Bury Town Hall Virtual Allnighter Saturday Night 21 March 2020
every Saturday from 21:00

The COVID-19 measures have left the Rare Soul scene littered with cancelled events and the faithful following home alone at the weekends; so the Bury Town Hall team have decided to launch a ‘virtual’ all-nighter.
The show will be broadcast over internet radio every Saturday while we’re under lockdown from 21:00 until the early hours of Sunday morning.
The format will be just like a real event with a selection of DJs from previous and upcoming all-nighters at Bury Town Hall selecting their spots, carefully in order, from actual records they own to keep it real.
You can join us at https://www.radioking.com/radio/soulallniter and we also hope to be posting links for use with iTunes, Windows Media Player, Winamp, Real Player & Quick Time in the near future.
Please note - The radio link above is only 'live' while the show is 'live'
We hope you enjoy the show and it goes some way to filling the void and lifting your spirits
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