Northern Essence edited by Pete Coulson - Review 1999
Northern Soul Fanzine review
![Northern Essence edited by Pete Coulson - Review 1999 magazine cover](
Northern Essence edited by Pete Coulson - Review 1999
site note originally up in 1999
Well here you go, yet another classy fanzine that s dropped thru my letterbox. All I can say is that the amount of worthwhile fanzines/mags dedicated to soul music is awe inspiring, the time and effort that must go into them must be enormous. (not just taking easy way out if I got a shite one I would say!). Each one I've ever read has its own style and format but all achieve same results a f*cking good read and a goldmine of information.
Latest example of the passion is Northern Essence edited by Pete Coulson,
ok start with boring details first address is
Northern Essence
subs £3.50 issue, £12 for 4 UK; (£4 for one , £16 for 4 - europe)
ok that bit over, into the pages, main meat of the July issue concerns itself with Eddie Holmans recent appearance at Lowton , there's a exclusive interview where Eddie gives a lot of historic background to some of his sides, a piece by greg tormo (heard of him somewhere before) on the Masqueraders, venue reports by Big Mick , 16 pages spanning the world (almost) good informative guides there. Normal stuff like vinyl reviews whats on, a billy backdrop column, keeping this short so you can get onto interesting stuff, overall another outstanding fanzine, the eddie holman interview is/was a great piece and venue reports should go next to your encyclopedia Britannia as a well good reference, more of a sit-down read, than a pick it up and flip, but thats just me...
Here a few articles starting off with a few reviews from Big Mick as said before these are a well good reference, not just what sounds are hitting you, but what time bar shuts, food on offer, all good background stuff thats good to know, along with all normal review stuff , then some vinyl reviews by DJ Harris.....onto the meat.....
'It's been quite a while since I climbed these stairs to the ballroom, bleedin' ages in fact. Due to the BOUROUGH ARMS once again being gutted and refurbished, the warm-up is now here along side the niter.
If the response is anything to go by, this is the best move yet and certainly encourages more to turn up early. I believe that once the all-nighter finished previously, everyone left to stand in line once more to await the doors opening for the start of the all-nighter, tonight things were to change and all that pissing around may not now be necessary. LITTLE SCOTTY says he felt that it was better for him to collect the entrance fee for the all-nighter from everyone just before reopening the doors to admit the 'second wave'. Now it works like this, in you go for the warm-up and you pay your dues of £2.00 to JULIAN & co. Then near to midnight, the arriving all-nighter crowd is asked to queue up as SCOTTY walks round and politely asks the early warm-up patrons to cough up the fee for the all-nighter if they are staying 'on'. Great, if it's pissing down like tonight as no one gets cold or wet and has to mess around lugging their belongings back and fourth, makes sense to get there early and stay put if you can.
I missed JUSTINS' spot but JOE was about half way through playing some exceptional R&B and a few obscure sixties, which warmed the cockles of my heart. Record dealers were already doing business and I managed to grab a couple of gems myself 'ED BRUCE - see the big man cry' was just one I've chased for some time, thanks to DAVE & BABS from Crewe. If you managed to read the venue report in ISSUE 5 on the BOUROUGH ARMS then you'd know what to expect, there's some brilliant sounds played from every direction of the 'soul' scene as new and established DJs slap on the placcy discs for your entertainment. It was whilst waiting for SCOTTY to collect his fee for the imminent all-night stomp-a-thon that we learned about the sad loss of one of the scenes' most noticeable and loveable characters - BUD. I must admit, the news of his death knocked the wind out of me. One more with a membership tightly gripped in the hand standing on the stairs to the ultimate of all-nighters in the sky. I bet he's not straining to walk now, once he's put his record box down on the nearest cloud to the decks he'll be bopping around and doing the back drops which he could only sit back and watch others doing when he was with us. He'll be loving every second up there, just think of all the artists who have passed away and be rubbing shoulders with him JACKIE WILSON, MARY WELLS, MARVIN GAVE, MAJOR LANCE. CLEETHORPES just ain't gonna be the same next year without you mate, we'll see you again, one day, leave my name on the door and I'll do the report. MARTIN PITT was just one of the DJs tonight who had everyone up and giving it some stick on the floor. The majority of the sounds played were oldies /classic oldies with a sprinkling of R&B and crossover just for good measure. MARTINs' selection reflected this theme to a point, 'SOUTHWARD SYMPHONY - comin home . 'SAND PEBBLES - you turn me on'. 'THE CHARADES - the key to my happiness CECIL WASHINGTON - I don't like to lose'. What a good spot he played, it was certainly appreciated by all who attended, the vibes just resounded from the walls. MARTINs' partner, CAROL, was here celebrating her birthday along with a friend, LINDA. They were presented with a birthday cake covered in candles and shaped like a huge prick (no, not in the shape of TONY BLAIR, the other type, you know - the useful one).
