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VIP Radio current score ?

Seems the below was sent out last week by email from VIP radioVIP Radio is temporarily off the air.

This is due to the Managing Director becoming seriously ill with no replacement available.
The Radio Station is in discussion with other parties as to its future.
We thank you for your support, interest and listenership in VIP.
 Once matters are resolved, we will contact you again.
Hopefully the GOOD TIMES will be back sooner rather than later.
Thanks and Best Wishes,
VIP Radio

the website did have some sort of news post up, but no sign of it now, its displaying its normal page, and the player etc does open, but when try and listen there's no streaming (for me at this end at least).

any more news or updates to this most welcome

if were/are a regular listener (which have to say am not) and do need something to fill the gap, there are many online radio shows doing the business already on many stations
rather than pull a list together think be quicker and more uptodate if ask any members viewing this that if do have any suggestions could hit the comments link and pass on any recommendations along with details

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