Promotional video - Wigan Casino 45th Anniversary Celebration
15th Sept 2018

Hi everybody,
We have just released the promotional video for this years Empire Soul All-Nighter. If you don't already know about this all-nighter, the previous two events have been near sell-outs with near 800 people in attendance at both. This year is looking to be a sell out at the 1000 capacity!
We will be celebrating Wigan Casino's 45th anniversary with original Casino DJs : John Vincent, Pep & Ian Wills plus some of the UKs and Europes most in-demand current all-nighter DJs (Not including myself ) : Mick H, Barry Maleedy, Tony Clarke, Daz Dakin and yours truly.
Our vision with this event is to celebrate the Casino's legacy the right way with traditional all-nighter values and not only playing the popular Casino classics, but to also play some great forgotten Casino spins. We have asked each DJ will play at least three records that they believe are totally forgotten.
Hope you can all join us on Saturday 15th September.
Tickets can be purchased here at a reduced rate -
Facebook event page -
Soul source event page -
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