One thing that got up my nose was the price of my coke (pardon the pun). For a can of coke (or any soft drink) I was charged 90p. This was disgusting we are refused the opportunity to bring in our own cans to cool us down just so the management can rip us off with 'jacked-up' prices when they only pay around 15 - 20p per can. Come on SCOTTY, either re-negotiate with 'der management' for fair prices or allow us to bring in our own drinks, with reduced prices the management will certainly sell more and still_make a respectable profit. (This is a point with a few venues, not solely BLACKBURN). I have to hold my hands up, that was my only gripe on the night and I think if SCOTTY had his way the cost would be more reasonable, he's not a bad lad -i just can't understand a bloody word he says.
Meanwhile back at the decks, BRIAN RAE was keeping all entertained with the oldies. GERRI HALL - who can I run to, EDWIN STARR - way over there, DON COVAY - its better to have and the song about 2 Irishmen, 1 Scot and a guy from Liverpool - 'NICK LAWTON -Mick, Mac, Paddy and Wack' (suit yourself).
STEVE Whittle was also chucking out the oldies like an overzealous bouncer at a bingo club with the usual GLADYS KNIGHT and WILLIE MITCHELL etc. but for me the spot of the night went to 'GENTLEMAN' JOHN MERCER He had the dancers were he wanted them, the mixture of sounds was a pleasant change and was received by all with claps, whistles and cheers. We all needed cheering up tonight and JOHN did exactly that. His selection consisted of 'VERNON & JEWEL - HOLD MY HAND', ' WILLIE WILLIAMS -have you ever been played for a fool, IKE & TINA TURNER - Oh baby, BILL WITHERS - HAREM and LITTLE JUNIOR PARKER - These kind of blues
I must admit, a few of these are favourites of mine and bearing someone else playing them was a buzz, what a selection amongst the others played by JOHN, let's see more of him in the North West.
Other DJs tonight were NEIL RUSTON, MICK LYONS, MARC MAC & LITTLE SCOTTY himself When the lights went on and people prepared to make their way home, LITTLE SCOTTY and BRIAN RAE put one last record on for BUB, 'THE ARTISTICS - I'm gonna miss you'. But for the record, the room was silent. A few put their bags and coats down only to return to the floor once again and remember BUB with the assistance of a fitting sound, one or two quietly and slowly made their way to the door - the ones who stood around the dance floor remained silent.
As the last few bars faded out the atmosphere was sullen and respectful, then we all showed our appreciation with dignified clapping - you could almost hear the MIGHTY BUD saying "reet that's it now I'm buggering off home" Me too mate, me too - enjoy
Dance floor 8/10. sound system 8/10. no car park atmos 7/10. Venue 9/10. Total = 32/40.
I'm finding myself here quite a lot over the last few months, I've even done a dj spot here in January. I got to play most of my CLIFF RICHARD's and MAX BYGRAVES stompers along with the gem of my collection, KEN DODD's 'Happiness', what a record (CARL WILLINGHAM's not got that on a white derno). Wellies are a 'must' when taking your life into your own hands and travelling into darkest Yorkshire. The folk are friendly enough, just don't understand what they're saying some of the time. On this particular visit the EDITOR and GOD himself PETE 'GHANDI" COULSON after dusting off the years of fluff from his gramophone whatsits is booked to 'do' a DJ spot. "Right fat boy, you're doing the write up and if you cock up you'll never work in magazines again', says GHANDI. How did I know he'd seen those full frontal shots of me posing in 'PLAYWHALE 'Anyhow, the gaff has been 'going' for 8 years now and the anniversary is on the 8 july.
