' d like to try and put together a listing of the following labels
M. Pac, Mar.v.lus, One-der-ful, St. Lawrence and Windy City, also whilst on this , ~~the object, I'd like info. on the Sound Gems, Note, Omen and Karate labels. Get writing!!
Speaking of Culture Club, I personally think (and I know of other Soul fans that agree) that Boy George has a good voice, but the real star who stays out of the limelight is the rotund white back-up singer Helen Terry, who has a powerful voice like a black gospel singer. Look out for her and listen to her on the next Culture Club video/record.
Recently read in a paper that Geno 'Washington (U.K. Version) has a new band the 'Mo-Jo Kings' on the road and is look:ng for a recording contract. Geno who runs a French Cuisine restaurant in West Hampstead was thinking of looking for larger premises where he can display his skills as a singer, mind reader and hypnotist.
Tape Sales •------------------------------------
Send me £2. 50 and I'11 send you a qua,li ty TDK-D60 cassette with the following sounds on, (many of them mentioned in this issue) .
Side A -60's
1 . Eddie Parker -"Crying clown'' '2. Companions -"Be yourself" 3 . Eugene Jefferson -"Pretty Girl" 4. Masqueraders -"Do you love me baby'' 5 . Kenny Carter -"I've got to find her" 6i. Mel Williams -"Can it be me" 7 . Mary Love -"Let me know" 8. Jackie Day -"Oh what heartaches" 9. Dynamics -"Yes, I love you baby" 10. E:xits -"Gotta have money" 11. Joe L. "Worried''
Side B -70's
12. Willie Hobbs -"Till I get it right" 1.3. Bobby Taylor -"Roses somewhere" 14 . Con Funk Shun "Spirit of love" 15. Four Tracks -"Charade" 16. Vivilore Jordan -"Put your loving on !Ille" 17. Cissy Houston -"Think it over" 18. Jones girls -"You're the only bargain" 19. Denise La Salle -"I get what I want" • 20 , D. D. Warwick -"She kept on talking" 21. Luther Vandross -"Since you stopped loving me"
Daft joke time: What have Geoffrey Boycott and the Magnetics 'Lady in Green' got i~l common -they both always go for a hundred or more (Ed -It was the best I could i:think of!)
If you've got a spare £100 and are willing to spend it on one record, take your pick from the list of the following U.S. original mega-rarities, that is providing they ever come up for sale!
Gwen OWens -"Wanted and needed" Velgo White Demo . Frank Wil.son -"Do I love you" Soul Jimmy Burns -"I really love you" Erica. Yvonne Vernee -...Just like you· did me" Sonbert
Larry Clinton -"She's wanted in 3 States" Dynamo . Magnetics -"Lady in green" Bonnie
Robbie Lawson -"Burning sensation" Kyser. Del Larks -"Job opening" Queen City Demo
William Powell -"Heartache souvenirs" Powerhouse . Norma Jenkins -"The aeroplane song" Maltese. Executive 4--"You got a good thing going"' -John and the Weirdest -"No time/Can't g:et over these memories" Tie Ramona Collins "You've been cheating" (Clarks), Court Davis "Try to think what you're doing" (East Coast) Chessmen c/u -"LikE~ I never did before"
All the above records have held theIr selling prices a.t around £100 for several years due to demand and rarity, there may be only a few copies in the U.K. or even i n existence.
Besides not having the odd £100 spare, I personally couldn't bring myself to spend that amount on one record, I'd prefer to buy either 5 @ £20, 10 to' £10 or 20 @ £5. Remember, just because a recoTd's r are, dc>doesn ' t mean it's any better than a common sound.
Interesting to see that on the T.V . programme ' entertainment USA .A. ' Nov, 31st presenter Jon-a.than King implied during an interview with Jennifer Holliday that the smash Broadway hit 'Dreamgirls' in which she starred was based on the rise and rise of the Supremes . Ms . Holliday who gained praise on both sides of the Atlantic for her powerful Soulful telling you I'm not going" thought that 'Dreamgirls' was based on a story similar to the history of the Supremes and went on to say that Diana Ross wasn't too happy about the show for a variety of reasons.
O. K. all you knowledgeable people out there who can solve the answers to the following questions
l) Clifford Binns "You gotta help me" was issued twice on Carrie , what colour label was the first issue?
2) Which song does the following set of lyrics come from -· I 'm like a drowning man in a sinking boat, without your love I can ' t float.
3) In the Jerry Williams classic "If you ask me" on Calla, what are the words omitted from the following lines "my ambition, my reason for living each day, your the ... . . . and . .... . , there ' s nothing left to say .
Prize -14 nights for two in hotel of your choice, full board, all entries must be in by Jan. 14th 1984 to qualify for competition. Seriously folks if you do know the answers to any of the above questions drop me a line .
Does anybody know the real identity of the Rose Baptiste "When he's not around" c/ u? It ' s still covered after all these years! Has anybody seen or does anybody know of somebody that owns a Golden World Issue of Tamiko Jones "Spellbound" G. World?
Recent monster c/u Joe Rex and the Gossamers "Use me , lose me" rumoured to be the Slip Ons "Only ones needed" on the ' throwaway' label!?
I would like to start a readers in,formation page, where I would try to answer your questions ; if I don't know the answer or anybody I know can' t help, at least I can print the letter which will reach a wide audience, hopefully giving us the answer.
I'm a big boy now (I'll be 9 next year), so I won't cry that much if you've any complaints about or suggestions to improve this mag, just so long as it' s constructive criticism. Please don't use bad language in the letters as my mommy reads all my mail!
During an October 83 all-nighter, I had a chat with' Tommo' of Leicester about what Soul groups we would like to see if at all humanly possible, I said " l would like to see Chuck Jackson, he would have liked to see the magnetics, the Volumes, the Falcons (of Big Wheel fame) and the Hesitations! ! Being already interested in these. groups, I decided after that conversation I would try and prepare an article discography on them with the help of you readers. Little did I know that plans were underway to bring Chuck Jackson to these shores in early '84.
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Shades Of Soul #1 Jan 1984 - Magazine Scan
Editor Derek Pearson aka @Derek Pearson
32 Issues Jan 1984 - Jun 2006
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