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George McGregor and Big Frank Murphy RIP

A recap news post of two recent artists passingon  posted in the forum the last couple of days

Posted in the forums by Dave Welding

Sadly heard last night that legendary Detroit Drummer/Producer/Writer George McGregor passed away last Friday.

He had been ill for some time, and had suffered a heart attack early last week before finally passing away on Friday.

R.I..P George


Rob Moss recently posted an article on this legendary Detroit drummer, which can be read here

By 1965 George McGregor was one of the busiest drummers in Detroit not to work for Motown. “I did a couple of sessions in the late 60s for them. That's me on 'Ain't no mountain high enough' and 'Ain't nothing like the real thing'for Marvin and Tammi, but I didn't need them 'cause I was so busy with everything else. I did most of Edwin Starr's things with Motown 'cause Edwin didn't like to record at their studio on Grand Boulevard – he liked Golden World and would record there. Back in '63 I was with Eddie 'Bongo' (Brown) when he introduced me to Mickey Stevenson. Eddie told him I was a drummer and that I could write good songs too.


Chalky also posted this sad news in this thread



Just read that Big Frank Murphy (aka Frank Dell) passed away in July.

So pleased to have seen him perform at Cleethorpes, thank you for the music.




Follow the link  below for a page with a fuller bio




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