There's a 'hard core' of regulars who attend and typical of this strange Yorkshire breed they certainly love their ale. The gaff opens it's doors at 8.00pm and things start to get into something near 'full' swing' just after I0.00pm. Last orders are around 1.30arn and the proceedings finish about 2.00 am (ish). Bitter £1.70 and larger, £1.90 mint sauce 50p. The venue is the last Friday every month, admission £2.50 and the average attendance is 150 -200 on a reet grand neet, see th'. Apparently, things started to 'get a bit stale' as the DJ line up hardly varied until the policy changed and guest DJs are in attendance each month now. This seems to have done the trick with CARL WILINGHAM, STEVE CONNOR and STEVE GARNER being the first, which drew record crowds.
The music policy is predictably across the board with a liking for modern, MECCA and the inevitable oldies, but saying that, there's quite a few old gems played here which I've never heard at other venues. There's a good selection of sounds played by the resident djs which are certainly a welcome change from the 'norm' which also gets a play on request. CLARKIE was warming up and one of his tracks, 'The Blue Notes -standing by you girl emphasised the forthcoming evenings' entertainment as an uptempo x-over track which is certainly a 'knock-out' and one I'll be looking out for in the future. Unfortunately, I had to 'nip out' and so missed a brilliant spot and when I returned, JOHN PURVIS was in the 'driving seat' and spinning the likes of 'Ike and Tina Turner - somebody somewhere', Phil Flowers-discontented and Bobby Treetop -wait till I get to know you"'.
The evening was shaping up very nicely, even though most were deep in conversation with just a few on the dance floor. It was going to be a memorable tonight, the wife was giving me 'the eye', problem was - I had to give it back to her due to the way see looked just like her mother with only one eye - in the middle of her head. No one was ignoring the music offerings but rather 'taking in' the vibes as normal for regulars who don't need to go out of their way to appease the DJs For the most part, the regulars were content in just sitting around and listening rather than dancing at this early stage of the evening. This is accepted here as it's the 'Yorkshire' way and every one is comfortable knowing that these soulful tracks are certainly, very much appreciated.
There isn't any bar scran, apart from crisps, not even any traditional Yorkshire culinary, such as chicken masala, It was just as well GHANDi is 'doing' a spot tonight because he managed to get us all through customs halfprice. JOHN PURVIS put on an excellent show tonight before handing over to GHANDI. GHANDI a-go-go opted for a fighter approach with the tried and tested sounds of Bobby Womack, Gene Chandler and the Spinners, slapping them out like red hot chappattis. He was a mere blur as he placed his choice on the decks then spun round to pick out the next offering his bald dome was spinning and reflecting light not unlike those mirrored balls hanging above most dance floors. His red dot on his forehead looked as if he had been 'targeted' by a sniper. Yet again, here is a venue worthy of a visit, down to earth gaff comfy mid main stream sounds guaranteed to get you up onto the floor. GHANDI certainly got the floor filled, his followers kicked off their sandals and boogied on down. CLARKIE followed up with some ready fine tracks, some of which I didn't know but fitted in just as he meant them to, perfectly. One track I thought was "brill' was the GYPSY BAND - coz it's you girl, the band looked like a bunch of white hippies - but what a fabulous modem track it turned out to be. GIBBY finished off the night doing his impersonation of CHRIS KING or did CHRIS KING do GIBBY impersonations? Anyhow, he looked and sounded as if he'd been on the 'happy' pills, the guy was in high gear and no one knew how to stop him an hour later. He was playing the tracks in a blur, in the DJ 'box' he resembled one of the two old geezers in the Muppet show, remember the old guys at the end taking the 'Mickey'? His final track was Rance Allan - reasons to survive, that summed it up, just to get down here next month.
A few of us later went on to JOHN & DAWN PURVIS's home type gaff in the middle of God knows where. Very adapt is r'DAWN at frying oven chips to perfection with lashings of brown sauce, I enjoyed every panfull. But for being an old git and a bit on the tired side, we would have stayed and partied on down till the early hours, cheers JOHN & DAWN.
Atmos 7/10. sound system 7/10. car R&rk 6/10. dance floor 7/10. venue 8/10. Total = 35/-50.
Enjoy, BIG MICK.
