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Major Williams and The Majortones Band

Major Williams and The Majortones Band magazine cover

Major Williams and The Majortones Band

Long time readers of this place may remember this 45 featuring a bit over the years, from my first attempts to get home with the track name in memory from 100 club when first heard Mick Smith play it (and then finding out it was a cover) to when posted that found the group that Major Williams formed in 70s

At the time it was still covered, the group had no internet presence and only got in touch via emailing clubs the group were playing at, eventually got in touch, but as soon as single was mentioned the talk finished.Had been told since that they had been already approached with a view to a uk release but they were not interested

With the recent respark, had a look to see what the group was up to

Found out they do now have a website now, worth a visit and if you goto the music page can listen to a 4 min plus version of

Girl Don't Leave Me The Major Tones Band, featuring Ray Williams

Well got my ears going!

I was going to post the clip on here but then though a bit (actually did post it but took it down after 5 mins or so). My thinking is that this group have put out this track available to download free and while easy to pass on and post here and other sites

Think would be a good thing to let them know the interest in the original versions and this one, other wise it be lost and by downloading it from their site rather than passing on via non related sites they may get a idea and some acknowledgement for their work

here's the link to the site


added 2007 links no longer with us

Edited by mike
clean up

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