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Twisted Wheel Article on Manchester Evening News Site

Manchester local websites are always worth a check every now and again as often feature a wide varied range of soul related features

Latest one is another regarding the Twisted Wheel, features a brief moan (for want of a better word) about how no film record of the Twisted Wheel means that Wigan gets all the mentions nowadays in mainstream media, a lookback at those days and a quick catch up on todays ocurances, quite a lengthy one as well.

Worth a trip over there to read the full page, the link is at bottom here's a brief couple of quotes...

If Pete Roberts had his way there would be an official heritage plaque erected outside his beloved Twisted Wheel club."Manchester's not interested. They don't know what they've got here," he grumbles of the city council. But then Roberts - a teen regular at the club, and now its promoter and DJ - knows full well why the Twisted Wheel's heyday will remain forever shrouded in the mists of time.

...The black American artists who worked the Wheel could not even eat in 'white' restaurants in their homeland, yet here we used to lift them up in the air and carry them to the stage," says Roberts.

"They couldn't believe the reception they got from a white audience."

But it was the records which were the Wheel's enduring stars. While clubs in London played the familiar soul songs from the Tamla Motown, Stax and Atlantic labels, merchant seamen came to Liverpool with American rare grooves - records you could not buy in British shops - fuelling a distinctly northern underground soul scene.....

Article on Manchester Evening News Site

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Easy to pass on....



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