The Fat Boy's Bits and Pieces (ooh - er).
TRENTAM GARDENS, 060399. R&B ALLNIGHTER. - This visit was my first and is guaranteed not to be the last. The venue (Highland suite) superb, the whole gaff is plush to say the least. This was one of my 'nights off but I still remembered to make a few mental notes. The music was advertised as R&B and for the most part this is what we were treated to. The only down side was when PID chose to play oldies towards the end of his spot, don't get me wrong the selection of oldies was fine even if I had beard them a million times before. What got me was actually playing them at an R&B venue. ROGER (didley dodger) BANKS was outstanding as you would expect, MARK (big daddy) BICKNEL fuelled up, played an excellent selection of class R&B, ROB MESSER, MACE and MARTIN MELLORS all put in a damn fine performance on the night. RACHELLE PILPER was by far, for me, the star of the venue, she excelled with a selection which emphasised the reason for even attending. It was also a change to see a pretty face up there on the stage as opposed to those ugly great mugs with 4 days stubble growth (sorry MARK). I for one would like to see RACHELLE do a few venues in the Northwest, and soon. She must be one of the future star DJs on our scene playing a variation of uptempo sounds, and 60s mod/scooter R&B offerings which poured the 60s atmos over us like a tidal wave. Before... cont in latest issue of Northern Essence
Well it's here 1999 the year "prince" makes a packet on his re issue, was that good foresight or what ? 1 have a feeling we might just hear it once or twice this year. Anyway we have another year to look forward to on our beloved scene, with hopefully some more new sounds being discovered and reactivated. The CD market is also bound to continue it's burgeoning of various labels, and continue to release otherwise hard to get tracks, so lets face it things can only get better. right then on to the reviews. The Royalettes on MGM its just brilliant man ! and what do we have here , yet an other Tobi Lark track, which is very interesting. Mr Hatcher on Soul, not surprising but a great forgotten oldie, and finally Garnett Nfinuns holding up his very reputable reputation. And just for you sassy soul surfers out there a few interesting items off the web. On the subject of the internet have you come across the FAQs, better known as the most Frequently Asked Questions, If not here are a couple of the most FAQs for collectors of Northern Soul records.
1 "That's nice, where did you get it from?"
Which really means, You lucky bastard !
2 "How much?"
Which really means I'm £ 10 short
3 "Can you get me one?"
Which really means, If 1 can get these gold teeth out I'm laughing, but will he swap ?
Some interesting Northern Soul sites to log on to.
1 www.Northern
2 www.soul-a-go-go.demon
4 user.fu-bertin.del-rosenhag
My current E~ address is so drop me a line!
Next issue the KTFers
Spread the faith, Dave.
US UNITED ARTISTS UA 995This guy needs no introduction, a true soul stalwart who has given us many a great side. A few years ago while raiding the boxes in Manchester's Goldmine store a chap came in and asked for this but at the time there was none in stock. Anyway I kept a lookout for it and picked one up for about a fiver, since then I've seen quite a few, It's another one of those records you've seen but not heard. All to often you can get bogged down searching out the rare sounds and totally ignore an item as good as this. Good old Garnett doesn't disappoint either, as this sixties mover kicks off with a belting guitar intro where you can just hear Garnett clapping the tambourine in unison with the drummer, the bass and guitar work are sure to make those toes tap, and with the backing girls coming in during the bridge with 'PROOOVE IT BAYBY" this is just superb soul.
SOUL 35100
I know, I know, another Edwin Starr record, but this has definitely been forgotten and ignored.
The label says 1970 and I wouldn't argue but I'm pretty sure I've seen this on two different SOUL labels. This starts off at a fairly leisurely pace with pipes and bongo's before the rest of the troop join in the festivities and DO THEY. In almost Gospel style the message gets across that this guy is no fruitcake. No indeed and Mr. Hatcher proves himself once again with this bouncy little number. Priced around £5-£10 and worth every penny, or should I say Euro? I came across another ace track by this guy recently on an album, can't remember which one, but the track is "24 Hours To Find My Baby". Reminiscent of "I Want A Love I Can See" but much, much better and would go down well on today's dancefloors.
ok thats it just enough to whet your appetite yeah....
Edited by mike
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